Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Famous Events For December 25

Famous Events For December 25 – Today In History

What Happened on December 25 in World History?

Early Centuries – December 25 Historic Events – Before 1700

1. December 25, 0274 – Roman King Aurelian bestows a temple to Sun God Sol Invictus on the day of the winter when one of the poles is most tilted away from the Sun (winter solstice) and the day of rebirth of the Sun
2. December 25, 0337 – Dec.25th was celebrated as the possible date of Christmas
3. December 25, 0352 – Dec.25 also celebrated as the 1st definite date for Christmas
4. December 25, 0390 – Roman king Theodosius repents for his killing of thousands in Thessalonica
5. December 25, 0496 – King Clovis I was baptized as Roman Catholic – the first Germanic ruler to do so as per Henry of Tours
6. December 25, 0597 – Julian calendar comes into effect in England


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7. December 25, 0604 – Burgundy defeats Neustriers at the Battle at Etampes (Stampae)
8. December 25, 0800 – Crowning Charles the Great (Charlemagne) as Roman Empire by Pope Leo III
9. December 25, 0875 – the crowning of Charles the Bald as emperor of Rome
10. December 25, 0967 – the crowning of Otto II by John XIII called the Red German compassionate emperor
11. December 25, 069 – the crowning of Johannes I Tzimisces as emperor of Byzantium
12. December 25, 0979 – appointment of Rotardus as bishop of the kingdom
13. December 25, 0999 – appointment of Heribertus as bishop of Cologne
14. December 25, 1000 – crowning of monarch Istvan as king of Hungary
15. December 25, 1046 – the crowning of Henry III by Pope Clemens VI as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
16. December 25, 1048 – appointment of Count Bruno van Egsheim-Dagsburge, cousin of Emperor Henry III, as Pope Leo IX by Emperor Henry III
17. December 25, 1066 – with the crowning of William the Conqueror as King of England at Westminster Abbey, the Norman conquest of England is completed
18. December 25, 1100 – crowning of Boudouin I of Boulogne as King of Jerusalem
19. December 25, 1101 – Henry I of Limburg appointed Duke of Lower Lorraine
20. December 25, 1121 – Norbert of the Norbertijnen was found by Norbert van Xanten
21. December 25, 1130 – the crowning of Roger II the Norman king of Sicily by anti-pope Anacletus II
22. December 25, 1223 – 1st Nativity scene created by St Francis of Assisi (Greccio, Italy)
23. December 25, 1261 – John IV Lascaris of the reestablished Eastern Roman Empire was overthrown and made blind by his co-king Michael VIII Palaeologus


24. December 25, 1492 – The ship, the Santa Maria, in which Christopher Columbus and his crew navigated hits the ground and gets submerged on the north coast of Hispaniola. Columbus comes back to Spain and the crew left behind form a settlement
25. December 25, 1522 – Turkish army sieges Rhodos
26. December 25, 1553 – Lautaro along with his Mapuche insurgents beat the Spanish victors and the governor of Chile Pedro de Valdivia was sentenced to death
was 27. December 25, 1582 – The Gregorian calendar was introduced in Zealand and Brabant; yesterday was Dce. 14
28. December 25, 1599 – establishing of the city of Natal, Brazil
29. December 25, 1613 – Johan Sigismund of Brandenburg embraces Protestantism
30. December 25, 1621- Playing games on Christmas was banned by
Governor William Bradford of Plymouth Colony (now in Massachusetts)
31. December 25, 1640 – Mathematician Pierre de Fermat communicates his proposition that all functions are computable (church thesis) to another mathematician Marin Mersenne (Fermat’s thesis)
32. December 25, 1641 – Emperor Ferdinand III hoped to make more allies with negotiations with Sweden and France
33. December 25, 1643 – the founding of Christmas Island by William Mynors of East India ship company the Royal Mary during his voyage


34. December 25, 1651 – Massachusetts General Court imposes a fine of five shillings on those observing Christmas on any other day
35. December 25, 1683 – Duke of Monmouth, English Whig chief ran away to Holland
36. December 25, 1688 – British King James II arrives in Ambleteuse, France
37. December 25, 1688 – Lord Delamere supports King James II

