Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Famous Events For April 10

Famous Events For April 10 – Today In History

April 10: Today in History – Historical Events

18th Century – What Happened on April 10 – The 1700s

1. 10th April 1741: Frederick II of Prussia conquered Silesia by defeating Maria Theresa’s forces at Mollwitz.
2. 10th April 1790: President George Washington of the US today signed the Patent Act of 1790 and established the US patent system.


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19th Century – April 10 This Day That Year – The 1800s

3. 10th April 1809: Austria declared war on France. Austrian forces entered Bavaria.
4. 10th April 1814: The British and the Spanish today defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Toulouse. This defeat led to his abdication and exile to Elba.
5. 10th April 1825: The first hotel was opened in Hawaii today.
6. 10th April 1849: The safety pin was today patented by Walter Hunt. He later sold the rights for $100.
7. 10th April 1854: The constitution for Orange Free State in South Africa was proclaimed today.
8. 10th April 1862: Union forces began bombardment of Fort Pulaski in Georgia along the Tybee River.
9. 10th April 1865: General Robert E. Lee issued his last order at Appomattox during the American Civil War.
10. 10th April 1866: It was on this day that the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was incorporated.


20th Century – Important Events On This Day April 10th – The 1900s

11. 10th April 1902: The South African Bores today accepted British terms to surrender.
12. 10th April 1912: Titanic set sail today from Southampton in England.
13. 10th April 1916: The Professional Golfers Association (PGA) held its first championship tournament today.
14. 10th April 1919: Revolutionary leader Emiliano Zapata was today killed y government troops in Mexico.
15. 10th April 1922: The Genoa Conference was opened today. This meeting was used to discuss the reconstruction of Europe after World War I.
16. 10th April 1925: Tsaritsyn was renamed Stalingrad.
17. 10th April 1925: F. Scott Fitzgerald published “The Great Gatsby” for the first time today.
18. 10th April 1930: The first synthetic rubber was produced.
19. 10th April 1932: Paul von Hindenburg was today elected president of Germany with 19 million votes. Adolf Hitler polled 13 million votes.
20. 10th April 1936: 200 mirror blank arrives in Pasadena.
21. 10th April 1938: After the Austrians, in a referendum voted to merge with Germany, Germany annexed Austria.


22. 10th April 1938: The Syphilis test was made mandatory to get a marriage license in New York.
23. 10th April 1940: The Norwegian “national government” was today formed by Vidkun Quisling.
24. 10th April 1941: Ford Motor Co. became the last major automaker to recognize the United Auto Workers as the representative for its workers.
25. 10th April 1941: German troops conquer Libyan county Cyrenaica.
26. 10th April 1941: The U.S. troops today occupied Greenland to prevent Nazi infiltration during the World War II.
27. 10th April 1942: Cigarettes and candy were rationed in Holland.
28. 10th April 1943: General Montgomery occupies Sfax in Tunisia.
29. 10th April 1944: Odessa was recaptured from the Germans by the Russian troops.
30. 10th April 1945: Deventer was conquered by the Canadian troops.
31. 10th April 1945: US troops land on Tsugen Shima Okinawa.
32. 10th April 1945: Allies today liberated 1st Nazi concentration camp, Buchenwalt(Czech).
33. 10th April 1945: German troops attack Ijsselbrug.
34. 10th April 1945: Ten U.S. bombers were shot down by German Me 262 jet fighters near Berlin.
35. 10th April 1945: General Blaskowitz becomes the nazi leader of “Fort Holland”.
36. 10th April 1946: The first election for the Japanese Parliament was held today.
37. 10th April 1947: King Fredrik IX of Denmark was crowned today.
38. 10th April 1948: An Arab attack on Mishmar HaEmek was today repelled by Jewish Hagana
39. 10th April 1953: The first 3-D movie by a major Hollywood studio, “House of Wax”, was today released by Warner Brothers.

40. 10th April 1953: Actress Hedy Lamarr became a U.S. citizen.
41. 10th April 1953: Dag Hammarskjold became the 2nd Secretary-General of the United Nations.
42. 10th April 1955: The Polio vaccine was today successfully tested by Dr. Jonas Salk.
43. 10th April 1956: Philips today broadcasts the first Dutch color TV programs.
44. 10th April 1957: The government of Naboelsi resigns in Jordan.
45. 10th April 1957: The USSR performed an atmospheric nuclear test today.
46. 10th April 1959: The Crown Prince of Japan Price Akihito married commoner Michiko Shoda.
47. 10th April 1958: The northern strip of the Spanish Sahara was today ceded to Morocco.
48. 10th April 1960: The Civil Rights bill was today passed by the U.S. Senate.
49. 10th April 1961: Dutch foreign minister Luns talks to American President John F. Kennedy about New Guinea.
50. 10th April 1963: U.S. performs nuclear test at its Nevada Test Site.
51. 10th April 1963: The nuclear-powered submarine USS Thresher failed to surface off Cape Cod, killing 129 people.
52. 10th April 1964: To clear the way for a housing project, demolition begins on Polo Grounds.


