Saturday, March 22, 2025
Famous Events For March 10

Famous Events For March 10 – Today In History

March 10: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – March 10  Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 10th March 1578: John Casimir was on this day given £20,000 by Queen Elizabeth I of England to aid the Dutch rebellion.
2. 10th March 1624: England today declared war on Spain.
3. 10th March 1629: King Charles I of England dissolved the parliament on this day. He did not convene the parliament again for 11 years.


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4. 10th March 1656: Suffrage was on this day extended to all men regardless of religion in the American colony of Virginia.

18th Century – What Happened on March 10 – The 1700s

5. 10th March 1785: Benjamin Franklin was succeeded by Thomas Jefferson’s son when he was appointed as Prime Minister of France.
6. 10th March 1792: The pile driver was on this day patented by John Stone.

19th Century – March 10 This Day That Year – The 1800s

7. 10th March 1801: This day marks the first official census in Great Britain. The census revealed that Britain had a population of approximately 10 million.
8. 10th March 1804: At St. Louis, the formal ceremonies for the transfer of Louisiana from France to the US, upon its being purchased from the US, took place on this day.
9. 10th March 1806: In South Africa, the Dutch at Cape Town surrendered to the British.
10. 10th March 1814: The combined Allied Army defeated Napoleon Bonaparte in the battle of Laon in France.


11. 10th March 1830: The Royal Netherlands East Indies Army (KNIL) was created on this day.
12. 10th March 1831: King Louis-Philippe on this day established French Foreign Legion in support of his war in Algeria.
13. 10th March 1847: The first money was on this day minted in Hawaii.
14. 10th March 1848: The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which ended the war with Mexico was on this day ratified by the US Senate.
15. 10th March 1849: Abraham Lincoln on this day applied for a patent for a device to lift vessels from shallow waters with an inflated device.
16. 10th March 1862: The US on this day issued its first paper money in the form of $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $500, and $1000.
17. 10th March 1862: Today Great Britain and France recognized the independence of Zanzibar.
18. 10th March 1876: On this day Alexander Graham Bell made the first successful telephone call to Thomas Watson. He said, “Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you”.
19. 10th March 1880: This day marks the arrival of the Salvation Army in the US from the UK.
20. 10th March 1891: The Strowger Switch was on this day patented by Almon Strowger, an undertaker in Topeka, Kansas. This device led to the automation of telephone circuit switching.
21. 10th March 1893: The graduation ceremony of the New Mexico State University was canceled because the only graduate was robbed and killed on the previous night.
22. 10th March 1894: The nation’s first dog licensing law was on this day signed by the Governor of New York Roswell P Flower.


20th Century – Important Events On This Day March 10th – The 1900s

23. 10th March 1900: The regents of the King of Uganda and other leading chiefs signed a treaty with Great Britain agreeing to the organization of government, taxation, courts, and other functions of their country including the military as they were under the protection of the British.
24. 10th March 1902: In South Africa the Bores captured the British General Methuen and 200 men, registering their first victory over the British.
25. 10th March 1902: Today the United States Court of Appeals ruled that Thomas Edison did not invent the movie camera.
26. 10th March 1902: The Turkish town of Tochangri was on this day wiped out by an earthquake.
27. 10th March 1903: The multigraph duplicating machine was on this day patented by Harry C Gammeter.
28. 10th March 1903: The ship “Karmania” with six people dead of cholera was on this day quarantined in New York harbor.
29. 10th March 1905: Japanese army today captured Mukden (Shenyang).
30. 10th March 1906: A coal dust explosion in a mine at Courrieres buried about 1200 miners today.
31. 10th March 1906: Today the Baker Street and Waterloo Railway, constructed by the Undergrounds Electric Railway Company of London was opened.
32. 10th March 1909: The British on this day extracted territorial concessions from Siam and Malaya.
33. 10th March 1910: Pittsburg Courier began publication today.
34. 10th March 1910: The Republic of China today abolished slavery.
35. 10th March 1912: The Manchu Ch’ing dynasty was overthrown in China and China became a republic today.

36. 10th March 1915: The British army on this day captured Neuve Chapelle.
37. 10th March 1920: The Home Rule Act was today passed by the British Parliament. It divided Ireland into two parts. The act was rejected by the Southern countries where the Anglo-Irish war continued for a year.
38. 10th March 1922: A state of siege was today proclaimed during the mine strike in Johannesburg in South Africa.
39. 10th March 1924: The New York State law, forbidding late-night work for women was on this day upheld by the US Supreme Court.
40. 10th March 1927: Prussia on this day allowed Adolf Hitler to speak in public by lifting the Nazi ban.
41. 10th March 1931: The British Labor Party today removed fascist Sir Oswald Mosley.
42. 10th March 1933: Nevada became the first state in the US to have a drug regulation.
43. 10th March 1933: There was a major earthquake today in Long Beach, California.
44. 10th March 1939: In a hailstorm, hailstones damaged 17 villages in Hyderabad in India.
45. 10th March 1941: Vichy France on this day threatened to use its Navy unless Briton allowed food to reach France.
46. 10th March 1944: German U-boat U-575 sinks HMS Asphodel.
47. 10th March 1944: Ireland today refused to oust all Axis envoys. They also denied the accusation that they were spying on Allied troops.
48. 10th March 1945: Germany today blew up Wessel Bridge on the Rhine.
49. 10th March 1945: Japan today declared that Vietnam is independent.


