Saturday, October 5, 2024
I Ching Hexagram Judgment Image

64 Hexagram Of I Ching – Judgment And Image

13. Fellowship with Men

Judgment of Hexagram 13 – Fellowship – T’ung Jen

This oracle again emphasizes the importance of unity in our lives. You should not be concerned with the fulfillment of your aims, but your true aim should be the goals of humanity at large.

On the other hand, such a fellowship of men can only be achieved under a true leader who is strong in convictions and elicits respect from others.


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Image of Hexagram 13 – Fellowship – T’ung Jen

The dominant image here is of heaven and fire together. Although they both move in the same direction, they are different elements. In the same way, human society should come together in a way, that is arranged, and in order, otherwise, it will only lead to chaos.

I Ching 13 meaning - Hexagram 13 Fellowship

14. Possession in Great Measure

Judgment of Hexagram 14 – Abundance – Ta Yu

This means that if you are successful in combining your inner strength of character with the outer clarity in expressing your thoughts and emotions, then a lot of success can be achieved in life. If you control your emotions properly, and gracefully reveal your power, much can be achieved.

I Ching 14 meaning - Hexagram 14 Abundance

Image of Hexagram 14 – Abundance – Ta Yu

The Sun is shown showering light on the earth below, something that signifies abundance and prosperity. However, you are advised to stay completely in control since good and evil elements both come with success, and the latent evil must be completely subdued.


15. Modesty

Judgment of Hexagram 15 – Humbling – Ch’ien

Man can control his destiny, by displaying the correct behavior, which in turn will expose him to helpful or harmful circumstances. If you hold a superior position but are nevertheless modest in behavior, you can command respect. Similarly, even if you hold a subordinate position, your modesty will ensure that nobody can walk over you.

I Ching 15 meaning - Hexagram 15 Humbling

Image of Hexagram 15 – Humbling – Ch’ien

The image here is of the earth and the mountain. Although the mountain is a part of the earth, the true wealth of the earth is hidden by the sheer hugeness of the mountain. In this way, you should also attempt to equalize any extremities that might arise, to achieve harmony and success.


16. Enthusiasm

Judgment of Hexagram 16 – Enthusiasm – Yu

You must infuse enthusiasm in your followers if you wish to achieve success with their help. This can only be done if you tune yourself with their emotions and sentiments. They will only obey those laws, which are in league with their popular sentiments; anything else invariably arouses resentment and rebellion.

I Ching 16 meaning - Hexagram 16 Enthusiasm

Image of Hexagram 16 – Enthusiasm – Yu

The dominant image here is of thunder, which means that after a thunderstorm, the earth is relieved and refreshed once again. Similarly, you must arouse the same kind of enthusiasm in the hearts of others, so that you become popular among them, and achieve success with their help.

17. Following

Judgment of Hexagram 17 – Following – Sui

This means that you have to gather followers or admirers around you because you need their help to achieve success. However, to achieve this, you need to win their admiration in the first place, and if you try to make them subservient by cunning or force, this will invariably lead to resentment.

iching hexagram 17

Image of Hexagram 17 – Following – Sui

Thunder above a lake, in this case, indicates darkness and essentially a period of rest. This is the time when a man needs to rest and recuperate his lost strength throughout the day. Similarly, you have to adapt yourself to all conditions and the wishes of others, to achieve great success.


18. Work on what has been spoiled (Decay)

Judgment of Hexagram 18 – Correcting – Ku

All your good deeds in the past might have been undone due to some irresponsible decisions that you undertook. However, it is never too late to mend them, and if you work with decisiveness and enthusiasm, it will always be possible to build up on your mistakes and achieve success.

I Ching 18 meaning - Hexagram 18 Correcting

Image of Hexagram 18 – Correcting – Ku

The wind blowing over a mountain signifies that although the former can create chaos, the latter’s inner strength will help it to tide over the confusion. As in life, you need to recharge those around you, and this can only be done, by infusing in them your inner strength of character.

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