Saturday, October 5, 2024
I Ching Hexagram Judgment Image

64 Hexagram Of I Ching – Judgment And Image

7. The Army

Judgment of Hexagram 7 – Integrity – Shih

This particular choice reveals you must maintain strict discipline of people under you, to succeed. However, you should not use force to maintain this discipline, rather attempt to constantly motivate those working with you, and ultimately, win their hearts.


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In any case, you and your co-workers should always avoid open conflict, except as a last resort.

Image of Hexagram 7 – Integrity – Shih

The implicit imagery here is of groundwater residing on the earth’s surface. This means that people under you can always wage war if the need arises. However, you should love them and see to their financial success, if you want them to be loyal to you, and fight for you in case of a major crisis.

I Ching 7 meaning - Hexagram 7 Integrity

8. Holding Together (Union)

Judgment of Hexagram 8 – Holding Together – Pi

This means that you should realize the fact that all of you should unite together and work on the same level to achieve success jointly. However, at the same time, you should understand that this unity can only be achieved when it revolves around a central figure. As such, this can only be achieved if this leader has the proper consistency and strength of character.

I Ching 8 meaning - Hexagram 8 Holding Together

Image of Hexagram 8 – Holding Together – Pi

The image reflects water filling up all empty spaces on the surface of the earth. Similarly, you can see that the basic power that exists in any union arises from the fact that subordinates and their superiors are united together. This way you as an individual can feel yourself to be part of a whole.


9. The Taming Power of the Small

Judgment of Hexagram 9 – Attention To Detail – Hsiao Ch’u

This reflects the fact that although the path of life will ultimately lead to final success, there are still obstacles along the way. You still do not possess either the strength or the resources to fight them; hence you should try and restrain them by friendly persuasion. Firm determination within and adaptability outside should be your strengths at the moment.

I Ching 9 meaning - Hexagram 9 Attention to Detail

Image of Hexagram 9 – Attention To Detail – Hsiao Ch’u

This imagery is of the wind blowing through the clouds. The wind has the power to move the clouds but does not have any lasting influence since it does not possess a tangible form. As such, since you are unable to do much about the obstacles in your way, you should try to gently restrain them.


10. Treading (Conduct)

Judgment of Hexagram 10 – Correct Conduct – Lu

You have to accept that strong and weak personalities exist side by side in our lives. As such, you will be unable to manage people who are inflexible by nature. The only way out is to behave with dignity and self-respect. This way your pleasant behavior will succeed even with unmanageable people.

I Ching 10 meaning - Hexagram 10 Correct Conduct

Image of Hexagram 10 – Correct Conduct – Lu

This image reflects heaven and the lake, which are in two different planes. Similarly, it would be best if you realized that there will be differences between categories of people. Still, if this categorization is based on internal evaluation, then this will lead to a more controlled society.

11. Peace

Judgment of Hexagram 11 – Peace – T’ai

This means that the weaker elements of society become subservient to the stronger and more enlightened beings. Thus you have better chances of peace and harmony, and in this way, success is achieved. Peace and blessing are also necessary for the inner stability of character.

I Ching 11 meaning - Hexagram 11 Peace

Image of Hexagram 11 – Peace – T’ai

Here you will see heaven and earth coexisting together, which means that peace and harmony is maintained. You must control your activities in such a manner that they remain in constant harmony with nature, and in this way, peace and prosperity are gained. The increased productivity of nature spells success for mankind.


12. Standstill (Stagnation)

Judgment of Hexagram 12 – Stagnation – P’i

In this situation, you have a crisis in your hands when you find that the people, who are your subordinates, can no longer be controlled. There is thus no relation maintained with them. However, although your power of influence no longer exists, you remain firm in your principles.

I Ching 12 meaning - Hexagram 12 Stagnation

Image of Hexagram 12 – Stagnation – P’i

This reflects that mutual mistrust prevails in society since the influence of inferior people prevails. In this situation, since the superior beings cannot control them, they rather decide to withdraw into seclusion from society, although they remain firm in their principles.

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