Monday, March 17, 2025
Famous Events For August 22

Famous Events For August 22 – Today In History

August 22: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – August 22 Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. August 22, 0392 – Eugenius appointed as Western Roman Emperor
2. August 22, 0476 – The army commanded by Odoacer called him king of Italy
3. August 22, 0655 – the supposed appearance of a giant in Loch Ness as stated by St Columbia
4. August 22, 0851 – Charles the Bald was vanquished by Erispoe near Breton town of Jengland
5. August 22, 1138 – The English were victorious against the Scots at Cowton Moor. Banners of different saints were displayed and it was called the War of Standard


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6. August 22, 1454 – King Ladislaus directed that all Jews be driven out of Brunn Moravia
7. August 22, 1485 – English King Richard III was defeated by Henry Tudor at the war of Bosworth Field
8. August 22, 1543 – Duren conquered by Emperor Charles V
9. August 22, 1559 – archbishop Bartholome de Carranza was declared a heretic and arrested
10. August 22, 1572 – an attempt to kill Gaspard de Coligny, a French aristocrat and army commander, leader of French protestants failed
11. August 22, 1582 – King of Scotland, James VI was apprehended
12. August 22, 1603 – The first foundation stone was laid for the church, Zuiderkerk in Amsterdam
13. August 22, 1614 – A business community under advice from Vincent Fettmilch chased and looted Jews out of their places in Frankfurt
14. August 22, 1632 – Prince Frederick Henry conquers Maastricht
15. August 22, 1639 – The British East India Company purchased land from the native Nayak monarchs and established Madras (now Chennai)
16. August 22, 1642 – Rebellion in England between Royalists and Parliament
17. August 22, 1654 – Jacob Bar Simson. A Jewish settler. disembarks in New Amsterdam (modern Manhattan)


18th Century – What Happened on August 22 – The 1700s

18. August 22, 1707 – an agreement between Sweden and Prussia on defense matters
19. August 22, 1717 – Spanish army seize Sardinia
20. August 22, 1762 – Ann Franklin was the first woman editor of the US newspaper, Newport RI, Mercury
21. August 22, 1770 – James Cook, explorer arrives on the east shore of Australia
22. August 22, 1775 – King George III declares that there should be rebellion in colonies
23. August 22, 1780 – Captain James Cook did not return to England in the ship “Resolution”
24. August 22, 1787 – tests on John Fitch’s steamboat completed many years before Fulton
25. August 22, 1788 – Sierra Leone, a place of safety for earlier slaves
26. August 22, 1791 – Usurping for raising commenced under the guidance of a voodoo vicar and was known as the Haitian Slave Revolution


27. August 22, 1798 – to help the United Irishmen’s Irish revolt under the command of Wolfe Tone, the French army arrives in Kilcummin port, County Mayo, Ireland

19th Century – August 22 This Day That Year – The 1800s

28. August 22, 1827 – Jose de La Mar installed as President of Peru
29. August 22, 1848 – New Mexico added as part of the United States
30. August 22, 1849 – Austria strikes against the Italian city of Venice using driverless balloons – commencement of air strike in history
31. August 22, 1851 – discovery of gold in Australia
32. August 22, 1862 – assault on Fort Ridgely by Santee Sioux Indians
33. August 22, 1864 – acceptance of the first Geneva Convention in Geneva for the betterment of the injured army in the war field

34. August 22, 1865 – copyright for liquid soap issued to William Sheppard in the US
35. August 22, 1875 – swapping of Sakhalin for the Kuril Islands between Russia and Japan endorsed by an agreement of Saint Petersburg
36. August 22, 1885 – Richard Sears vanquishes Godfrey M Brinley at the 5th US Men’s National Championship game
37. August 22, 1894 – intolerance in Natal against Indian merchants was resisted by Mahatma Gandhi by formed a Natal Indian Congress
38. August 22, 1898 – Malcolm Whitman defeats Dwight F Davis at the 18th US Men’s National Championship game


20th Century – Important Events On This Day August 22 – 1900

39. August 22, 1901 – institution of Cadillac Motor Company
40. August 22, 1902 – The first US Chief Executive to drive in an automobile was US President Theodore Roosevelt
41. August 22, 1910 – Japan seizes Korea
42. August 22, 1912 – tri-series competition achieved by England by vanquishing Australia
43. August 22, 1914 – The army under Gen von Bulows defeats the French in the war at Charleroi
44. August 22, 1914 – acceptance of the Canadian Finance Act
45. August 22, 1914 – hundreds of residents of Tampines, Belgium were killed by the German army
46. August 22, 1914 – Von Ludendorff and Paul von Hindenburg arrive in East Prussia on the way to Russia


