Monday, March 17, 2025
Famous Events For August 12

Famous Events For August 12 – Today In History

August 12: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – August 12 Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. August 12, 0003 – The combination of Venus-Jupiter: Star of Bethlehem
2. August 12, 1071 – Byzantines, Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes defeated by Alp Arslan
3. August 12, 1099 – The Egyptian Fatimid army was defeated by Godfried of Broth, who commanded the campaigners at the Battle of Ascalon


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4. August 12, 1121 – King David the Builder commanded the Georgian army to critical victory over the well-known Seljuk commander Illghazi
5. August 12, 1164 – The army of campaigners of the County of Tripoli and the domain of Antioch were defeated by Nur ad-Din at the Battle of Harim
6. August 12, 1323 – Normalising the border between Sweden and Novgorod (Russia) for the first time at the Treaty of Noteborg
7. August 12, 1332 – Hereditary was of Scots: Battle of Dupplin
8. August 12, 1336 – Commercial selling of wool to Flanders banned by the English King Edward III
9. August 12, 1480 – 800 Christians who refused to embrace Islam were executed at the Battle of Otranto
10. August 12, 1492 – On his journey to the New World, Christopher Columbus reaches the Canary Islands
11. August 12, 1449 – Venetian and Ottoman armies clash for the first time at the Battle of Zonchio
12. August 12, 1530 – Florence vanquished by Emperor Karel I
13. August 12, 1549 – All English prisoners of war were killed by the French army on conquering Ambleteuse
14. August 12, 1553 – Seizure and destruction by burning of collection of writings of Jewish Talmud ordered by Pope Julius III


15. August 12, 1588 – The pursuit of the Spanish army offshore of Scotland was withdrawn by the English Army Chief Lord Howard of Effingham
16. August 12, 1588 – Spanish army gains victory over Medembik
17. August 12, 1658 – A police force was formulated in America for the first time
18. August 12, 1665 – Dutch navy defeated by English navy
19. August 12, 1676 – American settlers and Indians stop in New England for their first war
20. August 12, 1687 – Under the command of Charles of Lorraine, the army of the Holy Roman Emperor, defeats the Ottoman intruders in Hungary at the War of Mohacs


18th Century – What Happened on August 12 – The 1700s

21. August 12, 1759 – The combined forces of Russian-Austrian conquers Prussians
22. August 12, 1793 – The department of Rhone-et-Loire was divided into two – Rhone and Loire when the department of Rhone was established

19th Century – August 12 This Day That Year – The 1800s

23. August 12, 1812 – Madrid was invaded by the forces of the Duke of Willington
24. August 12, 1813 – King George III selects Robert Southey as British Poet Laureate
25. August 12, 1831 – Leuven vanquished by Dutch forces
26. August 12, 1831 – A peace agreement between Netherlands and Belgium
27. August 12, 1833 – Amalgamation of the town of Chicago
28. August 12, 1851 – In a contest around the Isle of Weight, US yacht America defeats British Aurora

29. August 12, 1851 – Copyrights of the sewing machine by American inventor Isaac Singer
30. August 12, 1856 – Copyrights for accordion by Anthony Fass
31. August 12, 1861 – Apache Indians fight the protesters in a battle at Texas
32. August 12, 1862 – Gallatin, TX seized by Gen John Hunt Morgan and his invaders
33. August 12, 1863 – a ship carrying timber sails for Burrard Inlet (Vancouver BC)
34. August 12, 1865 – 1st antibacterial surgical procedure conducted by Joseph Lister
35. August 12, 1867 – Secretary of War Edwin Stanton was removed by US President Andrew Johnson, challenging the Congress
36. August 12, 1A proclamation by the self-proclaimed Emperor Joshua Abraham Norton of the USA eradicated the Democratic and Republican parties of the USA
37. August 12, 1876 – Countess Dufferin (Canada) defeated by Madeline (US) in the 4th America’s Cup


38. August 12, 1877 – A sounding recording machine, Edison Phone, developed by Thomas Edison
39. August 12, 1879 – 1st competition of the National Archery Association
40. August 12, 1883 – The death of the last zebra subspecies at the Artis Magistra Zoo in Amsterdam
41. August 12, 1884 – Double century (211) scored by Bill Murdoch at the 1st Cricket Test, v Aust at Oval
42. August 12, 1886 – In a cricket Test Match against Aust, The Oval, W. G. Grace achieved the highest score
43. August 12, 1888 – 1st motor trip by Bertha, wife of Karl Benz, the designer, Karl Benz
44. August 12,1896 – Football team, Willem II started in Tilburg
45. August 12, 1898 – US takes over Hawaii
46. August 12, 1898 – Peace treaty ending the Spanish-American battle agreed