18th Century – What Happened on December 25 – The 1700s

38. December 25, 1717 – thousand lost their lives when floods devastated provinces along the Dutch coastline
39. December 25, 1741 – Centigrade temperature measurement was introduced by Astronomer Anders Celsius
40. December 25, 1745 – most of Silesia was annexed to Prussians as the agreement entered into by Prussia and Austria known as the Treaty of Dresden
41. December 25, 1758 – Johann Georg Palitzsch predicted the return of Halley’s comet and was observed by him
42. December 25, 1760 – The poem “An Evening Thought” was written by Jupiter Hammon, an African American slave, (and published in 1761)
43. December 25, 1769 – Christian service held in New Zealand for the first time; Mass, the act of worship conducted in Doubtless Bay by Father Paul-Antoine Leonard de Villefeix of the de Surville excursion

44. December 25, 1775 – circular communication by Pope Pius VI on the problems of the preachers
45. December 25, 1776 – In a surprise move, George Washington crosses Delaware and conquers 1400 Hessians

19th Century – December 25 This Day That Year – The 1800s

46. December 25, 1809 – In a surgical procedure in the US, Physician Ephraim McDowell takes away a 22 lb ovarian growth, a first of its kind
47. December 25, 1814 – First Christian service in New Zealand on land, at Rangihoua, by Rev. Samuel Marsden of the Church Missionary Society
48. December 25, 1818 – 1st Christmas musical – “Silent Night, Holy Night” – “Stille Nacht, Heillige Nacht were rendered
49. December 25, 1818 – first performance of Handel’s Messiah in the US in Boston
50. December 25, 1830 – debut performance of “Symphony Fantastic” by Hector Berlioz
51. December 25, 1831 – Holiday on Christmas was first followed by Louisiana and Arkansas for the first time


52. December 25, 1837 – Seminole Indians were defeated by US forces at the War of Okeechobee
53. December 25, 1843 – The first matinee introduced in Olympic Theatre, NYC
54. December 25, 1848 – New Haven Railroad thrown to public use
55. December 25, 1862 – basketball played by Union army men at Hilton Head, South Carolina was witnessed by 40,000 fans
56. December 25, 1868 – US President Andrew Johnson, despite fierce opposition, excuses all those who participated in the Southern rebellion without any conditions attached
57. December 25, 1875 – inauguration of Lambs Club in New York
58. December 25, 1888 – indoor baseball was played at fairgrounds in Philadelphia for the first time
59. December 25, 1894 – University of Chicago vanquishes Stanford 24-4 at Palo Alto, CA in football – first midwestern football on the West Coast
60. December 25, 1896 – John Philip Sousa scripts “Stars & Stripes Forever”
61. December 25, 1899 – one shell containing a plum pudding was used during the shelling of Ladysmith during the Boer War


20th Century – Important Events On This Day December 25 – Lieutenant0s

62. December 25, 1900 – ban on: “Lieutenant Gustl” by Arthur Schnitzler in Germany
63. December 25, 1901 – an assault by Boer at 2 a.m. on the soldiers camped on a hill surprised the British force at the Battle at Tweefontein
64. December 25, 1902 – the first show of “Girl with Green Eyes” by Clyde Fitch in NYC
65. December 25, 1902 – During the yearly Christmas gathering, Pope Leo XIII asserts that the Christian Democratic movement developing in Europe was an effort to provide a more effective alternative to radical arrangements
66. December 25, 1905 – inaugural music “Mlle Modiste” by V Herbert/H Blossoms in NYC
67. December 25, 1911 – debut show of “Kismet” by Edward Knoblock in NYC
68. December 25, 1914 – Famous “Christmas Truce” where British and German troops exchange presents and play football on the Warfield of WWI in place of warring
69. December 25, 1915 – a musical by Irving Berlin and Harry B Smith in NYC
70. December 25, 1917 – The first drama to achieve the Pulitzer Prize, “Why Marry” debuts in NYC
71. December 25, 1917 – the musical, “Going Up” by Louis Hirsch and Otto Hirsch and Otto Harbach debuts in NYC


