Monday, March 17, 2025
tarot card astrology

Tarot Card Astrology

Tarot Card Astrology

The Tarot Card Astrology Reading provides insight into two forms of divination in combination. This can give an even more clear reading to describe an individual’s personality and character traits. While the symbols that connect the ruling planets are represented by the Major Arcana the interpretations are not identical although they are in general closely related.


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Yet when there is a difference it may be due to a unique and even more effective alternative answer. Get your free, online Astrology Tarot Reading today! Did you know that it was possible to combine Tarot and astrology readings?


There are great similarities between these two forms of divination as they both work with symbology. As you begin to interpret the symbols some questions do arise which require additional interpretation. The tarot cards and astrology blend surprisingly well.


The astrology and tarot card reading provides much detail about your sign, positive and negative aspects, your best colors days and numbers the birthstone, the ruling planet, and how well you match up with other persons also included is an interpretation of the tarot card that matches your ruling planet and zodiac sign.

Combined Method

Both the major and minor arcana are included. The lovers, whenever it is pulled is considered to be a fortunate draw as it makes lovers content. This combined method gives you good information about your family, the future who you love, and your career.


Some cards have a direct connection to a particular strong astrological symbol get their meanings are not the same. The zodiac signs for each are linked to the tarot card of nature, These are generally cards that have typical images that reveal characteristics about an individual. This is true for all 12 of the zodiac signs.


As an example, we could look at Aries (March 21 to April 19). The tarot card associated with the sign is the Emperor; this is the individual who will be always there when you need him. This represents your loyalty to your friends no matter what the circumstances.

As does the royal figure you utilize your analytical powers and authority to not only achieve your own goals but to assist others. As a second example, Libra is represented in the Tarot by justice which always holds the scales of justice. Libra will balance their needs against their desires to find an appropriate balance just as Libra does in the zodiac.


The similarities between the tarot cards and the astrological symbols are great. There is a definite link between them. But there are enough differences that the resonance may not be the same. In some instances, it may not be very close.


So the interpretation of the zodiac signs through astrology may not always be a perfect match with the interpretation of the symbols shown in the tarot. But in general, they mesh quite well.

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