Sunday, March 16, 2025
Famous Events For November 15

Famous Events For November 15 – Today In History

What Happened on November 15 in World History?

Early Centuries – November 15 Historic Events – Before 1700

1. November 15, 0655 – Oswiu of Bernicia triumphs over Penda of Mercia at the war of the Winwaed
2. November 15, 1315 – The Swiss defeated Duke Leopold I of Austria at the battle of Morgarten
3. November 15, 1348 – Rudolph of Oron asserts that Jews have admitted to having poisoned the wells
4. November 15, 1491 – During her regime, Anne of Britany gets ardent to end the mad war (la guerre folle)
5. November 15, 1492 – first minutes on the use of tobacco by Christopher Columbus
6. November 15, 1492 – Six Jews and 5 converted to Christians in La Guardia, Spain were accused of human sacrifice
7. November 15, 1515 – appointment of Wolsey as an English Cardinal


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8. November 15, 1532 – Pope Clemens VII advises Henry VII to terminate his bond with Anna Boleyn
9. November 15, 1533 – Spanish Conquistador lands at Cuzco
10. November 15, 1577 – Sir Francis Drake travelled from Chile to Washington by Pelican travels
11. November 15, 1583 – running away of Gelders Aristocrat Willem of the Beergh
12. November 15, 1620- Myles Standish guides 16 men to investigate the northern piece of Cape Cod on foot
13. November 15, 1660 – permission granted for establishing a meat sales shop in New Amsterdam (now New York City)
14. November 15, 1679 – A bill introduced in the English Parliament entitled Exclusion Bill to ban the king’s heirs and heir apparent since they were Roman Catholics
15. November 15, 1688 – The start of the “Glorious Revolution” with the army of Prince Willem III arriving at Torbay, England


18th Century – What Happened on November 15 – The 1700s

16. November 15, 1715 – Austria gives away some land to the Netherlands according to the agreement of Barrier
17. November 15, 1720 –Capt. Jonathan Barnet brings the apprehended Anne Bonny, Mary Read, and John Rackham to Spanish Town in Jamaica for a hearing
18. November 15, 1727 – The use of the term “upon the faith of Christian” was permitted to be deleted from the renunciation of privileges oath by the NY General Assembly
19. November 15, 1763 – examination started of the boundary line – Mason-Dixon Line – between Pennsylvania and Maryland by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon
20. November 15, 1777 – The Continental Congress accepts the Articles of Confederation
21. November 15, 1791 – inauguration of the first Catholic college in US, Georgetown


19th Century – November 15 This Day That Year – The 1800s

22. November 15, 1806 – publication of the first university journal in the US – Yale Literary Government – its first release
23. November 15, 1806 – the discovery of Pike Peaks in Colorado by Pioneer Zebulon Pike
24. November 15, 1813 – the defense forces of friendly nations capture Groningen
25. November 15, 1813 – rebellion in Amsterdam against tax imposition
26. November 15, 1824 – successive inferno kills 10 in Edinburgh, Scotland
27. November 15, 1826 – domination of opium business in Java/Madura by Dutch Business Me
28. November 15, 1827 – Creek Indians lost all their assets in the US
29. November 15, 1832 – musical “No.5 (Reformation)” by Felix Mendelssohn debuts
30. November 15, 1835 – Charles Darwin arrives at Tahiti traveling by ss HMS Beagle to visualize his ideas and later written in The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs
31. November 15, 1837 – movie “Martina” is released
32. November 15, 1849 – First Fowl exhibition inaugurated in Boston
33. November 15, 1854 – The Suez Canal joining the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea in Egypt, is accorded the Royal franchise
34. November 15, 1864 – the inauguration of the first US mines education unit in the cellar of Columbia University, NY
35. November 15, 1864 – Union Chief General Sherman departs from Atlanta on his mission “March to the Sea”
36. November 15, 1869 – initiation of distribution of post free of cost
37. November 15, 1870 – Noordduitse Union accepts Bathe as its member
38. November 15, 1881 – inauguration of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in Pittsburgh
39. November 15, 1882 – demolishing of the village of Asaba, Niger by the British vessel HMS Flirt

40. November 15, 1884 – The international Conference in Berlin formally controls the European Settlement and business in Africa, validating the European powers “Scramble for America”
41. November 15, 1887 – fire accident to the ship SS Wah Yeung, belonging to Britain, on Canton River off Hong Kong
42. November 15, 1889 – Brazil declared a ‘republic’ with the removal of Dom Pedro II, King of Brazil
43. November 15, 1898 – elevation of David Beatty as commander
44. November 15, 1899 – Winston Churchill, then War Correspondent of Morning Post detained by Boers in Natal

20th Century – Important Events On This Day November 15 – The 1900s

45. November 15, 1900 – the founding of the Dutch football club NEC in Nijmegen
46. November 15, 1901 – James J. Jeffries defeats Gas Ruhlin in 6 to achieve the heavyweight boxing championship in San Francisco
47. November 15, 1902 – an Italian rebel nearly killed Leopold II, king of Belgium
48. November 15, 1903 – debut of ‘Tiefland’ by Eugen d’Albert in Prague


