People Born On December 3: Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius
DECEMBER 3 birthday horoscope predicts that you could be a fiery Sagittarius. Those of you with a birthday today can be expressive individuals. As the December 3rd zodiac sign is Sagittarius, you can be open, flexible, and enthusiastic. You love to be at the forefront of issues.
You are always doing things and going places. It’s like you can’t sit still. Typically, you act on impulse, and this can be considered a positive trait as you like to travel and explore. This ability fulfills your need to learn, for adventure, and to be able to share your experiences with someone else.
The December 3 birthday personality has a short temper. Your tongue could be your best friend or your worst enemy. Those of you born today should learn how to hold your mouth steady and closed. Sometimes, you can be mean, easily irritated, and tense.
The December 3 horoscope predicts that you tend to write or speak publicly. You are an excellent candidate to present motivational seminars as a career option.
Additionally, you should look at the world of advertising and marketing. You have all the right stuff to be successful in this field. Furthermore, you’re a leader, so it’s not so far-fetched to find you in the business of public affairs.
If you are among the few who love your job, then you are a lucky individual. Okay, so maybe luck has nothing to do with it, but you make things look easy. This Sagittarius birthday person tends to look at things from a broader perspective than most. You can make a lot of money.
Birthday Astrology
The December 3rd astrology shows that people like you and typically will trade with you based on your name and reputation. However, you may need someone to handle your financial affairs for you. You are not good at handling the checkbook.
It’s mainly because you are impulsive and can make bad spending decisions on a whim. Try waiting a couple of days before you buy. This will allow you some time to think about it and decide if you need to make this purchase.
The person with a December 3rd birthday probably enjoys competing in sports. You like being challenged, but you know when enough is enough. As a parent, you will likely be a good one. You will teach your children the basic and necessary principles to live a successful life professionally and personally. The future of a person born on 3 December will always be great.
Let’s talk about your love life. Although you have many associates, your close friends are few. You like being in love and dating. However, you need a challenge, and if things come to you easily, then you will likely move on to the next candidate. So, if you are dating a December 3 birthday personality, be careful not to ask for too much of his or her time. You want to be free and may have trouble committing to a long-term or serious relationship.
Know Your Personality
However, the main problem for this December 3 birthday person could be with your weight. It’s so easy to put on a few pounds, especially around the holidays. Additionally, you like to have a good time. Having said this, you should avoid using alcohol. You are susceptible to overindulging in certain activities.
Let’s face it. You are a charmer. The December 3 birthday zodiac rightly says that you are attractive but mainly sexy. You enjoy life and want to live it on edge. Those of you with a birthday can make money but are not good at keeping it. Sometimes, you can be an impulsive individual, but you can learn how to distract your cravings.
Famous People And Celebrities Born On December 3
Mary Alice, Daryl Hannah, Steve Harris, Montell Jordan, Ozzy Osbourne, Trina, David Villa
See: Famous Celebrities Born On December 3
This Day That Year – December 3 In History
1967 – Dr. Christian Barnard of South Africa performs the first heart transplant for humans.
1988 – 12 people hit the lotto for $45 million.
1995 – Russia defeated by the US in Moscow for the 84th Davis Cup.
2013 – Phillip Currie, the Paleontologist, claims to have uncovered a 72 million-year-old Chasmosaurus dinosaur fossil.
December 3 Dhanu Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
December 3 Chinese Zodiac RAT
Birthday Planet
Your ruling planet is Jupiter which symbolizes good luck, compassion, responsibility, and success.
December 3 Birthday Symbols
The Archer Is The Symbol For The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign
December 3 Birthday Tarot Card
Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Empress. This card symbolizes abundance, beauty, love, intuition, and fertility. The Minor Arcana cards are Nine of Wands and King of Wands
December 3 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility
You are most compatible with people born under the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius: This can be an exciting relationship.
You are not compatible with people born under the Zodiac Sign Gemini: This relationship has no guarantees of being successful.
See Also:
December 3 Lucky Numbers
Number 6 – This is a number that speaks of your ability to compromise and be unselfish.
Number 3 – This number signifies an artistic expression of the joys in your life.
Read about: Birthday Numerology
Lucky Colors For December 3 Birthday
Purple: This color stands for creative thinking, nobility, dreams, telepathy, and mystical qualities.
Blue: This color symbolizes communication, idealism, reliability, authority, and integrity.
Lucky Day For December 3 Birthday
Thursday – Planet Jupiter‘s day symbolizes positivity, prosperity, intelligence, knowledge, and encouragement.
December 3 Birthstone Turquoise
The turquoise gemstone helps you overcome negative thoughts and become a positive person.
Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On December 3
A coffee-table travel book with a lot of colorful pictures for the man and a designer rucksack for the Sagittarius woman. The December 3 birthday personality loves gifts related to travels.