Monday, March 17, 2025
Famous Events For June 25

Famous Events For June 25 – Today In History

June 25: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – June 25  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 25th June 1080: Jews of Werelinghofen in Germany were slaughtered by the 1st Crusade today.
2. 25th June 1139: Moors defeated by Afonso at the Battle of Ourique today.
3. 25th June 1183: The peace of Konstanz was today signed between Hohenstaufen Emperor Fredrick Barbarossa and the Italian Lombard League.
4. 25th June 1298: In the Rindfleisch Persecutions, 250 Jews were killed today in Rotenberg, Germany.


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5. 25th June 1483: Based on the bigamous marriage of his parents, King Edward V of England was today declared illegitimate by the House of Commons and the House of Lords in England.
6. 25th June 1500: The treaty of Granada was accepted by Pope Alexander VI today.
7. 25th June 1530: Germany’s Protestant prices in what is known as the Augsburg Confession, forced Holy Roman Emperor Charles V to hear their confessions of faith.
8. 25th June 1580: The Standards of the Lutheran, Book of Concords, was first published today.
9. 25th June 1630: Governor Winthrop introduced the fork to American dining today.
10. 25th June 1638: The first astronomical event recorded by American colonies was the lunar eclipse.
11. 25th June 1646: The New Model Army of Thomas Fairfax occupied Oxford today.
12. 25th June 1658: At Dunkirk, the Spanish garrison surrendered to the French and English today.
13. 25th June 1678: Venetian philosopher and mathematician Elena Cornaro Piscopia was awarded a doctorate of Philosophy today. She is the first woman to receive a PhD (a doctoral degree) from a university.


18th Century – What Happened on June 25 – The 1700s

14. 25th June 1788: Virginia ratified the Constitution of the United States today, becoming the 10th state to do so.
15. 25th June 1798: The Aline Act, authorizing the President to deport dangerous aliens was passed in the US today.

19th Century – June 25 This Day That Year – The 1800s

16. 25th June 1835: The first building of Yerba Buena (now San Francisco) was constructed today.
17. 25th June 1864: Hose tramway at Hague opened today.
18. 25th June 1868: President Andrew Jonson passed a law that government workers work for 8 hours a day.


19. 25th June 1868: Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina were re-admitted to the United States today.
20. 25th June 1876: Six hundred strong US Seventh Cavalry led by George Armstrong Custer were attacked by 3000 native Indians mostly Sioux and Cheyenne in the Battle of Little Bighorn. The last of the soldiers was dead within one hour of the attack.

20th Century – Important Events On This Day June 25th – The 1900s

21. 25th June 1988: Benjamin Harrison was nominated today by the Republican Convention in Chicago for US President.
22. 25th June 1894: The American Railway Union under Eugene V Debs went on strike today.
23. 25th June 1900: The world’s oldest surviving dated book, Dunhuang manuscripts, including the Diamond Sutra, was discovered in the Mogao Caves in China today by Daoist monk Wang Yuanlu.

24. 25th June 1900: Russia mobilized its army in eastern Siberia to be prepared to act against the Chinese and also to diminish Japanese influence in the Asian mainland.
25. 25th June 1905: Warsaw and Lodz revolted against Russian occupation today.
26. 25th June 1913: In the Dutch parliamentary elections confess party loses the majority.
27. 25th June 1913: American Civil War veterans start arriving at the Great Union of 1913.
28. 25th June 1916: In Russia, Tsar Nicolaas II, terminated the services of Minister of Foreign Affairs Sasonov today.
29. 25th June 1920: The League of Nations decided to place the International Court of Justice in Hague.
30. 25th June 1928: The Jewish community has pledged to raise $3000, 000 each year for the next five years to rebuild Palestine as Jewish National Home.
31. 25th June 1929: US President Herbert Hoover today authorized the building of the Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam).


32. 25th June 1932: The first cricket test match between India and England began at Lords today.
33. 25th June 1935: Heavyweight boxing champion Joe Louis defeated Primo Carnera at the Yankee stadium today.
34. 25th June 1938: In the US workers are guaranteed a minimum wage of 25 cents per hour and a maximum 44 hours work week by the Federal Minimum Wage Law.
35. 25th June 1938: Swastika is a good luck symbol for Indians. The Native American Indian businesses using Swastika are stopping displaying Swastika due to the belief of people that it stands for Nazi symbol.
36. 25th June 1941: Finland today declared war on the Soviet Union.
37. 25th June 1941: President Franklin D Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802, forbidding discrimination.
38. 25th June 1941: Fair Employment Practice Commission was established today.
39. 25th June 1942: During World War II, RAF today staged a 1000 bomb raid on Bremen Germany.


