Wednesday, March 26, 2025

7 Tips For Men To Understand Women Better

7 Tips For Men To Understand Women Better

Women are not as complicated as men think. Just like men are not as simple as women think. But it does help to have some insight into the other’s thoughts and feelings to be able to understand them better.


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#1. Know How She Feels

Focus more on how you make your girlfriend feel rather than what you say. Sometimes what you don’t say matters more than what you do. Show her consideration and attention and listen to her. Men are taught to hide their emotions but woman act more on their emotions. And she wants some one who understands her. If you tell her how you feel and try to relate to how she is feeling she will feel appreciated and loved. (But women too need to learn to tell a man how they feel more.) Than show her you heard what she said by doing little things to cheer her up or order her favorite drink at the restaurant you are at. Women love men who listen to them!


#2. Compliment Her

But still be sure to tell her how you feel and to compliment her. Women love compliments especially the ones that come out of the blue or appreciate something that she has worked hard for. “You look beautiful” is always nice. But also, “your hair looks great tonight.” Or is that a new dress? Again these show that you are paying attention!


#3. Communicate

You do still need to communicate with her. Communication is verbal as well just listening and responding and showing her how you feel. You also need to tell her how you feel and talk to her. Ladies like to talk about everything from their day to what you think about the weather or her outfit. So try to tune in every now and again. When you do show her that you did – subtly of course. Don’t expect a parade just because you listen. She hopes you want to listen and talk to her!

#4. Don’t Complicate Things

Women want the same basic things men do. They want to be loved, respected, trusted and adored. They just want to be shown these things. When she comes home upset, give her space. Or listen and acknowledge how she feels. You don’t need to tell her what to do. She doesn’t want to be told what to do anymore than you do. She doesn’t want or need you to fix the situation (unless she specifically asks you to or you could ask her if she wants your help.) She doesn’t need a man to take care of her. If you get involved in her problems without asking her she will feel that you think she cannot handle them herself. Most of the time she just wants you to listen and to show her you understand and care.

#5. She Is More Afraid Than You Are

Women want to be desired. Much of their insecurity stems from this. Help her to feel empowered. Support her decisions and choices. Your caring attitude will contribute to her success in achieving her goals. This will also help her to build confidence and security. Therefore, when she comes to you with a problem ask her what she would like to see happen.


#6. Keep Your Promises

This may seem silly but simple things like telling her you are going to call her than do so. Don’t wait a week just because you don’t want to seem eager. Opt for being more honest. Call within a couple days. This also makes her feel special!


Try not to cancel plans at the last minute and if you do make it up to her. Try to remember her birthday and anniversary. It is not that women are materialistic (well not all of them) but they do like to know you are thinking of them.


#8. Treat Her With Respect

When you are with her be with just her. Try not to look at other women. Try not to grope her or go for too much PDA on the first couple of dates. Ease into these things and try to read her cues. She will let you know and flirt with you or lean towards you or touch you first than you know to go for it. But still go slow she wants you to think she is a lady.


And remember, if you are having trouble communicating or understanding your lady, keep trying. Communication is process. It can always improve and get better. There are no perfect relationships it is a journey not a destination. Talk to her and tell her you need more help understanding her. She will be so glad that you did.

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