Thursday, March 13, 2025
Famous Events For February 22

Famous Events For February 22 – Today In History

February 22: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – February 22  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 22nd Feb 1349: Jews were on this day expelled from Zurich in Switzerland.
2. 22nd Feb 1387: A proclamation for all Lithuanians to accept Catholicism was issued by Jogaila on this day.
3. 22nd Feb 1630: Indians on this day introduced pilgrims to popcorn at Thanksgiving.
4. 22nd Feb 1656: A Jewish burial site was granted by New Amsterdam on this day.


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18th Century – What Happened on February 22 – The 1700s

5. 22nd Feb 1700: Swedish-controlled Riga was attacked by Agustus II with the help of the Saxon army. This was the beginning of the Northern War.
6. 22nd Feb 1774: The British House of Lords on this day ruled that authors do not have perpetual copyright.
7. 22nd Feb 1775: Jews were on this day expelled from the outskirts of Warsaw in Poland.
8. 22nd Feb 1778: A US merchant ship the “Empress of China” left New York City on this day on a voyage to the Far East.
9. 22nd Feb 1797: The last invasion of Britain took place today. About 1400 Frenchmen landed on this day at Fishguard in Whales.


19th Century – February 22 This Day That Year – The 1800s

10. 22nd Feb 1821: Spain on this day signed the Adam-Onis treaty with the United States ceding eastern Florida. The treaty was signed by the Minister of Spain Do Luis de Onis and the Secretary of State of the United States John Quincy Adams. Spain also agreed to cede the remaining portion of Florida and renounce its claim on Oregon country.
11. 22nd Feb 1821: The Adam-Onis treaty on this day became final with Spain giving up all of Florida to the US and the US renouncing all claims to Texas.
12. 22nd Feb 1825: The Alaska-Canada boundary was on this day established by Russia and Britain.
13. 22nd Feb 1860: Shoe-making workers in Lynn, Massachusetts went on strike demanding higher wages. The strike was spread throughout New England with 20,000 workers involved. The major demands of the workers were met.
14. 22nd Feb 1861: Jefferson Davis was sworn in as the permanent president of the Confederate States of America on Washington’s Birthday.
15. 22nd Feb 1865: Tennessee adopts its new constitution abolishing slavery on this day.


16. 22nd Feb 1879: Frank Winfield Woolworth’s shop ‘Nothing over five cents” opened today at Utica in New York. It was the first chain store.
17. 22nd Feb 1889: President Cleveland signed a bill admitting Dakotas Montana and Washington State to the Union. The “Omnibus Bill” was an act dividing Dakota territory into the states of North and South Dakota and enabling them to formulate constitutions.
18. 22nd Feb 1898: A black postmaster was lynched and his wife and three daughters were shot in Lake City, South California.

20th Century – Important Events On This Day February 22nd – The 1900s

19. 22nd Feb 1900: Hawaii on this day became US territory.
20. 22nd Feb 1902: There was a fistfight in the US Senate on this day. Senator Benjamin Tillman suffered a bloody nose for accusing fellow South Carolina Senator John McLaurin of bias on Philippine traffic issues.
21. 22nd Feb 1903: The US side of Niagara Falls ran short of water due to drought.
22. 22nd Feb 1905: Japan first claimed volcanic islets called Takeshima located between Japan and Korea where it is called Dokdo. Japan illegally incorporated Dokdo as its territory through an administrative measure of one of its prefectures.

23. 22nd Feb 1907: The first cabs with taxi meters began operating in London on this day.
24. 22nd Feb 1907: It was reported that the workers of a refugee camp in San Francisco’s Ingleside district agreed to comply with a directive to work one day a week for the betterment of the camp or miss their allotment of free tobacco.
25. 22nd Feb 1909: The Great White Fleet returned to Norfolk from an around-the-world show of naval power. It was the first US fleet to circle the globe.
26. 22nd Feb 1911: The Canadian Parliament on this day voted to preserve the union with the British Empire.
27. 22nd Feb 1915: Germany on this day began unrestricted submarine warfare.
28. 22nd Feb 1918: Germany on this day laid its claim on the Baltic States Finland and Ukraine from Russia.
29. 22nd Feb 1922: The Caper-Volstead Act was on this day signed by President Harding. It exempted farmers from federal antitrust laws permitting them to share prices and organize supplies.
30. 22nd Feb 1923: Transcontinental air mail begins service.
31. 22nd Feb 1924: The first Presidential radio broadcast from the white house was addressed by President Calvin Coolidge. He addressed the country over 42 stations.


