Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Famous Events For August 23

Famous Events For August 23 – Today In History

August 23: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – August 23 Historic Events – Before the 1700s

  1. August 23, 0079 – On the holy day of the Roman god of fire, Vulcan, the mountain began to move
  2. August 23, 0406 – At the war of Florence, the Roman Army under General Stilicho, vanquishes Barbarians commanded by Radagaisus


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  3. August 23, 0476 – Crowning of Odoacer, the 1st barbarian king of Italy
  4. August 23, 1046 – Bishop Utrecht receives monetary assistance from King Henry III
  5. August 23, 1305 – Edward I, King of England, orders that William Wallace, a Scottish nobleman be put to death for disloyalty
  6. August 23, 1328 – the rebellion of Flemish agriculturists suppressed the French army at the War of Kassel
  7. August 23, 1328 – Crowning of King Philip VI of France
  8. August 23, 1441 – no war agreement between Holland and Hanzesteden reached
  9. August 23, 1514 – Sultan Selim I of the Ottoman  Empire defeats conclusively the founder of Safavids, Shah Ismail at the war of Chaldiran
  10. August 23, 1541 – in his third expedition to Canada, Jacques Cartier, a French voyager, arrives in Quebec City
  11. August 23, 1542 – annotation on Tur Code was completed by Rabbi Joseph Caro
  12. August 23, 1553 – appointment of Bishop Stephen Gardiner as English Lord Leader
  13. August 23, 1555 – civil liberties given to Calvinists in the Netherlands
  14. August 23, 1582 – an accolade for Earl of Flanders by French van Valois
  15. August 23, 1595 – In the war of Calugareni, Michael the Brave challenges the army of the Ottoman
  16. August 23, 1614 – inauguration of the University of Groningen
  17. August 23, 1617 – traffic controlled in London streets in one direction for the first time


    18th Century – What Happened on August 23 – The 1700s

  18. August 23, 1708 – installation of Meidingnu Pamheiba as king of Manipur
  19. August 23, 1711- The army under Admiral Hove den Walkers seizes St Lawrence
  20. August 23, 1784 – colonists of Eastern Tennessee declare independence for their area of settlement area Franklin. This was not accepted by the mainland Congress after one year
  21. August 23, 1796 – integrated Church for African Methodist Papal opened
  22. August 23, 1799 – Napoleon travels to France and grabs supremacy on the way

    19th Century – August 23 This Day That Year – The 1800s

  23. August 23, 1813 – French The army resisted by Prussians under the control of von Bulow at the War of Grossbeeren
  24. August 23, 1838 – classes for students at the graduate level commenced in Mt Holyoke Female Seminary
  25. August 23, 1839 – Hong Kong seized by the British from China
  26. August 23, 1850 – Worcester, Massachusetts was the venue for the 1st US National Women’s Rights Conference
  27. August 23, 1862 – combat at Big Hill. Kentucky between two national corps
  28. August 23, 1864 – seizure of Fort Morgan, Alabama by Union armies


  29. August 23, 1866 – The Austro-Prussian war concluded as per the agreement of Prague
  30. August 23, 1869 – 1st consignment of materials by car reaches SF, from Boston
  31. August 23, 1872 – 1st mercantile vessel with tea from Japan arrives in SF
  32. August 23, 1873 – inauguration of the Albert Bridge across the river Thames to facilitate movement
  33. August 23, 1879 – The Sudan Governor General Charles Gordon arrives in Cairo
  34. August 23, 1883 – 27 mistakes committed by Philadelphia vs Providence
  35. August 23, 1889 – 1st wireless communication from ship to land obtained
  36. August 23, 1896 – The first Philippine rebellion started in Pugad Lawin in the domain of Manila
  37. August 23, 1897 – Robert Wrenn defeats Wilberforce Eaves at the 17th US Men’s National Championship game (4-6, 8-6, 6-3. 2-6. 6-2)

    20th Century – Important Events On This Day August 23 – 1900

  38. August 23, 1900 – founding of National Negro Business League
  39. August 23, 1903 – announcement of a Jewish State by Theodor Herzl, at the 6th Zionist conference
  40. August 23, 1904 – copyright for automobile tire chair granted

