Friday, October 18, 2024
Famous Events For September 6

Famous Events For September 6 – Today In History

September 6: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – September 6 Historic Events – Before the 1700s

  1. 3114 BC – commencement of Mesoamerican Calandar
  2. 394 BC – War at Frigidus, Northern Italy
  3. September 6, 1492 – Gomera, Canary Islands vacated by Columbus
  4. September 6, 1522 – Ferdinand Magellan went on a voyage abroad to Victoria and was the first to orbit the Earth. The ship returned to Spain sans its captain
  5. September 6, 1543 – Nice seized by the combined army of French and Turks
  6. September 6, 1620 – construction of Western Tower started


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  7. September 6, 1620 – commencement of the voyage of Mayflower from Plymouth, England with a squad of 20 and 102 travelers
  8. September 6, 1622 – thousands die when the Silver fleet belonging to Spain vanishes off the Florida Keys
  9. September 6, 1628 – a group of reformed English protestants arrives at Salem from Massachusetts Bay Colony
  10. September 6, 1634 – The war of Nordlingen concludes
  11. September 6, 1651 – King Charles II conceals for a day in an oak tree after defeat in the war of Worcester.
  12. September 6, 1666 – The great Inferno in London doused but not before damage to St Paul’s Church and a large portion of the town
  13. September 6, 1669 – Venetian citadel seized by Ottomas culminating in the seizure of Candia
  14. September 6, 1672 – Naarden in the control of France was regained by the troops of Willem III
  15. September 6, 1675 – voyage by Swedish admiral Stenbock with a convoy of 66 ships
  16. September 6, 1683 – French administration assigns Le Plecta Ministry of Finance
  17. September 6, 1688 – seizure of Belgrade by Austrian defense forces
  18. September 6, 1690 – King William III arrives back in England


    18th Century – What Happened on September 6 – The 1700s

  19. September 6, 1715 – supporters of James III organize a rebellion in Scotland
  20. September 6, 1716 – In North America, the first lighthouse was installed
  21. September 6, 1732 – Dutch East India Company orders removal of Dutch East Indies chief Diederik Dare
  22. September 6, 1776 – cyclone strikes Martinique and sinks 100 French and Dutch vessels killing 600
  23. September 6, 1776 – unsuccessful underwater attempt: “Turtle” under David Bushnell assaults “Eagle”, a British sailboat in the Bay of NY
  24. September 6, 1776 – Cyclone strikes Guadeloupe leaving more than 6000 dead
  25. September 6, 1781 – British triumphs in the war of Groton Heights
  26. September 6, 1791 – debut performance of “La Clemenza di Tito” by Mozart in Prague


    19th Century – September 6 This Day That Year – The 1800s

  27. September 6, 1819 – copyrights awarded to Thomas Blanchard for his lathe
  28. September 6, 1837 – Oberlin Collegiate Institute of Ohio started admitting both boys and girls (4 women and 30 men)
  29. September 6, 1839 – Unification of Cherokee Nation and approval of its structure at Tahlequah, Oklahoma
  30. September 6, 1839 – Inferno in New York
  31. September 6, 1848 – assembly of blacks at the National level in Cleveland
  32. September 6, 1861 – seizure of Paducah, Kentucky by General Ulysses S Grant
  33. September 6, 1862 – Frederick, Maryland seized by Stonewall Jackson
  34. September 6, 1863 – allied forces quit Fort Wagner, SC, after occupying it for 59 days
  35. September 6, 1866 – Frederick Douglass attends the 1st US black meeting at the national level
  36. September 6, 1869 – locomotive traveling west reaches SF for the first time

  37. September 6, 1869 – 110 died in an excavation fire at Avondale, Pennsylvania
  38. September 6, 1870 – in an accident involving a ship that went underwater in the Gulf of Biscay, 483 killed
  39. September 6, 1873 – inauguration of the cable car facility at Clay Street, San Francisco
  40. September 6, 1876 – race rebellion in Charleston, SC
  41. September 6, 1876 – the accomplishment of the Southern Pacific route from Los Angeles to San Francisco
  42. September 6, 1880 – 1st cricket test match between England versus Australia at the Oval
  43. September 6, 1880 – in the first cricket match W G Grace achieves 152 runs against Australia at The Oval
  44. September 6, 1883 – 3 hits achieved by Cub’s Burns Williamson and Pfeiffer
  45. September 6, 1885 – the amalgamation of Bulgaria was achieved with Eastern Rumelia joining Bulgaria

  46. September 6, 1886 – Queen Victoria founds Distinguished Service Order
  47. September 6, 1888 – Charles Turner accomplishes 250 wickets in an English season. This feat was also accomplished by Tom Richardson, J, T, Hearne, Wilfred Rhodes and Tich Freeman
  48. September 6, 1889 – stepping down of Kabaka Mwanga as king of Buganda
  49. September 6, 1898 – The Grave of Mahdi was demolished by Lord Kitchener
  50. September 6, 1899 – publication of “Open Through Note” by John Hay, US Minister of Foreign affairs


