Thursday, March 27, 2025
Famous Events For December 10

Famous Events For December 10 – Today In History

What Happened on December 10 in World History?

Early Centuries – December 10 Historic Events – Before 1700

1. December 10, 0741 – Election of Zachary as Pope
2. December 10, 1041 – On Michael IV’s demise, Paphlagonicus, King of Byzantium, Easter Rome, his wife Empress Zoe, appoints her adopted son to the Eastern Roman Kingdom as Michael V.
3. December 10, 1294 – Pope Celestine V appointed Pope till Dec.13
4. December 10, 1508 – agreement on the formation of League of kingdom signed
5. December 10, 1510 – Afonso de Albuquerque led the Portuguese army to capture Yusuf Adil Shah, Muslim ruler of Goa, and his Ottoman associates and killed the Muslim residents


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6. December 10, 1520 – the destruction of the proclamation of the Pope in public view by Martin Luther
7. December 10, 1582 – the adoption of the Gregorian calendar by France
8. December 10, 1652 – Lieutenant Admiral Maarten Tromp defeated the English navy at the Sea Battle of Dungeness
9. December 10, 1672 – commencement of postal service every month between New York and Boston as per the announcement made by Lovelace, Governor of New York
10. December 10, 1684 – Edmond Halley presents the paper entitled “De motu corporum in Hyrum” by Isaac Newton enunciating the derivation of Kepler’s laws based on his theory of gravity to the Royal Society
11. December 10, 1688 – King James II abandons London
12. December 10, 1690 – issue of paper money for the first time by the American colonial government in Massachusetts Bay

18th Century – What Happened on December 10 – The 1700s

13. December 10, 1718 – George I appointed Laurence Eusden as British Poet Laureate
14. December 10, 1745 – the army under the command of handsome Prince Charlie arrives in Manchester
15. December 10, 1768 – publication of the first part of the Encyclopedia Britannica in Edinburgh, Scotland
16. December 10, 1799 – France was the first country to adopt the Metric system

19th Century – December 10 This Day That Year – The 1800s

17. December 10, 1810 – in the first mixed-race boxing competition, Tom Cribb (GB) defeats Tom Molineaus (US-Negro)
18. December 10, 1816 – Dutch reclaim Sumatra from the British
19. December 10, 1817 – the Union admits Mississippi as its 20th member state
20. December 10, 1831 – the leading sports journal of the 19th century, “Spirit of the Times” commences its publication from New York City
21. December 10, 1836 – Establishment of Emory College by a charter (now Emory University) in Oxford, Georgia
22. December 10, 1864 – the armies commanded by General Sherman commenced its 12-day blockade of Savannah


23. December 10, 1869 – Voting rights for women approved in Wyoming Territory (US)
24. December 10, 1869 – inauguration of Kappa Sigma, the first American chapter, at the University of Virginia
25. December 10, 1882 – the debut of the musical, “Gesang der Parzen”(song of the Fates) by Johannes Brahms
26. December 10, 1884 – publication of the “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain in the UK and Canada
27. December 10, 1887 – The Balkan military agreement between Austria-Hungary, Italy, and Great Britain authorized
28. December 10, 1896 – conclusion of the Spanish-American War by adopting the Treat of Paris whereby the US gets Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam
29. December 10, 1898 – welcome at The House of “Abdu’llah Pasha” to the first set of travelers from Western countries
30. December 10, 1899 – The British observe “Black Week” due to their defeat in South Africa
31. December 10, 1899 – Boers and British army engage in war at Storm Berge South Africa
32. December 10, 1899 – the first show of “Der Kammersanger” by Frank Wedekind in Berlin
33. December 10, 1899 – The inauguration of the Association of Delta Sigma Phi at the City College of New York

20th Century – Important Events On This Day December 10 – The 1900s

34. December 10, 1901 – Red Cross founder Jean Henri Dunant and peace activist Frederic Passy share the first Nobel Peace Prize
35. December 10, 1901 – The discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Rontgen won him the Nobel Prize for Physics
36. December 10, 1902 – Tasmania approves the right of women to vote
37. December 10, 1902 – Research on sugar and purine syntheses by German organic chemist Emil Fischer earned him the Nobel Prize for Chemistry
38. December 10, 1903 – Pierre and Marie Curie were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics
39. December 10, 1904 – The regime of King Peter I of Serbia named as an authoritarian regime
40. December 10, 1904 – The Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Ivan Pavlov for work on the physiology of digestion, and he was the first Russian to get the Nobel Prize
41. December 10, 1904 – Establishment of Pi Kappa Phi Association


