Monday, March 17, 2025
3 Common Tarot Card Pairs

3 Common Tarot Card Pairs & Their Meanings

The Meaning of 3 Common Tarot Card Pairs

There are many Tarot Card pairs. The meaning of 3 common Tarot Card Pairs requires mention and you will learn about them in this article.


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The Hermit and the Knight of Wands

The Hermit is a tarot card that represents solitude and pursuits done by oneself. The Knight of Wands, however, represents a bold, rash, or brave move that you have been forced to make, rather than one you take yourself.

This combination of cards might indicate that your current romantic relationship will be coming to an end and it’s not going to be your choice – You will be informed by your significant other that there’s some issue that cannot be resolved, and thus you must strike out on your own, not by your choice.


The Star + Two of Cups

The Star is a card that represents tranquility, going with the flow, and the path of least resistance. The Two of Cups is a card that represents a romantic attraction between two strangers, among other things. Used in a future position, this pair of cards might represent a short fling, a romantic relationship that will start and end abruptly, or even a one-night stand.


On the other hand, it could also mean that a sudden relationship will spring up and you will not know that you are in it until it’s already there. You’ll have drifted in the flow into a relationship and it will blossom around you.

3 Common Tarot Card Pairs

The Page of Wands + The Ten of Wands

Among its many meanings, the Page of Wands is a “messenger” card. If it shows up in your reading, expect a piece of news a specific ultimatum, or input from somewhere else. The ten Wands represent burdens, extra work, or oppression.

This combination is an indication of a warning that something is going to get very heavy in the future for you. You will have a chance to avoid it because it’s an ultimatum. But, it’s a very specific warning – do this thing, or be ready for a punishment.

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