Monday, March 17, 2025
Famous Events For November 11

Famous Events For November 11 – Today In History

What Happened on November 11 in World History?

Early Centuries – November 11 Historic Events – Before 1700

1. November 11, 0308 – To keep the Roman Empire in peace the leaders of Tetrarchy announced Maxentius and Licinius kings, and the opposing contestant Constantine I were instated Caesar of Britain and Gaul
2. November 11, 0887 – King Charles III steps down; Legislature of Tribur
3. November 11, 1158 – declaration by King Frederick I Barbarossa as ruler of North Italy
4. November 11, 1208 – nomination of Otto van Wittelsbach as king of Germany
5. November 11, 1215 – 4th assembly of priests from different churches in Rome
6. November 11, 1417 – appointment of Oddo Colonna as Pope Martinus V
7. November 11, 1493 – the discovery of Saba by voyager Christopher Columbus


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8. November 11, 1500 – Kingdom of Naples split between France and Aragon as per the Treaty of Granada
9. November 11, 1503 – nomination of Julius II as Pope
10. November 11, 1572 – Don Fredrik, son of Duke of Alva commences siege of Haarlem
11. November 11, 1606 – agreement for peace between Turkey and Austria – Treaty of Zsita-Torok
12. November 11, 1634 – John Atherton, Anglican bishop, pressurizes the House of Commons in Ireland to enact a Law to punish the evils of sodomy and bestiality
13. November 11, 1640 – The House of Lords, on the testimony of John Pym indicted Thomas Wentworth, Chief of Strafford; detained in the Tower of London and killed later
14. November 11, 1647 – the law about the required presence in schools in American settlement was approved by Massachusetts
15. November 11, 1648 – Dutch and French decide to split St Maarten, Leeward Islands
16. November 11, 1671 – purchase of wine from France banned by Dutch
17. November 11, 1673 – in the second war of Khotyn in Ukraine, the combined armies of Poland and Lithuania guided by Jan Sobieski vanquished the Ottoman army. In this war, missiles of Kazimierz Siemienowicz were used effectively
18. November 11, 1675 – Gottriend Wilhelm Leibniz, a German mathematician proves the integral calculus to calculate the area under the graph of the y=f(x) function, for the first time
19. November 11, 1688 – The attacking Navy of Prince Willem III navigates to England


18th Century – What Happened on November 11 – The 1700s

20. November 11, 1714 – a thoroughfare is constructed in the Bronx and retitled East 233rd Street
21. November 11, 1745 – the army of Prince Charlie arrives in England
22. November 11, 1750 – the first college association, The FHC Society, also called the Flat Hat Club, inaugurated in Raleigh Tavern, Williamsburg, Virginia
23. November 11, 1752 – A Military Training College where military officers are trained was inaugurated in Vienna
24. November 11, 1775 – Joseph Brant, a martial chief in Mohawk negotiates with London for their help to solve the earlier land disputes in Mohawk and promises to help England in the imminent battle
25. November 11, 1778 – during the Cherry Valley Massacre, Iroquois Indians in NY murder 40 people
26. November 11, 1790 – A variety of flowering plants brought to England from China


19th Century – November 11 This Day That Year – The 1800s

27. November 11, 1805 – The forces numbering 8000 under Napoleon try to retard the withdrawal of the immensely larger Russian and Austrian army under the Battle of Durenstein
28. November 11, 1807 – Salmagundi journal by Washington Irving printed.
29. November 11, 1811 – Freedom granted to Cartagena Colombia from Spain
30. November 11, 1813 – the combined armies of friendly nations capture Dresden
31. November 11, 1836 – war declared on Bolivia and Peru by Chile
32. November 11, 1839 – inauguration of The Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia
33. November 11, 1851 – copyright granted to Alvan for inventing the telescope
34. November 11, 1862 – play “La Forza Del Destino” is made
35. November 11, 1864 – combat at Shoal Creek, AL
36. November 11, 1865 – the Medal of Honor awarded to Mary Edward Walker, the first US Army lady surgeon
37. November 11, 1865 – under the agreement of Sinchula, Bhutan surrendered the area east of the Teesta River to the British East India Company
38. November 11, 1868 – the first United States National governing body for track and field meets in NYC