32. 22nd Feb 1924: Colombia University declared on this day that radio education was a success.
33. 22nd Feb 1926: Mussolini’s aid to the Vatican was on this day rejected by Pope Pius.
34. 22nd Feb 1933: The SA/SS police was on this day formed by the Nazi Herman Goring.
35. 22nd Feb 1935: All plane flights over the White House were banned as they disturbed President Roosevelt’s sleep.
36. 22nd Feb 1940: The German Air Force today sand two German destroyers killing 578 people.
37. 22nd Feb 1941: Arthur T “Bomber” Harris became British Air Marshall on this day.
38. 22nd Feb 1941: General Douglass MacArthur was ordered to leave the Philippines by President Franklin Roosevelt on this day.
39. 22nd Feb 1943: Battleship USS Iowa, the first in the Navy’s 45,000 tons class, was on this day commissioned. It carried President Roosevelt to Tehran in Nov.
40. 22nd Feb 1943: Nazis executed on this day members of the Des Weisse Rose (White Rose) resistance, Christoph Probst (22), Hans (24), and Sophie Scholl (21) in Germany.
41. 22nd Feb 1948: 50 people were killed in Jerusalem in an Arab bomb attack.
42. 22nd Feb 1951: The Atomic Energy Commission on this day disclosed information regarding the first atom-powered airplane.
43. 22nd Feb 1952: The French on this day evacuated Hoa Binh in Indochina.


44. 22nd Feb 1952: A military aid pact with Peru was on this day signed by the US.
45. 22nd Feb 1954: The United States on this day was to install 60 Thor nuclear missiles in Britain.
46. 22nd Feb 1959: In the first Dayton 500, Lee Petty wins by recording 135.521MPH.
47. 22nd Feb 1961: British Foreign Secretary Douglas Home wrote a top-secret letter to Defense Minister Harold Watkins stating that Hong Kong was indefensible by conventional means and that the nuclear strike against China was the only alternative in the event of China attacking Hong Kong.
48. 22nd Feb 1962: A bid by the Soviet Union for new Geneva arms talks was turned down by the United States.
49. 22nd Feb 1963: Moscow on this day warned the US that an attack on Cuba would result in a War.
50. 22nd Feb 1966: Kosmos 110 was launched by the Soviet Union on this day with two dogs on board.
51. 22nd Feb 1967: It was on this day reported from Africa that the world’s first white Gorilla has been found.
52. 22nd Feb 1967: To smash the Vietcong stronghold near the Cambodian border, more than 25,000 US and South Vietnamese troops launched Operation Junction City.


53. 22nd Feb 1967: Indonesian President Sukarno on this day surrendered all executive authority to military dictator Suharto.
54. 22nd Feb 1967: The Tet offensive by the communist forces against South Vietnam ended today.
55. 22nd Feb 1971: Lt Gen Hafiz al-Assad becomes the President of Syria on this day.
56. 22nd Feb 1972: The IRA planted a bomb at the 16th parachute brigade headquarters at Aldershot, Hampshire. Five women and an army priest died in the explosion.
57. 22nd Feb 1972: President Nixon on this day met with Mao Tse-Tung in Peaking and Chinese Prime Minister Cho En-Lai in Beijing.
58. 22nd Feb 1972: Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani becomes Amir and Prime Minister of Qatar.
59. 22nd Feb 1973: The United States and Communist China on this day agreed to establish liaison offices.
60. 22nd Feb 1974: Pakistan today officially recognized Bangladesh.
61. 22nd Feb 1978: Two tankers with Propane gas exploded at Waverly in Tennessee. 15 people died in the explosion.
62. 22nd Feb 1978: The US Defense Department on this day launched a constellation of Satellites. These satellites are today the backbone of the Global Positioning System.
63. 22nd Feb 1979: St Lucia on this day gained full independence from Britain. Sir John Compton became its first Prime Minister.
64. 22nd Feb 1980: A major uprising in Kabul resulted in Afghanistan declaring Martial Law.

65. 22nd Feb 1983: The Chicago mayoral primary was won on this day by Harold Washington.
66. 22nd Feb 1986: This day marks the beginning of the Peoples Power Revolution in the Philippines.
67. 22nd Feb 1989: Finnish Ministry of Public Health on this day installed sex vacation to beat stress.
68. 22nd Feb 1989: The authors in the United States protest against Iran’s death threats against Salman Rushdie, the author of Satanic Verses.
69. 22nd Feb 1989: Stefan Hawking the physicist from the UK on this day called Star Wars a “deliberate fraud”.
70. 22nd Feb 1991: US President George Bush on this day gave Iraq time up to 5 PM GMT to pull out of Kuwait or face a full-scale war.
71. 22nd Feb 1994: A former CIA veteran Alrich Ames and his wife were on this day charged with selling national security secrets to the Soviet Union. He was later awarded a sentence of life imprisonment and was sentenced to 5 years in jail.
72. 22nd Feb 1995: During the prison riots Algiers police killed at least 99 prisoners
73. 22nd Feb 1995: Steve Fossett on this day completed the first air balloon flight across the Pacific Ocean, a distance of 9600 K.M.
74. 22nd Feb 1996: STS 75 “Columbia 19” was on the day launched into orbit.
75. 22nd Feb 1997: Scottish scientists from Roslin Institute in Edinburgh announced the successful cloning of an adult sheep by the name of Dolly. This was the first cloned mammal.
76. 22nd Feb 1998: Central Florida was on this day hit by a tornado that took the lives of 42 people. There were seven twisters in all which damaged even the surrounding areas.
77. 22nd Feb 1998: The 18th Winter Olympic Games came to a close today in Nagano Japan.