  41. August 23, 1906 – Wash Senators defeated by Chicago White Sox winning 19th straight
  42. August 23, 1906 – US involvement was sought by Tome’s Estrada Palma, the 1st President of Cuba
  43. August 23, 1911- confidential discussion by British Prime Minister, H.H. Asquith to plan of possible war with Germany
  44. August 23, 1914 – Germany loots Belgium
  45. August 23, 1914 -Japan announces conflict with Germany in WW I
  46. August 23, 1915 – Tsar Nicolas becomes the Chief of the Russian  Army
  47. August 23, 1916 – 4 years’ confinement imposed on Karl Liebknecht, a socialist, by a Defence court in Berlin
  48. August 23, 1917 – Rebellion in Houston Texas leaves 2 blacks and 11 whites
  49. August 23, 1919 – the debut of “Gasoline Alley” an animation episode in Chicago Turbine
  50. 1920 – first performance of “Bat” by M.R. Rinehart and Hopwood in NYC
  51. August 23, 1921 – peace treaty between British and Irish separatist Sinn Fein
  52. August 23,191 – the battle between Austria and the US; the US also culminates war between Germany (25th) and Hungary (29th)
  53. August 23, 1923 –aerial refuellrefuelingHavilland DH 4B by Capt. Lowell Smith and Lt. John P. Richter achieved and set a persistent flying record for 37 hours
  54. August 23, 1924 – Mars comes very close to Earth since the 10th of the century

  55. August 23, 1926 – the match between Molla Bjurstedt Mallory and Elizabeth Ryan at the 40th US Women’s National Championship, Mallory was victorious (4-6, 6-4,9-7)
  56. August 23, 1929 – Jews in Israel were attacked by Arabs
  57. August 23, 1930 – Betty Nuthall Shoemaker vanquishes Anna Mc Cune Harper (6-1,6-4) at the 44th U.S. Women’s National Championship
  58. August 23, 1930 – valedictory of 1st British Empire Plays in Hamilton, Canada
  59. August 23, 1931 – installation of Count Gyula Karolyi as Prime Minister of Hungary
  60. August 23, 1933 – Archie Sexton and Lurie Raiteri participate in the 1st TV boxing match
  61. August 23, 1933 – Mahatma Gandhi freed from imprisonment after another starvation strike
  62. August 23, 1936 – Bob Feller, at 17 years of age, hits out 15, St Louis Browns
  63. August 23, 1938 – In a cricket match England Vs Australia, England declared 903-7, Len Hutton records 364
  64. August 23,193923, 1939 Cobb achieves a speed of 365.85 KPH at Bonneville Flats
  65. August 23, 1939 – No attack agreement between the USSR and Germany reached at the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact

  66. August 23, 1940 – The bombardment at night on London by the German Luftwaffe started
  67. August 23, 1940 – Prime Minister De Geer was terminated by Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands
  68. August 23, 1942- US aircraft touches the ground at Guadalcanal for the 1st time
  69. August 23, 1942 – 40000 lost their lives when Stalingrad was destroyed by aerial attack by 600 Luftwaffe planes at the battle of Stalingrad
  70. August 23, 1942 – Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrives in London from his trip to Cairo
  71. August 23, 1943 – Charkow seized by Red army
  72. August 23, 1944 – Temperatures of 94.5 F and 101.5 F reached at De Bilt, Netherlands, and Warnsvelt respectively
  73. August 23, 1944 – combined forces seize Marseille, France
  74. August 23, 1944 – The army under the command of General George Leclerc proceeded toward Paris
  75. August 23, 1944 – discussion among General Montgomery, General Bradley, and Eisenhower
  76. August 23, 1946 – All-Stars score 16m Los Angeles 0 at the 13th NFL Chicago All-Star Game
  77. August 23, 1946 – First performance of “The Big Sleep” under the direction of Howard Hawks

