Monday, March 17, 2025
Famous Events For August 8

Famous Events For August 8 – Today In History

August 8: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – August 8 Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. August 8, 70 – Romans demolished the Tower of Antonia
2. August 8, 936 – Crowning of German king Otto I the Great
3. August 8, 1220 – Estonian tribes defeat Sweden at the Battle of Lijila
4. August 8, 1322 – Sojiji made the chief of the Soto Sect by Emperor Godaigo


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5. August 8, 1508 – The first European settlement in Puerto Rico was started by Spaniard Juan Pounce de Leon
6. August 8, 1509 – The Vijayanagara Empire in south India was established by the crowning of Emperor Krishna Deva Raya
7. August 8, 1549 – War declared on England by Henry II of France and the capture of Boulogne
8. August 8, 1567 – Brussels, Belgium captured by the defence forces of Duke of Alva
9. August 8, 1576 – The world’s most progressive research institute, Tycho Brahe in Uraniborg, Denmark was started by laying the foundation stone
10. August 8, 1585 – Henry of Navarra (Henry IV) debarred by Pope Sixtus
11. August 8, 1585 – In search of Northwest Passage, John Davis arrives in Cumberland Sound
12. August 8, 1605 – Charles IX of Sweden discovered the city of Oulu, Finland
13. August 8, 1609 – The telescope invented by Galileo Galilei was studied by the Senate of Venetian


14. August 8, 1619 – The Treaty of Munchen was entered between Emperor Ferdinand II and Duke Maximilian I
15. August 8, 1647 – Irish Army vanquished by English Parliamentary forces at the Irish Confederate Wars and Wars of the Three Kingdoms: Battle of Dungans Hill
16. August 8, 1673 – 23 warships belonging to the Dutch fleet, demand the surrender of NYC

18th Century – What Happened on August 8 – The 1700s

17. August 8, 1700 – Peace treaty entered between Denmark and Sweden
18. August 8, 1709 – hot-air-balloon’s first climb, Bartolomeu de Gusmao
19. August 8, 1758 – Cherbourg was occupied by the British army and looted
20. August 8, 1786 – Metric system for money transactions and dollars made of silver adopted in the US
21. August 8, 1786 – Mont Blanc conquered for the first time by Jacques Balmat and Michel Paccard


22. August 8, 1788 – French Statas and Generals were called by King Louis XVI
23. August 8, 1793 – The Rebellion of Lyon happened during the French Revolution
24. August 8,1794 – A trip in search of a new road to Northwest Passage near Juneau, Alaska was led by Joseph Whidbey and George Vancouver
25. August 8, 1796 – A society with 44 members formed named Boston African Society

19th Century – August 8 This Day That Year – The 1800s

26. August 8, 1809 – Gaon of Vilnius’s followers 70 in number reach Palestine
27. August 8, 1814 – Commencement of negotiations for peace started in Ghent, Belgians
28. August 8, 1816 – Holy Alliance welcomes Bavaria
29. August 8, 1829 – De Polignac installs the Government of French
30. August 8, 1831 – Belgians were pushed out by Dutch defense at the Battle of Hasselt
31. August 8, 1839 – Oxford, Ohio, created Beta, Theta, and Pi
32. August 8, 1843 – The British acquired one more colony by taking Natal of South Africa

33. August 8, 1844 – Brigham Young succeeds as head of the Mormon Church consequent to the demise of Joseph Smith
34. August 8, 1853 – Nagasaki in Japan reached by the Russian navy
35. August 8, 1854 – Patent for metal bullets granted to Smith and Wesson
36. August 8, 1860 – NYC welcomes the Queen of Sandwich Islands (Hawaii)
37. August 8, 1863 – Personal slaves of military Governor Andrew Johnson were freed. This day is celebrated as a holiday by Tennessee African Americans (in the 20th Century)
38. August 8, 1864 – Fort Gaines, Alabama conquered by Union Army/Navy
39. August 8, 1868 – Arica, Chile devastated by Earthquake
40. August 8, 1870 – America’s Cup won by Magic (US) by defeating Cambria in the 2nd running
41. August 8, 1876 – In 139 hr 32 m, 500-mile walking was completed by Dan O’Leary


42. August 8, 1876 – Patent granted to Thomas Edison for his invention of mimeograph
43. August 8, 1882 – Lake Michigan covered by snowfall