20th Century – Important Events On This Day August 12 – The 1900

47. August 12, 1901 – Expulsion of Boer general Kritzinger from Cape colony
48. August 12, 1903 – A memorandum by the Japanese Minister to Russia objecting to its noncompliance to vacate Manchuria submitted to the Russian Government
49. August 12,1905 – Inauguration of Antwerp Central Station by King Leopold II
50. August 12, 1908 – The first T Model automobile fabricated by Henry Ford’s establishment
51. August 12, 1914 – The combined forces of France and Britain wage battle against Austria-Hungary
52. August 12, 1914 – Horse mounted troops war at Halen, Belgium
53. August 12, 1915 – The publication of the book, “Of Human Bondage” by the author, William Somerset Maugham
54. August 12, 1916 – The pictures of Picasso, Max Jac0b, Kisling, Ortiz, and Paqueerette were taken in Paris


55. August 12, 1918 – In WWI, the Germans were defeated by the Allied Forces at the War of Amiens. This was the final battle on the Western side
56. August 12, 1920 – Poland and Russia declare battle against each other at the Battle of Warsaw
57. August 12, 1922 – The residence of Frederick Douglas in Washington DC converted as a national memorial
58. August 12, 1923 – De Geer was removed and substituted by Dutch AR Leader Coair, as minister of Fiancés
59. August 12, 1925 – Radio broadcasting by KMA – AM in Shenandoah IA started
60. August 12, 1925 – The first chapter called ‘cast’ of Alpha, Psi Omega was portrayed from the Masques of Fairmount College, West Virginia
61. August 12, 1928 – Ending of the 9th Olympic game at Amsterdam
62. August 12, 1931 – The embankment along the river Yangtze washed away in China due to floods caused by incessant rain
63. August 12, 1933 – The military takes over control of Cuba and the Dictator Machado y Morales runs away
64. August 12, 1935 – Sarah Palfrey Crooke was defeated by Helen Jacob at the 49th US Women’s National Championship (6-2,6-4)
65. August 12, 1936 – State record temperature of 120 F reached at Seymour, Texas

66. August 12, 1936 – At the age of 13 years, 268 days, by winning gold at the Olympics, Diver Marjorie becomes the youngest to receive the medal
67. August 12, 1940 – Cloth regulations started in the Netherlands
68. August 12, 1940 – The British Radio location instruments were destroyed by the Luftwaffe which lost 31 airplanes
69. August 12, 1941 – The Nazis of Germany received complete backing from the French Marshall Henri Petain
70. August 12, 1942 – Meeting between Winston Churchill and Stalin in Moscow f1
71. August 12, 1943 – The first experimental test on the Navy ship USS Eldridge
72. August 12, 1944 – Discussion meeting between Churchill and Tito in Naples
73. August 12, 1944 – 560 persons were killed in Sant’Anna di Stazzema by the Waffen SS army
74. August 12, 1948 – 12 years’ imprisonment was awarded to the German Commander in the Netherlands by the Court of Justice General Friedrich Christiansen
75. August 12, 1949 – In the 16th NFL Chicago All-star Play, Philadelphia scores 38, All Stars 0
76. August 12, 1950 – Ottawa Roughriders were defeated by NY Giants, 20-6 in Ottawa
77. August 12, 1950 – A circular letter by Pope Pius XII published on ‘Human Generis’
78. August 12, 1951 – LPGA World Golf Championship achieved by Babe Didrikson-Zaharias
79. August 12, 1952 – Crowning of Hussain ibn Talal as king of Jordan

80. August 12, 1953 – The first woman to navigate alone across the Atlantic to Miami in her long boat, Felicity Ann, was Ann Davison
81. August 12, 1953 – 435 perished when an earthquake hit the Ionian Islands
82. August 12, 1953 – The first hydrogen bomb test was conducted secretly by the Soviet Union
83. August 12, 1955 – Scoring achieved by All-star 30, Cleveland 27 in the 22nd NFL Chicago All-star Game
84. August 12, 1955 – The minimum wage of 78cents raised to 1$ per hour by US President Eisenhower
85. August 12, 1956 – Stat of broadcasting by KOTI TV channel 2 in Klamath Falls.
86. August 12, 1959 – John Steytler starts his Progressive Party in South Africa
87. August 12, 1960 – The first communication satellite, Echo 1, fired
88. August 12, 1960 – Long jump record of 8.32 m achieved by Ralph Boston of the US
89. August 12, 1960 – An altitude of 41600 m was reached by Major Robert M White of USAF with the X-15 experimental aircraft
90. August 12, 1962 – Two persons were in space for the first time
91. August 12, 1963 – Announcement by Stan Musial that he would retire at the end of the year
92. August 12, 1964 – Racial rebellion in Elizabeth, NJ
93. August 12, 1965 – The first woman to become English High Court Judge was Dame Elizbeth Lane
94. August 12, 1965 – Request for NL contract by Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club Inc
95. August 12, 1967 – St Louis defeated by New Orleans Saints, 23-14
96. August 12, 1969 – The rebellion in Bogside was tried to be curbed by RUC staff, supported by loyalists by using CS gas, water jets, and arms. This lasted for two days at the war of the Bog side
97. August 12, 1970 – 41$ million antitrust suit was lost by Curt Flood against baseball
98. August 12, 1971 – Ambassadorial relationship with Jordan cut off by Syrian President Hafez Al-Assad
99. August 12, 1972 – Centuries achieved in the same test cricket innings by Ian and Greg Chappell
100. August 12,1972 – Vacating of Vietnam by the American Army
101. August 12, 1973- LPGA Child and Family Service Golf accomplished by Betty Burfeindt
102. August 12,1973 – Betty Morris achieves WPBA National Championship
103. August 12, 1974 – First teammates to become to be welcomed to the Hall of Fame on the same day are Yankees Mickey Mantle and Whitey Ford
104. August 12,1976 – Orbiter Enterprise’s first test of land and approach
105. August 12, 1976 – Thousands died as the Christian army took over the Palestinian camp Tell al-Za’tar
106. August 12,1977 – NASA sends High Energy Astronomy Observatory into Earth’s orbit
107. August 12, 1977 – First space travel by Spacecraft, Enterprise

