Sunday, March 23, 2025

Cancer Compatibility

 Cancer Compatibility

Cancer zodiac sign people are happy in the company of their family and friends in the quietness of their homes. In Cancer Compatibility, they are obedient and faithful to their partner. They are not eloquent and keep their lover guessing about their thoughts.


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They are highly devoted lovers and project themselves as guardians of their mates. These people are also highly passionate. They look for depth, commitment, and devotion in the relationship.

The Cancer compatibility is very good with Taurus, Pisces, Virgo, and sometimes Scorpio. Cancer is not comfortable with Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Aquarius. Read on to know how compatible the Cancer astrology sign is with the 12 zodiac signs.

cancer compatibility

Cancer Aries Compatibility

Cancer is not as loyal as the Aries in a relationship. Cancerians look for closeness and mutual caring while Arians want freedom and are insensitive. For a lasting partnership, the Ram has to learn to have sympathy and sensitivity for the Cancerian and Cancer has to pick up independence from Aries and should control his or her changing moods.

Cancer Man Aries Woman

In this Cancer relationship, both find each other passionately attractive. But the Aries woman looks for freedom and the Cancer male looks for devotion in a relationship. This relationship is in danger because of the obstinacy and strong willpower of both partners. Some flexibility on their part can induce some love compatibility between the two.

Cancer Woman Aries Man

The Aries man is suffocated by the possessiveness of the Cancer woman. She resents the flirtatious nature of Aries. Aries man is always on the lookout for change and she wants a strong, long-lasting relationship. This Cancer compatibility can work if he can convince her to allow him freedom.


Cancer Taurus Compatibility

Both the Crab and the Bull are in their world, immune to what is happening outside. Both are bound by sympathy, kindness and a friendly attitude. Their approach to life is straight and they are peaceful and responsive to each other. The horoscope compatibility is very high between the two zodiac signs.

Cancer Man Taurus Woman

Taurus woman always looks for ways to keep the Cancer man comfortable and showers love and affection to him. He is very romantic and faithful. This is a perfect Cancer compatibility and lasts for life, according to their love horoscope.

Cancer Woman Taurus Man

Temperamentally, in the Cancer and Taurus friendship, both complement each other. He likes her original ideas and encourages her to be creative. Both like to be romantic in their privacy. Cancer woman’s anxiety for protection is taken care of by his caring attitude. Taurus man wants to be in charge of things which may upset her. If this is taken care of, the relationship will prosper.

Cancer Gemini Compatibility

Cancer and Gemini soul mates have different ways of looking at life. Gemini likes to talk while Cancer acts. The flirting nature of Gemini will make Cancer envious and jittery. On the other hand, Gemini dating a Cancer will woo him or her by their intelligence and smartness. Cancer gives strength and firmness to the partnership.

Cancer Man Gemini Woman

The Cancer man’s sexuality attracts the Gemini woman. The doubtful nature of Cancer Man will make him blame the Gemini woman for being unfaithful. The inability of Gemini woman to convince him irritates her. This will hurt the relationship. He looks for dedication and she looks for a one-night stand. The partnership will depend on her affection and dedication.

Cancer Woman Gemini Man

The passion and vigor of the Gemini man attract the Cancer woman. She hooks him with her magnetism and responsive nature. Problems in this Cancer compatibility will start creeping up after some time. She is temperamental and he is level-headed. He is not dedicated and she wants security.


Cancer Cancer Compatibility

Two Cancerians in love are highly sympathetic and expressive and their moods change often. They love their families. They are easily hurt by unkind remarks from other people. Thus, they need a lot of affection to get them out of their hole. Also, they are mysterious and cautious. The Cancer people keep their problems to themselves but they are very affectionate. They only act when others need their help.

Cancer Man Cancer Woman & Cancer Woman Cancer Man

There is an unseen compatibility between a Cancer man and a Cancer woman. They just know the requirements and thoughts of each other. They are subject to ever-changing moods. Long furious arguments may result in a parting of ways and breakup. To stay together, both have to be affectionate, devoted, and loyal to each other.

Cancer Leo Compatibility

Cancer and Leo approach life differently which may upset their ego. The Lion wants to lead and Cancer is a good follower. Leo will be happy as long the Cancer adores them. Both value their friendship. Despite their differences relationship may last because of their zodiac friendship.

Cancer Man Leo Woman

With some adjustments, the love match between a Cancer man and a Leo woman can be highly compatible. Cancer man is arrogant and temperamental while Leo woman wants affection and respect from him. If she gets these things, the partnership will flourish.

Cancer Woman Leo Man

The Leo man likes to share his time and belongings with his mate. Cancer female desires admiration and devotion which she gets from her Leo mate. He always supports her in difficult times. Their Cancer compatibility is highly feasible as it is based on reliability and devotion.

Cancer Virgo Compatibility

The Cancer personality traits show they are receptive and sluggish. Virgo is rational and tolerant. Both are bound by the differences and can be compatible. Virgo is attracted by the pointed features and rigid posture of Cancer. Cancer likes the realistic approach and straightforwardness of Virgo. Virgo is fascinated by the love and sympathetic behavior of Cancer.

Cancer Man Virgo Woman

Virgo woman keeps Cancer man pleased by giving love and affection. Cancer man attracts Virgo woman through his good looks, imagination, and intelligence. The partnership is highly compatible with good understanding, loyalty, and love. They should refrain from criticizing each other as both are sensitive.

