Saturday, March 29, 2025

7 Feng Shui Tips For Staircases

7 Feng Shui Tips For Staircases

Everyone wants a safe, happy home. What if an architectural component of your home was causing you and your family harm? You would want to do something about it, right? Not surprisingly, then, Feng Shui for staircases has much to say on the subject of stairs; what is good and what is bad.


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Feng shui is a philosophy that comes from China. It is based on thousands of years of observation and tradition. Stairs have also been around for thousands of years.

First, it is important to understand a few basics about Feng Shui. This practice focuses on balancing Qi or energy through the use of the five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, as well as many other complex systems of measurements and compass directions. What does this have to do with stairs?

Staircases are a large, heavy part of your home, and they convey not only people but energy up and down the floors of your home. If they are handled improperly, they can cause harm. In any bad staircase situation, good lighting is always a helpful counter to bad Feng Shui positioning.


Feng Shui for Staircases

#1. Stairs facing the front door

This is one of the worst possible placements for a staircase, and unfortunately, it is fairly common in the West. Feng Shui teaches that the front door is the “Mouth of Qi” or the portal through which energy enters and exits the home; therefore, it is extremely important. If your stairs lead out the front door, so does your positive energy, leaving your home sapped. There are several bits of advice as to how to counter this negative effect.


Several experts will tell you to hang a mirror on the back of your front door, or just to the side of the door, to reflect the energy into the house, while others caution against it. The reason given for not hanging a mirror is the idea that it “cuts off” heads as they descend the stairs. It is up to you to decide. If you do decide to hang a mirror, the suggested shape is a square, and it should always be inside a frame. A square represents stability, which is what you are looking for.

Another option that is not suggested as often is to add plants at the base of the stairs, as they “soak up” some of the energy before it has a chance to leave the home. As a last resort, serious Feng Shui adherents have been known to relocate the front door; just know that this is a very costly option.


#2. Stairs in the center of the home

The center of the home is considered the “heart” in Feng Shui. A busy staircase in place of a stable, relaxed space can mean your life is too hectic. Because of the weight of the staircase, some experts claim it leads to a heavy heart or even division in the family. If at all possible, obstruct the view of this staircase if at all feasible, or even consider a move if you are serious.

Feng Shui for Staircases

#3. Stairs facing certain rooms of the house

Have you gotten the idea that stairs in general are not considered good things? It’s true. If a staircase faces a bedroom door, it creates “poison arrows.” This sounds ominous, doesn’t it? Poison arrows are flows of negative energy pointing at the occupants of the space.

In this case, it is the owner of the bedroom. Negative energy can cause health and/or money problems. If the stairs open to a bathroom door, the remedy is much the same as the Feng Shui bedroom situation. This time, hide the bathroom from the stairs, as the bathroom is the unluckiest and unhealthiest room in the house.

#4. Staircase shape

The shape of the staircase is almost as important as where it leads. Curved, rather than sharp-angled stairs are best, but watch out for scissor or spiral staircases. Scissor stairs slice back and forth, cutting off a natural flow of energy. As a result, the energy stagnates, and so does the owner’s luck in life, especially if he happens to be the main breadwinner of the family.


Matters are worse if the scissor stairs face the front door, not surprisingly. One suggestion is to wind real ivy strands around the handrails. This becomes a conduit for good energy. Spiral staircases bore a figurative hole into the floor of the home, dragging energy down with them.

The worst location for those in the heart of the home. The love, support, and financial well-being of the home drain away. Essentially, stairs are bad for energy in the first place, and anything that cuts or twists the energy flow beyond what is natural creates an even bigger headache.


Feng Shui for Staircases

#5. The stairs themselves are important

What makes up the staircase – the stairs – is important. You must have risers for each stair. In Feng Shui, while seated or sleeping in a room, it is crucial to have your back on a wall. Why? To feel more secure and safe. This is also true of stairs. There is another reason for this, and it also has to do with energy flow.

If you think of energy in terms of water or air, it flows along a path of least resistance. That means, with nothing to stop it, good energy will flow down before moving up to the next step. The result is that the second floor receives little, if any good energy. All kinds of problems can result, from bad health to bad luck.


#6. Material of Stairs

The best material to use for stairs is wood. The wood element symbolizes new growth and opportunities. It may generate good energy all on its own, which is precious, considering all the negatives connected with stairs. While it is possible to cover stairs, it is not recommended.

Metal is not recommended for stairs, even for the railing, as metal overwhelms wood. One thing is an absolute; do not use red carpet or paint on the stairs. The color red associates itself with the element of fire, which symbolizes passion, power, and intensity.

Using this bold color would add tension to the energy of the stairs, and if those stairs are at the heart or mouth of the home, it will cause arguments and strife. Some even say that because red is also the color of blood, it strikes a violent image of blood flowing down the stairs.

Feng Shui for Staircases

#7. What is under the stairs is important

Bathrooms or water features should not be located under stairs, as they are thought to cause health problems. Empty spaces are also considered bad luck. The best use of space under a staircase is to create a clean, organized storage area. Some experts suggest storing items that you want to encourage, such as luggage for travel, money boxes for wealth, or something work-related for luck on the job.

This is the only constructive use for a staircase. This is because the space is known to encourage the completion of projects and forward thinking. Notice that it is the space under the stairs and not in front of the stairs that can be useful.

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