47. August 22, 1921 – appointment of J Edgar Hoover as Assistant Director of the FBI
48. August 22, 1923 – world record run achieved by Paavo Nurmi
49. August 22, 1926 – In South Africa, gold was discovered in Johannesburg
50. August 22, 1926 – Gen Pangulos, Greek autocrat was forced to quit
51. August 22, 1927 – 40th hit of 60 homers by Babe Ruth, Baseball legend
52. August 22, 1930 – Ashes regained on the 6th day of the 5th cricket match by Australia
53. August 22, 1932 – TV transmission by BBC on a tentative basis
54. August 22, 1933 – inauguration of the Zionist Congress in Prague
55. August 22, 1934 – Ashes regained by Australia by defeating England by 562 runs in a cricket match
56. August 22, 1934 – Wes Ferrell of Red Sox hits 2 HRs to defeat White Sox 3-2 in 12


57. August 22, 1939- In anticipation of the invasion by Germans, the Dutch border forces get ready for assault
58. August 22, 1939 – The Dutch on vacation at the Black Forest was asked to return by Prime Minister De Geer
59. August 22, 1941 – Nazi army arrive in Leningrad
60. August 22, 1942 – declaration of combat by Brazil on Germany, Japan and Italy
61. August 22, 1943 – Kharkov liberated by Soviet army
62. August 22, 1944 – commands by Adolf Hitler that Paris be demolished
63. August 22, 1944 – the last batch of French Jews travel to Germany
64. August 22, 1945 – 110 scored for Aust Services by Bob Cristofani at Old Trafford
65. August 22, 1945 – “Sigh no More” by Noel Coward debuts in London
66. August 22, 1945 – Ho Chi Minh commands a victorious military rebellion and thus starts the Vietnam struggle
67. August 22, 1946 – Oslo marathon achieved by Mikko Hieanen (2:24:55)
68. August 22, 1947 – In the 14th NFL Chicago All-Star Play. All Stars score while Chicago Bears score nil (105,840)
69. August 22, 1950 – the English Channel was crossed by swimming by Abdel Rahim

70. August 22, 1950 – 1st black contestant in a US countrywide tennis rivalry was Althea Gibson
71. August 22, 1950 – harbour workers at Rotterdam call off their agitation
72. August 22, 1951 – In front of 75052 Harlem Globetrotters perform in the Olympic Stadium
73. August 22, 1952 – the settlement for punishment on Devil’s Island shut forever
74. August 22, 1953 – The Shah of Iran arrives in Tehran
75. August 22, 1954 – Golden Lion awarded to “Romeo and Juliet” by Renato Castellani at the 15th Venice Film Festival
76. August 22, 1954 – commencement of TV transmission by WPTV TV channel 5 in Palm Beach
77. August 22, 1956 – commencement of recording the film “The Reno Brothers” by Elvis Presley
78. August 22, 1956- The Republican party recommended US President Eisenhower and VP Richard Nixon at their conference in San Francisco
79. August 22, 1957 –Floyd Patterson and Pete Rademacher for heavyweight boxing award
80. August 22, 1958 – atomic test at Christmas Island by Great Britain
81. August 22, 1959 – three successive HRs by Cincinnati Rd Frank Robinson
82. August 22, 1960 – LPGA Asheville Golf Open achieved by Betsy Rawls
83. August 22, 1961 – 50th hit of 61 homers by Maris
84. August 22, 1962 – an attempt to kill Charles de Gaulle, President, France fails
85. August 22, 1962 – atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya, USSR
86. August 22, 1962 – first journey by sea of Savannah, the 1st world ship powered by atomic energy, from Yorktown, Va, to Savanah. Ga
87. August 22, 1963 – a height of 354,200 feet achieved by X-15 missile aircraft – a world record
88. August 22, 1964 – a combined shopping place formed by Guinee, Liberia and Ivory Coast
89. August 22, 1964 – “Where Did Our Love Go” achieves no.1 position