20th Century – Important Events On This Day August 8 – The 1900

44. August 8, 1900 – Tennis match named after Dwight Filley Davis, the 1st Davis Cup, started at Longwood Cricket Club in Mass and the US wins after two days
45. August 8, 1902 – British Isles loses to USA in New York for the 2nd Davis Cup (3-2)
46. August 8, 1903 – USA lost to British Isles in the 3rd Davis Cup at Boston (4-1)
47. August 8, 1910 – The first tricycle landing gear installed on the US Army’s Wright Flyer
48. August 8, 1911 – Francis Holton applied for the patent for tubeless vehicle tires at the US Patent office. This was the millionth patent application
49. August 8, 1911 – The number of representatives in the US House of Representatives was fixed at 435 by a Public Law 62-5, which came into force in 1913
50. August 8, 1913 – Camel Corps of Richard Corfields opens “Mad Mullah” in Burao Somalia


51. August 8, 1914 – Polar Explorer, Ernest Shackleton conducts the 3rd pole mission – Endurance.
52. August 8, 1914 – War declared on Germany by Montenegro
53. August 8, 1916 – Record with 19th successive loss on the road set by A’s
54. August 8, 1918 – 600 tanks belonging to Canada, Australia, and the English advance in WWI at the Battle of Amiens
55. August 8, 1919 – The Independence of Afghanistan was recognized by the British by the Treaty of Rawalpindi
56. August 8, 1920 – Tigers took 73 minutes, the shortest time, to beat Yanks, 1-0 in an AL game
57. August 8, 1922 – Record of 46 hits in a doubleheader (against Phillies) set by Pirates
58. August 8, 1924 – Accord reached for commerce between British and Russia
59. August 8, 1925 – Ku Klux Klan 1st national march in Washington DC (200,000)
60. August 8, 1929 – Starting of round-the-world air travel in Graf Zeppelin, the German Airship


61. August 8, 1930 – Though 12 games back in NL, the St Louis Cards won the banner
62. August 8, 1931 – Boston Red Sox lost, 5-0 in no-hits to Wash Senator Bob Burke
63. August 8, 1937 – Commencement of power production after the construction of Bonneville Dam on River Columbia
64. August 8, 1938 – Centenary Celebrations, known as Great Trek, started, to commutate the migration of Boers vacating the Cape Colony and settling in inner parts of South Africa
65. August 8, 1939 – US rejects the 7th Venice Festival given Fascist Italian rule by Benito Mussolini
66. August 8, 1940 – England shoots down 31 German aircraft over England
67. August 8, 1941 – Soviet Army number 20 divisions surrender at Oman
68. August 8, 1942 – US executes in Washington DC, 6 convicted Nazi saboteurs who arrived in the US
69. August 8, 1943 – Meeting at Quebec of the Common Chiefs of Staff

70. August 8, 1943 – Introduction of ration in fruits and vegetables in Holland
71. August 8, 1944 – Le Mans seized by the US Army, 15th Army corps
72. August 8, 1945 – 4th Victory Test drawn between England and Australian Services
73. August 8, 1945 – United Nations Charter approved by President Harry Truman
74. August 8, 1946 – 32 sq. miles of land given to Bhutan by India
75. August 8, 1946 – Convair B-36 commences its first flight
76. August 8, 1947 – The National Flag of Pakistan accepted
77. August 8, 1949 – Independent dominion status for the land of Dragon, Bhutan
78. August 8, 1950 – the English Channel was crossed by swimming by Florence Chadwick at 13:23
79. August 8, 1952 – South Korea re-elects Syngman Ree as its President
80. August 8, 1953 – information about having an atomic bomb was revealed by Russia’s Georgi Malenkov
81. August 8, 1955 – Formation of “26th July Movement” by Fidel Castro
82. August 8, 1955 – Peaceful uses of atomic energy were discussed at the convention held in Geneva