53. 10th April 1964: An Iranian motor launch catches fire and sinks in the Persian Gulf killing 113 people.
54. 10th April 1967: The 13-day-long strike by the American Federation of Radio-TV Artists (AFTRA) ended barely two hours before the 39th Academy Awards presentation went on air.
55. 10th April 1968: The US today performed a nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site.
56. 10th April 1968: General Westmoreland in Vietnam was today replaced by General Creighton Abrams at the behest of U.S. President Johnson.
57. 10th April 1968: Ferry Wahine sinks in Wellington harbor in New Zealand on the route from Lyttelton, killing 51 people.
58. 10th April 1970: A split of the Beatles was today officially announced by Paul McCartney.
59. 10th April 1971: The Republican commemorations are held in Belfast of the Easter Rising, revealing conflicts between the two wings of the Irish Republican Army.
60. 10th April 1971: An American table tennis team, which received a surprise invitation while in Japan for the 31st World Table Tennis Championship, arrived in China today. They were the first group of Americans allowed in China after the People’s Republic was founded in 1949.


61. 10th April 1972: An earthquake of magnitude 7.0, kills about 1/5 of the population of the Iranian province of Fars.
62. 10th April 1972: In a bomb attack in Derry, two British soldiers were killed.
63. 10th April 1972: The United States and Soviet Union along with 70 other nations today signed an agreement banning biological warfare.
64. 10th April 1972: Oberdan Sallustro was today executed by communist guerrillas, 20 days after he was kidnapped in Buenos Aires.
65. 10th April 1973: Pakistan today suspended its constitution.
66. 10th April 1973: A plane crashed while attempting to land at Basel in Switzerland. 108 people died in the crash.
67. 10th April 1974: Resigning Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir was today replaced by Yitzhak Rabin. Differences within her Labor Party prompted her resignation.
68. 10th April 1974: The first meeting of magicians Penn and Teller.
69. 10th April 1979: Soyuz 33 was launched today with a Russian and Bulgarian on board.
70. 10th April 1980: Spain and Britain today agreed to reopen the border between Gibraltar and Spain which had remained closed since 1969.
71. 10th April 1981: Owing to a computer malfunction, the maiden launch of the space shuttle Columbia was canceled.


72. 10th April 1981: France performed a nuclear test today.
73. 10th April 1983: King Hussein of Jordan ceases negotiations with PLO.
74. 10th April 1984: Damaged Solar Max satellite snared by Challenger shuttle.
75. 10th April 1984: The U.S. Senate today condemned the CIA mining of Nicaraguan harbors.
76. 10th April 1986: The US today performed a nuclear test at its Nevada Test Site.
77. 10th April 1986: Benazir Bhutto returns to Pakistan.
78. 10th April 1988: In the largest transaction ever executed on the New York Stock Exchange, 48 million shares of Navistar International stock changed hands in a single stock trade.
79. 10th April 1989: Intel Corporation today announced the shipment of 80-486 chips.
80. 10th April 1990: Palestinian extremists released three European hostages in Beirut today. They were kidnapped by the extremists at sea in 1987.
81. 10th April 1991: A rare tropical storm develops near Angola in the Southern Hemisphere which was the first to be documented by satellites.
82. 10th April 1991: During a fog in Livorno in Italy, a boat rams into a tanker killing 138 people.
83. 10th April 1992: In Los Angeles when his Lincoln Savings and Loan collapsed, financier Charles Keating Jr. was sentenced to nine years in prison. The conviction was overturned later.
84. 10th April 1992: A bomb set up by the Irish Republican Army exploded in London’s financial district killing three people and injuring 91.

85. 10th April 1992: A bus bombing in Sri Lanka kills 25 people.
86. 10th April 1993: Chris Hani, the South African Communist Party leader was assassinated today.
87. 10th April 1994: NATO warplanes launched air strikes for the first time on Serb forces. The Serb forces were advancing on the Bosnian Muslim town of Gordazde, which had been declared a U.N. safe area.
88. 10th April 1995: Smoking in restaurants that seat 35 or more was banned in New York City.
89. 10th April 1996: U.S. President today vetoed a bill that would have outlawed a technique used for the termination of pregnancies in their late stages.
90. 10th April 1996: During tropical cyclone Olivia on Barrow Island in Australia, a wind speed of 408 km/h, the fastest wind speed ever was recorded.
91. 10th April 1998: A peace accord was reached by Negotiators on governing British-ruled Northern Ireland after Britain’s direct rule had ended.
92. 10th April 1999: Chinese dissidents and human rights activists launched a website www.June4.org to promote their campaign for democracy in China.

21st Century – April 10 This Day In History – The 2000s

93. 10th April 2000: Irregularities in the voting in Georgia’s presidential election on April 9, when President Eduard Shevardnadze was reelected to a new five-year term were reported by Monitors from the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
94. 10th April 2001: Mercy killing and assisted suicide for patients with an unbearable terminal illness was legalized in the Netherlands today.
95. 10th April 2001: Jane Swift today took office as the first female governor of Massachusetts. She succeeded Paul Cellucci, who resigned on being appointed as ambassador to Canada.
96. 10th April 2002: Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking in the U.S. Senate as a representative of the Israeli government, warned that suicide bombers would spread to the U.S. if Israel was not allowed to finish its military offensive in the West Bank
97. 10th April 2006: Hundreds of thousands of people in the United States protest Hj.R.4437, aka the “Sensenbrenner Bill”.
98. 10th April 2009: In Fiji, President Josefa Iloilo suspended the nation’s constitution, dismissed all judges and constitutional appointees, and assumed total power in the country.

99. 10th April 2010: A Polish Air Force Tu-154M with its President Lech Kaczynski on board crashed near Smolensk in Russia killing 96 people on board including the President.
100. 10th April 2012: The United Nations deadline for the withdrawal of Syrian troops passes and violence continues.

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