Saturday, September 7, 2024
Famous Events For July 7

Famous Events For July 7 – Today In History

July 7: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – July 7  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 7th July 1438: The Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges stating a General Church Council with powers superior to the Pope must be held every 10 years, was issued by King Charles VII today.
2. 7th July 1456: 25 years after the death of Joan of Arc, a retrial verdict acquitted her of heresy.
3. 7th July 1495: King Ferdinand II returned to Naples today.


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4. 7th July 1498: The Choir of the Imperial Chapel was established by Emperor Maximillian I today.
5. 7th July 1543: Luxemburg was invaded by the French troops today.
6. 7th July 1550: It is thought that traditional date Chocolate was introduced to Europe on this day.
7. 7th July 1647: Upraising in Naples against high prices and Spanish rule.
8. 7th July 1668: Trinity College Cambridge awarded an MA degree to Physicist and Mathematician Isaac Newton today.

18th Century – What Happened on July 7 – The 1700s

9. 7th July 1753: The British Museum was founded today by an act of the Parliament. It opened six years later in 1759.


10. 7th July 1753: Jews were today granted citizenship by the British Parliament.
11. 7th July 1754: Kings College was opened today in New York City. It was later renamed as Columbia College.

19th Century – July 7 This Day That Year – The 1800s

12. 7th July 1807: Napoleon I of France and Alexander I of Russia signed the First Treaty of Tilsit today.
13. 7th July 1838: Central American Federation was dissolved today.
14. 7th July 1850: Edward Eyre, the Scottish explorer, reached Albany in Western Australia today.
15. 7th July 1862: State colleges were endowed with federal land by the Land Grant Act.
16. 7th July 1863: The Ban order of Jews from serving under General Ulysses Grant of the US was revoked today.


17. 7th July 1878: In Amsterdam, Social-Democratic United was formed today.
18. 7th July 1891: Four copyrights were granted to American Express employee Marcellus F Berry for the traveler’s cheque.
19. 7th July 1892: The Revolutionary Philippine Brotherhood was established. This led to the fall of the Spanish Empire in Asia.
20. 7th July 1898: The Organic Act was signed by US President McKinley for the annexation of Hawaii.

20th Century – Important Events On This Day July 7th – The 1900s

21. 7th July 1908: The Great White Fleet, American naval ships with their hulls painted white to showpiece American goodwill left San Francisco Bay on its mission to circumnavigate the world.
22. 7th July 1908: The Democratic Party which met in Denver for their convention nominated William Jennings Bryan as presidential nominee.

23. 7th July 1912: American athlete Jim Thorpe won the Pentathlon Gold medal in the Stockholm Olympics by winning 4 of the 5 events.
24. 7th July 1915: An overloaded (157 passengers) International Railway trolley crashed in a Great Gorge near Queenston, Ontario killing 15 people.
25. 7th July 1916: In New Zealand, the New Zealand Labor Party was established today.
26. 7th July 1928: Chillicothe Baking Company in Missouri sold sliced bread for the first time. They used the machine invented by Otto Fredrick Rohwedder for slicing the bread.
27. 7th July 1929: A concord signed by Romania and the Vatican today.
28. 7th July 1930: Construction work began on the Bolder (Hoover) Dam today.
29. 7th July 1936: First real TV program shown by the Radio Corporation of America today.
30. 7th July 1937: Japanese troops clash with the Chinese troops at the Marco Polo Bridge which triggered the Second Sino-Japanese War.


31. 7th July 1941: In Lithuania, Nazis today executed 5000 Jews in Kovono.
32. 7th July 1941: Aiming to forestall Nazi invasion, US forces landed in Iceland today.
33. 7th July 1942: Economist John Maynard Keynes after being knighted takes his seat in the British House of Lords as Baron Keynes of Tilton.
34. 7th July 1943: During the World War II, Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo visited Java.
35. 7th July 1943: German Fighter pilot Erich Hartmann shot down 7 Russian aircraft at Kursk.
36. 7th July 1944: 2,572 tons of bombs were dropped on Caen in France by RAF Bomber Command.
37. 7th July 1946: Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini was today canonized as 1st American Saint.
38. 7th July 1948: 6 female reservists were sworn into the regular US Navy and became the first women to do so.


