Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Famous Events For February 1

Famous Events For February 1 – Today In History

February 1: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – February 1  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 1st Feb 1327: King Edward III was crowned as King of England when he was still in his teens. The country was ruled by his mother Queen Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer.
2. 1st Feb 1539: An anti-English treaty was signed between Emperor Karel and King Francois I on this day.
3. 1st Feb 1587: A death warrant was signed by Queen Elizabeth I of England for her cousin Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots.
4. 1st Feb 1662: Chinese pirates conquer the Dutch garrison on Formosa on this day.
5. 1st Feb 1669: Freedom of religion was limited by French King Louis XIV.


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18th Century – What Happened on February 1 – The 1700s

6. 1st Feb 1717: This day marks the first appointment of Henri d’Aguesseau as chancellor of France.
7. 1st Feb 1720: A peace treaty was signed on this day between Sweden and Prussia.
8. 1st Feb 1732: Pragmatic sanctions were accepted by the Parliament of Ratisborn.
9. 1st Feb 1742: Austria and Sardinia sign an alliance on this day.
10. 1st Feb 1788: The first US steamboat patent was issued on this day by Georgia to Briggs and Longstreet.
11. 1st Feb 1789: Vietnam drives out Chinese troops from its capital Thang Long.
12. 1st Feb 1790: The US Supreme Court was convened for the first time on this day in New York City.
13. 1st Feb 1793: War was declared on this day by France on Great Britain and Netherlands.
14. 1st Feb 1793: Ralph Hodgson gets a patent for oiled silk and linen on this day in New York.
15. 1st Feb 1796: Marks the shifting of the capital of Upper Canada from Newark to York.


19th Century – February 1 This Day That Year – The 1800s

16. 1st Feb 1809: The metric system was accepted by Dutch King Louis Napoleon.
17. 1st Feb 1810: The American Insurance Company of Philadelphia was the first insurance company managed by blacks.
18. 1st Feb 1810: Seville, Spain surrenders to the French on this day.
19. 1st Feb 1814: Lord Byron’s “Corsair” was published on this day and it sold 10,000 copies on the day of publication.
20. 1st Feb 1814: Volcano Mayon erupts in Luzon Philippines killing at least 1200.
21. 1st Feb 1840: The first college of dental surgery in the US, the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery was incorporated on this day.
22. 1st Feb 1842: The “City Despatch Post”, a private company that was the first to introduce adhesive postage stamps in the western hemisphere was started on this day in New York City. A few months later it was bought by the Government and was renamed “United States City Despatch Post”.


23. 1st Feb 1861: Texas voted to secede from the Union which precipitated the American Civil War.
24. 1st Feb 1865: J.S. Rock was admitted to the bar on this day. He was the first black lawyer to practice in the US Supreme Court.
25. 1st Feb 1865: A Joint Resolution submitting the 13th Amendment to the states was signed by US President Abraham Lincoln on this day.
26. 1st Feb 1867: Bricklayers on this day started 8-hour days.
27. 1st Feb 1871: Jefferson Long of Georgia made an official speech in the House of Representatives on this day. He was the first black to do so.
28. 1st Feb 1880: The first edition of “The Stage” was published on this day. It was the first theatrical newspaper to be published.
29. 1st Feb 1884: The first volume of the Oxford English Dictionary was published on this day.
30. 1st Feb 1893: Work on the world’s first motion picture studio in West Orange, New Jersey was completed on this day by Thomas Alva Edison.

31. 1st Feb 1897: This day marks the opening of the oldest bank in South Korea, “Shinhan Bank” in Seoul.
32. 1st Feb 1898: The first automobile insurance policy was issued on this day by the Travelers Insurance Company at Hartford to Dr Truman Martin of Buffalo. He paid $11.25 for the policy which gave him liability coverage of $5,000.

20th Century – Important Events On This Day February 1st – The 1900s

33. 1st Feb 1900: It was on this day that the first $1 Brownie box camera was introduced by Eastman Kodak Co.
34. 1st Feb 1902: The binding of women’s feet was forbidden by Empress Tzu-Hsi of China.
35. 1st Feb 1902: Granting Russia exclusive privileges in China was protested against by US Secretary of State Hay on grounds that it runs contrary to the open door policy granting equal rights to all nations there.


36. 1st Feb 1905: Count István Tisza, the Premier of Hungary resigned on this day.
37. 1st Feb 1906: The first federal penitentiary building was completed on this day at Leavenworth, Kansas.
38. 1st Feb 1908: Republican sympathizers in Terreiro do Paco assassinate King Carlos I of Portugal and his heir, Prince Luis Filipe in Lisbon.
39. 1st Feb 1909: After Jose Miguel Gomez, a liberal, becomes the president, US forces withdraw from Cuba.
40. 1st Feb 1910: This day marks the opening of the first British Labor exchange.
41. 1st Feb 1913: On this day the largest train station in the world, The Grand Central Terminal, which was also known as the Grand Central Station was opened in New York City.
42. 1st Feb 1914: The Pennsylvania State Board of Censors was appointed on this day to censor motion pictures.
43. 1st Feb 1914: This day marks the opening of the Tanganyika Railway.
44. 1st Feb 1917: Unlimited submarine war was announced by German Admiral Tirpitz.
45. 1st Feb 1918: Russia adopts the Gregorian calendar.
46. 1st Feb 1919: The first Miss America was crowned on this day in New York City.