42. December 10, 1904 – Nobel Prize for Physics awarded to John William Strutt and William Ramsay for their discovery of Argon
43. December 10, 1906 – The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to US President Theodore Roosevelt and he was the first American to receive the Nobel Peace Prize
44. December 10, 1906 – Nobel Prize for Chemistry awarded to Frenchman Henri Moissan for isolating Fluoride
45. December 10, 1907 – The first English language writer to receive the Nobel Prize for literature was Rudyard Kipling
46. December 10, 1907 – evil in the night in London when thousands of medical students had a fight with 400 constabularies over animals subjected to dissection for physiological experiments – known as Brown Dog riots
47. December 10, 1910 – Award of Nobel Prize for physics to Dutch Physicist Johannes van der Waals
48. December 10, 1911 – the first crossing of the US by aircraft by Calbraith Rogers in 84 days
49. December 10, 1911 – the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Dutch lawyer Tobias Asser
50. December 10, 1912 – Gustaf Dalen achieved the Nobel Prize for Physics for inventing automatic regulators for gas accumulators for lighthouses and buoys
51. December 10, 1913 – Nobel Prize for Physics awarded to Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
52. December 10, 1913 – The author of “Gitanjali”, Rabindranath Tagore, a Bengali poet, was the first non-European to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature
53. December 10, 1914 – French administration established in Paris
54. December 10, 1918 – appointment of John Heyder as president of baseball’s National League for the 2nd term
55. December 10, 1919 – US President of US, Woodrow Wilson, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
56. December 10, 1919 – The AL decision condemning Ben Johnson of exceeding his official responsibilities was opposed by NY, Boston and Chicago
57. December 10, 1920 – The discovery of the regulation mechanisms of capillaries in skeletal muscle by August Krogh was selected for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
58. December 10, 1922 – Niels Bohr, Francis William Aston and Fridtjob were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics, Chemistry, and Peace, respectively
59. December 10, 1922 – the longest NFL 45-yard, drop-kicked field goal achieved by Pete Henry achieved by Pete Henry
60. December 10, 1922 – Research work on the structure of atoms by Niels Bohr was selected for the Nobel Prize in Physics and was awarded at a function in Copenhagen
61. December 10, 1922 – reigning Canton Bulldogs named the maiden National Football League Champions
62. December 10, 1923 – Grabski becomes the Prime Minister of Poland
63. December 10, 1924 – accord for regular change of World Series with each league getting plays 1,2,6,7 in alternating years
64. December 10, 1925 – Nobel Prize for Literature awarded to George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwriter
65. December 10, 1926 – broadcast relay in the Springfield area for the first time (WCBS)
66. December 10, 1926 – publication of the 2nd part of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf
67. December 10, 1927 – “Grand Ole Opry” was the first Bran Dance radio rely in Nashville, Tennessee
68. December 10, 1929 – The discovery of vitamins led to the award of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine jointly to Christiaan Eijkman and Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins
69. December 10, 1930 – Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, the first Asian and non-white to receive the Nobel Prize for Physics for his work on light scattering.
70. December 10, 1930 – Nobel Prize for Chemistry awarded to German chemist Hans Fischer for his work on haemin
71. December 10, 1931 – Jane Addams shared Nobel Peace Prize

72. December 10, 1931 – Manuel Azana and Niceto Zamora become Prime Minister and President respectively of Spain
73. December 10, 1932 – The constitution of Thailand approved by King Rama VII (Prajadhipok)
74. December 10, 1932 – Emu’s resistance to bullets caused Australian military action in Campion, Western Australia, to withdraw its action against Emu stopping the Great Emu War
75. December 10, 1933 – Paul Dirac and Erwin Schrodinger received the Nobel Prize for Physics for their discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory
76. December 10, 1934 – construction of a prison for prisoners of war by the Fascist autocrat of Latvia Ulmanis started
77. December 10, 1934 – The NFL approves incorporation of player waiver rule after the 6th game of the season
78. December 10, 1934 – Catholic leaders form the Saint-Adelbert collaboration
79. December 10, 1935 – Philadelphia As trade Jimmie Fox to Red Sox for $150,000
80. December 10, 1935 – White Sox trade AI Simmons to the Tigers for $75,000
81. December 10, 1935 – Irene Joliot-Curie, daughter of Marie Curie, and her husband Frederic Joliot for finding of artificial radioactivity
82. December 10, 1935 – Nobel Prize for Physics awarded to James Chadwick for finding the neutron
83. December 10, 1936 – Nobel Prize for Chemistry awarded to PBJ Debije, a physicist from Stockholm