72. December 25, 1922 – the testament entitled “Political testament” dictated by Lenis
73. December 25, 1923 – inauguration of the Imperial Theater at 249 W 45th St NYC
74. December 25, 1926 –coronation of Prince Hirihto of Japan after the demise of his father, Emperor Yoshihito
75. December 25, 1928 – 14887 fans witnessed the cricket match at MCG. NSW Vs Australia on Christmas Day in Australia
76. December 25, 1928 – NSW recovers from 8-74 to 9-113 and at 9-367 at stumps
77. December 25, 1929 – Grimmett achieves 6-146 for SA; Queensland were all out for 380; fans numbering 5390 watch the match
78. December 25, 1930 – The public was permitted to witness the 1st US bobsled show by Mt Van Hoevenberg at Lake Placid, NY
79. December 25, 1930 – Slinger Nitschke achieves 142, SA Vs Qld at Adelaide in front of 5422 fans
80. December 25, 1930 – Tasmania scored 280 for 10 wickets Vs WI, 2-139 at Hobart Crowd of 2,500
81. December 25, 1931 – Albert Lonergan achieves 137 for SA Vs Qld before 5697
82. December 25, 1931 – Fleetwood-Smith achieves 5-69 for Victoria Vs Tas at Hobart
83. December 25, 1931 – The NY’s Metropolitan Opera airs the full opera over radio
84. December 25, 1932 – 275 lost their life when an earthquake of 7.6 strength struck Qansu, China

85. December 25, 1932 – During the Christmas dinner arranged by King George V, his chair broke
86. December 25, 1933 – Clarrie Grimmett achieves five wickets on the Christmas Day, match
87. December 25, 1933 – the Plan of Labor enunciated by Henry de Mans was suitable for the Belgian Working People’s Party
88. December 25, 1933 – Stan Smith achieves 8-33 for Victoria vs Tasmania at Hobart
89. December 25, 1934 – SA scored four hundred for SA when they scored 7-644 vs Qld before 6,180 fans
90. December 25, 294 – The Musical “Accent on Youth” by Samson Raphaelson in NYC
91. December 25, 1936 – disapproval of dictatorship and collectivism by the bishops of Belgium
92. December 25, 1936 – Ron Hamence achieves 1104 for SA Vs Queensland before 4865 fans
93. December 25, 1937 – premiere of the Symphony by Arturo Toscanini over NBC Radio
94. December 25, 1937 – Queensland achieved 93 for 10 wickets against SA, 10,436 fans witnessed
95. December 25, 1938 – Announcement by George Cukor that Vivien Leigh will play the role of Scarlett O’Hara in “Gone with the Wind”
96. December 25, 1939 – Introduction of Rudolph, the 9th red-nosed reindeer by Montgomery Ward
97. December 25, 1940 – Bradman was out in the first ball for South Australia Vs Victoria before a fan of 6213
98. December 25, 1940 – debut performance of “Pal Joey” by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Harts in NYC
99. December 25, 1941 – The British-Canada barracks at Hong Kong surrenders to Japan
100. December 25, 1941 – The Akagi and Kagu, Japanese aircraft carriers were brought back to Kure, Japan
101. December 25, 1942 – capital punishment awarded to Admiral Dalans, killer of Bosinier de la Chapelle
102. December 25, 1942 – arrival of British Colonel S.W Bailey at Mihailovics hq
103. December 25, 1942 – Soviets wage guns and tank war on German armies at Stalingrad
104. December 25, 1946 – Taiwan approves its constitution
105. December 25, 1947 – Human Rights Law passed by Taiwan (Day of Earth Law)
106. December 25, 1947 – the Republic of China approves its Constitution on this day
107. December 25, 1950 – Edward I in 1296 took the Coronation Stone from Scone from Scotland; this was stolen from Westminster Abbey and brought back to Scotland
108. December 25, 1951 – Aust Vs WI played a cricket test match on Christmas Day at Adelaide
109. December 25, 1951 – West Indies beat Australia by 6 wickets on the 3rd day of the 3rd Test Cricket
110. December 25, 1953 – a flood of lava from the volcano Ruapehu kills 150 in New Zealand
111. December 25, 1953 – a radio broadcaster, KNEW (95.5 The Vibe) IN Reno, Nevada starts airing the programs
112. December 25, 1954 – TV transmission channel 12 in Montgomery, AL starts functioning on NBC

