Wednesday, March 26, 2025

9 Romantic Things You Can Do For Her

Women love romance and gifts. It is the stuff they live for. There are movies, books and stories centered around this topic. They often brag about how sweet their boyfriends are to friends and compete over what he has done for them. How often do you hear from your woman that you should be more romantic? Well here are some of the most popular ideas to help you.


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Romantic Gifts For Your Girlfriend

#1. Surprise!

Ladies like you to surprise them with gifts, flowers or chocolates. They like when you remember and do this for anniversaries and birthdays. But they also appreciate it when you do it for no reason at all or just because you were thinking of her.

Ladies like you to surprise them with gifts, flowers or chocolates.

#2. Small Gestures

Women love sweet little gestures that show you love her and appreciate her. You can even send just a card or a handwritten note (if you have no money.) Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t have to cost a lot to make women happy it just has to come from the heart.


#3. Handmade Gifts

In fact your girlfriend will love handmade or creative ideas such as drawing us pictures or writing a poem or love letter. Even making her a mixed tape of her favorite songs or your favorites or both. Another great idea is to put together and photo album or scrapbook all about the two of you. She will love this gift!

In fact your girlfriend will love handmade or creative ideas such as drawing us pictures or writing a poem or love letter.

#4. Show You Love Her

Also, women love little romantic gestures such as hand holding, hugs or putting your hand around her waist. These things mean so much more than just wanting sex or doing them to get sex.


Girls also love it when their man plays with their hair or runs his hands over their thighs or knees – just not in an annoying or needy way (or I am doing this for sex way!) It is important to show your women that you care about more than just her body.

women love little romantic gestures such as hand holding

#5. Massage Her

Give her a massage for no reason at all without it having to lead to sex. I know you are seeing a repeat pattern here –  it is not that women don’t like sex. But sex is so much more special when it happens when it doesn’t feel forced or coerced.

Also they want you to want them for more than just sex and want to be shown that. What better way to show that you want more than sex by taking sex off the table?

Give her a massage for no reason at all without it having to lead to sex.

#6. Surprise Lunch

Surprise her at work and take her out on a date to lunch. Or send her flowers at work so everyone else can see how much you care. Draw her a bubble bath at home especially after a long day. Sometimes just for her if she needs to relax or maybe join her if she wants you to! Dedicate a song to her on the radio and make sure she tunes in!

Surprise her at work and take her out on a date to lunch.

#7. Cook For Her

All women love a man who can cook. So surprise her with a special dinner you made just for her. Prepare her favorite dish or surprise her with something new you have tried. It is also nice when a man cooks for you after you have had a long hard day. Breakfast in bed is also very romantic.


Along those same lines, the two of you can take a cooking class together than make dinner together at home and try to recreate what you have learned. Feed her strawberries or grapes.

All women love a man who can cook.

#8. Rent Her Favorite Movies

Rent her favorite chick flick or record her favorite shows. There are so many things you can do to show your woman you care. Make notes of things she mentions and says she likes than show her that you were listening. She will love this!


Also take time out of your day to ask about hers. Show her that how she feels is important to you and you want to know all about her day!

#9. Make A List Of Important Dates

To help you remember special occasions, make a list or keep a calendar of all important dates such as birthdays and anniversaries so you don’t forget.


Try these out guys and see how well they work out for your girlfriend or your wife.

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