39. November 11, 1880 – execution of Australian Bushranger and criminal Need Kelly at Melbourne Gaol
40. November 11, 1887 – execution of revolutionaries August Spies (b. 1855), Albert Parsons (b. 1848), Adolph Fischer (b. 1858) and George Engel (b 1836)
41. November 11, 1887 – Inauguration of the construction of the waterway at Eastham
42. November 11, 1889 – Washington becomes the 42nd state of the USA
43. November 11, 1889 – Willie Park, Jr. achieves a 155 at Musselburgh Links at the 29th British Golf Open
44. November 11, 1890 – copyright granted to D McCree for inventing fire escape
45. November 11, 1895 – Bechuanaland ceded to Cape Colony
46. November 11, 1896 – aircraft No. 6 made by Samuel Pierpont Langley No. 6 reaches a height of 1500 m (5000 ft)
47. November 11, 1899 – the debut of “Floradora” by Stuart/Rubens/Boyd-Jones in London


20th Century – Important Events On This Day November 11 – The 1900s

48. November 11, 1901 – a solo piano musical by Maurice Ravel “Jeux d’eau” debuts
49. November 11, 1905 – Ambassador Prince George pardons all chiefs of the revolution which was troubling Crete, and was not supported by mass
50. November 11, 1906 – debut of “Standrecht” by Ethel Smyth in Leipzig
51. November 11, 1909 – US Navy base building at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii started
52. November 11, 1909 – the debut of “Tinker’s Wedding” by J M Synge in London
53. November 11, 1911 – High and Cold temperature records exceeded the previous readings in many cities in the U.S. Midwest on the same day
54. November 11, 1911 – Russia issues a final warning to Persia followed by an attack on North Persia to gain political domination
55. November 11, 1918 – Dutch SDAP chief Troelstra declares rebellion
56. November 11, 1918 – King Charles I of Austria renounces the throne
57. November 11, 1918 – Poland gains freedom


58. November 11, 1918 – peace treaty agreed by the friendly armies and Germany to end WWI at 11 am, (the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month)
59. November 11, 1919 – Political views on the political/business of Roman Catholics announced by Pope Benedictus
60. November 11, 1920 – bestowing of Great Britain’s monument for war dead in Whitehall designed by Edwin Lutyens.
61. November 11, 1920 – the cremation of unidentified war heroes done concurrently in Westminster Abbey London, and the Arc de Triomphe, Paris
62. November 11, 1921 – The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier bestowed by US President Warren G. Harding at Arlington Cemetery
63. November 11, 1922 – modification to the largest US National flag exhibited (150’ x 90’) in 1939 (270’ x 90’)
64. November 11, 1923 – Lamp burns always for the tomb of the unknown soldier, Arc de Triumph
65. November 11, 1924 – inauguration of Martin Beck Theater at 302 W 45thth St. NYC
66. November 11, 1924 – bestowing of Palace of Legion of Honor at San Francisco
67. November 11, 1925 – appointment of Earnest Thalmann as chairman of German KPD
68. November 11, 1925 – recording of Hot Five by Louis Armstrong in the first sitting commences
69. November 11, 1925 – The administration of Colijin collapses of a SGP change
70. November 11, 1925 – discovery of cosmic rays by Robert A. Millikan


71. November 11, 1926 – stepping down of Eddie Collins as manager of the White Sox
72. November 11, 1926 – The main street of America, Route 66 inaugurated
73. November 11, 1928 – Formation of France’s 5th government under Poincare
74. November 11, 1928 – airing commences from El Centro CA radio station, KXO-AM
75. November 11, 1928 – airing commences from Ft Wayne radio station, WGL-AM
76. November 11, 1928 – airing commences from Washington, DC from radio station WOL-AM
77. November 11, 1930 – copyright granted to Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard for inventing the Einstein refrigerator
78. November 11, 1931 – foundation stone set for Opera House and Veteran’s Building in San Francisco
79. November 11, 1933 – severe dust storm, Great Black Blizzard in Great Plains
80. November 11, 1933 – announcing of the second song by Billie Holiday and his first successful song, “Riffin’ the Scotch
81. November 11, 1934 – Mondou(Mont) was not successful in the 1st penalty shot Vs Toronto Maple Leafs
82. November 11, 1934 – splitting of WOC-AM into WHO-WOC to become KICK-AM in Davenport Iowa
83. November 11, 1935 – Explorer 2 balloon reached a maximum height of 72,000 feet over SD
84. November 11, 1937 – World War I figure aircraft ME-109V13 reaches a maximum speed of 610. 4 kph