113. December 25, 1955 – issue of a circular on sacred music and popular music by Pope Pius XII
114. December 25, 1956 – Gordie Howe, future Hockey Hall of Fame of Detroit, achieves a Christmas hat trick and 3 assists for Red Wings, 8-1 victory over NY Rangers; in a single play during the entire 26-year of his NHL professional, he achieved a majority of the points
115. December 25, 1957 – insane Ed Gein was declared not guilty for a large number of killings
116. December 25, 1958 – the inauguration of the Christmas Rock & Roll Spectacular by Alan Freed
117. December 25, 1959 – A Jewish church in Cologne Germany was spoiled with Swastikas
118. December 25, 1959 – the first drum set was accepted by Richard Starkey (also known as Ringo Starr)
119. December 25, 1959 – TV 8-301 transistor was introduced for sale in the open business by Sony
120. December 25, 1962 – atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya USSR
121. December 25, 1962 – a movie, “To Kill a Mockingbird” based on the theme of the novel of the same name by Harper Lee, debuts. The film guided by Robert Mulligan and featuring Gregory Peck has been announced. Gregory Peck was awarded the Best Actor Academy Award in 1963)
122. December 25, 1963 – announcement about “The Sword in the Stone” by Walt Disney
123. December 25, 1964 – The women Beatle admirers attack Patti Boyed, a girlfriend of George Harrison
124. December 25, 1965 – Establishment of The Yemeni Nasserite Unionist People Organization in Taiz
125. December 25, 1967 – wedding alliance between singer Paul McCartney and actress Jane Asher
126. December 25, 1968 – While circling the Moon, Frank Borman, an Astronaut, reads for Christmas
127. December 25, 1968 – In a village, Kilavenmani in Tamil Nadu, India, 42 Dalits were burnt alive for protesting against Dalit laborers for a raise in wages
128. December 25, 1969 – 5 Israeli watercraft carrying guns flee from Cherbourg harbor
129. December 25, 1969 – In a cricket match between India and Australia, Madras, India were all out for 163; Ashley Mallett achieved 5 wickets for 91
130. December 25, 1971 – Dolphins defeat Chiefs, 27-24 in 82m40s, the longest NFL play
131. December 25, 1971 – establishment of PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) by Jesse Jackson
132. December 25, 1971 – worse inferno in Taeyokale Hotel in Seoul kills 163
133. December 25, 1972 – In the first cricket Test match in Delhi, England defeats India 6 wickets
134. December 25, 1973 – On a cycle tour for 51 years, Tommy Chambers of Scotland) completes 799,405 miles
135. December 25, 1973 – a virus in the programming makes the APARNET crash and the traffic is diverted through the server at Harvard University. The server freezes
136. December 25, 1973 – while withdrawing the January 5 percent cut in oil production, the Arab oil ministers assure a 10 percent OPEC production increase
137. December 25, 1973 – debut performance of the movie, “The Sting” guided by George Roy Hill and featuring Paul Newman and Robert Redford with the music enthused by Scott Joplin in Los Angeles and New York (Best Picture 1974)
138. December 25, 1973 – The second award as best European football player to Ajax forward Johan Cruyff ahead of Juventus goalkeeper Dino Zoff and Bayern Munich striker Gerd Muller
139. December 25, 1974 – hurricane Tracy practically devastates Darwin in Australia
140. December 25, 1974 – Marshall Fields runs a vehicle through the White House gates, and a four-hour stand-off was created
141. December 25, 1976 – 100 people lost their lives when SS Patria, a ship belonging to Egypt, submerged in the Red Sea
142. December 25, 1976 – installation of Takeo Fukuda as prime minister of Japan
143. December 25, 1977 – meeting between Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel, and Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt in Egypt