    20th Century – Important Events On This Day September 6 – 1900

  51. September 6, 1900 – seizure of Lydenburg, South Africa by British General Buller
  52. September 6, 1901 -assassination attempt on the life of US President by Leon Czolgosz, a revolutionary. During his visit to the Pan-American account in New York
  53. September 6, 1903 – commencement of “Adventure of Creeping Man”, Sherlock Holmes Series
  54. September 6, 1904 – Formation of football team, Rhoden
  55. September 6, 1905 – Establishment of Atlanta Life Insurance Company
  56. September 6, 1905 – The publication of the train accident in the journal General Trade
  57. September 6, 1909 – report about the discovery of the North Pole by the American explorer, Robert Peary
  58. September 6, 1910 – establishment of Roughrider football association

  59. September 6, 1912 – no hits by NY Giant Jeff Tesreau against Philadelphia, 3-0
  60. September 6, 1913 – Jerry Travers achieves 19th US Golf Amateur Championship
  61. September 6, 1913 – aerobatics in France
  62. September 6, 1916 – the inauguration of the hypermarket, “Piggly Wiggly” by Saunders in Memphis, Tennessee
  63. September 6, 1917 – The 54th German airplane was brought down by French Pilot Georges Guynemer
  64. September 6, 1920 – Jack Dempsey defeats Billy Miske at the heavyweight boxing match title and aired for the first time
  65. September 6, 1920 – Bill Tilden defeats Bill Johnston at the 40th US Men’s National Championship (1-6,7-5,5-7,6-3)
  66. September 6, 1923 – Silver Jubilee celebration of Queen Wilhelmina of Netherlands
  67. September 6, 1924 – failed attempt on the life of Benito Mussolini
  68. September 6, 1924 – Achievement of Charles Paddock in 100 and 200 yds AAU national senior outdoor track and field championships

  69. September 6, 1927 – debut musical performance of “Good News” by Buddy De Sylva and Lew Brown
  70. September 6, 1927 – NY Yankees vanquished by Red Sox in 18 innings at Fenway Park (12-11)
  71. September 6, 1928 – USSR accepts the treaty entered into by Briand and Kellogg
  72. September 6, 1930 – Brooklyn Dodgers vanquish Phillips, 22-8
  73. September 6, 1930 – Hipolito Yrigoven, nominated president of Argentina was dismissed in a military takeover
  74. September 6, 1937 – commencement of the war of El Mazuco
  75. September 6, 1938 – 40th-anniversary celebrations of the Queen Wilhelmina of Netherlands
  76. September 6, 1939 – During WW II, the Germans started their first air attack on Great Britain
  77. September 6, 1939 – South Africa commences battle with Nazi-Germany
  78. September 6, 1940 – Installation of Crown Prince Michel as King of Romania replacing Carol II
  79. September 6, 1940 – detention of Generalissimo Gamelin in France
  80. September 6, 1941 – The sporting of stars by all Jews over six years of age in Germany was made compulsory
  81. September 6, 1941 – Jews of Vilna, Poland were restricted to their colony
  82. September 6, 1942 – Oskar Heks, marathon runner was moved to Auschwitz-Birkenau

