Saturday, October 5, 2024
I Ching Hexagram Judgment Image

64 Hexagram Of I Ching – Judgment And Image

55. Abundance (Fullness)

Judgment of Hexagram 55 – Abundance – Feng

There are several ups and downs in life, and happy and prosperous times are hard to come by. You may feel a little sad during this period, thinking that sorrow and bad times will soon follow.


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However, your inner strength of character and sense of justice will make you lead the day and reap benefits from it.

Image of Hexagram 55 – Abundance – Feng

Both thunder and lightning act together, to create a superior force and power which bestows the abundance of nature upon you. Therefore, you should make proper use of this time since it is likely to be short-lived and lead a more full life. This inner judgment will ultimately make you successful.

I Ching 55 meaning - Hexagram 55 Aundance

56. The Wanderer

Judgment of Hexagram 56 – The Wanderer – Lu

Sometimes some people can be like wanderers, moving about from place to place and having nowhere to call their real home. If you happen to be one such person, there is no harm in it. However, take care and see that you are cautious so that others cannot harm you at any point in time or take advantage of your vulnerability.

I Ching 56 meaning - Hexagram 56 The Wanderer

Image of Hexagram 56 – The Wanderer – Lu

When there is a fire that suddenly lights up on the top of a mountain, the dry grass on the latter’s surface makes it spread quickly from place to place. Similarly, your personality and tastes can also wander from place to place, but you should take care of yourself, to prevent others from causing you harm.


57. The Gentle (The Penetrating, Wind)

Judgment of Hexagram 57 – Ground – Sun

This oracle advises you that gentle persuasion is often a far better way of getting things accomplished, rather than attempting to do so by force since the latter will invite instant resentment. Although the effects of this gentle persuasion may not be visible immediately, it does have an all-pervading and lasting influence in the long run.

I Ching 57 meaning - Hexagram 57 Ground

Image of Hexagram 57 – Ground – Sun

The depiction of the imagery of the wind seems to signify the gentle persuasion that is the main point made by this oracle. The gentle flowing wind has an invisible but soothing effect, a phenomenon that is to be replicated by your behavior. Any kind of unforeseen and impulsive action will only lead to opposition along the way.


58. The Joyous, Lake

Judgment of Hexagram 58 – Open – Tui

Sometimes, when favorable conditions prevail, your heart is filled with joy. However, care should be taken so that it does not result in uncontrolled mirth and chaos. This can be prevented by your strength of character and your inner sense of justice. In this way, if you spread joy, it will infuse renewed enthusiasm in your followers, and any project will then result in success.

I Ching 58 meaning - Hexagram 58 Open

Image of Hexagram 58 – Open – Tui

The dominant imagery used here is that of two separate lakes which are joined together. The idea behind this is that if one lake dries up, the other one immediately replenishes the former. Similarly, in life, the prosperous times are always rejuvenating and joyous, and this leads to celebration, but in a controlled manner.

59. Dispersion (Dissolution)

Judgment of Hexagram 59 – Dispersion – Huan

According to this oracle, there must be inherent unity within us to achieve success in any venture. However, this type of unity and subsequent dispersion of goals can only be achieved under a strong central leader, who himself possesses a selfless character, and constantly aspires for the welfare of all concerned.

I Ching 59 meaning - Hexagram 59

Image of Hexagram 59 – Dispersion – Huan

This oracle reveals the picture of water turning into ice during the winter and again dissolving during the springtime. Similarly, the hearts of men sometimes harden due to the rigidity of thoughts and personal ego. Your task as a leader therefore is to melt their hearts and win over them by your inner strength of character and personality.


60. Limitation

Judgment of Hexagram 60 – Limitation – Chieh

At all times in your life, you should exercise some limitations, on your surrounding conditions and lifestyle. These are effective in the sense that they make you better prepared for bad times that may come in the future. However, you should be careful that too much limitation can injure your health, and others may also rebel if you impose too many restrictions upon them.

I Ching 60 meaning - Hexagram 60

Image of Hexagram 60 – Limitation – Chieh

The image used here is that of a lake that only has a limited amount of water. Similarly, there are limitations on life, which you have to accept as inevitable and directed by the supreme powers. You can derive inner strength of character only by restrictions that you impose on yourself in limited measures.

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