21st Century – February 22  This Day In History – The 2000s

78. 22nd Feb 2001: A U.N. war times tribunal in the Hague on this day convicted five Bosnian Serbs on charges of rape and torture.
79. 22nd Feb 2002: Jonas Savimbi the Angolan political and rebel leader was killed today in a military ambush.
80. 22nd Feb 2006: An armed gang on this day stole £53 million from the Securities band depot in Kent. It was the biggest such theft in British history.
81. 22nd Feb 2006: The South Dakota Senate approved a bill on this day that will outlaw nearly all abortions in the state. Advocates of abortion rights pledged to challenge the bill in the court of law if it was signed by the Governor. However, the bill was passed 23-12 after opponents tried to attach amendments creating exceptions in cases of rape and incest.
82. 22nd Feb 2010: Taiwan’s economy registers a 9.22% growth and exits from recession in the last quarter of 2009 due to increased demand from China and other markets in the region.
83. 22nd Feb 2011: There was an earthquake measuring 6.3 magnitude in Christchurch, New Zealand. The quake killed 181 people.
84. 22nd Feb 2012: A train crash in Bonus Aires, Argentina killed about 50 and injured hundreds of people.
85. 22nd Feb 2013: Tunisia’s ruling Islamic party named interior minister Ali Larayedh, who was seen as a conservative loyalist to form a new government.
86. 22nd Feb 2013: A Syrian army missile in Aleppo kills 29 people and injures another 150 people.
87. 22nd Feb 2013: Police clashed with protestors from Islamic political party members across Bangladesh. The protest was to denounce the war crime trials linked to the country’s 1971 war of independence. Two protesters were killed and dozens were injured.
88. 22nd Feb 2013: Britain for the first time suffered a sovereign rating downgrade when Moody’s stripped the country of its coveted triple-A rating. This was a big blow to Chancellor George Osborne.
89. 22nd Feb 2013: Gangster Ian Balint was on this day arrested in Romania with dozens of others on charges of murder, kidnapping, blackmail, and possession of illegal weapons.
90. 22nd Feb 2013: The Czech Prime Minister Peter Necas on this day signed deals with 16 religious groups to pay them $3.1 billion as compensation for property acquired from them by the country’s former communist regime. The left wing is opposing this move.
91. 22nd Feb 2014: Vatican Pope Frances appointed his first batch of Cardinals on this day. His predecessor Benedict made an appearance at the ceremony.
92. L22nd Feb 2014: Protestors in Ukraine took control of Kyiv and seized the president’s office as Parliament decided to oust him and form a new government.

93. 22nd Feb 2014: The heads of four Ukrainian security bodies appeared today in the Parliament and declared that they would not take part in any conflict with the people.
94. 22nd Feb 2014: Italy on this day swore in a new coalition government under Matteo Renzi. His democratic party was propped up by supporters of former Prime Minister Mario Monti and former loyalists of Silvio Berlusconi.
95. 22nd Feb 2014: The World Health Organization on this day began a campaign to prevent the breakout of cholera in temporary camps in South Sudan housing thousands of people who have fled the country’s two-month-old conflict.
96. 22nd Feb 2014: In Pakistan 9 militants were killed in helicopter gunship attacks targeting insurgent hideouts in the Hangu region.
97. 22nd Feb 2014: In Thailand a five-year-old girl was killed and dozens of others were injured in an anti-government rally in the eastern province of Tart.
98. 22nd Feb 2014: The defense minister of Iraq announced a 72-hour halt to military operations in Fallujah, which was being held by anti-government protesters for a week. The announcement raised the possibility of negotiations.
99. 22nd Feb 2015: In the 57th Daytona 500, Joey Logano wins. He recorded 148.370 M.P. H.
100. 22nd Feb 2016: Jat protesters in Haryana sabotage the Munak water canal. 10 million people in Delhi had to go waterless as a consequence.

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