Monday, March 17, 2025
Famous Events For August 6

Famous Events For August 6 – Today In History

August 6: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – August 6 Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1 August 6, 258 – The sovereignty of St Sixtus II as Catholic Pope concluded
2. August 6, 523 – The sovereignty of St Hormisdas as Catholic Pope concluded
3. August 6, 768 – Removal of Antipope Constantine II
4. August 6, 939 – Moors defeated by Spain at the Battle of Simancas
5. August 6, 1181- Astrophysicists from Japan and China watched Supernova


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6. August 6, 1497- Return of John Cabot, Italian traveler to Bristol from North America. He was the first European to return since the Vikings
7. August 6, 1538 – Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada started Bogota, Colombia
8. August 6, 1600 – Negotiations over Saluzzo were unsuccessful and Henry IV of France attacked Savoy.
9. August 6, 1601 – Earl Mauritius defeats Spanish barracks of Meurs
10. August 6, 1623 – The position of Pope Urban VIII occupied by Maffeo Barberini, by voting
11. August 6, 1625 – Appointment of Earl Earnest as viceroy of Groningen
12. August 6, 1661 – The Dutch Republic traded New Holland (Brazil) to Portugal for 6f3 tonnes of gold by a treaty, The Treaty of Hague
13. August 6, 1675 – Foreign hairstyles to those below nobleness prohibited by Russian Tsar Alexis


18th Century – What Happened on August 6 – The 1700s

14. August 6, 1726 – Defence agreement signed between Emperor Karel VI and Tsarina Catharine the Great
15. August 6, 1774 – Mother Ann Lee, the creator of the Shaker Movement reaches New York
16. August 6, 1787 – Discussion on the 1st draft of the Constitution began at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia

19th Century – August 6 This Day That Year – The 1800s

17. August 6, 1806 – Neither holy, Roman, or an empire – The Holy Roman Empire ends. The title was rejected by Francis II. Becoming Emperor of Austria
18. August 6, 1815 – Sea robing by Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli stopped by US Navy


19. August 6, 1819 – The first private defense school, Norwich University, was started in Vermont, United States
20. August 6, 1821 – The first publication of the Newspaper ‘Currier of Paus-Bas’ at Brussels
21. August 6, 1824 – The Spanish army was defeated by Simon Bolivar’s soldiers at the Battle of Junan
22. August 6, 1825 – Peru grants independence to Bolivia (National Day)
23. August 6, 1845 – Inauguration of The Russian Geographical Society in Saint Petersburg
24. August 6, 1856 – In the Great Clock of Westminster, the Great Bell is fixed (Big Ben)
25. August 6, 1861 – The First Confiscation Act was approved by US Congress
26. August 6, 1861 – Logos, Nigeria invaded by the British
27. August 6, 1862 – The warship, Arkansas, a Confederate iron was damaged in a Union attack
28. August 6, 1864 – Fort Powell in Mobile Bay Alabama vacated by Allied forces
29. August 6, 1870 – France vanquished by Prussia at the Battle at Spicheren
30. August 6, 1890 – 1st major league baseball won by Denton True ‘young’

31. August 6, 1890 – The electric chair was first used to electrocute William Kemmler, a murderer, in the Auburn Prison in New York
32. August 6, 1896 – Confiscation of Madagascar by France

20th Century – Important Events On This Day August 6 – The 1900

33. August 6, 1901 – Dissolution of contiguous reservation by opening the Kiowa land in Oklahoma for white settlement
34. August 6, 1905 – State record rain of 26.7 cm at Princeton, Indiana
35. August 6, 1908 – Dodgers defeated, 2-0 in 6 by St Louis Card
36. August 6, 1909 – The first women to complete coast-to-coast auto trip were Alice Ramsey and three friends


37. August 6, 1910 – During an attempt to kill, NYC mayor Wm J Gaynor was hurt critically
38. August 6, 1914 – WWI – War declared between Austria-Hungary and Russia
39. August 6, 1914 – WWI – War declared between Germany and Serbia
40. August 6, 1915 – To break the impasse on the cape during WWI, the British sent more army to Suvla Bay on the northern shore of Gallipoli
41. August 6, 1917 – During WWI, the fight between Romanian and German armies started at the Battle of Marasesti
42. August 6, 1918 – France during WWI, appoints Ferdinand Foch as Marshal of France
43. August 6, 1919 – Australia’s major water body traversed by air flight for the first time
44. August 6, 1919 – Hungarian Soviet Republic in Budapest lowered by the Romanian army
45. August 6, 1921 – Queens Ferry scheme started between Clason Point, Bronx to College Point
46. August 6, 1923 – During disturbances and strikes in Germany, Gustav Stresemann was designated as Chancellor and foreign minister