84. December 10, 1936 – in Britain postal stamps bearing the King Edward VIII figure were replaced with those of King George VI.
85. December 10, 1936 – King Edward VIII signs the documents containing conditions for renunciation of British thrown to marry Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee
86. December 10, 1936 – Carlos Saavedra Lamas achieved the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating to conclude the Chaco Battle between Paraguay and Bolivia. He was the 1st Latin American to win the Nobel Peace Prize
87. December 10, 1938 – The defending Champion, Toronto Argonauts defeat the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, 30-7 to retain the title
88. December 10, 1938 – Zen priesthood for Ruth Fuller Sasaki, Zen teacher
89. December 10, 1938 – Nobel Prize for Physics awarded to Italian scientist Enrico Fermi for his work on reduced radioactivity
90. December 10, 1939 – Green Bay Packers defeat New York Giants, 27-0 to gain the 5th championship of the National Football League title
91. December 10, 1940 – 50th annual function of KNVB celebrated
92. December 10, 1940 – Chicago Bears choose Tom Harmon from the University of Michigan for the 1941 NFL Draft
93. December 10, 1941 – Japanese air attacks off Malaya sank the British warship Prince of Wales and a smaller vessel Repulse (Force Z), and 840 killed
94. December 10, 1941 – Japanese army arrives at northern Luzon in the Philippines
95. December 10, 1941 – Guam seized by Japanese army
96. December 10, 1942 – Anton Mussert chosen ‘leader of the Dutch people’ by Adolf Hitler
97. December 10, 1942 – The 5th German tanker army established under the guidance of col-gen von Arnim
98. December 10, 1942 – The Polish Government-in-exile, prepared the statement of the Holocaust based on the information given by Witold Pilecki, and presented it to the UN member states
99. December 10, 1943 – The first Canadian Infantry Division of the British 8th Army captures Orsogna/Ortona Italy


100. December 10, 1944 – Nazis subjected 9 Dutch citizens to capital punishment
101. December 10, 1944 – German offensive at Dillingen bridgehead on Saar
102. December 10, 1945 – Aust Services defeated by India in a 3rd Victory Test Cricket by 6 wkts
103. December 10, 1945 – Automobile Entrepreneur, Preston Tucker announces his proposal to manufacture the Torpedo, a new 150 MPH car
104. December 10, 1946 – Award of Nobel Prize in Literature to German/Swiss novelist Hermann Hesse for his writings on classical humanitarian ideals and high qualities of style
105. December 10, 1947 – Accord signed between USSR and Czechoslovakia on trade and commerce
106. December 10, 1947 – Joseph Erlanger and Herbert Gasser, American physiologists, shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their research on nerve function
107. December 10, 1948 – approval by the UN General Assembly for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
108. December 10, 1950 – Award of Nobel Peace Prize to Ralph Bunche, 1st black American, for mediation in Israel
109. December 10, 1952 – Izhak Ben-Zvi voted to power as the 2nd president of Israel
110. December 10, 1952 – TV Transmission channel 10 in Roanoke, VA starting airing on NBC
111. December 10, 1953 – premiere of “John Murray Anderson’s Almanac” at Imperial NYC to give 229 shows
112. December 10, 1953 – TV Transmission channel 4 in Seattle, WA commences functioning on ABC
113. December 10, 1953 – TV channel 9 in Steubenville-Wheeling, OH commences on CBS
114. December 10, 1954 – Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Linus Pauling
115. December 10, 1954 – Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Albert Schweitzer
116. December 10, 1954 – Philadelphia Phillies acquire Connie Mack Stadium
117. December 10, 1956 – Founding of MPLA in Angola


