Monday, March 17, 2025
Feng Shui for a Newborn baby's room

8 Feng Shui Tips For A Newborn Baby’s Room Or Nursery

Feng Shui Your Newborn Baby’s Room Or Nursery

Your new bundle of joy is on the way! There is so much to plan and discuss, so where to begin? Before making a list of things for the baby shower and painting that spare bedroom, take some extra time to evaluate the space, your precious little one will inhabit. Too much bad energy and you will have many problems, so obviously, you want good energy and good luck. Listed below are Feng Shui tips for a Newborn Baby’s Room.


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Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese philosophy going back thousands of years, has a great deal to say about how we treat ourselves and our personal spaces. The philosophy is mainly concerned with the flow of good and bad energies.

Designing A Feng Shui Newborn Baby’s Room Or Nursery

#1. The location of the nursery

Bedrooms and rooms meant for restful interactions should be situated away from the home’s activity center or a busy street outside. For this reason, most Feng Shui practitioners recommend that nurseries be placed toward the back of the house.

It is also believed that nurseries and bedrooms should not be located over garages, as garages are spaces that generate too much activity and disrupt rest. They should also not be located above a bathroom or kitchen because it is considered unsanitary and bad luck.


#2. Clutter in the nursery

People love to buy stuffed animals and toys and all kinds of fun things for the baby. While that is great, you need to keep clutter to a minimum.

If the baby is not using a toy, it should be removed to keep the energy flow unrestricted. Trash, mainly used diapers and wipes, should be kept in sealed containers and removed regularly to keep the unpleasant smell from overpowering the room. This is your baby’s sanctuary. Keep it pleasant.


#3. Location of the crib

Most Feng Shui practitioners agree that the baby’s head should not be too close to the door or windows. This invites terrible luck. As with any room, the furniture should be anchored to a wall for support. This way, the child will feel more secure. It is also a good idea to arrange the crib so your baby can see you when you enter the room.

Simultaneously, ensure the baby’s feet are not in a straight line with the door (this goes for anyone in the house). That is considered terrible luck.

Feng Shui Tips for Creating a Good Newborn baby’s room

#4. Materials and textures in the nursery

Traditional Feng Shui practitioners prefer natural materials to plastics or polyesters. Cotton is best, as children may have allergies to woolen fibers. Modern parents may raise concerns about fire safety regarding this tip, but usually, there is a happy medium.

When buying clothes and sheets for a baby, read labels carefully to ensure they are fire-retardant or resistant. While hardwood floors are popular, softer carpet floors are more comfortable for babies. At the very least, adding a cushiony, washable rug for the baby to play on is a great idea.

The crib should be made of wood rather than metal or composite materials. This is because the wood element in Feng Shui represents new beginnings and new growth. It is an excellent symbol for your baby to rest and flourish in!


#5. Colors and themes in the nursery

Many retailers offer bright, primary colors and bold shapes for nurseries. Those things are stimulating, but according to Feng Shui, they are too stimulating for the nursery. They do not encourage bonding, resting, or soothing. Instead, look for gentle colors, such as pastels or neutrals. You do not need to be locked into pink or blue, however.

Go with what makes you feel happy and peaceful. As for themes and motifs, Feng Shui has plenty to say. Nature images are lovely, but take extra time to see what is represented.


If there are animals, what kinds of animals are they? Even if the animals have been made to look cute, dangerous, or hostile, animals create negative energy. The designs themselves may create negative energy. Watch for sharp angles, as these create “poison arrows” directed at your child.

These arrows damage your child spiritually. Since the spirit and the physical world are connected in Feng Shui, you invite physical problems. There seems to be a consensus about mobiles as well. While they are generally encouraged because they stimulate the baby’s mind and senses, they should not be hung directly above a baby’s head in the crib. Why? Because they are oppressive to the child, they are weighed over their head. It is far better to hang them by the window or off to the side in the crib where the baby can still see and touch them.


#6. Light in the nursery

The baby’s eyes are susceptible to light. Because of this, the nursery should never be too bright. At the same time, babies go outside, so to avoid shock, do not keep babies in the dark.

The best way to balance is to use adjustable blinds (keep the cords out of your baby’s reach, of course) and dimmers on the lights in the room. That way, you have much more control over how much light is in the room, regardless of the weather outside.

#7. Air movement in the nursery or baby’s room

Stagnant air is a physical representation of stagnant energy. Keep the air circulating, but do so gently. If the weather permits, open a window slightly for daily airing. Use a small fan that does not blow directly on the baby.

This will not only keep the energy moving, but it will keep things from smelling stale and unpleasant. Babies have a strong sense of smell.

If they do not sleep with you, consider sleeping with a dishtowel or another piece of cloth, and then leave it close enough to the crib for the baby to smell your scent. If you have a fussy baby, this is a possible remedy.

#8. Sounds in the nursery

There are sounds you want and ones you don’t want your baby to hear in the nursery. When placing your baby’s crib, it is essential not to share a wall with a bathroom. Not only is that bad Feng Shui, but every time someone flushes or uses the sinks or showers, your baby will hear it and may wake up.

A small fan’s sound will create what is known as “white noise,” which helps drown other sounds around and outside the home. Some suggest a set of chimes by the window for a pleasing sound. They may be made of metal, bamboo, or even ceramic.

Each element used has a slightly different effect. Just be sure they aren’t too loud. Watch your child’s reaction to the chimes. If they like them, that is wonderful. If the baby is unsure or unhappy, end the experiment. It doesn’t work for everyone. Feng Shui is all about balance and observation.

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