  78.  August 23, 1947 – first singing recital by Margaret, daughter of U.S. President Truman
  79. August 23, 1947 – Inauguration of the 8th Venice Festival
  80. August 23, 1948 – 147 churches from 44 countries form the World Council of Churches
  81. August 23, 1950 – marathon race achieved by Jack Holden
  82. August 23, 1950 – Intl. Amateur Athletic Alliance permits West Germany and Japan to re-entry
  83. August 23, 1952 – Giants Bob Elliott and Bobby Hoffman were expelled for raising an argument
  84. August 23, 1953 – Cyclist Arie Van Vliet achieves world champion spinster
  85. August 23, 1953 – 21 die in an air accident near Ymuiden in North Sera involving Dutch DC 6 plane
  86. August 23, 1953 – record baseball throwing achieved by Phil Grate (443’3”)
  87. August 23, 1953 – Atomic test by USSR
  88. August 23, 1954 – President of Brazil, Getulio Vargas steps down
  89. August 23, 1954 – C-130 Hercules completes its first flight as a commercial plane
  90. August 23, 1955 – LPGA White Mountain Golf Open won by Betty Jameson

  91. August 23, 1957 – Atomic test by the US at Nevada Test Site
  92. August 23, 1958 – ammunition attack on Quemoi and Matssoe islands started by Chania
  93. August 23, 1958 – 133 hours of playing on piano, a female record, achieved by Marie Ashton
  94. August 23, 1959 – LPGA Spokane Golf Open achieved by Beverley Hanson
  95. August 23, 1959 – Golden Lion awarded to “The Great War” directed by Mario Monicelli, and “General della Rovere” directed by Robert Rossellini at the 20th Venice Film Festival
  96. August 23, 1960 – A large frog weighing 3.3 kg, the world’s biggest, was caught
  97. August 23, 1961 – Belgium’s defense forces arrive in Rwanda-Urundi
  98. August 23, 1961 – fresh tour restrictions forced by East Germany between West and East Berlin
  99. August 23, 1961 – unsuccessful launch of US Lunar probe
  100. August 23, 1962 – first TV live telecast between Europe and US via Telstar
  101. August 23, 1963 – “She Loves You” published in the UK by Beatles

  102. August 23, 1963 – US conducts its atomic test at Nevada
  103. August 23, 1964 – Albuquerque Professional Amateur Golf Tournament achieved by Marilyn Smith
  104. August 23, 1966 – Pictures of Earth from the moon transmitted from the Lunar Orbiter
  105. August 23, 1968 – Ringo resigns from Beatles on some difference
  106. August 23, 1968 – 1 AM curfew forces Yanks and Tigers to play 3-3 games tie in 19
  107. August 23, 1969 – World Cycle Championship at Brno, achieved by Audrey Mc Elmory (US)
  108. August 23, 1969 – International Running at Roosevelt Raceway achieved by France’s Une De Mai
  109. August 23, 1969 – Inauguration of 30th Venice Festival
  110. August 23, 1970 – LPGA Southgate Ladies Golf Open achieved by Kathy Ahern
  111. August 23, 1971 – television transmission by WGTY TV channel started in Traverse City, MI
  112. August 23, 1972 – VP Agnew was reselected by Republicans with one vote cast in favor of NBC journalist David Brinkley
  113. August 23, 1972 –in a night firing episode in North Ireland, 4 civilians and 1 British soldier were wounded
  114. August 23, 1974 – possible sighting of a UFO by John Lennon in New York
  115. August 23, 1974 – Zaheer Abbas, of Pakistan, archives 240 runs in a cricket match Vs England at the Cricket Oval
  116. August 23, 1975 – Championship Cup at Roosevelt Raceway achieved by Classical Way
  117. August 23, 1975 – Laos taken control by Communist