85. November 11, 1937 – C. J. Davisson & GP Thomson share the Nobel Prize for Physics
86. November 11, 1938 – Jews of German and Austria lost 1 billion Mark in nazi
87. November 11, 1938 – The Jews were compelled to wear the Star of David – A program against Jews – Kristallnacht.
88. November 11, 1939 – “God Bless America” by Irving Berlin sung by Kate Smith for the first time
89. November 11, 1940 – ‘The Grave of Unknown Soldier decked with garland by thousands of students in Paris
90. November 11, 1940 – A snowstorm in the midwestern US takes the lives of over 100
91. November 11, 1940 – Italian force at Taranto demolished by Air, Navy, and Army attack of British
92. November 11, 1940 – Willys Jeep presented at a public ceremony
93. November 11, 1941 – Nazis detain the Czech prime minister General Eliasj
94. November 11, 1942 – final attack by German in Stalingrad
95. November 11, 1942 – transportation of 745 French Jews to Auschwitz
96. November 11, 1942 – Jews living in the Free Zone of France were required to wear a yellow star of David
97. November 11, 1942 – Germany seizes France during WWII
98. November 11, 1942 – appointment of Lt-General Kumakashi Harada as Japanese commander on Java
99. November 11, 1942 – transport of French Jews to Nazi Germany by #45
100. November 11, 1943 – AL MVP achieved by Spud Chandler and Stan Musical achieves NL MVP

101. November 11, 1943 – The US conducts an air raid on Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
102. November 11, 1944 – NY Rangers play a maximum of 25 NHL play without a victory
103. November 11, 1946 – New York Knicks play their first play at Madison Square Garden against Chicago Stags and lost (78-68)
104. November 11, 1947 – the debut of the movie, “Gentlemen’s Agreement” guided by Elia Karan, featuring Gregory Peck and Dorothy McGuire in New York (Best Picture 1948)
105. November 11, 1949 – TV transmission channel 4 in Bloomington-Indianapolis, IN commences broadcasting
106. November 11, 1953 -appointment of Jimmy Dykes in place of Marty Marion as Baltimore Orioles manager
107. November 11, 1954 – Two books authored by J R R Tolkien entitled “Two Towers” and 2nd section of “Lord of the Rings” published by George Allen and Unwin in London
108. November 11, 1957 – pulling down of cable car building at California and Hyde, San Francisco
109. November 11, 1958 – premiere of “La Plume de Ma Tante” at Royale Theatre NYC to give 835 presentations
110. November 11, 1958 – As per the schedule of AL, Kansas City will play 52-night games in 1959
111. November 11, 1959 – 1st event of “Rocky & His Friends” broadcasted
112. November 11, 1959 – pulling down of Seals Arena in San Francisco
113. November 11, 1960 – 18499 fans attend the NY Knick 49th play at St. Madison Square Garden
114. November 11, 1961 – Clandestine pair drive in a manure cart through Staphorst, Netherlands
115. November 11, 1961 – 13 Italian UN pilots were killed by the Congolese army
116. November 11, 1961 – The communist party of the USSR dismisses Molotov, Malenkov, and Kaganovitsj from the party
117. November 11, 1961 – renaming of Stalingrad to Volgograd

