Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Just for fun, I like to address a few of the searched-for Tarot card combinations that have popped up in the lives of everyday readers.

Everyday Tarot Card Combinations

Tarot Card Combinations

This article gives an inkling into everyday Tarot Card combinations. This will help you to decipher the likely things to happen in your life.


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King of Pentacles

Solid, consistent, agreeable, capable, dependable, reliable, strong, professional, hardworking, “the bull” who gets things done. These are just a few of the lovely qualities the King of Pentacles possesses. Overall I would say that this person thinks well of you, though it is possible they also think you are a bit stubborn You have a solid position in their mind. But the only way to know how someone sees you is to bypass the cards and just ask them!

Overall I would say that this person thinks well of you, though it is possible they also think you are a bit stubborn! You have a solid position in their mind. But the only way to know how someone sees you is to bypass the cards and just ask them!


Ace of Pentacles the Magician

Such a great combination, as the Ace of Pentacles, is tangible and no one manifests the tangible quite like the Magician. I think I have done this combination before, but I will add to it. There is power with the Magician and there is power with you, as the Magician in the situation. So you must be certain of where you are acting in this situation.


To me, the Ace of Pentacles indicates that you must consider the Source here. You must consider your core values and act only by those values. That way, you make certain that you don’t betray your deep principles and your action, your “magick”, your manifestation, isn’t distorted. With the power of the Magician you get what you ask for and what you desire, so check yourself!

So you must be certain of where you are acting in this situation. To me, the Ace of Pentacles indicates that you must consider the Source here. You must consider your core values and act only by those values.


The Moon, the Sun, and Lovers Card

This is a great indicator of success, even if the question wasn’t about love. The right blend has been achieved here, a perfect blend really as The Lovers is achieved when the Sun and the Moon meet under Gemini (which is the sign that rules the Lovers), don’t quote me there but I’m pretty sure that is the royal union indicated by this card.


Anyway, with this set of cards, you have male, female, yin, and yang. The perfect blend has been achieved, and the combination bodes well for love, relationships, outcomes, work, and situations of all kinds. This is also a combination of all Majors which is, well, Major. The advice here is to play it out and trust in this truly cosmic design.


Queen of Cups paired with the Moon

Two thoughts on this. The Queen of Cups needs the Queen of Swords to help her navigate the Moon. The Queen of Swords can use logic, skills, analysis, perception, and perhaps even medicine or technology to help the Queen of Cups uncover what is hidden, problematic, deep, or confusing (the Moon).

So, with this set, I would seek out a Queen of Swords for help or a second opinion (or you might have to be the Queen of Swords for someone else! In questions dealing with the Self, the energy surrounding the week, etc.

You’re going to have to fulfill both roles of these Queens. Dive into the depths of the Moon and use the intuition, emotions, spirituality, and compassion of the Queen of Cups, and then make sense of it and create with it using the skills of the Queen of Swords.

Just for fun, I like to address a few of the searched-for Tarot card combinations that have popped up in the lives of everyday readers (and my site stats!) As always I’m going to write whatever comes to me! Though I don’t know the context (question) of the card combination there is still a “flavor”, an “essence” to the combination.

I’m having fun with it, and I hope my thoughts inspire you to look at your Tarot card combinations in this way! So those of you who plugged in these search terms, this post (and this site!) is for you!

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