144. December 25, 1979 – the first day of the 4th Test Cricket, India was 112 for 8 Vs Pakistan at Kanpur
145. December 25, 1979 – Afghanistan was attacked by Soviet defense to prop up the communist administration commencing a 10-year unsuccessful and terrible war
146. December 25, 1979 – Award of the 2nd successive trophy as best football player in Europe to English Kevin Keeganforward Karl forward; defeats Bayern Munich forward Karl-Heinz Rummenigge and Ajax sweeper Ruud Krol
147. December 25, 1982 – Mudassar Nazar achieves a score of 100; Imran Khan takes early wickets of India
148. December 25, 1983 – The Christmas Parade at the EPCOT Centre, Disney World Florida was shown live for the first time
149. December 25, 1984 – 60 points scored by Bernard King of NBA’s
150. December 25, 1984 – Europe’s best football player championship award to Juventus French midfielder Michel Platini for the successive time second time; defeats Bordeaux midfielder Jean Tigana and Verona striker Preben Elkjaer
151. December 25, 1987 – Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, who was assigned to murder the US President was re-arrested two after she had bolted from the prison
152. December 25, 1989 – maximum lowest temperature attained by Japanese scientists; achieved -271.8C
153. December 25, 1989 – charges of mass murder and for personal gains to become rich against Romanian Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena were proven. Awarded capital punishment and executed the same day by the firing group
154. December 25, 1990 – the first show of the movie, “The Godfather Part III” guided by Francis Ford Coppola and featuring Al Pacino Diane Keaton, and Andy Garcia
155. December 25, 1990 – award of best football player title to Inter’s German sweeper LSalvatorehaus earlier to Juventus striker Salvatore Schillaci and Inter defender Andreas Brehme
156. December 25, 1991 – The last day of the Pakistan Vs Sri Lanka match at Gujranwala was canceled due to constant rain
157. December 25, 1994 – last show of “Comedy Tonight” at Lunt-Fontanne Theater NYC after 8 presentations
158. December 25, 1996 – The 1500th anniversary of the baptism of Clovis I who founded Catholicism in France was remembered by a celebration in Rheims
159. December 25, 1997 – The collection in the US movie box office exceeds $6 billion for the first time
160. December 25, 1997 – broadcast by Jerry Seinfeld that the last session of his TV show “Seinfeld” will be broadcast the following year
161. December 25, 1999 – The holy doors of St. John Lateran by Pope John Paul II by kneeling at the entrance

21st Century – December 25 This Day In History – The 2000s

162. December 25, 2003 – loss of the Beagle 2 instrument discharged from Mars Express Spacecraft earlier on Dec.19 earlier to the soft-landing program
163. December 25, 2004 – the successful landing of Huygens instruments on Saturn, moon Titan on January 14, 2005, released by Cassini orbiter
164. December 25, 2008 – Phil Jackson achieves the victory of 1000 plays and becomes the 6th coach to achieve this distinction in NBA account
165. December 25, 2009 – unsuccessful hijack attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab against the US on Board Northwest Airlines Flight 253
166. December 25, 2009 – on charges of provoking rebellion against state power, the Chinese human rights activist Liu Xiaobo was awarded an 11-year prison term in Beijing, China
167. December 25, 2012- In an air accident involving an Antonov An-72 aircraft near Shymkent, Kazakhstan, 27 people lost their life
168. December 25, 2012 – in two devastating fires in Manila, Philippines, 8 people lost their lives, and thousands were rendered homeless
169. December 25, 2013 – premiere of “The Wolf of Wall Street” featuring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill
170. December 25, 2014 – an opera “Unbroken” guided by Angelina Jolie and featuring Jack O’Connell and Domhall Gleeson debuts in the US
171. December 25, 2016 – The Russian military aircraft takeoff from Sochi aerodrome and crashed into the Black Sea killing all the 92 traveling

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