50. 10th March 1945: Today the US troops landed on Mindanao.
51. 10th March 1945: Gerd von Rundstedt was today succeeded by Field Marshal Albert Kesselring as commander of the German Army Command in the West.
52. 10th March 1946: A train derailed near Aracaju Brazil killing 185 people.
53. 10th March 1947: A 20-year mutual aid pact was on this day signed between Poland and Czechoslovakia.
54. 10th March 1949: Millard E Gillars, the Nazi wartime broadcaster, also known as “Axis Sally” was on this day convicted on charges of treason in Washington D.C.
55. 10th March 1951: FBI director Edward Hoover today declined the post of Baseball Commissioner.
56. 10th March 1956: There was a general strike in Cyprus in protest against the exile of archbishop Makarios.
57. 10th March 1957: Today thousands of football fans ran riot in Italy.
58. 10th March 1959: In Lhasa, Tibet there was an uprising against the Chinese occupation force.
59. 10th March 1960: The USSR today agreed to stop nuclear testing.
60. 10th March 1964: A US reconnaissance plane was today shot down over East Germany.
61. 10th March 1965: Dutch Prince Margriet was engaged to Peter Van Vollenhoven today.
62. 10th March 1966: France today came out of NATO’s military command to protest against the US dominance of the alliance and asked NATO to move its headquarters out of Paris.
63. 10th March 1966: A Green Beret camp at Ashau Valley was on this day captured by North Vietnam.
64. 10th March 1969: James Earl Ray on this day pleaded guilty to the murder of Martin Luther King Jr.
65. 10th March 1970: Members of the Stormont Parliament of Northern Ireland were given police protection.


66. 10th March 1971: It was on this day approved by the US Senate to lower the voting age to 18 years.
67. 10th March 1972: The first United States black political convention opened today at Gary Indiana.
68. 10th March 1972: The USSR today performed a nuclear test at East Kazakh in the USSR.
69. 10th March 1973: Today Morocco adopted its constitution.
70. 10th March 1974: Christian democrats today won the parliamentary election in Belgium.
71. 10th March 1975: The South Vietnamese town of Ban Me Thout was this day attacked by the North Vietnamese Army.
72. 10th March 1975: Today dog spectacles were patented in England. Also see: Dreams of Googles
73. 10th March 1977: The rings of Uranus were on this day during the occultation of SAO.
74. 10th March 1978: Russian spacecraft Soyuz 28 returns to earth today.
75. 10th March 1980: Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of Iran today lent his support to the militants holding Americans as hostages in Tehran.
76. 10th March 1981: The US Postal Service on this day announced that there was an increase in first-class postage from 15 cents to 18 cents.
77. 10th March 1982: Because of Libya’s continued support of terrorism, the US banned the import of oil from that country.


78. 10th March 1982: Sygyzy: All nine planets aligned on the same side of the Sun.
79. 10th March 1982: President Ronald Regan today imposed economic sanctions against Lybia.
80. 10th March 1985: The French socialists today lost the election.
81. 10th March 1987: The Vatican on this day condemned test-tube and artificial insemination including surrogate parenting.
82. 10th March 1988: His Royal Highness Prince Charles was nearly killed in an avalanche at the Swiss Ski resort Klosters.
83. 10th March 1990: President Prosper Avril of Haiti was on this day ousted from power, 18 months after seizing power in a coup.
84. 10th March 1990: The US today performed a nuclear test at its Nevada test site.
85. 10th March 1991: The process of withdrawing 540,000 US troops from the Persian Gulf region “Phase Echo” began today.
86. 10th March 1994: One million Greeks attended the funeral of Melina Mercouri today.
87. 10th March 1994: In connection with the Whitewater controversy, White House officials began testifying before the federal grand jury today.

88. 10th March 1995: Yasser Arafat on this day was told by the US Secretary of State Warren Christopher that he will have to do more to curb Palestinian terrorists.
89. 10th March 1995: A car bomb exploded in a Shiite mosque in Karachi, Pakistan. More than 17 people were killed.
90. 10th March 1995: Today Dow Jones index hit a record 4035.64.
91. 10th March 1996: The mayor of New York City, Guiliani visited Israel today.
92. 10th March 1998: The US troops in the Persian Gulf started receiving vaccination against Anthrax today.

21st Century – March 10 This Day In History – The 2000s

93. 10th March 2000: The NASDAQ stock market index today peaked at 5132.52, signaling the beginning of the end of the dot-com boom.

94. 10th March 2002: The Associated Press reported today the US Congress was informed in January by the Pentagon that it was making a contingency plan for possible use of nuclear weapons against countries that threaten the US with weapons of mass destruction including Iraq and North Korea.
95. 10th March 2003: North Korea today test-fired its short-range missile in an unusual military maneuver.
96. 10th March 2006: The Mars reconnaissance orbiter arrives at Mars.
97. 10th March 2012: At least 130 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel today.
98. 10th March 2013: In Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi was re-elected today as the leader of the Burmese National League for Democracy.
99. 10th March 2014: German Chancellor Merkel today warned Russian President Putin that making Crimea part of Russia is illegal and violates the constitution of Ukraine.

100. 10th March 2016: The twelfth Republican Presidential candidates debate was hosted by CNN and was held in Coral Gables Florida.

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