118. December 10, 1958 – The first passenger jet flight National 707 operated between NY and Miami with 111 on board
119. December 10, 1958 – U of Pitts approves acquiring Forbes Field from the Pirates
120. December 10, 1960 – Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Willard Libby for his work on carbon-14 dating (radiocarbon dating)
121. December 10, 1961 – Billy Cannon of Houston Oiler, achieves a maximum of 373 yards against the Titans
122. December 10, 1961 – Atomic test(underground) by US at Carlsbad New Mexico
123. December 10, 1961 – Ambassadorial level connection broken between USSR and Albania
124. December 10, 1961 – Nobel Prize in Physics shared between Robert Hofstadter and Rudolf Ludwig Mossbauer for their original studies on electron scattering in atomic nuclei and studies on nucleon structure
125. December 10, 1962 – Hunters Point bus service stops operation after 50 years
126. December 10, 1962 –the first show of the movie, “Lawrence of Arabia” by David Lean on the theme of the life of TE Lawrence, featuring Peter O’Toole, at Odeon Leicester Square. (Academy Awards Best Picture 1963)
127. December 10, 1963 – premiere of singing by Donny Osmond at the age of 6 years on Andy Williams Show
128. December 10, 1963 – Great Britain grants freedom to Zanzibar
129. December 10, 1963 –Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their research on high polymers

130. December 10, 1964 – Martin Luther King Jr achieved the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo
131. December 10, 1964 – The first British woman to receive the Nobel Prize for Chemistry was Dorothy Hodgkin for her work on penicillin and vitamin B 12
132. December 10, 1965 – premiere of “Yearling” at Alvin Theater NYC for 3 shows
133. December 10, 1965 – Financial embargo on Rhodesia lifted by Dutch
134. December 10, 1965 – Doug Walters plays his first test cricket match against England at the Gabba
135. December 10, 1966 – Nobel Prize for Literature awarded to Israeli Shmuel Yosef Agnon
136. December 10, 1966 – Robert S. Mulliken achieved the Nobel prize for chemistry
137. December 10, 1967 – Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine shared between Ragnar Granit, Haldan Keffer Hartline, and George Wald for their discoveries about the make-up of the eye.
138. December 10, 1967 – Miguel Angel Asturias, an author from Guatemala, received his Nobel Prize in Literature in Stockholm
139. December 10, 1968 – Joe Frazier lifted the heavyweight championship title by defeating Oscar Bonavena in 15
140. December 10, 1968 – a 300-million-yen robbery happened this day in Japan but remains unsolved
141. December 10, 1970 – NY and Toronto awarded permission from the North American Soccer League
142. December 10, 1971 – Nobel Peace Prize awarded to West German Chancellor Willy Brandt
143. December 10, 1971 – appointment of William H Rehnquist as Supreme Court Justice
144. December 10, 1972 – Atomic test by USSR at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
145. December 10, 1973 – Two top American tennis players since 1885, Stan Smith and Jimmy Connors