118. November 11, 1961 – publication of “Catch 22” by Joseph Heller by Simon and Schuster in New York
119. November 11, 1962 – The Constitution of Kuwait approved by Kuwait’s National Assembly
120. November 11, 1963 – an agreement between Brian Epstein, Ed Sullivan, and The Beatles for a 3-show pact
121. November 11, 1963 – Gordie Howe achieves a score equal to that of Rocket Richard’s 544 goal
122. November 11, 1964 – debut of “Luv” by Murray Schisgal in NYC
123. November 11, 1965 – Ian Smith, Prime Minister of Rhodesia announces freedom from Britain
124. November 11, 1965 – debut of “Hogan’s Goat” by William Alfred in NYC
125. November 11, 1966 – manned space flight Gemini 12 hurled on a 4-day trip
126. November 11, 1966 – amalgamation of Methodist Church and Evangelical United Brethren Church to form one – United Methodist Church (USA)
127. November 11, 1966 – manned space flight, Gemini 12 hurled by NASA
128. November 11, 1968 – The cover of the “2 Virgins” collection publishes cloth appearances of John Lennon and Yoko One
129. November 11, 1968 – the Republic of Maldives (in the Indian Ocean) announced
130. November 11, 1968 – Ron Hill covers a distance of 10 miles run (46:44) at Leicester England – a best
131. November 11, 1968 – Elvin Hayes, rookie, achieves 54 points vs. Detroit Pistons – a best of his career
132. November 11, 1969 – The musical “Get Back” by Beatles with Billy Preston was announced in the UK
133. November 11, 1969 – drunken Jim Morrison detained on board a plane by the FBI
134. November 11, 1970 – AL MVP achieved by Balt Oriole Boog Powell
135. November 11, 1971 – 15 lost their lives in Kawasaki Japan because of a man-made earth slide
136. November 11, 1971 – debut of “Prisoner of Second Avenue” by Neil Simon in NYC
137. November 11, 1972 -The stock market index by Dow Jones goes above 1000 for the first time
138. November 11, 1972 – handing over Long Bihn base by the US Army to the South Vietnamese army
139. November 11, 1972 – Australia and Great Britain score equal points 10-10 at the 6th Rugby League World Cup; Great Britain achieved the Cup
140. November 11, 1975 – Portugal grants freedom to Angola (National Day)
141. November 11, 1975 – Governor-General Sir John Kerr dismisses Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam from office – 1st chosen PM to be dismissed in 200 years
142. November 11, 1975 – Malcolm Fraser, Liberal chief, takes charge as custodian Prime Minister of Australia after Whitlam was dismissed from office by Governor General John Kerr
143. November 11, 1977 – “Mull of Kintyre” and “Girl’s School” announced by Wings
144. November 11, 1978 – appointment of Maumoon Abdul Gayoom as president of Maldives
145. November 11, 1979 – Cambridge Buddhist Centre gets license to occupy from Boston Court
146. November 11, 1980 – the squad of spacecraft Soyuz 35 arrives on Earth by Soyuz 37
147. November 11, 1980 – Mike Bossy of Islanders achieves 4 goals vs. North Stars
148. November 11, 1981 – last show of “Oh, Brother!” at ANTA Theatre NYC after 3 presentations
149. November 11, 1981 – Fernando Valenzuela, the first rookie to achieve a Cy Young Award
150. November 11, 1982 – Islanders achieve shut-out-2-0 for the 30th time vs. North Stars
151. November 11, 1982 – 5th Space shuttle mission: Columbia was the officially known shuttle mission
152. November 11, 1982 – an accidental detonation of gas in an army base near Tyre in Israel kills 60
153. November 11, 1982 – Earl Weaver steps down as Manager of Oriole and Joe Altobelli succeeds him
154. November 11, 1983 – A guided missile from the US arrives in Great Britain
155. November 11, 1983 – President Regan was the first US president to speak to Japanese parliamentarians
156. November 11, 1983 – Australian cricketer Wayne Phillips achieves 159 runs in his first international cricket match against Pakistan at WACA
157. November 11, 1984 – premiere of “Three Musketeers” at Broadway Theatre NYC for 9 presentations
158. November 11, 1985 – premiere of TV cinema on AIDS, “An Early Frost” shown on NBC in the US
159. November 11, 1985 – the return of Challenger to Kennedy Space Center en route to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
160. November 11, 1985 – The City of Yonkers was found accountable for separating schools and housing
161. November 11, 1986 – The NL Cy Young Award was achieved by Houston’s Astro Mike Scott (18-10)
162. November 11, 1987 – last performance of “Roza” at Royale Theatre, NYC after 12 presentations
163. November 11, 1987 – appointment of Judge Anthony Kennedy to the Supreme Court
164. November 11, 1987 – Boris Jerusalem steps down as Moscow party secretary
165. November 11, 1987 – Roger Clemens achieve successfully the Cy Young Awards
166. November 11, 1987 – The painting of van Gogh, “Irises” sold for a high bid of $53.6 million in an auction sale
167. November 11, 1988 – insect remains aged 390 million years described in Science
168. November 11, 1989 – last performance of “Prince of Central Park” at Belasco Theatre NYV after 4 presentations
169. November 11, 1989 – Tish John achieves the Town Bowling Invitational
170. November 11, 1990 – premiere of “Shadowlands” at Brooks Atkinson Theatre NYC to give 169 presentations
171. November 11, 1990 – Chunk Finley of Cliff and Randy Johnson of Seattle together achieve a no-hitter against Japanese all-star players in a display match
172. November 11, 1992 – consecration of female ministers in churches confirmed by the Church of England
173. November 11, 1993 – Pope John Paul admitted to a nursing home for 2 days for a broken shoulder
174. November 11, 1994 – The painting of Leonardo da Vinci, “Codex” purchased by Bill Gates for $30,800,000
175. November 11, 1994 – cargo spacecraft Progress M-25 hurled from Space Station Mir
176. November 11, 1996 – NL Cy Young Award given to Braves’ John Smoltz
177. November 11, 1997 – The agreement of Dan Rather, Commentator on CBS extended up to 2002
178. November 11, 1997 – Women’s National Basket Ball Association enlarges to Detroit and Washington, DC
179. November 11, 1999 – There will be no upside date until 1, January 6000