39. 7th July 1950: During the Korean War, the United Nations Security Council today established the United Nations Command to combat North Korean forces.
40. 7th July 1950: The first Farnborough air show was held today.
41. 7th July 1952: SS United States crossed the Atlantic in a record time of 82:40.
42. 7th July 1954: In Tanzania, the Tanganyika African National Union “TANU” was formed today.
43. 7th July 1957: Belgium’s coast was ravaged by heavy storms today.
44. 7th July 1958: Arthur Milton, playing for England scored an unbeaten 104 runs in his test debut against New Zealand at Headingley today.
45. 7th July 1958: A bill approving statehood for Alaska was today signed by President Eisenhower.
46. 7th July 1960: In the Netherlands, a US cemetery was officially opened at Margraten today.
47. 7th July 1960: A US aircraft was shot down today by the USSR over the Barents Sea.


48. 7th July 1962: Nuclear test performed by the US at its Nevada test site.
49. 7th July 1968: France performed a nuclear test today at Mururoa atoll.
50. 7th July 1969: Equality for French and English languages was today approved by Canada’s House of Commons.
51. 7th July 1972: Susan Lynn Roley & Joanne E Pierce were the first women to be sworn in as FBI members.
52. 7th July 1972: Secret talks were held between the IRA and the British government today. Gary Adams was part of the delegation to London for talks.
53. 7th July 1972: In several incidents across Northern Ireland 7 people were killed today.
54. 7th July 1973: In India, flash floods swept a bus into a river killing 78 people.
55. 7th July 1973: The Board of Directors of ADA’s Kentucky Colonels had all women directors.

56. 7th July 1974: A blanket ban on all sports teams from South Africa was imposed in New Zealand.
57. 7th July 1976: The first class of women was established in the US Military Academy at West Point as 119 women joined the Corps of Cadets.
58. 7th July 1977: The University in Mexico City was today occupied by 12,000 police.
59. 7th July 1978: Solomon Islands declared its independence from the UK today.
60. 7th July 1979: Nuclear test performed by USSR at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalatinsk USSR.
61. 7th July 1980: Iran establishes the Institution of Sharia law.
62. 7th July 1983: The solar Challenger a solar-powered aircraft completed a 163-mile flight across the English Channel today.
63. 7th July 1986: In Jordan, the government today shuts down al-Fatah offices.
64. 7th July 1986: The Gramm-Rudman deficit-reduction law was struck down by the Supreme Court today.
65. 7th July 1986: Soviet General Dmitri Polyakov, who also spied for the US was arrested after his retirement in Russia. He was executed in 1988.
66. 7th July 1988: The US today performed a nuclear test at its Nevada test site.

67. 7th July 1988: The Soviet Union’s launch of Phobos 1 to probe the Martian moon was unsuccessful.
68. 7th July 1992: Czech tennis star Ivan Lendl officially became a US citizen today after the 5-year traditional waiting procedure.
69. 7th July 1995: Space shuttle Atlantis 14 (STS-71) landed today.
70. 7th July 1996: Nelson Mandela stepped down from office as President of South Africa today.

21st Century – July 7 This Day In History – The 2000s

71. 7th July 2002: As news reports accuse M 16 of sheltering Abu Qatada, supposed to be the leader of European Al Qaeda, Scandal breaks out in the United Kingdom today.
72. 7th July 2002: In the men’s Wimbledon final today, Lleyton Hewitt of Australia beat David Nalabandan of Argentina in straight sets (6-1, 6-3, and 6-2) to win his only Wimbledon singles title.
73. 7th July 2003: The United Communist Party of Armenia was formed today.
74. 7th July 2005: London’s public transport system, during the morning rush hour was subjected to coordinated bombing by the terrorists killing 52 and injuring 700 people.
75. 7th July 2012: In Russia, 140 people were killed in floods in the Krasnodar region
76. 7th July 2013: An air taxi crashed in Soldotna, Alaska killing 10 people.
77. 7th July 2014: In Gaza, Israel launched counter-terrorism operations which was dubbed as Operation Protective Edge against Hamas.

78. 7th July 2016: During a protest march in Dallas, Texas, against the fatal police shootings of African Americans five police officers were killed and several others were injured by a lone gunman.
79. 7th July 2017: Tesla Motors produced its first mass-market car, the Model 3.
80. 7th July 2017: The United Nations, without the participation of nuclear countries adopted the nuclear weapon ban treaty in New York today.

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