  118. August 23, 1975 – Atomic detonation test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya USSR
  119. August 23, 1976 – thousands lost their lives when an earthquake of high magnitude struck China
  120. August 23, 1977 – German DR detains Rudolf Bahro, a Marxist theorist
  121. August 23, 1978 – Iranian consulate at Wassenaar seized by Iranian students
  122. August 23, 1979 – imperfect performance by Bolshoi dancer Alexander Godunov in NYC
  123. August 23, 1979 – Inauguration of UN’s Vienna establishment
  124. August 23, 1980 – Haas purchase A’s from Charlie for $ 127 M
  125. August 23, 1981 – LPGA World Championship achieved by Beth Daniel
  126. August 23, 1982 – Bechir Gemayel, a Lebanese fascist voted for Presidential
  127. August 23, 1982 – Atomic test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk by USSR
  128. August 23, 1985- 1.5k record set in Berlin by Said Aouita of Morocco
  129. August 23, 1985 – NCAA bars Paul Hornung on charges of betting on games. Paul was awarded $ 1,160,000 by a Louisville court
  130. August 23, 1986 – valedictory of “Rags” at Mark Hellinger Theatre NYC after 4 episodes
  131. August 23, 1987 – $1 billion demanded as ransom by capturing KLM B 737 aircraft
  132. August 23, 1987 – Atlantic City LPGA Golf Classic won by Betsy King
  133. August 23, 1987 – A deluge in Bangladesh leaves hundreds dead
  134. August 23, 1988 – Quarrel between Mike Tyson and Mitch Green at 4 AM in Harlem
  135. August 23, 1989 – L.A. Dodgers vanquish Montreal Expos, 1-0 in 22 innings
  136. August 23, 1989 – a world run record in 4 x 200 m by Lewis, Everett, Burrell, Heard
  137. August 23, 1990 – Declaration of Independence by Armenia
  138. August 23, 1990 – declaration about the amalgamation of East and West Germany that they would unit on Oct.3
  139. August 23, 1991 – the inauguration of the 3rd World Championship in Athletics in Tokyo, Japan
  140. August 23, 1992 – LPGA Northgate Computer Golf Classic achieved by Kris Tschetter
  141. August 23, 1992 – Grandson Wilhelm Verwoerd, of earlier South African Prime Minister, Hendrik Verwoerd, planner of apartheid, admitted into African National Congress
  142. August 23, 1993- a high record of 3638 points touched by NY Dow Jones
  143. August 23, 1995 – liver transplant conducted on Actor Larry Hagman
  144. August 23, 1996 – communication issued by Osama bin Laden about Americans

    21st Century – August 23 This Day In History – The 2000s

  145. August 23, 2000 – An air accident involving a Gulf Airbus A 320 in the Persian Gulf near Manama, Bahrain, leaves 143 dead
  146. August 23, 2003 – Inauguration of 9th World Championship in Athletics at Saint-Denis, France
  147. August 23, 2005 – The formation of cyclone Katrina over the Bahamas changes to type 5
  148. August 23, 2005 – air accident involving TRANS Peru aircraft near Pucallpa, kills 41
  149. August 23, 2006 – A kidnapped boy of age 10, Natascha Kampusch, breakaway from the kidnapper, Wolfgang Priklopil after 8 years in custody
  150. August 23, 2009 – valedictory of the 12th World Championship in Athletics at Berlin, Germany
  151. August 23, 2010 – a discharged constabulary takes a bus hostage full of Chinese citizens at Quirino Grandstand in Manila leading to a Manila hostage disaster
  152. August 23, 2011 – an earthquake of magnitude 5.8 strikes in Mineral, Virginia was felt in Ontario and Atlanta, Georgia
  153. August 23, 2012 – in an accident involving hot air ballooning in Slovenia, four persons lost their lives, and 28 injured
  154. August 23, 2012 –seasonal pour in Rajasthan, India leaves 30 dead
  155. August 23, 2013 – bomb attack on a mosque in Tripoli, Lebanon kills 50
  156. August 23, 2013 – A reckless bombing in Baghdad kills 26 and injures 55
  157. August 23, 2013 – UN officials were not allowed to inspect the chemical warfare site by Syrian Officials
  158. August 23, 2015 – In a racing accident, English Indi car driver Justin Wilson had their head damaged at the Pocono Raceway in Long Pond, Pennsylvania
  159. August 23, 2015 – A 17th-century painting, “Flowers” by Polo Porpora worth $ 1.5 m was damaged by a 12-year-old boy, at the display in Taiwan

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