Saturday, October 5, 2024
I Ching Hexagram Judgment Image

64 Hexagram Of I Ching – Judgment And Image

31. Influence (Wooing)

Judgment of Hexagram 31 – Courtship – Hsien

This emphasizes the importance of mutual attraction between the strong and the weak to achieve unparalleled success. This speaks about the attraction felt between a man and a woman, which is the basis of all creation on our planet.


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This subsequently leads to peace and prosperity.

Image of Hexagram 31 – Courtship – Hsien

A mountain having a lake on its summit is the dominant image here, which symbolizes the fact your mentality should be one of humbleness, and ever receptive to the wisdom given out by others. You should never have a big ego, because even if you feel you know everything, you never cease to learn from others.

I Ching 31 meaning - Hexagram 31 Courtship

32. Duration

Judgment of Hexagram 32 – Constancy – Heng

The essential quality for you is to wait and let things complete their natural course of events. Even the heavenly bodies are constantly moving in their fixed orbits and have their very own duration of time. You should understand that this is the natural way in which the world has developed, and only this wisdom will give you the strength for success.

I Ching 32 meaning - Hexagram 32 Constancy

Image of Hexagram 32 – Constancy – Heng

Thunder rolling together along with a howling wind create the dominant imagery here, which again means that even these intermittent events are a part of the earth’s natural cycle. Similarly, you should adapt yourself to every changing condition, and wait for the natural environment to come back in its duration.


33. Retreat

Judgment of Hexagram 33 – Retreat – Tun

This means that sometimes the evil influence will be dominant in your life, but at this time, you should retreat and not fight a do-or-die battle against it. This way you should fall back and wait for the right time, when your influence and power will be heightened, and then you can easily overcome these evil influences.

I Ching 33 meaning - Hexagram 33 Retreat

Image of Hexagram 33 – Retreat – Tun

This image says that although the mountain that rises under the sky is a huge mass of earth, it has to stop because of its limitations. Similarly, we should realize our limitations before the great forces of nature and retreat for the time being, in case the prevailing conditions are not right for us.


34. The Power of the Great

Judgment of Hexagram 34 – The Invigorating – Ta Chuang

There will always come a time when your inner powers will be manifested in their full glory and you will influence everything or everybody that you come across. However, at the same time, you must be careful that being all-powerful, you do not ignore others’ advice about the right time for any action. This combination of greatness and justice will truly make you invincible.

I Ching 34 meaning - Hexagram 34 The Invigorating

Image of Hexagram 34 – The Invigorating – Ta Chuang

The dominant imagery is of thunder that mounts upwards towards the sky, which is also located at the top. This means that you will achieve great heights of glory, but just as the thunder can never reach the ultimate level of the sky and originates from it; similarly, you should also realize your limitations, and only then will you be called truly great.

35. Progress

Judgment of Hexagram 35 – Progress – Chin

This oracle advises that actual progress in life can be derived from your dependence on a strong and faithful person under you who will have a great influence on your subordinates. You must make this person happy and maintain proximity towards him/her. The person’s loyalty to you will ultimately lead to your greater control over others.

I Ching 35 meaning - Hexagram 35 Progress

Image of Hexagram 35 – Progress – Chin

The dominant image here is of the Sun rising above the Earth. This means spreading light and purity all around. On a similar level, man is inherently pure, but may have been clouded in character by being in touch with materialistic things. Therefore, man again needs the light of purification to shine in life and succeed once more.


36. Darkening of the Light

Judgment of Hexagram 36 – Darkening of the Light – Ming I

This symbolizes the dark phase when the power of evil will be manifest. At this time, you should be careful not to let yourself feel depressed, and be emotionally swept away by the present circumstances. Rather you should draw your inner strength from your character, and persistence will ultimately lead to better times.

I Ching 36 meaning - Hexagram 36 Darkening of the Light

Image of Hexagram 36 – Darkening of the Light – Ming I

The fact that the fire is no longer burning bright on the face of the earth reveals the darkening of the light. This warns you to be careful under the present circumstances, and not be blown away by your emotions. You should avoid any inconsiderate behavior and evolve into a more balanced personality.

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