21st Century – November 11 This Day In History – The 2000s

180. November 11, 2000 – in an accidental fire in a high-altitude tunnel in Austria, 155 skiers and snowboarders lost their lives
181. November 11, 2001 – three reporters, Pierre Billaud, Johanne Sutton, and Volker Handloik were murdered in Afghanistan when their vehicle was attacked during travel
182. November 11, 2004 – The grave of Unknown Soldier, New Zealand Tomb, bestowed at the National War Memorial, Wellington
183. November 11, 2004 – Mahmoud Abbas sworn in as PLO chairman minutes after the announcement of the death of PLO leader Yasser Arafat due to undisclosed causes
184. November 11, 2006 – In memory of the loss of soldiers from the combined armies of New Zealand and the British, The New Zealand battle memorial was inaugurated by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in London, United Kingdom
185. November 11, 2008 – Ship RMS Queen Elizabeth (QE2) leaves for Dubai on its concluding expedition to Dubi
186. November 11, 2008 – Taylor Swift announces her 2nd collection of songs, “Fearless” (2009 Billboard Album of the Year, Grammy Album of the Year 2010, American Music Awards 2009)
187. November 11, 2009 – Taylor Swift and Brad Paisley achieve the 43rd Country Music Association Award
188. November 11, 2011 – Cee-Lo Green, and Jill Scott achieve the 25th Soul Train Music Awards
189. November 11, 2012 – 12 people lost their lives when an earthquake of strength 6.8 struck Burma
190. November 11, 2013 – In an inferno in Bombay, India, 4 people were killed and 8 injured when a structure caught fire
191. November 11, 2013 – A hot cyclonic storm strikes the Puntland area, Somalia killing 100 people
192. November 11, 2013 – the debut of the movie, “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” guided by Francis Lawrence, featuring Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson in London
193. November 11, 2014 – The chief of the transport South Korean vessel that sank in April was convicted of serious carelessness and awarded a jail sentence of 36 years
194. November 11, 2014 – An Italian higher court reverses the murder sentence against 6 researchers who did not give sufficient warning of a catastrophic earthquake
195. November 11, 2014 – The political representatives from China and Japan assemble for an official discussion nearly after more than 2 years of border dispute
196. November 11, 2014 – In doubtful and non-legal voting, the people of Catalonia in north-eastern Spain vote on freedom
197. November 11, 2014 – In a bus accident in Sukkur District of Pakistan, 58 people lost their lives
198. November 11, 2014 – The 2014 Korean Series in baseball was achieved by Samsung Lions
199. November 11, 2015 – Montreal commences throwing of fresh municipal wastewater (2.1 bn gallons) into the St Lawrence River
200. November 11, 2015 – the 12-carat immaculate Blue Moon Diamond fetches $48.4 million in an auction sale in Geneva
201. November 11, 2017 – Alibaba announces that its sales turnover was $25.3 billion in a day, the highest record
202. November 11, 2017 – more than 60,000 Pro-independence assembled in Warsaw, Poland, to celebrate the nation’s Independence Day

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