47. 1st Feb 1920: The first commercial armored car was introduced at St Paul, Minnesota.
48. 1st Feb 1920: Royal Northwest Mounted Police merge with Dominion Police in Canada to form the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
49. 1st Feb 1923: Fascists Voluntary Militia forms in Italy under the leadership of its dictator Benito Mussolini.
50. 1st Feb 1924: The incoming Labour government of Ramsay MacDonald formally recognizes the Soviet Union.
51. 1st Feb 1926: Land at Broadway and Wall Street sold at a record price of $7 per square inch.
52. 1st Feb 1929: Weightlifter Charles Rigoulet of France achieved the first 400-pound ‘clean and jerk’ by lifting 402 ½ pounds.
53. 1st Feb 1930: The first crossword puzzle was published by “The Times”.
54. 1st Feb 1933: Anton de Kon was arrested by the Colonial government in Paramaribo Suriname.


55. 1st Feb 1933: Membership to non-catholic unions was forbidden by Dutch bishops.
56. 1st Feb 1933: German Parliament was dissolved. General Ludendorff predicts catastrophe.
57. 1st Feb 1934: All political parties except his own were dissolved by Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss.
58. 1st Feb 1937: Stapleton, Staten Island, becomes a customs-free port.
59. 1st Feb 1940: Soviet Union begins new offensive against Finland.
60. 1st Feb 1940: The first inter-city television broadcast was performed by NBC from its station in New York City to another in Schenectady, New York by General Electric relay antennas.
61. 1st Feb 1942: The second Norwegian government of Quisling was formed on this day.
62. 1st Feb 1943: German occupiers make Vidkun Quisling Norwegian premier.
63. 1st Feb 1943: A pro-Nazi shadow cabinet was formed in the Netherlands by Mussert.
64. 1st Feb 1944: The Soviet Republic’s autonomy was increased by the Supreme Soviet.
65. 1st Feb 1944: This day marks the landing of the US 7th Infantry/4th Marine Division on Kwajalein.

66. 1st Feb 1946: The United Nations Chose Norwegian statesman Trygve Lie as its first Secretary-general.
67. 1st Feb 1946: the Republic of Hungary proclaimed Zoltán Tildy as its communist president.
68. 1st Feb 1948: On this day the federation of Malaya was formed by nine Malay sultanates and two British Straits Settlements.
69. 1st Feb 1949: The first single record (45 rpm) was released by RCA.
70. 1st Feb 1950: USSR demands condemnation of Emperor Hirohito for war crimes.
71. 1st Feb 1950: Urho Kekkonen was elected president of Finland.
72. 1st Feb 1951: The first X-ray moving picture process was demonstrated on this day.
73. 1st Feb 1951: An atomic explosion was telecast on this day.
74. 1st Feb 1951: Alfred Krupp and 28 other war criminals were freed on this day.
75. 1st Feb 1951: the Republic of China was condemned by the UN as the aggressor in Korea.
76. 1st Feb 1951: US performs nuclear test at its Nevada test site.
77. 1st Feb 1952: There was a general strike in Tunisia against the French colonial rule.
78. 1st Feb 1953: Dr. A de Waal was on this day appointed as the first female assistant secretary of state in the Netherlands.
79. 1st Feb 1953: Flooding in the Netherlands kills 1835 people.
80. 1st Feb 1955: H.C. Hansen was appointed on this day as the Premier of Denmark.
81. 1st Feb 1956: War crimes of Hague Mayor Schokking were revealed by Hague Daily Newspaper.
82. 1st Feb 1957: P.H. Young became the first black pilot on a scheduled passenger airline.
83. 1st Feb 1959: Texas Instruments requests a patent for integrated circuits.

84. 1st Feb 1968: During the Vietnam War South Vietnamese Police Chief Brig. Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan was caught on camera executing a Viet Cong officer with a pistol shot to the head.
85. 1st Feb 1970: A stalled commuter train rammed by an express in Argentina killing 139 people.
86. 1st Feb 1972: The first scientific hand-held calculator (HP-35) was introduced. It cost $395.
87. 1st Feb 1972: British Prime Minister Edward Heath announces the appointment of Lord Chief Justice Lord Widgery to undertake an inquiry into the 13 deaths of ‘Bloody Sunday”.
88. 1st Feb 1978: Harriet Tubman was honored on a US postage stamp and became the first black woman to be so honored.
89. 1st Feb 1979: Patty Hearst was released from prison after serving 22 months of a seven-year sentence for bank robbery. Her sentence was commuted by President Carter.
90. 1st Feb 1979: At the end of 15 years of exile Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was welcomed in Tehran.
91. 1st Feb 1987: The largest slot machine payoff of $4.9 million was won by Terry Williams who got four lucky 7s on a machine in Reno.
92. 1st Feb 1991: A US Air jetliner crashed atop a commuter plane at Los Angeles International Airport killing 35 people.
93. 1st Feb 1996: Security measures for Visa and MasterCard announced to make it safe to shop on the Internet.
94. 1st Feb 1999: Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky gave a deposition that was videotaped for senators weighing impeachment charges against U.S. President Bill Clinton.

21st Century – February 1 This Day In History – The 2000s

95. 1st Feb 2003: US Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates during reentry to Earth’s atmosphere. All seven astronauts on board were killed.
96. 1st Feb 2004: There was a stampede at the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. 251 people were killed and 244 injured in the stampede.
97. 1st Feb 2005: King Gyanendra of Nepal exercises Coup d’état to capture democracy, becoming the chairman of the councils of ministers.
98. 1st Feb 2005: Canada became the fourth country on this day to sanction same-sex marriage. It introduces the Civil Marriage Act.
99. 1st Feb 2016: Myanmar’s first freely elected parliament in 50 years has its opening session on this day at Nay Pyi Taw.
100. 1st Feb 2016: Due to poor weather conditions 100,000 Chinese New Year travelers were stranded at a railway station in Guangzhou in China.

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