47. August 6, 1926 – English Channel crossed by swimming by NY’s Gertrude Ederle. She was the first woman to cross the channel
48. August 6, 1930 – In NYC, John Force Crater, Judge of the Supreme Court vanishes
49. August 6, 1930 – The remnants of Solomon Andrees’ balloon voyage to the North Pole in 1897 were traced at Kvit oya Spitsbergen
50. August 6, 1932 – The First Film Festival of Venice begins
51. August 6, 1934 – Haiti, seized since 1915, vacated by the US army
52. August 6, 1936 – The first two batsmen in the game – Roy Johnson and Rabbit Warstler of Boston Bees – lead with HRs. This happened for the 1st time in the 20th Century
53. August 6, 1937 – Madrid attacked by Franco’s weaponry
54. August 6, 1937 – Trade Treaty between US and USSR established


55. August 6, 1939 – The NBC-Radio broadcast the 1st show of ‘Dinah Shore Show’
56. August 6, 1940 – Soviet Empire occupies Estonia August 6,
57. August 6, 1941 – The 1st player to collect two sacrifices in an inning was Detroit pitcher Al Benton
58. August 6, 1942 – HNCS Assiniboine, Canadian destroyer sinks U-210
59. August 6, 1942 – Middle East Commander, Gen Auchinlek terminated by Churchill
60. August 6, 1943 – Troina Sicily node seized by US 1st Army Division
61. August 6, 1944 – Attack at Avranches by anti-German flopped
62. August 6, 1944 – 70000 Jews banished from Lodz Poland to Auschwitz
63. August 6, 1945 – Hiroshima was destroyed by an atom bomb dropped from the US B-29 Superfortress “Enola Gay”
64. August 6, 1946 – World Court’s authority accepted by the US officially
65. August 6, 1948 – Decathlon at London Olympics won by US Bob Mathias
66. August 6, 1948 – Socialist Government installed in the Netherlands by Willem Drees
67. August 6, 1951 – 4800 killed in floods caused by cyclone at Manchuria

68. August 6, 1952 – The oldest pitcher to win a complete shutout was Satchel Paige, 47
69. August 6, 1953 – Coming back from the military Ted Williams to Red Sox
70. August 6, 1954 – Starting of broadcasting by WLAC (now WTVF) TV channel 5 in Nashville (CBS)
71. August 6, 1956 – A bankrupt American broadcaster Du Mont Television Networks makes its last broadcast, a boxing match from St. Nicholas Arena
72. August 6, 1958 – Impressive atomic test at Johnston Island by the US
73. August 6, 1960 – Toronto Argonauts (CFL) vanquished by Pitt Steelers (NFL), 43-16, in Toronto
74. August 6, 1960 – Terms formulated by the UN Security Council to permit UN forces to enter Congo
75. August 6, 1961 – 2nd Russian in space aboard Vostok 2 was Gherman S Titov
76. August 6, 1961 – Motion sickness in space reported for the first time
77. August 6, 1962 – British rule of over 300 years ended in Jamaica and it became an independent state
78. August 6, 1964 – Publication of Ecclesian Suam, a communication for circulation by Pope Paul VI

79. August 6, 1964 – Nevada US, loses its world’s oldest tree, Prometheus, when it was felled
80. August 6, 1965 – “Help” folder in the UK published by Beatles
81. August 6, 1965 – Line of Control violated by the Pakistani army in Kashmir
82. August 6, 1965 – Voting Rights Act approved by US President Lyndon B Johnson, barring voting bias against minorities
83. August 6, 1966 – The longest suspension bridge in Europe across Tag, Salazarbrug opens
84. August 6, 1966 – Protests by US citizens opposing the war in Vietnam
85. August 6, 1967- LPGA Lady Carling Gold Open collected by Kathy Whitworth
86. August 6, 1969 – Publication by Pope Paul VI of constitution Pro completo sane
87. August 6, 1970 – Mariano Rumor of the Government of Italy resigned
88. August 6, 1970 – Atomic test by France at Muruora Island
89. August 6, 1971 – Muir College, University of California was the venue of the 3rd San Diego Comic-Con International
90. August 6, 1972 – PGA Golf tournament achieved by Garry Player
91. August 6, 1972 – LPGA Knoxville Ladies Gold Classic won by Kathy Whitworth
92. August 6, 1973 – Two baseball players, Roberto Clemente and Warren Spahn initiated into the National Baseball Hall of Fame
93. August 1973 – In a car accident, Stevie Wonder was hurt seriously and went into a coma for four days
94. August 1974 – Great Northern RR yard in Wenatchee, Wash, ruined by fire and explosion
95. August 6, 1976 – Foundation stone for Port Qasim, Karachi, was laid by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
96. August 6, 1977 – LPGA Colgate European Women’s Golf Open won by Judy Rankin
97. August 6, 1979 – At Oakmont Hills, Mich, at the 61st PGA Championship, David Graham shoots a 276 August 6,

