Saturday, October 5, 2024
I Ching Hexagram Judgment Image

64 Hexagram Of I Ching – Judgment And Image

61. Inner Truth

Judgment of Hexagram 61 – Center Returning – Chung Fu

This means that inner truth must ultimately draw on you, and you should be sufficiently enlightened in character, to be able to emerge as a strong leader and influence others.


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You should rid yourself of all egos, and also be able to speak the language of the person in front of you. Only then will your influence and leadership be truly awe-inspiring.

Image of Hexagram 61 – Center Returning – Chung Fu

The image in this case is of wind stirring up the placid waters of the lake. In the same way, you should have sufficient leadership capabilities to stir up the conscience of the people. However, this can only be achieved by your inner strength of character and ability to realize the inner truth of life.

I Ching 61 meaning - Hexagram 61 Center Returning

62. Preponderance of the Small

Judgment of Hexagram 62 – Small Surpassing – Hsaio Kup

As an enlightened person, you should not be egoistic but display great modesty and humbleness of character. You should realize the power of the Supreme Being and bow in obeisance before it. This modesty will truly make you respectful and you can then earn the respect of others.

hexagram 62

Image of Hexagram 62 – Small Surpassing – Hsaio Kup

The picture portrayed here is of thunder flashing on the mountain, from where it appears to be much nearer. Thus you must remember that everything depends on your viewpoint on a particular thing, whether it is big or small. Your humility will then help you to achieve success.


63. After Completion

Judgment of Hexagram 63 – After Completing – Chi Chi

As per the natural flow of time, the transition from the traditional to the modern is easily accomplished. However, at this time, what you should do is maintain your characteristic reserve and adopt the right attitude toward life.

You must be careful to tie up all loose ends of any current venture undertaken and see to it that nothing is left behind.

I Ching 63 meaning - Hexagram 63 After Completing

Image of Hexagram 63 – After Completing – Chi Chi

If you see a kettle with water in it being kept over a fire, you understand that the water is boiling due to the heat of the fire underneath. However, this results in a lot of heat and tension being generated, when the need of the hour is to keep calm and composed. This is where your inner strength of character will help you achieve several milestones in life.


64. Before Completion

Judgment of I Ching Hexagram 64 – Before Completing – Wei Chi

The time that lies before the fulfillment of your aims is the toughest of all. It is the time when you have to be extremely responsible and measured in your actions.

You play the role of the supreme organizer in this case, who has the daunting task of uniting everyone together and infusing the required enthusiasm in them, to achieve success.

I Ching 64 meaning - Hexagram 64 Before Completing

Image of Hexagram 64 – Before Completing – Wei Chi

The image here reflects the fact that even if fire and water come in close contact with one another, they are still two separate elements and remain unaffected by each other.


Similarly, you have to maintain calm and unaffected and use your inner strength of character to unite people under you and achieve your goals in life.

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