Saturday, October 5, 2024
I Ching Hexagram Judgment Image

64 Hexagram Of I Ching – Judgment And Image

19. Approach

Judgment of Hexagram 19 – Nearing – Lin

Your time of prosperity and success is slowly approaching, but that also means that you need to work with proper determination to make full use of this period in your life.

This will also help you to suppress any evil even before it properly takes shape so that your success is truly long-lived.


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Image of Hexagram 19 – Nearing – Lin

The earth bordering on the lake is the dominant image here. This also represents how you should approach your subordinates. You should be in touch with them, yet maintain the essential differences, to ultimately gain proper control over them. You should sustain and care for them, and teach them new methods of attaining success.

I Ching 19 meaning - Hexagram 19 Nearing

20. Contemplation (View)

Judgment of Hexagram 20 – Observation – Kuan

This means that to be an all-powerful individual, you need to have great inner concentration, which will in turn be achieved through religious faith. This will help you see far ahead of your time, and imbibe in you a hidden spiritual power, which will influence all those around you.

I Ching 20 meaning - Hexagram 20 Observation

Image of Hexagram 20 – Observation – Kuan

When the wind is blowing, the grass bends to make way for it. Similarly, if you want to exert influence on all those around you and make them bend to your wishes, you must have their faith and confidence in you, something which can be achieved by your magnetic personality.


21. Biting Through

Judgment of Hexagram 21 – Biting Through – Shih Ho

This oracle essentially advises that if someone tries to deliberately create an obstacle in your path, the person should be dealt with firmly. It is no use being gentle and wishing that the opposition would disappear, for it will not happen. If needed, proper and just punishment should be meted out for control of the same.

I Ching 21 meaning - Hexagram 21 Biting Throuugh

Image of Hexagram 21 – Biting Through – Shih Ho

The clarity of lightning and the sound of thunder put fear in the hearts of those who create mischief. Similarly, you should also give the right sort of punishment to those who create any obstacles by deliberately hampering your success. This will also serve as a lesson to all those who have the potential to harm you in the future.


22. Grace

Judgment of Hexagram 22 – Grace – Pi

Your graceful behavior and elegance of character are things, which will help you in becoming a much-admired person and winning friends for you. This will further accelerate your race to success. However, these are not complete tools by themselves and should be carefully used, as and when necessary.

I Ching 22 meaning - Hexagram 22 Grace

Image of Hexagram 22 – Grace – Pi

The image here reflects the fire burning near a mountain, which illuminates the latter and intensifies its visual beauty. However, it is only for ornamentation, and the mountain’s inner strength is what will stand in good stead till the very end.

23. Splitting Apart

Judgment of Hexagram 22 – Splitting Apart – Po

This signifies that the people who are considered inferior in society are slowly edging out the superior ones. Since the latter are heavily outnumbered, they should be wise to remain quiet and wait for this time to pass over. Since it is impossible to counteract these conditions, it would be wise to submit to them and avoid any sort of retaliatory action.

I Ching 23 meaning - Hexagram 23 Splitting Apart

Image of Hexagram 23 – Splitting Apart – Po

The Mountain resting on the earth below is the image in this scenario. This means that just as the mountain maintains the perfect balance to rest on the ground below, so also you should build up your foundation on the broad base of the people. Only then will you acquire the stability and peace of the great mountain.


24. Return (The Turning Point)

Judgment of Hexagram 24 – Returning – Fu

After the period of crisis ends, you are bound to return stronger than ever before. And this return is not forced by your actions, since this is also a part of life’s turning cycles. Therefore, you need to arise from a dormant state and move forward once again. There is no application of force here, and so no one is hurt in the process.

I Ching 24 meaning - Hexagram 24 Returning

Image of Hexagram 24 – Returning – Fu

The dominant image here is of thunder raging on the planet Earth. The sound of thunder seems to warn everyone around about your immediate return. This symbolizes the renewal of energy and the return of good health, wisdom, and prosperity.

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