Sunday, January 5, 2025
archangel uriel

Archangel Uriel – The Flame Of God

Archangel Uriel


Archangel Uriel’s name means ‘God Is Light’ or ‘God Is My Light.’ He rules over the Red Ray. He is also the angel of the North and rules over the element Earth. Uriel relates to the zodiac signs Aquarius, Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus. Archangel Uriel works closely with God, like all other archangels. He helps humankind with different changes and transitions, problem-solving and solution-finding, alchemy, the weather, and learning, and education.


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Uriel archangel expands our spiritual understanding and helps us to live according to God’s will. He is the Angel of Peace, Archangel of Prophecy, Angel of Salvation, and the Prince of Light. His symbol is an open hand holding a flame. The flame signifies ‘The Flame of Love’ that is offered to all humankind. He is one of the most powerful archangels. He is closer to God and associates with thunder, lightning, sudden action, electricity, courage, persistence, and endurance.


Archangel Uriel: Insight

Archangel Uriel activates and energizes the body. He shows us how we can heal all aspects of our lives because he is the Angel of Salvation. He wants us to come from our sinful lives and seek righteousness. Uriel encourages us to find blessings through adversity and turn our disappointments and hurt into joy.

Uriel wants us to leave the past behind embrace the present and focus on the future. It is upon us to make our lives what we want them to become. He will guide us and lead us in the right direction. He will not force us to do anything because we have the freedom of choice either to go with the good or the bad.


Archangel Uriel helps us to understand the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. He helps us understand why things are as they are in the world. He encourages us to trust in the Divine Plan for our lives so that we can live a fulfilling and happy life. Uriel helps us understand that everything happening in our lives, whether good or bad, is happening for a reason.

Archangel Uriel is also the Angel of Transformations. He brings changes to our lives. He helps us accept and embrace the changes already taking place. Uriel encourages us to work towards achieving balance and stability in our lives. He rules over all persons who serve God and preaches about God and His goodness. He is the guardian of all the people in the service of God.


The Roles Archangel Uriel Plays in Our Lives

Uriel archangel interprets dreams, prophecy, and intuition. He brings illumination to situations and prophetic information and warnings. He guides us in becoming responsible for our lives. Uriel works with us to ensure that we achieve our full potential in life. He enables us to appreciate the beauty and love within us.


Uriel uses transformative energies to help us maneuver through life. He can be invoked at any time for clarity, heightened intuition, and understanding of others. He enables us to have compassion, love, humility, and mercy towards others. Archangel Uriel teaches selfless service, and he promotes cooperation among people from different backgrounds.


Uriel archangel helps you to realize your fears and how to tackle them. Do not let fear control your life. Do everything possible to get rid of the same, so you can enjoy your life. Connect with your higher wisdom and loch out all negative vibes. Uriel clears all the fears, worries, and anxieties in your life and replaces them with wisdom. The wisdom you gain from Uriel will help you renew your dedication toward achieving your goals and aspirations.

The Wonderful Workings of Uriel

Archangel Uriel helps you to listen to your inner wisdom, opens channels for Divine communication, and encourages you to pursue and discover your life purpose. He helps us to discover our life paths and brings light into our lives. Uriel plays a major role in bringing about peace and unity among conflicting nations. He gives us the illumination we need to stay on the right path in life.

Uriel archangel helps us connect with the Divine order to bring about order, harmony, and world peace. He brings spirituality into our lives and frees us from fears that are holding us back. He ensures that peace reigns in families. Uriel encourages you to maintain great and long-lasting personal and professional relationships.

Uriel will help you solve the problems that you are having in your life. All you need to do is to call on him, and he will show up. He brings ideas into your head that will enable you to uplift your life and the lives of others. Those ‘light bulbs’ moments you have come from Archangel Uriel.

Archangel Uriel can be called upon at any time for practical solutions, creative insight, and inspiring ideas. Ask Uriel to help you release all the anger that you feel towards people who have wronged you in the past. Uriel encourages you to have a forgiving heart if you want to advance in life. He will assist you in finding practical solutions to all and any perceived problems.

archangel uriel

Archangel Uriel: Conclusion

Archangel Uriel works with humanity to get rid of fears and restore hope that things are going to work out no matter the challenges in life. Uriel is passionate about the welfare of people who are unable to live their lives free of fear. He helps us to acknowledge the light within ourselves and others. He plays a major role in the development of self-confidence and self-worth in our lives.

Uriel archangel wants us to appreciate the great things that we can do so long as we believe in ourselves and our abilities. Archangel Uriel will help you reach your full potential in life. He has an affinity with thunder and lighting. He helps all humankind when natural calamities such as floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and all other natural disasters take place. You can call on him to help during extreme weather conditions. His presence is felt on the earth on Thursdays.

Uriel’s Associations

Archangel Uriel’s twin flame is Aurora. They work together on the purple and gold rays. They govern the development of the Solar Plexus Chakra within humanity. All their energies and vibrations allow you to connect with your soul’s wisdom. Archangel Uriel also works with Sananda to develop the attributes of mercy, grace, and compassion in humanity. They promote unity, peace, and cooperation.

Archangel Uriel’s retreat is in the Tatra Mountains in Poland. You can go there if you want to connect with Archangel Uriel. You need to trust in the guidance of Uriel because he will restore hope in your life.

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