Wednesday, March 19, 2025

8 Things Women Want From Men

What Women Want?

It’s not hard to learn how to make your woman happy. If you listen to what she’s saying, she’ll eventually tell you everything you need to know.

But if you can “read her mind” and give her what she wants before she asks, she’ll love you forever. These great mind-reading tips will start you on the right path with your girlfriend.


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#1. She wants to be attracted to you

You are her dreamboat. You need to look the part. She wants a man who smells great, wears nice clothes, takes care of his body, and has an attractive haircut. You don’t need to be in a tux every day; casual clothes can look great. You also don’t have to be Mr. Universe. Just keep some of your boyish figure, and ease up on the beer and cheese crackers.

She wants to be attracted to you.

#2. She wants to laugh and play

Your girl loves fun surprises. She loves your sense of humor. Adding humor to just about anything you two are doing will make you both feel great. Humor is especially good during sex. If you both can laugh and relax during intimacy, you’ll have a much more satisfying romance.


#3. She wants you to fix stuff

Women love having a man who’s good with his hands. Because then he can go fix that leaky faucet. Even if you are not a handyman, take responsibility for getting things done around the house. Call the plumber; take her car to the mechanic. She can do it herself, but she’ll love relying on her boyfriend.

Women love having a man who’s good with his hands.

#4. She doesn’t want you to fix her stuff

Leaky faucets are one thing, but when she needs to vent, cry, or throw dishes, she wants you to just be there. She needs a safe place to let her feelings out, and she depends on your supportive presence. Let her know that you’re there, that you’re listening and all that she’s feeling is ok. That’s all she needs.


#5. She wants an honest partnership

Good partners will have complementary abilities. Each of you will contribute different things to the relationship, but women need to know that men see them as equal partners. Be open and honest with her. Assume she can handle news about the finances or other problems without melting into hysteria.

Likewise, she wants you to hold up your end of the partnership. She wants you to share and defend your opinions, even if they differ from hers. Make important decisions together and work out disagreements respectfully. This is how true partnerships between spouses operate.

Good partners will have complementary abilities.

#6. She wants a man, not a boy

Your partner is in it for the long haul, which means you’ll be facing challenges together. She wants to know you will take responsibility, stand by her side, and grow with her. She wants to see you develop your career and your skills. It sounds funny, but there’s nothing sexier to a woman than a man who’s good at what he does.

Your partner is in it for the long haul, which means you’ll be facing challenges together.

#7. She wants to be noticed

Your partner loves to do things for you and she especially loves it if you take notice. Keep an eye out for the efforts she makes and make a comment when she changes her hair, gets a new dress, and sticks with a new exercise regime. She may not be doing these things only for you, but she’ll love it if you notice.


If you’re worried that you’ll comment on her great new haircut and she’ll drily reply that she got it cut two weeks ago, then just comment on how you love her hair. It accomplishes the same thing. You can even notice her efforts in everyday things, such as telling her the dinner she made was terrific or thanking her for folding your undies so nicely. Yes, those are just everyday chores, but what does it hurt to make her feel great?

Your partner loves to do things for you and she especially loves it if you take notice.

#8. She wants to feel special

There’s a wonderful French children’s story called “The Little Prince,” in which a little boy falls in love with a rose who tells him that she is unique in the universe. He subsequently learns that there are millions of roses in the world. He feels betrayed that his rose lied about her uniqueness until he realizes that every bloom is different and his beautiful rose is truly special.


There may be many roses in the world, but if you let your lady know that she is your own special, unique rose – the most beautiful in the world to you – she will feel like the most gorgeous woman alive.

Great couples are always trying to make each other happy.

Great couples are always trying to make each other happy, even though it’s not always obvious how to do it. If you’re trying to give your partner what she wants, she’ll notice your efforts, and even if you miss the mark, she’ll love you for trying. So go on – give her what she wants. You’ll both be happier for it.


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