Thursday, March 27, 2025
Famous Events For June 11

Famous Events For June 11 – Today In History

June 11: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – June 11  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 11th June 1578: Sir Humphrey Gilbert was granted a patent by England to explore and colonize North America.
2. 11th June 1594: King Phillip II of Spain paved the way for the creation of Principal, the elite noble class of native nobility in Spanish Philippines, by recognizing the rights and privileges of local nobles and chieftains in the Philippines.
3. 11th June 1699: The 2nd Extermination Treaty of Spain was agreed to by England, France, and the Netherlands.

18th Century – What Happened on June 11 – The 1700s

4. 11th June 1742: The Franklin stove was invented by the founding father of the United States, Benjamin Franklin.
5. 11th June 1770: In Australia, the Great Barrier Reef was today discovered by Captain James Cook.
6. 11th June 1774: In Algiers, Jews escape the attack of the Spanish army.


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7. 11th June 1776: The Continental Congress created a committee with Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R Livingstone as its members to draft the Declaration of Independence.
8. 11th June 1793: The patent for the first American stove was on this day granted to Robert Haeterick.

19th Century – June 11 This Day That Year – The 1800s

9. 11th June 1816: This day marks the founding of The Gas Light Co of Baltimore.
10. 11th June 1837: The ethnic tension between the English-Americans and Irish-Americans erupted into the Broad Street Riot in Boston.
11. 11th June 1864: In San Francisco, a storm washes away 300’ of Meigg’s Wharf today.
12. 11th June 1866: In India, the Agra High Court was established on this day. It is now known as the Allahabad High Court.
13. 11th June 1870: The 1st-stone Amstel Brewery was opened today in Amsterdam.


14. 11th June 1876: Rutherford B Haines was today chosen as the Republican Presidential candidate.
15. 11th June 1891: Puerto Rico adopted its flag today.
16. 11th June 1892: The world’s first film studio, The Limelight Department, was established in Melbourne, Australia today.
17. 11th June 1895: Gas driven automobile was patented on this day by Charles Duryea.
18. 11th June 1896: In Deadwood in South Dakota, the US Assay office was authorized today.
19. 11th June 1898: Reforms in Peking proclaimed by Emperor De Zong.
20. 11th June 1898: During the Spanish-American war, the first 600 US Marines landed at Guantanamo in Cuba.

20th Century – Important Events On This Day June 11th – The 1900s

21. 11th June 1900: British troops chase General Botha in the battle of Diamond Hill.
22. 11th June 1901: New Zealand today annexed Cook Island and proclaimed it as part of New Zealand.


23. 11th June 1905: Penn Railroad Company’s fastest train in the world (New York to Chicago in 18 hours) made its debut today.
24. 11th June 1907: In a cricket match between Northampton Shire and Gloucestershire, Northants were all out for 12 runs.
25. 11th June 1911: A more liberal constitution was today adopted by the Greek National Assembly.
26. 11th June 1911: Marcus Gravy today founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association.
27. 11th June 1917: Under pressure from the allied armies occupying Athens, Constantine I abdicates and his son King Alexander assumes the throne of Greece.
28. 11th June 1920: Warren G Harding was today nominated by the Republicans for US President.
29. 11th June 1921: Women’s suffrage was today adopted by Brazil.
30. 11th June 1927: The crackdown on Rum Runners has resulted in arrests throughout the country in addition to the seizure of 20,000 cases of liquor. Some of the arrested have implicated politicians.
31. 11th June 1927: The first Distinguished Flying Cross was today awarded to Charles Lindberg.
32. 11th June 1928: Director Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “The Case of Jonathan Drew” also called “The Lodger” was released today.

33. 11th June 1934: In Geneva, the disarmament conference failed to make any progress.
34. 11th June 1935: At Alpine in New Jersey first public demonstration of FM broadcasting in the United States was given today by its inventor Edwin Armstrong.
35. 11th June 1936: In England, the International Surrealist Exhibition opened today in London.
36. 11th June 1936: In Philadelphia, the Presbyterian Church of America was founded today.
37. 11th June 1937: Members of the Union of the United Automobile Workers of America who wanted to join the pickets at steel mills in Michigan were teargassed by the deputies and were forced to turn back. The Union has now called for a mass protest by all members of Monroe, Michigan.
38. 11th June 1944: Five days after the D-Day landings (6th June), the Allied landing groups made up 330,000 troops coverage in Normandy.
39. 11th June 1955: A car lost control and crashed into stands filled with spectators during the 24-hour Le Mans race in France, resulting in the death of 82 people.


40. 11th June 1962: President John F Kennedy of the US today accepted an honorary degree from Yale.
41. 11th June 1963: Governor George Wallace of Alabama who was trying to ensure continued segregation was today forced to end his blockade of the University of Alabama. Two African-American students were allowed to enroll by the University.
42. 11th June 1963: US President John F Kennedy today stated that segregation was morally wrong and it was “time to act”.
43. 11th June 1964: Queen Elizabeth today ordered the Beatles to her birthday party. Beatles attended the party.
44. 11th June 1967: Israel and Syria today agreed to observe a cease-fire mediated by the United Nations. This brought the six-day war between Israel and Egypt, Jordan and Syrian forces.
45. 11th June 1967: Mexico today became a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty.


