Wednesday, March 26, 2025

9 Advantages Of Online Dating

9 Advantages Of Online Dating

There can be advantages and disadvantages to online dating. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of dating someone on the Internet.

Online dating is the new way to date in this century so take advantage of it, just do so with common sense! Do not get carried away but be careful at each and every step.


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#1. You Are Not Face-to-Face

One of the advantages of dating online is for people that are shy or nervous about meeting in person, you can take some time online to get to know one another first. But one of the downsides is that there is a little more lying and exaggerating without looking your date in the eye. Some things can be verified with further research on the person online but other things cannot.

9 advantages of online dating

#2. More Potential Matches

Second advantage to online dating is there are more potential matches. From the comfort of your home, you can check out various dating profiles that a dating service matches to your likes and dislikes. It makes dating more efficient! You know more about them from the beginning and this can help you to find your perfect match!


#3. Date From Home

Third advantage of online dating is the obvious one – getting to date from home! You don’t have to change out of your pajamas or get dressed up or even get a sitter to date. It also helps you meet people who you wouldn’t ordinarily meet. Some people work from home or they don’t get out much so this helps them to meet people. Even if you do work outside the home, if you work too much this helps you to make time to meet people.


#4. More Choices

You can date from your computer or even your phone from wherever you are! You are also not confined to dating people only in the area where you live and work.

#5. Saves Time

Furthermore, it saves time! If you are very busy and have a hard time making time to date, online dating can help you make time. You can date or contact people online during a break from work or late at night when you can’t sleep or even when you are watching TV or doing other things!


#6. Less Fear Of Rejection

There is less fear of rejection too when you use online dating services. It is easier to get turned down over the computer! Some times you just don’t hear from the person ever again. That has a different sting than when you were spending time with the person in real life!

less fear of rejection

#7. Tailor Made Search

You can tailor your search to whatever you are looking for. Do you want a non-smoker? Do you prefer some one of your same religion or background? Both of these preferences and so many more are available for you to choose from. You even get multiple choices matching these preferences so you can choose your favorite date or the person whose ideals most match your own!


#8. Safety

One of biggest benefits of online dating is safety! You don’t have to risk leaving your safe and secure home or job to go out to a club or bar and possibly get mugged or worse! They don’t have to get your real name or address even. You can also block them or your phone or even your website if they start harassing you.

Now there can be more danger on the other hand if you break down some of this security and anonymity. You don’t know these people as well as someone you have met through mutual friends or met through work. So there can be more risks if you are not careful!


#9. Cheaper

It is cheaper to date online than to pay for meals and gas to go out and date multiple nights a week! Some dating sites are free. And the ones that cost still average out to be less than the amount it costs for regular dating and going out every night to meet people.

Disadvantages Of Online Dating

But there are also some disadvantages to online dating too. Nothing can make up for the personal connection or the way you interact with a person live and up close. After all if things work out you won’t probably be interacting as much online anymore. Relationships are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. There is so much more to a relationship than you can experience with another person by simply writing to them.


There is also a tendency to lie or exaggerate especially physical characteristics in your online profile. There is something very different about communicating online rather than in person. It is harder to convey tone of voice or humor and some things can be misunderstood. Sometimes there is no going back from a written miscommunication. It is harder to undo or apologize for because there it is in black and white.

Online dating is the new way to date

Last, in regards to safety, just because you have been talking online with a person for some time doesn’t mean you know them as well as you think you do. So keeping up the safety measures that online dating provides (don’t give out your address or any other personal information) is essential until you can both be sure you are safe (or both exchange background checks!)

When finally meeting, meet in a public place and let some one else know where you will be. Talk on the phone first multiple times and request multiple photos so you know they are real and nice (and not just wanting to get laid or worse.)

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