146. December 10, 1974 – The European Economic Community demands a European Parliament
147. December 10, 1974 – The spacecraft Helios 1 propelled by US and Germany travels close to the Sun
148. December 10, 1975 – Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Yelena Bonner, wife of Andrei Sakharov
149. December 10, 1975 – Terry Funk defeats Jack Brisco in Miami Beach to achieve the NWA title
150. December 10, 1976 – Wings announced the issue of the musical “Wings Over America”
151. December 10, 1976 – The Nobel Prize ceremony was arranged in Mandarin to award the Nobel Prize for physics to Samuel C.C. Ting and Burton Richter for their research to find J/w particle and Samuel was the first Nobel laureate to address the gathering
152. December 10, 1977 – Soyuz 26 with two cosmonauts on board traveled to Salyut 6 space station
153. December 10, 1978 – concluding show of “Platinum” at Mark Hellinger Theater NYC after 33 shows
154. December 10, 1978 – USA defeats Great Britain in Rancho Mirage at the 67th Davis Cup (4-1)
155. December 10, 1978 – acceptance of Nobel Peace Prize by Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat in Oslo
156. December 10, 1978 – the first show of the movie “Superman” guided by Richard Donner and featuring Christopher Reeve, Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, and Margot Kidder at the Uptown Theater in Washington, D.C
157. December 10, 1979 – appointment of Piet Dankert as chairman of the European Parliament
158. December 10, 1980 – spacecraft Soyuz T-3 lands on earth
159. December 10, 1980 – Underground atomic test by the USSR
160. December 10, 1981 – 900 lost their life during the attack by El Salvador army
161. December 10, 1981 – debut show of “Grownups” by Jules Feiffer in NYC
162. December 10, 1981 – The proposition by Pakistan for the creation of a nuclear-free zone in South Asia was accepted by the United Nations General Assembly
163. December 10, 1982 – Michael Doakes defeats Mike Weaver in 1:03 to achieve his Heavyweight boxing title in Las Vegas
164. December 10, 1982 – The statement on the recipient who acquired AIDS symptoms on transfusion published by the CDC
165. December 10, 1983 – Lech Walesa receives the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to her husband Danuta Walesa
166. December 10, 1983 – Steelers defeat NY Jets, 34-7 at the last NFL play at Shea Stadium
167. December 10, 1983 – Raul Alfonsin was installed as the first noncombatant president of Argentina
168. December 10, 1983 – Martina Navratilova achieved her 8th professional Grand Slam singles event when she defeated Kathy Jordan of the US, 6-2, 7-6 at the Australian Open Women’s Tennis
169. December 10, 1984 – discovery of the first “planet” outside our solar system
170. December 10, 1984 – Nobel Peace Prize awarded to South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu
171. December 10, 1985 – US Congress approves the bill to balance the central budget
172. December 10, 1985 – convection of Junta heads, Videla and Massera in Buenos Aires
173. December 10, 1985 – a movie based on the theme of the book by Isak Dinesen, “Out of Africa” guided by Sydney Pollack and featuring Meryl Streep and Robert Redford debuts in Los Angeles (Best Picture 1986)
174. December 10, 1986 – In a match between Atlanta Hawk and Chicago Bulls, Dominique Wilkins scored 57 points for Atlanta
175. December 10, 1986 – Atomic test by France
176. December 10, 1986 – Elie Wiesel receives the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize
177. December 10, 1986 – Ivan Lendl defeats Boris Becker with a repeat of the previous year’s score of 6-4, 6-4, 6-4 to achieve the ATP Masters Grand Prix tennis championship at Madison Square Garden, NYC

178. December 10, 1987 – USSR sees “Nightline” for the first time
179. December 10, 1988 – Washington Capitals and Montreal Canadiens tie at zero score for the 1st time in the NHL play
180. December 10, 1989 – President of Czechoslovakia, Gustav Husak submits his papers
181. December 10, 1990 – nearly 140 lost their life in a racial rebellion between Hindus and Muslims in Hyderabad Aligarh, India
182. December 10, 1990 – safe landing of spacecraft Soyuz TN-10
183. December 10, 1990 – safe landing of Space Shuttle STS 35 (Columbia 11)
184. December 10, 1991 – $5 million awarded to IM Pei for designing the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
185. December 10, 1991- walk-off by Jackie Martling for 1 day of Howard Stern show
186. December 10, 1991 – Howard Spira accused of extracting money by threat from George Steinbrenner, Yankees Owner, was jailed for 2 ½ years
187. December 10, 1992 – premiere of “My Favorite Year” at Vivian Beaumont Theater NYC for 37 shows
188. December 10, 1992 – NHL permits Miami & Anaheim for 1994-95
189. December 10, 1992 – Jimmy Key contracts with NY Yankees for free agent pitcher
190. December 10, 1992 – Orlando Magic achieves 143 pointers
191. December 10, 1993 – the stock value of Dow Jones reaches its best at 3740.67
192. December 10, 1994 – Rashaan Salaam, Colorado (RB) was awarded the 60th Heisman Trophy Award
193. December 10, 1994 – Intolerance against Racism started with the slogan, “All different, All equal” by Europeans
194. December 10, 1994 – Presentation of Nobel Peace Prize to Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, and Yasser Arafat
195. December 10, 1995 – a new professional team of the NBA, in their first meet, Raptors defeat Grizzlies 93-81
196. December 10, 1995 – In a cricket match against Sri Lanka, Michael Slater of Australia achieved 219 runs at WACA
197. December 10, 1995 – Muralitharan achieved 2/224 in Australian innings of 5/617
198. December 10, 1995 – In a cricket match between Australia and Sri Lanka, Ricky Pointing scores 96 in his first Test Cricket at WACA.
199. December 10, 1995 – Buffalo recorded the heaviest snowfall of 37.9” in 24 hours commencing from Dec.9 at 7 PM; also, the previous record of 25.3” in 1982
200. December 10, 1996 – The UN multi-national forces in Zaire were recommended to take rest by the military advisor to the UN Secretary-General and head of the UN Military Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Maurice Baril
201. December 10, 1998 – Gertrude B. Elion, George H. Hitchings, and James W. Black received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for the development of new medicines
202. December 10, 1998 – Nobel Prize in Economics awarded to Indian Professor Amartya Sen for his contributions to welfare economics

