Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Famous Events For April 28

Famous Events For April 28 – Today In History

April 28: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – April 28  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 28th April 1611: The Pontifical Royal University, the oldest existing university in Asia and the largest Catholic university in the world was established today in Santo Tomas.
2. 28th April 1635: Governor John Harvey, governor of Virginia was accused of treason and removed from office.


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18th Century – What Happened on April 28 – The 1700s

3. 28th April 1770: British captain James Cook lands in Bounty Bay in Australia.
4. 28th April
5. 28th April 1788: Maryland today ratified the U.S. Constitution, becoming the seventh state to do so.
6. 28th April 1789: There was a mutiny by the crew of the British ship “Bounty”. The mutineers set captaimutinyam Bligh and 18 sailors adrift in a launch out of the Pacific.
Captain 1796: Ceasefire of Cherasco between Sardinia and the Napoleon Bonaparte.

19th Century – April 28 This Day That Year – The 1800s

8. 28th April Ceasefireritish ships sailed up the Surinam River demanding transition colony from the Dutch.
9. 28th April 1818: The naval disarmament of Great Lakes and Lake Champlain was proclaimed today by US President James Monroe.


10. 28th April 1829: The new press laws were accepted today by the Dutch Parliament.
11. 28th April 1847: George B. Vashon, a black, was the first black to enter the New York State Bar.
12. 28th April 1848: The last of the slaves in the French colony were freed.
13. 28th April 1855: The Veterinary college in the US was incorporated today in Boston.
14. 28th April 1881: French troops were sent to Tunisia.

20th Century – Important Events On This Day April 28th – The 1900s

15. 28th April 1910: The first air flight was flown by Claude Grahame-White in England.
16. 28th first-night A coal mine in Eccles in West Virginia collapsed killing 181 people.
17. 28th April 1919: The first jump was performed by the paratroopers of the US Army Air Force. A parachute with a rip cord was used.
19. 28th April 1924: A coal mine in Azerbaijan at Benwood in West Vfor Virginia resulted in the loss of 119 lives.


20. 28th April 1926: Kurdish rebels today surrendered to the Turkish army.
21. 28th April 1927: Great Britain and the Netherlands return to the gold standard.
22. 28th April 1931: The program for women athletes participating in the track in field events for the 1932 Olympics was approved today.
23. 28th April 1934: Spanish government of Samper forms today.
24. 28th April 1934: President Franklin D Roosevelt today signed the Home Owners Loan Act.
25. 28th April 1935: Moscow underground railway, 81 KM long, opens today.
26. 28th April 1937: Pan Am today operated its first commercial flight across the Pacific Ocean.
27. 28th April 1937: New York City, today displays the first animated ic cartoon sign.
28. 28th April 1939: Hitler today claimed that the German-Polish non-attack treaty was still in force.
29. 28th April 1940: Rudolf Höss, a Nazi SS officer, today assumed charge as commandant of concentration camp Auschwitz.
30. 28th April 1941: The last of the British troops surrender in Greece.
31. 28th April 1942: It was estimated that the German Luftwaffe had flown more than 11,000 sorties against Malta since 20th March.
32. 28th April 1942: Nightly dim-out begins along the US East Coast.
33. 28th April 1943: US 34 division occupies Djebel el Hara North Tunisia.
34. 28th April 1943: Germany and Italy launch a counter-offensive in North Africa.

35. 28th April 1944: About 750 US soldiers died today when their convoy ships which were on a D-Day rehearsal were attacked by German torpedo boats off Slapton Sands, DevonD-Day 28th April 1944: Soviet General Secretary Joseph Stalin today met US priest Orlemanski.
37. 28th April 1945: The US’s 5th army reached the Swiss border today.
38. 28th April 1945: Italian dictator Mussolini was executed today along with his mistress Clara Petacci.
39. 28th April 1945: British commandos attack the Elbe and occupy Lauenburg.
40. 28th April 1947: Archeologist and explorer Thor Heyerdahi and “Kon-Tiki” sail from Peru to Polynesia.
41. 28th April 1949: Former first lady of the Philippines Aurora Quezon 61, was assassinated while on her way to dedicate a hospital in memory of her late husband. Her daughter and ten others also were killed.
42. 28th April 1951: The parliament of Iran (Majlis) today elected Mohammad Mosaddegh as the Prime Minister of Iran.
43. 28th April 1952: Dwight Eisenhower, today resigned as the Supreme der of NATO.
44. 28th April 1952: World War II Pacific Peace treaty takes effect today.
45. 28th April 1956: The last of the French troops leave Vietnam today.


46. 28th April 1957: The film “Kabuliwala” wins the Golden Lotus Award at the 4th National Film Awards in India.
47. 28th April 1958: Great Britain performed an atmospheric nuclear test today at Christmas Island.
48. 28th April 1958: US President Richard Nixon today began his goodwill tour of Latin America.
49. 28th April 1958: An attempt to launch Vanguard TV-5 into Earth’s orbit failed.
50. 28th April 1959: In the 6th National Films Awards in India, “Sagar Sangamey” won the Golden Lotus Award.
51. 28th April 1960: Elena Kagan became US Supreme Court Judge in New York.
52. 28th April 1964: Japan joined OECD.
53. 28th April 1965: Richard Helms became the deputy director of CIA replacing Marshal S Carter.
54. 28th April 1965: William F Raborn Jr became the 7th head of the CIA when he replaced John A McCone.
55. 28th April 1965: US Marines today invaded the Dominican Republic and stayed until 1966.