90. August 22, 1965 – LPGA Omaha Jaycee Golf Open won by Clifford Ann Creed
91. August 22, 1965 – a fight of 15 minutes caused by Juan Marshal, a pitcher of the San Francisco Giants, hitting John Roseboro, catcher LA Dodger, on the head
92. August 22, 1966 – arrival of Beatles in New York
93. August 22, 1968 – Pope Paul VI travels to Bogota, Latin America, to inaugurate a gathering of the Clergy.
94. August 22, 1968 – the published information by the Society of Labour Attorneys about the bias in Northern Ireland was severely judged by trade unions
95. August 22, 1969 – “Long and Winding Road” a video made by the Beatles
96. August 22, 1969 – 2nd miss Black America awarded to Gloria O Smith
97. August 22, 1971 – Military rebellion commanded by Hugo Banzer in Bolivia, Torres thrown out
98. August 22, 1971 – LPGA Southgate Golf Open won by Pam Barnett
99. August 22, 1972 – The racist strategies of Rhodesia cause it to be disqualified from Olympic Plays
100. August 22, 1973 – President Allende was indicted by parliamentarians of Chile of violating rules
101. August 22, 1973 – William Rogers was replaced by Henry Kissinger as Minister of Foreign Affairs
102. August 22, 1975 – Inauguration of Mc Nichols Sports Stadium in Denver
103. August 22, 1976 – LPGA Patty Berg Golf Classic achieved by Kathy Whitworth
104. August 22, 1978 – National Palace in Managua, Nicaragua inhabited by Sandinistas
105. August 22, 1979 – Andrew Young was backed by hundreds of black mentors in NY
106. August 22, 1980 – AL holders oppose the proposed sale of Chicago White Sox to Eddie De Bartolo Sr for $ 20,000,000 by Bill Veeck
107. August 22, 1982 – A discussion for calm cohabitation was proposed by Israeli General Ariel Sharon to Palestinians
108. August 22, 1984 – US President Ronald Regan and Vice President George H.W. Bush were nominated again by the Republican resolution
109. August 22, 1985 – US triumphs 30th Walker Cup: 13-11

110. August 22, 1985- 55 perished when an Air tours Boeing Airplane 737 accident over Manchester
111. August 22, 1986 – Volcano becomes active and the poisonous gas kills 1735
112. August 22, 1986 – tests approved for verification of detonation compression announced by NASA
113. August 22, 1987 – “Who is that Girl” by Madonna becomes No.1
114. August 22, 1988 – 1st coin made from platinum released by Australia
115. August 22, 1988 – Atomic test at Nevada Test site by US
116. August 22, 1989 – the discovery of a ring around Neptune
117. August 22, 1990 – reserve defense was requested by US President George H. W. Bush
118. August 22, 1991 – 100 m backstroke swimming best achieved by Kristina Egerszegi
119. August 22, 1992 – spin bowlers Mathews and White make Australia win against Sri Lanka
120. August 22, 1993 –Minnesota LPGA Golf Classic achieved by Hiromi Kobayashi
121. August 22, 1993 – valedictory of 4th World Championship in Athletics at Stuttgart Germany
122. August 22, 1994 – the killing of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman by O.J. Simpson was established by DNA testing
123. August 22, 1994 – Installation of the government of Wim Cook in the Netherlands
124. August 22, 1996 – Truth and Reconciliation Authority gets the first proposal from ANC

21st Century – August 22 This Day In History – The 2000s

125. August 22, 2003 – The Chief Justice of Alabama Roy Moore refuses to take away a boulder with the writings of Ten Commandments from the court premises and gets suspended
126. August 22, 2004 – two paintings of “The Scream” and “Madonna” by Edvard Munch were pilfered at gunpoint from the Museum in Oslo, Norway
127. August 22, 2007 – Texas Rangers defeat the Baltimore Orioles, 30-3, the maximum number of runs achieved by a team in MLB past
128. August 22, 2007 – The remotely controlled internet, Storm botnet, by Storm Worm, delivers 57 million e-mails in a day
129. August 22, 2012 – The Syrian civil battle leaves 47 people dead
130. August 22, 2012 – World Trade Organisation enrolls Russia and Vanuatu as its members
131. August 22, 2013 – in Western Iraq, 14 persons were killed by reckless shelling
132. August 22, 2014 – Ebola claims the 2nd death in Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa
133. August 22, 2015 – the inauguration of the 15th World Championships in Athletics in Beijing, China
134. August 22, 2015 – 11 people feared dead in an accident involving antique Hawker Hunter aircraft and A-27 during the Shoreham aircraft show in Britain

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