108. August 12, 1978 – A Record shower of 336 hours by Arron Marshall
109. August 12, 1978 – Study of the solar wind by sending International Cometary Explorer
110. August 12, 1978 – Peace accord agreement between China and Japan
111. August 12, 1979 – Judy achieves LPGA WUI Golf Classic Rankin
112. August 12, 1980 – The Latin American Integration Association comes into existence by an agreement of the Montevideo Treaty
113. August 12, 1981 – First personal Computer designed by IBM
114. August 12, 1981 – The first swimmer to triple cross the English Channel was Jon Erikson (US)
115. August 12, 1983 – The control of the Panamanian force is taken over by General Manuel A. Norieqhe u who becomes the Commandeer
116. August 12, 1984 – Ending of the 23rd Olympic game in Los Angeles, Calif
117. August 12,1984 – Hall of Fame welcomes Harmon Killebrew, Rick Ferrell, and Don Drysdale. Pee Wee Reese and Luis Aparicio
118. August 12, 1985 – The tragic death of 520 in a Japanese Boeing air accident
119. August 12, 1986 – Rocket attack by Iraq on the Iranian Terminal at Sirri island to harm the Iranian sale to other countries
120. August 12, 1987 – The 870 ft Tyrolean Traverse scaled by Charles Cole, from a height of Elephant Rock
121. August 12,1988 – Treatment for tuberculosis given to Nelson Mandela
122. August 12, 1988 – Appointment of US Attorney General. Richard Thorn Burgh takes charge
123. August 12, 1990 –Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq announces his intention to solve the Gulf problem, if the army of Israel vacates the occupied region
124. August 12, 1991 – Greyhound Bus restructuring action gets support through a vote by creditors
125. August 12, 1991 – Viv Richards, Dujon, and Marshall, call it a day for Test Cricket
126. August 12, 1992 – Agreement between Canada, Mexico, and United States reached for trade and commerce – North American Free Trade Agreement
127. August 12,1993 – Travel plan to the US completed for the visit of Pope John Paul II and visit started
128. August 12,1994 – 142 died in a terror situation in a church of Brazzaville
129. August 12, 1994 – Oath taken by Stephen G. Brever as Supreme Court Justice
130. August 12,1995 – 152 runs scored at Trent Bridge by Lara, his 6th Test Cricket Century
131. August 12, 1996 – First release of “Breakfast on Fox”
132. August 12, 1999 – “MTV Unplugged” live book in New York by Shakira, singer

21st Century – August 12 This Day In History – The 2000s

133. August 12, 2000 – The Russian Navy submarine, K 141 Kursk of Oscar class shatters and drowns in the Barents Sea during a defense drill
134. August 12,2001 – Ending of 8th World Championship in Athletes at Edmonton, Canada
135. August 12, 2004 – Governor of New Jersey, James McGreevy declares publicly as a gay man
136. August 12, 2005 – LTTE assassinates the Foreign Minister, Lakshman Kadirgamar at his house
137. August 12, 2005 – a sporadic striking of the cyclone F1 of Glen Cove, an unusual incident on Long Island
138. August 12, 2007 – Tiger Wood achieves 272 shoots at Southern Hills at the 94th PGA Championships
139. August 12, 2012 – Ending of the 30th Olympic Games in London, UK
140. August 12,2013 – Suicide bomb attackers kill 8 persons and injure 25 in Balad, Iraq
141. August 12, 2013 – Swearing in of Ibrahim Boubacar Keita as President of Mali
142. August 12, 2014 – The use of trial medicines to treat the Ebola Virus was approved by the World Health Organisation under special conditions
143. August 12, 2015 – In continuous explosions in Tianjin, China, 50 were feared to have died, and a hundred sustained injuries
144. August 12, 2015 – To increase the sale of materials to countries outside China, the yuan rate was reduced for the 2nd day by China
145. August 12,2015 – Revelation by Jimmy Carter, US President that he was suffering from cancer
146. August 12, 2016 – burkini prohibited in Cannes, the French resort, for the first time

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