  83. September 6, 1943 – train accident in Frankfort Pa, leaves 79 killed
  84. September 6, 1943 – Joseph R. Hunt vanquishes Jack Kramer at the 63rd US Men’s National Championship (6-3,6-8,10-8,6-0)
  85. September 6, 1943 – Pauline Betz Addie triumphs Louise Brough Clapp at the 57th US Women’s National Championship (6-3,5-7,6-3)
  86. September 6, 1944 – the army under the command of Gen Von Zangen fled from Zealand
  87. September 6, 1945 – suspension of George, A’s catcher for hitting the umpire Joe Rue
  88. September 6, 1946 – debut play of football by the All-American Football team (Clev 44, Moami)
  89. September 6, 1946 – debut performance of “The Winslow Boy” by Terence Rattigan in London
  90. September 6, 1948 – the inauguration of “Mr. Strauss Goes to Boston” at Century Theatre NYC. It featured 12 presentations
  91. September 6, 1948 – USA vanquishes Australia in New York, at the 37th Davis Cup
  92. September 6, 1948 – coronation of Juliana as Queen of The Netherlands
  93. September 6, 1949 – indiscriminate murdering by Howard Unruth of his 13 persons in the adjoining houses in 12 minutes in Camden, New Jersey
  94. September 6, 1952 – commencement of TV transmission in Montreal
  95. September 6, 1953 – German Federal Republic elelcts Konrad Adenauer
  96. September 6, 1953 – best achievement by Roy Campanella for HRs by a catcher at 38
  97. September 6, 1954 – A US airplane brought down over Siberia
  98. September 6, 1954 – commencement of dance with Alan Freed Show by WINS of NYC
  99. September 6, 1954 – “La Strada” guided by Federico Fellini and featuring Anthony Quinn performs for the first time at the Venice Film Festival
  100. September 6, 1954 – Vic Seixas defeats Rex Hartwig at the 74th US Men’s National Championship (3-6,6-2,6-4,6-4)
  101. September 6, 1954 – Doris Hart vanquishes Brough Clapp at the 68th US Women’s National Championship (6-8,6-1,8-6)
  102. September 6, 1955 – inauguration of “Catch a Star” at Plymouth Theatre NYC and gives 23 presentations
  103. September 6, 1955 – installation of J van Tilburg as Chief of Suriname
  104. September 6, 1957 – documenting of “White Christmas”, “Silent Night” and “Here Comes Santa Claus” by Elvis
  105. September 6, 1958 – Miss America 1959 awarded to Mary Mobley (Miss), 21
  106. September 6, 1958 – Atomic Test by the US at S Atlantic Ocean
  107. September 6, 1959 – LPGA Cosmopolitan Golf Open achieved by Kathy Cornelius
  108. September 6, 1961 – Atomic test by USSR at Kapustin Yar USSR
  109. September 6, 1962 – Atomic test by the US at Nevada Test Site
  110. September 6, 1963 – As per historian Lee Allen, the Major League baseball play by Indian Senators was the 10000th one
  111. September 6, 1963 – resignation of Jerry Lee Lewis from Sun Records