40. 25th June 1942: Major General Dwight Eisenhower was today appointed Commander of US forces in Europe.
41. 25th June 1945: The fall of Okinawa was announced today by Imperial General Headquarters in Tokyo.
42. 25th June 1948: In retaliation to Russia’s blockade of West Berlin, stopping fuel, electricity, and food to soldiers the US and UK have stopped all exports to East Berlin and USSR.
43. 25th June 1948: President Harry Truman signed the Displaced Persons Bill today.
44. 25th June 1950: Israeli airline El Al commenced its operations today.
45. 25th June 1950: Armed forces from Communist North Korea attacked and smashed into South Korea triggering the Korean War which lasted till 1953 and in which the US and China were involved.
46. 25th June 1951: The Columbia Broadcasting System today broadcast the first commercial color television show in the US.
47. 25th June 1952: The Dutch social democratic party won 2nd parliamentary elections today.
48. 25th June 1953: The first passenger flew on a commercial flight around the world in less than 100 hours.


49. 25th June 1956: Steam ship SS Andre Doria collided with MS Stockholm off the coast of Nantucket today and 46 people died in the collision.
50. 25th June 1956: The last of the Packard cars rolled out of Packard’s Connor Avenue plant in Detroit, Michigan today.
51. 25th June 1957: Hurricane Audrey struck the Gulf Coast killing 390 people. Water reached nearly 15 feet above the normal high tide level and tremendous waves even washed boats ashore. Only one building survived in Creole and two at Cameron.
52. 25th June 1960: Madagascar gained its independence from France today.
53. 25th June 1960: The British government granted Indi penance to Somalia today.
54. 25th June 1967: The first global satellite television program “Our World” was telecast today. It featured 19 acts representing 19 nations including the Beatles singing “All You Need is Love”.
55. 25th June 1969: The film “Early Works” won the Golden Bear award at the 19th Berlin Film Festival today.

56. 25th June 1975: Mozambique became independent today after a prolonged liberation struggle against the Portuguese colonial ruler to become the People’s Republic of Mozambique.
57. 25th June 1976: The ten days of rioting during the Soweto uprising in South Africa left 174 blacks and 2 whites dead.
58. 25th June 1976: “The Omen” premiered in the US today.
59. 25th June 1977: Roy C Sullivan of Virginia was struck by lightning for the 7th time today.
60. 25th June 1981: Microsoft was restructured today to become an incorporated business in its home state of Washington.
61. 25th June 1982: Head shaving of recruits in the military was today abolished in Greece.
62. 25th June 1982: South African President P.W. Botha issued a new proclamation which again placed Ingwavuma under government control.
63. 25th June 1983: India today beat West Indies by 43 runs to win the cricket World Cup.
64. 25th June 1985: A fireworks factory near Hallett OK, in Oklahoma, exploded killing 21 people.
65. 25th June 1986: Former Belgian Prime Minister Vanden Boeynants was sentenced for fraud today.
66. 25th June 1990: Anti-government riots broke out in Lusaka, Zambia today.

67. 25th June 1990: Leader of the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela met President George W Bush at the White House today.
68. 25th June 1991: In Wimbledon, Martina Navratilova won the record 100th singles match today.
69. 25th June 1993: In Canada, Kim Campbell who was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada, became the first woman to hold the country’s highest office.
70. 25th June 1996: In Saudi Arabia a truckload of explosives was detonated at a housing complex of US military personnel. The explosion killed 19 Americans and injured hundreds of others.
71. 25th June 1998: An unknown masked gunman murdered Algeria’s popular singer “Lounes Matoub” on a remote mountainous road in Eastern Algeria. Tens of thousands of mourners protested the murder.

21st Century – June 25 This Day In History – The 2000s

72. 25th June 2001: In the UK racial violence broke out in Burnely when two gangs of Asian and white youths attacked shops and firebombed a pub.
73. 25th June 2004: A highly controversial political documentary film by Michael Moore, an anti-Bush and anti-war documentary, opened in more than 800 cinemas across America today.

74. 25th June 2005: In the Iranian Presidential polls, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a conservative hardliner who believes that Israel does not have any rights in the Middle East, registered a landslide victory today.
75. 25th June 2006: Palestinian soldiers approaching through a tunnel under the Israeli side of the Southern Gaza strip border attacked a military post killing 2 Israeli soldiers. They even kidnapped a Corporal Gild Shalit of Israel.
76. 25th June 2010: The authorities in the city of Gori in Georgia, secretly removed a huge statue of Joseph Stalin from the square in his hometown. They sent the statue to a museum dedicated to him in the town. The statue was replaced by a war memorial dedicated to victims of the 2008 war with Russia.
77. 25th June 2011: Same-sex marriage was legalized in New York today and it became the sixth state in the United States to legalize same-sex marriage. This was approved by the Senate which voted 32-29 in favor of the bill.
78. 25th June 2012: Florida was hit by tropical storm Debby causing floods and large-scale disruption of power supply. The Governor of Florida declared a state of emergency.
79. 25th June 2017: In Pakistan a fuel tanker burst into flames near Ahmedpur East. More than 200 people died in the blast.
80. 25th June 2018: Makers of the motorcycle Hartley Davidson, in response to EU retaliatory tariffs announced their plans to move some production abroad.

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