Saturday, October 5, 2024
I Ching Hexagram Judgment Image

64 Hexagram Of I Ching – Judgment And Image

43. Break-through (Resoluteness)

Judgment of Hexagram 43 – Displacement – Kuai

You have to realize the fact that sometimes the dark forces will rule over you, and a confrontation with them might not be useful. In these circumstances, only your inner resolution of character will help you to win the day.


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Strength of character and friendliness towards like-minded people will help you a lot towards progress.

Image of Hexagram 43 – Displacement – Kuai

The dominant image here is of the lake rising to the sky, which means there might soon be a thunderstorm. This should serve as a warning to you that there might be chances of an imminent collapse. So it would help if you concentrated on developing your character, and this inner resoluteness will help you tide over the present crisis.

I Ching 43 meaning - Hexagram 43 Displacement

44. Coming to Meet

Judgment of Hexagram 44 – Coming To Meet – Kou

This oracle primarily focuses on a sweet-looking but crafty girl who lightly surrenders herself to seize power from the strong. Power will ultimately come from a union of the strong and the weak, but you should be careful and see that there are no ulterior motives involved, otherwise it will harm you in every possible way and make you weak.

I Ching 44 meaning - Hexagram 44 Coming to Meet

Image of Hexagram 44 – Coming To Meet – Kou

The wind blowing over the earth and under the sky, symbolizes the fact that its influence is all pervading. Similarly, society exerts its influence everywhere, and it is up to you to realize how to separate the good from the evil. You should establish a hold over those under you and your word should be their command.


45. Gathering Together (Massing)

Judgment of Hexagram 45 – Gathering Together – Ts’ui

This oracle says that men must gather together to achieve something collectively. However, one should remember that this collective unity always depends upon a central leader, who will effectively coordinate the entire project so that it culminates in success. For mankind, unification is the basis of greatness.

I Ching 45 meaning - Hexagram 45 Gathering Together

Image of Hexagram 45 – Gathering Together – Ts’ui

The waters of the lake will gather and ultimately rise above the danger levels. As such, you must take suitable precautions in case of such an eventuality. As they say, prevention is always better than cure. So you must be prepared to remain unharmed.


46. Pushing Upward

Judgment of Hexagram 46 – Ascending – Sheng

Ultimately the strong individual will follow the righteous path and progress in life. If you are just and honest, nobody can stop you in your march to success. At the same time, you must continue to be hard working to achieve the fruits of your success and have good fortune showered upon you.

I Ching 46 meaning - Hexagram 46 Ascending

Image of Hexagram 46 – Ascending – Sheng

This oracle represents the growth of a tree from a sapling into a huge structure, which rises towards the heavens. It adapts itself to the changing soil conditions and continues its growth, just as you should progress on the road to success by adapting yourself to the ever-changing personal and professional scenario.

47. Oppression (Exhaustion)

Judgment of Hexagram 47 – Exhaustion – K’un

This means that there are bound to be unfavorable times in the life of every person on this earth. However, you should always maintain confidence in your inner self and remain ever smiling. If you become weary of fighting with adversity, you can never achieve success; and so always be strong within.

I Ching 47 meaning - Hexagram 47 Exhaustion

Image of Hexagram 47 – Exhaustion – K’un

A dried-up lake in this case represents the oppression that you must face in unfavorable times. But at the same time, you need to accept this as a fact of life, since nature is irreversible. So the only thing you can do is, wait for your time to come again. Your inner strength of character will be your sole companion now.


48. The Well

Judgment of Hexagram 48 – The Well – Ching

The well is a symbol of ancient architecture, and its shape never seems to change, even with the passage of time and resultant modernization. Similarly, you should dig into your inner beliefs and traditional ways taught to you by your parents, if you are to get a grip on time. Your personality will then be truly unchangeable, and cannot be molded according to anyone’s wishes.

I Ching 48 meaning - Hexagram 48 The Well

Image of Hexagram 48 – The Well – Ching

Water seeping into wood is the imagery used here, which symbolizes that wood initiates the action of the well. Similarly, you should organize those who work along you, into a collective unity, which can fight against all odds and achieve success.

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