  112. September 6, 1963 – establishment of the Centre for International Industrial Property Studies
  113. September 6, 1965 – conflict between India and Pakistan – commencement of Indo-Pak battle
  114. September 6, 1965 – the inauguration of TV transmission channel 3 in Lexington by KLNE
  115. September 6, 1966 – Rebellion in Atlanta, Georgia
  116. September 6, 1968 – declaration of the independence of Swaziland by Britain
  117. September 6, 1969 – valedictory of “Cabaret” at Broadhurst Theatre NYC after 1166 presentations
  118. September 6, 1970 – seizure of three aircraft by Palestinians
  119. September 6, 1970 – Atomic test by USSR at Eastern Kazakh, USSR
  120. September 6, 1971 – fundraising, 6th performance by Jerry Lewis collects $ 8,125,387
  121. September 6, 1971 – discussion meeting between British Prime Minister Edward Heath and Irish Prime Minister Taoiseach Jack Lyunch at Chequers in England to study the state of affairs in Northern Ireland
  122. September 6, 1971 – demand for the institution of an alternate power to safeguard “Ulster” by William Craig and Ian Paisley at a meeting organized in Belfast with an audience of around 20000
  123. September 6, 1972 – recommencement of Olympic plays at Munich Germany
  124. September 6, 1973 – reporting of all important events at Yonkers, Roosevelt, and Monticello from Jan to March 1973 by the New York Times
  125. September 6, 1974 – increasing of published buyback price of oil from 93 percent to 94.9 percent by Saudi Arabia
  126. September 6, 1975 – and earthquake of 6.8 magnitude hits the Anatolian Fault killing 2000 in Lice, Turkey
  127. September 6, 1975 – Miss America 1976 awarded to Tawny Elaine Godin (NY), 18 at the 48th Miss America 1976
  128. September 6, 1975 – Martina Navratilova, Czech tennis celebrity requests for US political refuge in New York during the US Open
  129. September 6, 1975 – atomic test by the US at Nevada Test place
  130. September 6, 1975 – Chris Evert defeats Evonne Goolagong Cawley at the 95th Women’s US Open (5-7,6-4,6-2)
  131. September 6, 1976 – Dean Martin was present at the 11th fundraising event of Jerry Lewis
  132. September 6, 1976 – Russian Pilot Belenko decamps to Japan using a Mig 25 aircraft
  133. September 6, 1978 – atomic test by USSR
  134. September 6, 1979 – debut performance of “Peter Pan” at Lunt-Fontanne Theatre NYC and makes 578 presentations
  135. September 6, 1980 – 100K running best for women achieved by Chantal Langlace (7h27m22s)
  136. September 6, 1980 – Macalaster U of St Paul, Minn defeats Mount Senario, 17-14
  137. September 6, 1980 – Chrisd Evert-Lloyd defeats Hana Mandlikova at the 100th Women’s US Open
  138. September 6, 1981 – Valedictory of the concert “They are Playing Our Song” at Imperial NYC after 1082 presentations
  139. September 6, 1981 – Bob Lemon accepts the managership of NY Yankee for the 2nd term
  140. September 6, 1982 – appointment of BVD to reconnoiter communists, by Dutch Minister M Red
  141. September 6, 1982 – 17th fundraising performance by Jerry Lewis collects $ 28,400000
  142. September 6, 1982 – LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic achieved by Joanne Carner
  143. September 6, 1982 – circulation of “Tug of War” by Paul McCartney
  144. September 6, 1982 – retirement of Willie Stargell from Pittsburgh Pirates
  145. September 6, 1982 – seizure of the Polish Consulate by the Polish rebels
  146. September 6, 1983 – USSR accepts responsibility for bringing down KOL aircraft 007 on 9/2
  147. September 6, 1984 – debut performance of “Balm in Gilead” by Lanford Wilson at NYC
  148. September 6, 1984 – distant live telecast by Today Show from Moscow
  149. September 6, 1984 – debut show of “Amadeus” by Peter Shaffer, guided by Milos Forman and featuring Tom Hulce in Los Angles. This was declared as best picture in 1985
  150. September 6, 1985 – air accident to Midwest Express Aircraft after take-off from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, leaves 31 dead
  151. September 6, 1986 – invitees to the fundraiser performance of Barbra Streisand, numbering about 300 pay $ 5000
  152. September 6, 1986 – A Jewish place of worship was attacked in Istanbul leaving 23 dead
  153. September 6, 1986 – walking speed world best achieved by Jozef Pribilnec (15,447k)
  154. September 6, 1986 – conspiracy charge against Nicholas Daniloff, correspondent, by USSR
  155. September 6, 1987 – surgical separation of conjoined twins, Benjamin and Patrick Binder at the John Hopkins Hospital
  156. September 6, 1987 – marathon run achieved by Douglas Wakiihuri (2:11:48)
  157. September 6, 1987 – valedictory of 2nd World Championships in Athletics at Rome, Italy
  158. September 6, 1988 – two space travelers in Soyuz TM, a defective one, safely arrive on land
  159. September 6, 1988 – Thomas Gregory crosses the English Channel by swimming
  160. September 6, 1988 – Atomic test by USSR
  161. September 6, 1989 – Living Colour was awarded the 6th MTV Video Music Awards
  162. September 6, 1989 – Ben Johnson was deprived of all athletic achievements by the Amateur Athletic club
  163. September 6, 1989 – murder/prostitution charges against 41000 Persians by the Police computer
  164. September 6, 1990 – Sinead O’Connor achieves the 7th MTV Video Music Award
  165. September 6, 1990 – a US national was murdered in Kuwait. The US makes hostile announcements towards Iraq and the oil market swell
  166. September 6, 1991 – installation of Ronald Venetian as President of Suriname
  167. September 6, 1991 – recognition of independent status by USSR of Baltic – Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania
  168. September 6, 1992 – 1500 m run best achieved by Noureddine Morceli (3:28:86)
  169. September 6, 1993 – LPGA State Farm Rail Golf Classic achieved by Helen Dobson
  170. September 6, 1993 – 28th fund-raising performance by Jerry Lewis collects $ 46.014,922
  171. September 6, 1994 – Actor Jackson Pinckney moderately lost his eyesight during the shooting of the film, “Cyborg” by Jean Claude Van Damme. He was compensated by payment of $ 487,000
  172. September 6, 1994 – women’s best 200 m freestyle swimming record achieved by Franziska van Almsick
  173. September 6, 1995 – Bob Packwood’s removal from the position was voted 6-0 by the Senate Committee
  174. September 6, 1996- Eddie Murray of Bolt Oriole scores his 500th HR
  175. September 6, 1997- The cremation of the Princess of Wales, Diana, was at Westminster Abbey in London

    21st Century – September 6 This Day In History – The 2000s

  176. September 6, 2001 – Lady Marmalade, Eve f/Gwen Stefanl, and Moby f/Gwen Stefani achieved the 18th MTV Video Music Awards
  177. September 6, 2006 – 3 million books of “New Moon” by Stephanie Meyer and published by Little Brown were traded
  178. September 6, 2010 – debut presentation of “The King’s Speech” guided by Tom Hooper and featuring Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush at the Telluride Film Festival. This was the Best Picture of 2011
  179. September 6, 2010 – Maryland defeats Navy, 17-14 in Baltimore at the 21st College Football Crab Bowl Classic
  180. September 6, 2012 – In a fishing boat accident off a beach in Turkey, 61 unlawful travelers lost their life
  181. September 6, 2012 – Barack Obama was the US Presidential hopeful for the Democratic Party
  182. September 6, 2012 – Rihanna f/Calvin Harris, Nikki Minai, and Chris Brown achieve the 29th MTV Video Music Awards
  183. September 6, 2013 – Islamist Revolutionaries murder 20 villagers in northeast of Nigeria
  184. September 6, 2015 – the fights of Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan have forced more than 13000 immigrants to move to Southern Germany as corroborated by German constabularies

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