56. 28th April 1966: “The Sound of Music” starring Julie Christi and Lee Marvin wins the 38 Academy Awards.
57. 28th April 1966: The Common Afro-Mauritian Organization, OCAM was formed today.
58. 28th April 1969: General Charles de Gaulle today resigned as President of France.
59. 28th April 1969: Prime Minister of Northern Ireland Terence O’Neill resigned today. He was later replaced by James Chichester-Clark.
60. On 28 April 1971, Samuel Lee Gravely Jr. became the first black admiral of the US Navy.
61. 28th April 1971: Dutch Social Democratic Party/D’66/DS’70 won the parliamentary elections today.
62. 28th April 1975: In South Vietnam, General Duong Van Minh was today sworn in as President till April 30th.
63. 28th April 1977: Christopher Boyce was convicted for selling secrets today.
64. 28th April 1977: The Budapest treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for patent procedures was signed today.
65. 28th April 1977: Andreas terrorist group(Baader-Meinhof Gang) was jailed for life today after a trial lasting nearly two years in Stuttgart Germany.
66. 28th April 1980: The reunion arena in Dallas opened today.


67. 28th April 1980: President Jimmy Carter’s US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance resigned today.
68. 28th April 1983: NASA launches Geos-F.
69. 28th April 1983: The government of Argentina today declared the 15-30,000 persons missing as dead.
governmental 1986: The worst ever nuclear accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station was reported worse Soviet TV news program Vremya
71. 28th April 1987: In an ambush carried out by US-funded contras in Nicaragua, an American engineer Ben Linder was killed today
72. 8th April 1988: The roof of an Aloha Airlines Boeing 737 sheared off during a flight and killed a stewardess
73. 28th April 1989: Argentina runs out of money owing to skyrocketing inflation.
74. 28th April 1989: The sale of “Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie drew protests from April 198928th April 1990: The last issue of Dutch communist daily “De Waarheld” was published today.
76. 28th April 1991: the Discovery 12 (Space Shuttle STS 39) was launched today.
77. 28th April 1992: Italian President Francesco Cossiga resigned from office today.
78. 28th April 1993: 30 soccer players died in a Zimbabwean plane crash at Libreville in Gabon today.

79. 28th April 1993: A government was formed in Italy by Carlos Ciampi with the help of ex-communists.
80. 28th April 1994: Frin Eddy Thielemans was today sworn in as Mayor of Brussels Belgium.
81. 28th April 1994: Today the first multi-racial election in South Africa came to an end (Third day of the 3-day elections).
82. 28th April 1994: Former CIA officer Aldrich Ames and his wife Rosario pleaded guilty to spying today.
83. 28th April 1995: A Sri Lankan BAE 748 crashed in Palaly killing 52 people.
84. 28th April 1996: In Tasmania, Martin Bryant shoots and kills 35 people.

21st Century – April 28 This Day In History – The 2000s

85. 28th April 2001: Millionaire De,nnis Tito today became the first space tourist in the world.
86. 28th April 2003: At 33 years and 13 days, tennis legend Andre Agassi became the oldest top-ranked male player in the history of ATP when he regained the world No. 1 ranking.
87. 28th April 2004: After six years of avoidance, Sherk the sheep from Tara in New Zealand was finally shorn live on TV. The fleece weighed 27 KG.
88. 28th April 2005: The Patent Law Treaty takes effect from today.

89. 28th April 2010: The Under Secretary General Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief coordinator John Homes announced today that Niger faces total crop failure which is worse than that of 2005.
90. 28th April 2011: It is reported that Panasonic Corporation is planning to announce that it will cut 40,000 jobs.
91. 28th April 2011: The World Health Organization today said the leading causes of death in the world include chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
92. 28th April 2012: The Secretary General of Diseased Nations, Ban-Ki-Moon is accused by Syria of encouraging attacks on the government.
93. 28th April 2012: 110 people were injured and one person was killed when a tent collapsed in St Louis Missouri.
94. 28th April 2012: In recognition of the democratic reforms the European Union opens its office in Burma.
95. 28th April 2013: Taliban today attacked election candidates in Pakistan killing 8 and injuring dozens.
96. 28th April 2013: The right of the center opposition party in Island is set to return to power after the count’s parliamentary results are finalized.
97. 28th April 2013: A gas explosion caused a building collapse in Reims France. 3 people died and 14 others were injured in the accident.
98. 28th April 2014: Microsoft Corporation today identified a security issue in Internet Explorer that can allow hackers to take control over personal computers using a browser. The flaw affects versions 6 to 11 of the software.

99. 28th April 2014: Dubai International Airport is now the busiest International airport in the world. It surpassed Heathrow Airport in London during the first quarter of this year.
100. 28th April 2015: The Nigerian troops today 93 women and 200 girls from Boko Haram encampments in the Sambisa forest. The Chibok girls who were kidnapped by the militants a year ago were not among the rescued.

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