Saturday, October 5, 2024
I Ching Hexagram Judgment Image

64 Hexagram Of I Ching – Judgment And Image

37. The Family (The Clan)

Judgment of Hexagram 37 – The Family – Chai Jen

This oracle emphasizes the fact that the basis of any family relationship lies in the relationship between the husband and wife. This relationship is further strengthened by their mutual loyalty and trust in each other.


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The family thus forms the basis of society as a whole, and the behavior you display here reflects your social behavior in general.

Image of Hexagram 37 – The Family – Chai Jen

When the wind stirs up the fire and sends its flames leaping upward, it means that the heat has generated fresh energy. This also reflects that the power within is influencing that which is outside. Similarly, your behavior within your own family is the basis of your outer social self.

I Ching 37 meaning - Hexagram 37 The Family

38. Opposition

Judgment of Hexagram 38 – Opposition – K’uei

This reveals that if there is general opposition to your plans, you cannot undertake any project with surety. At such a time, you cannot just barge ahead, for that would increase resentment against you. Instead, try and persuade others on small issues, which will reduce the chances of disagreements. And ultimately, this opposition will help you categorize between the superior and the inferior people.

I Ching 38 meaning - Hexagram 38 Opposition

Image of Hexagram 38 – Opposition – K’uei

A fire above a lake is the image here, which signifies that the two will never mix, and will retain their individuality even when they are in close contact with each other. Therefore, you as a superior human being should always retain your self and character, and never be led away by inferior elements.


39. Obstruction

Judgment of Hexagram 39 – Obstruction – Chien

Sometimes you may face situations that are so adverse that it becomes very difficult to surmount them and move ahead directly. In these conditions, it is wise for you to retreat and wait for the good times to come back again. You must also team up with like-minded people, and establish proper leadership to guide you under the circumstances.

I Ching 39 meaning - Hexagram 39 Obstruction

Image of Hexagram 39 – Obstruction – Chien

Water pouring over the mountain represents the image of obstruction here. At this point, when you are faced with a number of obstacles, you should seek the answers for your failure within yourself, and this introspection will lead you to develop into a superior human being, who can surmount any obstacles in the path to success.


40. Deliverance

Judgment of Hexagram 40 – Deliverance – Hsieh

After darkness, there is always light. Similarly, after your darkest hour, the time of deliverance will come and you will be able to see light at the end of the tunnel. Tensions and complicated situations begin to ease out. There is also the strong possibility that you will finally have good fortune once again. At this time, you should concentrate on all small and unattended matters, so that there is no residue left of the past.

I Ching 40 meaning - Hexagram 40 Deliverance

Image of Hexagram 40 – Deliverance – Hsieh

The image of the all-clearing thunderstorm signifies that the dark, murky past is over and good weather will prevail again. Thus you are nourished with fresh energy and look forward to life in a rejuvenated manner. At this time, you should forget and forgive others’ misdeeds and rediscover the joys of life.

41. Decrease

Judgment of Hexagram 41 – Decrease – Sun

You should always realize that if anything decreases in your life, it is not essentially a bad sign, since increase and decrease occur with the natural flow of life. At times of poverty and bad luck, you should replenish yourself purely through the power of your inner self. Your strong belief and inner faith should help you stand the test of time.

I Ching 41 meaning - Hexagram 41 Decrease

Image of Hexagram 41 – Decrease – Sun

When the water of the lake at the foot of the mountain evaporates, the imagery of decrease is displayed. But at the same time, the mountain is enriched with the moisture from the evaporating lake’s waters. Similarly, you should try to gather any good elements and friends during your times of crisis, and only this will help you tide over it.


42. Increase

Judgment of Hexagram 42 – Increase – I

Sometimes the superior people sacrifice a lot in life so that the inferior people benefit. This is a time of giving and sharing, and there is a sense of loyalty among the inferior people. This is usually a temporary phase, so you should attempt to make the best use of it while it lasts.

I Ching 42 meaning - Hexagram 42 Increase

Image of Hexagram 42 – Increase – I

One can benefit from seeing thunder and wind together when these two forces increase each other’s powers. Similarly, you should imitate the good that you see in others, and also attempt to rid yourself of all evil at the same time. Only this will make you into a truly evolved human being.

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