83. August 8, 1956 – Hundreds of miners killed in a fire explosion in Marcinelle, Belgium
84. August 8, 1957 – Financial and Defence help offered to Syria by the USSR
85. August 8, 1960 – Independence granted for Ivory Coast
86. August 8, 1960 – Congo and South Kasai get separated
87. August 8, 1961 – Buff Bills (NFL)Vanquished by Ham Tiger-Cats (CFL) 38-21 in Hamilton, Ontario
88. August 8, 1963 – 2.6 million pounds robber in a Great Train Robbery in England
89. August 8, 1964 – Formation of Dutch Opera in Amsterdam
90. August 8, 1965 – LPGA Milwaukee Golf Open won by Marlene Hagge
91. August 8, 1966 – Beatles banned by South African Broadcasting for anti-Jesus remarks by Lennon
92. August 8, 1967 – South East Asian Nations association formed by Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand
93. August 8, 1968 – Presidential nomination for Richard Nixon by the Republican Resolution held at Miami Beach
94. August 8, 1970 – Casey Stengel honored by NY Yankees
95. August 8, 1971 – France conducts an atomic test at Muruora Island
96. August 8, 1971 – The Irish Republican Army in Belfast shoots a British soldier
97. August 8, 1972 – A 30-year lease agreement entered by NY Yanks to play in the altered Yankee Stadium
98. August 8, 1973 – The report that he took bribes from the government deals in Maryland, was denied as false by US Vice President Spiro T Agnew
99. August 8, 1974 – Relinquishing the Presidentship of the US announced by Richard Nixon
100. August 8, 1977 – First triple play Vs A’s by Texas Rangers
101. August 8, 1978 – Launch of Pioneer – Venus 2 with scientific gadgets towards Venus
102. August 8, 1979 – Political rivals killed by Saddam Hussein, Iraqi President
103. August 8, 1980 – Club Lake Villas and LBV Conference Centre inaugurated
104. August 8, 1981 – A resolution to oppose the racial segregation and workers law was adopted at the conference of South African Trade Unions
105. August 8, 1982 – LPGA Boston Five Golf Classic achieved by Sandra Palmer
106. August 8,1983 – President of Guatemala, Brig Gen Efrain Rios Montt, ousted
107. August 8, 1983- President Rios Montt escapes Army Coup in Guatemala

108. August 8, 1983 – Carl Lewis wins gold in 100 m in the World Championship in Athletics
109. August 8,1984 – 200 m 3rd of 4 gold medal won by Carl Lewis at the summer event
110. August 8,1985 – Launch of Planet A, to investigate Halley’s comet by Japan
111. August 8,1986 – Three grand slams record in a game
112. August 8,1986 – Formation of MQM political program announced by Altaf Hussain at Nishtar Park, Karachi
113. August 8, 1987 – 1st to swim from the US to Russia across Bering Strait by Lynne Cox
114. August 8, 1987 – At the Oval, Botham 3-217, Pakistan was all out 708 V England
115. August 8, 1988 – The most distant assembly of stars (15*10^12 light years) declared
116. August 8, 1988 – A baby girl was born to the Duchess of York, weighing 6 lbs 12 oz.
117. August 8, 1989 -Launch of STS-28, US space vehicle
118. August 8, 1990 – 10th triple play by Balt Orioles
119. August 8, 1990 – Kuwait added to Iraq as the 19th domain
120. August 8, 1991 – Actor Gary Oldman accused of drunken driving
121. August 8, 1991 – The tallest building built, the Warsaw Radio Pole breaks down
122. August 8, 1992 – 200th career HR hit achieved by Lou Whitaker
123. August 8, 1993 – Hundreds perished in Venezuela when hit by Tropical hurricane Bret
124. August 8, 1995 – The 16th NL player to HR twice in one inning was Jeff King of the Pirates
125. August 8, 1997 – The agreement under the oil for food plan formula, UN fixes the sale price for crude oil from Iraq

21st Century – August 8 This Day In History – The 2000s

126. August 8, 2000 – The submarine HL Hunley was brought to the surface after being submerged in the sea for 136 years
127. August 8, 2004- The Pro Football Hall of Fame to John Elway
128. August 8, 2007 – The strongest cyclone, EF2, lands in Kings County and Richmond County, New York. This was the first in Brooklyn since 1889
129. August 8,2008 – Declaration of war for five days between Georgia and Russia and assault by Georgia into South Ossetia
130. August 8,2012 – Closure of rare earth excavations and melting firms declared by China
131. August 8, 2013 – Suicide bombers kill 28 persons in Quetta, Pakistan
132. August 8, 2014 – WHO declares The West African Ebola as an international anxiety
133. August 8, 2014 – The ceaseHamas did not agree on fire continuation if Israel did not lift the blockade

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