98. August 6, 1978 – LPGA Colgate European Golf Open won by Nancy Lopez
99. August 6, 1979 – The youngest person to cross the English Channel by swimming was Marcus Hooper, at the age of 12
100. August 6, 1980 – Schools that misused transcripts and curriculum were declared ineligible by University adm to conference titles and post-season play
101. August 6, 1981 – Isabel Peron, Ex-President of Argentine released
102. August 6, 1981 – Unsuccessful take off NASA’s Fltsatcom-5
103. August 6, 1982 – 3 HR again in the game by California Doug De Cinces
104. August 6, 1982 – The first to use Harris Corp AM stereo system were WQXI (Atlanta)
105. August 6, 1982 – In South Africa, death penalty awarded to 3 ANC members
106. August 6, 1983 – St Louis Cards vanquished by Minnesota Vikings, 28-10, in London, England (NFL expo)
107. August 6, 1983 – Crash of Supertanker Castillo de Bellvar in South Africa

108. August 6, 1984 – New York Stock Exchange transacted 203.05 million shares
109. August 6, 1984 – Long Jump 2nd of 4 gold medals in summer Olympics was won by Carl Lewis
110. August 6, 1985 – Challenger 8, 19th space shuttle mission (51-F) lands at Edwards AAFB
111. August 6, 1985 – Baseball Association Players organize a protest which lasted for one day
112. August 6, 1985 – Moving of STS51-I vehicle towards the launch pad
113. August 6,1986 – Three grand slam hit records by Orioles (Dyer and Sheets) and Rangers (Harrah)
114. August 6, 1986 – PKARC version 1.0, for IBM issued by Phil Katz
115. August 6, 1987 – Inauguration of the 20th San Diego Comic-Con International
116. August 6, 1988 – Hit of 30 HR and 30 bases by Oakland A’s Joe Canseco. He was the 11th to hit this score
117. August 6, 1988 – The reforms in NYPD were stimulated by the riot by the Tompkins Square Park Police in New York. NYPD were guilty of the disturbances on the night of Aug,6 – 7
118. August 6, 1989 – After 5959 show at Edison Theatre NYC, Öh! Calcutta!” concluded
119. August 6, 1989 – LPGA Greater Washington Golf Open collected by Beth Daniel
120. August 6, 1990 – Benazir Bhutto removed from the Prime Ministership of Pakistan by President Ghulam Ishaq Khan
121. August 6, 1990 – Economic sanctions against Iraq by the UN Security Council by 13-0 votes (Cuba and Yemen did not vote)
122. August 6, 1991 – The World Wide Web, WWW starts as a publicity on the Internet, by release of information by Tim Berners-Lee
123. August 6, 1991 – 2nd successive perfect game in women’s softball at the Pan Amirian Games, pitched by Debbie Doom (US) defeats Nicaragua, 8-0
124. August 6,1993 – Government of Japan by Hosokawa started
125. August 6, 1993 – Encyclical Veritatis announced by Pope John Paul II
126. August 6, 1994 – Schools and Universities terrorized by Algerian Muslim fundamentalists
127. August 6, 1995 – At the 50th year of the Bombing of Hiroshima thousands gather in the city
128. August 6, 1996 – The investigation of the meteorite believed to be from Mars, NASA proclaims that life might have existed on Mars
129. August 6, 1996 – Sanctions on non-US companies who invested more than $ 40 million a year in the power sector of Iran or Libya by US President Bill Clinton
130. August 6,1996 – 228 passengers lost life when Korean Air Flight 801 crashed in the US territory of Guam
131. August 6, 1997 – $150 million invested in Apple Computer Inc by Microsoft

21st Century – August 6 This Day In History – The 2000s

132. August 6, 2003 – Played for the 1st time for Manchester United and Premier League in a 4-0 win over Bolton Wanderers by Cristiano Ronaldo
133. August 6, 2005 – At Helsinki, the 10th World Championship in Athletics started
134. August 6, 2008 – President Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi was ousted by Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz in an army coup in Mauritania
135. August 6, 2011 –The firing of a helicopter with members of the Navy SEAL 6 in Afghanistan killed 38
136. August 6, 2012 – The mountain Tongariro in New Zealand after being silent for over a hundred years, flare-up for the first time
137. August 6, 2013 – In a car bomb detonation in Damascus, Syria, 18 persons lost their lives and 60 injured
138. August 6, 2015 – Suez Canal Expansion launched at a function in Ismailia by Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi
139. August 6, 2015 – Nomination for the Republican Presidential election starts with a discussion among 7 smaller grade aspirants in Cleveland

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