Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Does Tarot Predict The Future

Does Tarot Predict The Future?

Does Tarot Predict The Future?

Tarot: pronounced ‘tare oh’ or ‘tare ah,’ no ‘T’ on end. Its use as a scrying tool is ancient, with much dispute over its origins. I will leave such delving into history to you and others. Does Tarot predict the future? Let’s see in this article.


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Tarot Decks

Tarot decks usually have 78 cards called Keys, divided into 22 Keys called the Major Arcana and the rest make up 4 Suits of the Minor Arcana. To help understand the Minor Arcana at this beginning point, think of Hearts / Cups; Diamonds / Pentacles or Coins; Clubs / Wands or Rods; and Spades / Swords.


The Five Elements

These also represent the Five Elements. Suits run King to Ace, with two (Page and Knight) cards for the ‘Jack’ card. These have traditional pictures and meanings depicting, for the Reader, the Querent as the Fool, traveling through life. Each Suit has a sense, the Key’s Number carries a purpose, and ALL these meanings combine to aid you in divining the subject at hand.


Tarot and Prediction of the Future

As in other scrying tools, the Tarot does NOT predict the future BUT allows for YOUR intuitive skills to manifest themselves in a way that can be aided and guided by your Intuition or that of the Reader you have to lay out Keys for you in a spread. Thus one is helped in gaining greater wisdom of the Great Wheel that the individual is traveling. Some keep Tarot limited to parlor tricks and games. This is up to you. However, if you’re severe and Tarot seems to be your talent, buy a set that ‘speaks’ to you. It feels like it has actually ‘Called’ you. Handle your new deck daily, get some books, and be prepared to LEARN!

Rider Waite Deck

Try starting with a Universal Rider-Waite deck, to begin with, because of the traditional symbolism present in these and copying decks. It will make a good deck, with friendlier coloration than to study with your books, however, realize you likely will need another ‘Use Deck’ for actual readings at some point.


The Symbolism behind Tarot

Though memorizing every card is not essential, learning and understanding the symbolism behind Tarot is meaningful. If you can manage to be Persistent, Patient, and keep Practicing… after a while, you’ll be surprised at how you memorized the various Keys without hard memory work at all… it will have come to you naturally.


As in other Magicking, exercises can combine… Tarot can (or not) be combined with Astrology and Numerology, for example. But to be an expert, as with most things – study and practice and…

Keep those cards SCRYING!

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