Cancer Woman Virgo Man

She is expressive and relies on others. Cancer woman looks for safety and affection which the Virgo man gives generously. Differences may arise when Virgo cannot articulate his feelings and the Cancer woman gets into a bad mood. If they can overcome these problems, they can live happily ever after.


Cancer Libra Compatibility

Happiness and harmony are the main traits of the Libra sun sign while Cancer is temperamental and moody. Librans are outgoing and look for excitement. Cancer wants privacy and is comfortable in the four walls of the house. The cancer star sign looks for passion in the partnership but Libra follows his head rather than his heart. The Cancer compatibility is not too great as their requirements are diverse.

Cancer Man Libra Woman

Cancer male is temperamental whereas Libra woman is relaxed and happy-go-lucky. He is stingy as against Libra woman who squanders money. The partnership is not compatible and a lot of effort is required to keep it going.

Cancer Woman Libra Man

Cancer women crave affection and security and harass the Libra man for these things. In turn, Libra male gets irritated. As their requirements are not the same, astrology compatibility between the two is low.

Cancer Scorpio Compatibility

Cancer is compassionate, motivated, obstinate, and receptive. Scorpio will sustain and look after Cancer. Both are passionate in love. They have matching qualities that keep the partnership alive and strong. The Scorpion is over-protective but Cancer is liberal and affectionate.

Cancer Man Scorpio Woman

Scorpio woman is dedicated to Cancer man and will fulfill all his needs. His protective nature takes care of her jealousy. Scorpio woman motivates him to achieve great things with calmness. The bonding between the two is astounding and eternal despite minor hiccups.

Cancer Woman Scorpio Man

Cancer woman is attracted by his magical ways and physical charm which results in a strong relationship. The woman feels protected by the powerful and faithful Scorpio guy. Cancer woman takes care of the doubting nature of Scorpio and converts the relationship into a strong one.


Cancer Sagittarius Compatibility

Sagittarius zodiac sign is uncomplicated and clever while Cancer is weak and sympathetic. The Sagittarian is frank and has problems comprehending the emotions of Cancer. They offer happiness with their wit and openness. Sagittarius is unable to cope with her changing moods. Cancer is homebound while Sagittarius likes to travel and explore new places. This Cancer compatibility can be achieved with some adjustments.

Cancer Man Sagittarius Woman

Marriage between a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman is doubtful. Still, it is possible to have a fruitful match if the Cancer man keeps her happy and if the Sagittarius woman has devotion and friendship with him and his family.

Cancer Woman Sagittarius Man

A workable relationship can be stitched together if Sagittarius men are more dependable and take an interest in their relations and Cancer woman can become more courageous and support the actions of a Sagittarius man. It may not be one of the excellent zodiac love matches.

Cancer Capricorn Compatibility

Cancer in love with Capricorn has some traits that are common and some that are exactly opposite. Both have a lot of passion but Capricorn cannot offer much love. Capricorn is dependable and faithful but emotionally swings to the extremes. It is difficult to predict the relationship compatibility of this zodiac match.

Cancer Man Capricorn Woman

Both are fascinated with each other to start with. Capricorn woman is strong-minded and quick-tempered. She is irritated by the gentle nature and swinging moods of Cancer man. Sexual compatibility between the two is difficult but faith in each other may keep the relationship alive.

Cancer Woman Capricorn Man

Cancer woman can attract a Capricorn man by his higher status rather than by affection. Feelings, devotion, and romance are not in his nature. Capricorn man may be reliable and faithful but will not find comfort in the relationship unless he gives her a lot of time and appreciates her emotions.


Cancer Aquarius Compatibility

The Aquarius astrology sign is always on the lookout for change and liberty. Cancer is too sensitive to cling to the obstinate Aquarius. Cancer wants safety and kindness from the match but caution on both sides makes the relationship painful. To be experimental, they tend to separate from their families. But Cancer has a strong bond with the family. The Cancer Compatibility with the Aquarian is not good.

Cancer Man Aquarius Woman

Cancer men cannot appreciate the practical but hesitant Aquarius woman. The Aquarius woman is sympathetic and friendly but gets upset by the caution of the Cancer man. Aquarius woman likes loneliness but still has a lot of contacts. She wants a jolly man as a partner but not a possessive Cancer man. The partnership cannot be termed as highly suitable.

Cancer Woman Aquarius Man

By nature, Aquarius man and Cancer woman are highly dissimilar. Cancer woman craves safety and affection. Aquarius man wants liberty which will create difficulties in the relationship. Compatibility between the two sun signs can be great only if the feelings of the Cancer woman can match the intelligence of the Aquarius man.

Cancer Pisces Compatibility

Cancer and Pisces have mutual admiration for each other’s thoughts and principles. The sensitivity and affection of Pisces motivate Cancer. Pisces showers Cancer with love, sympathy, and support. Pisces is creative and sensitive, but can also become powerful and disobedient if necessary. It is one of the most compatible matches as there is a strong bonding of passion and emotions.

Cancer Man Pisces Woman

The charisma and humor of a Pisces woman draw a Cancer man towards her. She also gives all the affection and warmth to him. Cancer man sees a Pisces woman as a lively and ideal lady to put an end to depression in his life. They complement each other in most respects. This is a highly compatible partnership with lots of passion in bed and fun throughout.

Cancer Woman Pisces Man

Cancer woman and Pisces man cherish each other’s company. Pisces man worships her as an extraordinary person on this earth. Cancer woman thinks Pisces man is the most important person to her. She will help him to achieve his targets. Happiness in this Cancer compatibility is certain if either of them takes over with sensible ideas.

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