46. 11th June 1967: Race riot breaks out in Tampa. National Guards mobilized to quell the riots.
47. 11th June 1971: The US today ended the ban on trade with China.
48. 11th June 1971: The US and Japan today signed an accord for returning Okinawa to Japan.
49. 11th June 1987: 14 states in the Mid-West were struck by an earthquake of rare nature measuring 5 on the Richter scale. It caused widespread damage to highway overpasses and telephone lines. It lasted between 3-15 seconds.
50. 11th June 1987: Margret Thatcher, the British Prime Minister who had another landslide victory over the Labor party celebrates her third election victory.
51. 11th June 1988: Russian athlete Galina Chistyakova today established a new long jump record for women(24’8½”)
52. 11th June 1990: Former national security advisor John M Poindexter was today sentenced to 6 months for making false statements to Congress.
53. 11th June 1990: The Supreme Court today ruled that the law prohibiting the desecration of the National Flag is unconstitutional.
54. 11th June 1990: Singer and actress Olivia Newton-John was today appointed by the United Nations as the Environmental Ambassador
55. 11th June 1991: Microsoft today released the new disc operating system MS-DOS 5.0.
56. 11th June 1992: Tracy Austin, 29, was today inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame. He became the youngest player to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.


57. 11th June 1994: In Nigeria, Masood Abiola became the Prime Minister today.
58. 11th June 1994: In Falun, Sweden a drunken police officer shot 7 people dead.
59. 11th June 1996: Exxon today stated that it will begin work in Russia’s Far East on its $ 15 billion Sakhalin I oil and natural gas development.
60. 11th June 1996: To run for President, Senator Bob Dole today resigned from the US Senate.
61. 11th June 1998: A famine was officially declared in Southern Sudan by the United Nations World Food Program. It is estimated that about a million people may die due to extreme food shortages.
62. 11th June 1998: In the largest high-tech acquisition Compaq Computers paid $ 9 billion to Digital Equipment Corporation.
63. 11th June 1998: The Low Pay Commission in the UK today recommended a minimum wage of £3.60 per hour for people over 20 years of age.

21st Century – June 11 This Day In History – The 2000s

64. 11th June 2001: The ownership of the 1-6 million barrels per day IPSA pipeline which had carried Iraqi crude oil to Saudi Red Sea port Mujiz before the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq was today seized by Saudi Arabia.
65. 11th June 2001: Timothy McVeigh, was executed today for his role at Alfred P Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995. He was executed by lethal injection.
66. 11th June 2002: The United States Congress today acknowledged Antonio Meucci as the first inventor of the telephone.
67. 11th June 2003: Scientists today found a fossilized human skull believed to be 165,000 years old. This was found in the Afar region in Ethiopia.
68. 11th June 2005: In a meeting in London the G8 finance ministers reached a debt deal on behalf of their respective countries. The eight richest countries will allow eighteen of the poorest countries to write off their debt by meeting certain governmental standards.
69. 11th June 2007: The first female bishop was today ordained by the Episcopal Church of Cuba and Rev Nerva Cot became the eighteenth female bishop in the world. Cot was surrounded by high-ranking church officials from Cuba, Haiti, Panama, and Miami during the Consecration ceremony.

70. 11th June 2008: Eleven Pakistani troops were killed in the US air strike against Taliban Militants in Pakistan territory by the Afghan-based US forces worsening the relations between Pakistan and the US. Pakistan has strongly condemned the attack terming it as an aggression and violation of its sovereignty.
71. 11th June 2008: Tornados in the Midwest have been deadly. A twister struck a Boy Scout camp in Little Sioux, Iowa killing four and injuring 40.
72. 11th June 2009: In Texas, a mother survived a lightning strike. Lightning struck her while she was standing in the kitchen of her house. It struck her through a light fixture in the chest and exited her food. She survived after a three-day hospitalization.
73. 11th June 2009: An 88-year-old James Von Brunn opened fire on a crowd in the US Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. Stephan Styron Jones, a guard in the Museum died in the shooting. Brunn was convicted of violent crimes and had served a prison term.
74. 11th June 2009: Bulgaria dropped 1.6% in the last quarter of 2008 prompting the authorities to declare that the country is officially in recession.
75. 11th June 2009: The World Health Organization has declared the H1N1 influenza strain (Swine Flu) as a global epidemic.
76. 11th June 2011: Explosions blasted through Pakistani Market in Peshawar killing 34 and injuring 90 people. The bomb was placed in a garbage pile and exploded in the middle of the night. The area was home to the army and political offices.
77. 11th June 2012: The sexual abuse trial of Jerry Sandusky, who was charged with fifty-two counts of over ten boys over 15 years while he was an assistant football coach at Penn State began today.

78. 11th June 2013: The air traffic controllers in Europe went on strike resulting in the cancellation of half of the flights in France’s major cities.
79. 11th June 2014: In the northern city of Mosul, forces of the Islamic State of Iraq seized control of the government offices and other important buildings.
80. 11th June 2017: A new law was passed in Japan allowing Emperor Akihito to abdicate.
81. 11th June 2018: The Federal Communications Commission in the US officially repealed Net neutrality.
82. 11th June 2018: In what is considered as a landmark ruling US Attorney General Jeff Sessions rejected an asylum request by an El Salvador woman based on domestic abuse.
83. 11th June 2018: Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez today accepted the migrant rescue ship Aquarius with 629 people on board. Earlier Italy had refused it.
84. 11th June 2018: After protests against special economic zones at the People Committee headquarters in Binh Thuan province and elsewhere over 100 people were arrested.

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