21st Century – December 10 This Day In History – The 2000s

203. December 10, 2000 – Spain defeats Australia at the 89th Davis Cup in Barcelona (3-1)
204. December 10, 2001 – the first show of the movie “The Fellowship of the Ring” Lord of the Rings film guided by Peter Jackson and featuring Elijah Wood and Ian McKellen in London
205. December 10, 2001 – Eric Crouch achieved his 67th Heisman Trophy Award in Nebraska (QB)
206. December 10, 2001 – Nobel Prize for Economics shared by Joseph Stiglitz, George A. Akerlof, and A. Michael Spence for their analyses of markets with asymmetric information
207. December 10, 2005 – Reggie Bush, USC (RB) awarded the 71st Heisman Trophy
208. December 10, 2006 – Demonstration by one million Lebanese opposition supporters assemble in Beirut Town demanding the government to step down
209. December 10, 2006 – Boris Becker, presents Bjorn Borg, the Lifetime Achievement Award given by the BBC
210. December 10, 2009 – Barack Obama, US President received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo
211. December 10, 2010 – Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Liu Xiaobo, Chinese Human rights activist, at a function in Stockholm, while in jail in China
212. December 10, 2012 – laptops sold at USD 99 by Google
213. December 10, 2012 – In a road accident in Minquan County, China, 11 people lost their life and 23 wounded when a bus fell into a pond
214. December 10, 2012 – In a bus accident in Columbia, 9 people lost their lives and 32 were injured when a bus fell 300 meters off the cliff
215. December 10, 2012 – Norwegian Magnus Carlsen supersedes the achievement of Kasparov’s 13-year Elo rating
216. December 10, 2012 – Financial collapse in Japan in the second quarter of 2012 as the GDP came down by 0.03%, and in the 3rd quarter the figures came down further by 0.9%
217. December 10, 2012 – Johnny Manziel, was the first freshman to achieve the 78th Heisman Trophy, Texas A&M (QB)
218. December 10, 2013 –appointment of Mary Barra as the first woman CEO of General Motors, a big automobile company
219. December 10, 2013 – The growing, sale, and use of marijuana was officially permitted in Uruguay and it was the first country to adopt this legislation
220. December 10, 2015 – The first IVF puppies born to a surrogate dog at Cornell University were announced by scientists
221. December 10, 2016 – 38 killed and 166 injured by a bomb attack by radicals outside the stadium in Istanbul
222. December 10, 2016 – Lamar Jackson, Louisville Cardinals (QB), at the age of 19 was awarded the 82nd Heisman Trophy
223. December 10, 2016 – Bob Dylan achieved the Nobel Prize for Literature at a function in Stockholm but he did not attend the function
224. December 10, 2016 – the first show of the first of the Star Wars Collection, “Rogue One” guided by Gareth Edwards and featuring Felicity Jones in Los Angeles
225. December 10, 2017 – Tour of Southern California where there was uncontrolled fire by Jerry Brown, Governor of California states that it has become normal now
226. December 10, 2017 – Philadelphia defeats Los Angeles Rams in Los Angeles; Carson Wentz, QB was ruled out of the season due to an injury to his knee
227. December 10, 2018 – The UK parliament vote on the Brexit bill was canceled by Theresa May since it was certain that it would not be supported
228. December 10, 2018 – Two life sentences were given to Mikhail Popkov, the habitual killer in Russia for a total of 56 killings
229. December 10, 2018 – President of France, Emmanuel Macron broadcasts over television an increase in minimum wage and rebate on tax after a civic demonstration for over a week

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