Monday, March 17, 2025

Feng Shui Elements Colors Correspondence

Understand The Feng shui Use Of Colors

Feng Shui Colors is about much more than a trendy way to decorate your home and garden. The basic essence is to center and balance the qi which is the life force around us. Qi uses the five natural elements to flow. Earth, metal, fire, water, and wood all can destroy each other and the qi they influence.


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Arranging your home according to the principles of Feng shui could be as simple or complicated as you allow it to be. You could incorporate Feng shui in every detail of the house or you could adhere to just the basic placement of furniture and other household gadgets and equipment.


#1. Feng shui Elements

In Feng shui, it is a bad idea to keep the elements of fire and water together. The reason is that water puts out the fire. Applying this principle to the kitchen means making sure that the gas stove is not placed next to the sink. If it is designed in a way that the sink and gas stove are next to each other, you could offset the negative results by simply placing a wooden cutting board or any other wooden object between the two. It’s as simple as that. In Feng shui, everything has a reason. It is not some random rearranging of furniture at whim.


#2. Basic Feng Shui Principles

There are other basic Feng shui principles that you could incorporate into your home decorating. The most important aspect of Feng shui involves clutter. Too much clutter and storage of unwanted stuff can block the free flow of ch’i in your house. Never place a bed near a window or home plants as they take away your energy.

Do not place electronic gadgets such as music systems, computers, or TVs in the bedroom as they give out too much negative energy which interferes with your sleep. Also, make sure you do not place shelves directly above your bed and do not cram the space under your bed with unwanted stuff as both these can prevent positive energy from circulating you.


#3. Balancing Of Elements

The art is to balance each of these elements and the representations they embody which is challenging because none of them naturally complement each other. How you use these elements in your home can have a significant impact on your Feng shui. For example, having a black wall behind white furniture would swallow the harmonious energies of the wardrobe.


Earth is represented by the colors light brown, and light yellow, and is said to represent health and well-being. Fire is represented by the more vibrant colors like red and orange and is tied to passion. Water is presented by the blue and black colors of the spectrum and is associated with clarity and relaxation.


Green and brown help the energies of health and vigor and are represented by the element wood. Purity and confidence are symbolized by the color white and tied to the element of metal. White is very popular with Feng shui as it blends with most other colors both in terms of the energy in the center and aesthetically.

White bedroom furniture can help promote a sense of wealth and prosperity and mix well with any color in the spectrum. Cooler colors for bedrooms in Feng shui create a feeling of relaxation.

#4. Placing Of Furniture

As important as color is to Feng shui it is not the only factor. The location of the furniture is also important. It is a common misconception that mirrors have to be covered for good Feng shui, but they don’t. Place the mirrors away from a sleeping body.

The reflective surface of the mirror bounces the qi rather than letting it flow naturally. If you have two bedside tables they should be identical so the qi from them can bounce off the other one. Avoid any sharp angles in furniture as this can cut through the qi.

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