49. November 15, 1904- copyright granted to King C. Gillette for inventing the Gillette razor blade
50. November 15, 1911 – shape and size for Canadian $5 and $10 coins of gold announced
51. November 15, 1913 – Ernie Parker defeats Harry Parker (2-6,6-1,6-3,6-2) at the 9th Australian Championship play
52. November 15, 1914 – Benito Mussolini, an Italian socialist establishes a daily II Populo d’Italia
53. November 15, 1916 – William George Barker received the Military Cross for sending an emergency message about the German concentration preparing to fight on Beaumont Hamel and to interrupt the German Army. Barker was a Canadian pilot who observed the German army while flying over the Ancre River
54. November 15, 1919 – The US Senate first appeals to close to avoid political speech on the Versailles Treaty
55. November 15, 1920 – the debut of ‘Massen und Menschen’ by Ernst Toller in Nuremberg
56. November 15, 1920 – formation of the Free City of Danzig under the care of the League of Nations
57. November 15, 1920 – The first assembly of the League of Nations in Geneva
58. November 15, 1921 – The radio broad castes commenced by KYM-AM in Philadelphia PA
59. November 15, 1922 – Andrew Bonar Law, Conservative, elected Prime Minister in the British General Election
60. November 15, 1924 – establishment of Dutch Christian Radio Society (NCRV)
61. November 15, 1926 – AT&T Net Work with 25 stations taken over by the first official radio network, RCA
62. November 15, 1926 – RCA (NYC) purchases AT&T WEAF radio


63. November 15, 1932 – formation of Walt Disney Art School
64. November 15, 1934 – Harold C. Urey gets the Nobel Prize for chemistry
65. November 15, 1935 – inauguration of Commonwealth of Philippines
66. November 15, 1935 – premiere of ‘A Night at the Opera’ guided by Sam Wood, featuring the Marx Brother
67. November 15, 1936 – an agreement between Nazi Germany and Japan against the Anti-Komintern deal
68. November 15, 1937 – the first meeting of the US Congress held in air-conditioned chambers
69. November 15, 1938 – a program not planned broadcast by W2XBT, NY for the first time
70. November 15, 1938 – a send-off march of International Brigades in Barcelona
71. November 15, 1939 – protest demonstrations in Czechoslovakia against German
72. November 15, 1939 – Cornerstone of Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC laid by Franklin D. Roosevelt
73. November 15, 1939 – execution of Warsaw Jews on a mass scale by Nazis commences
74. November 15, 1939 – payment of compensation to the unemployed under the Social Security Act, for the District of Columbia, was sanctioned for funds by Social Security Board
75. November 15, 1940 – during peacetime, the first 75000 men were recruited to army duty
76. November 15, 1940 – a New York Midtown subway connecting Manhattan and Queens was thrown open to the public
77. November 15, 1941 – inauguration of Cow Palace in San Francisco


78. November 15, 1941 – A political party that could not form the government in Yugoslav but claimed as the original party to claim stake in forming the government, identifies Draza Mihailovic Prime Minister
79. November 15, 1942 – During WWII, the aircraft Heinkel He219 was first flown
80. November 15, 1944 – unanticipated attack on the office of Nethche Bank
81. November 15, 1945 – the rules for the selection of players for the Hall of Fame amended
82. November 15, 1946 – Harlow Shapley, astronomer was questioned by the House Committee on Un-American Activities
83. November 15, 1946 – Ted Williams is named as AL MVP
84. November 15, 1947 – In a cricket match against India, Bradman achieves his 100rh 100,172 at SCG
85. November 15, 1947 – Establishment of the football team, GVVV in Veenendaal
86. November 15, 1948 – Mackenzie King steps down as Prime Minister of Canada after 22 years in office
87. November 15, 1948 – installation of Louis St Laurent as the 12th Prime Minister of Canada
88. November 15, 1949 – TV transmission channel 4 in San Francisco, California on NBC
89. November 15, 1949 – TV transmission channel 2 in Huntington Charleston, NV on NBC
90. November 15, 1950 – an agreement between the first black man, Arthur Dorrington, and Atlantic City Seagulls of Eastern Amateur Hockey League
91. November 15, 1951 – Hanif Mohammad, Pakistan Player, debuts his 1st class cricket against MCC
92. November 15, 1951 – AL Rookie of the Year awarded to Gil McDougald of NY Yankee
93. November 15, 1953 – TV transmission channel 13 in Topeka, KS on CBS/ABC started
94. November 15, 1953 – TV Transmission channel 3 in Columbus, on CBS commences
95. November 15, 1953 – business trips over the North Pole commences
96. November 15, 1955 – an agreement between Poland and Yugoslavia on trade and commerce
97. November 15, 1956 – the debut of ‘Love Me Tender featuring the first-time actor Elvis Presley in the US
98. November 15, 1956 – premiere of ‘Li’L Abner’ at St James Theatre to give 693 presentations
99. November 15, 1957 – US declares Rudolf Ivanovich as Russia’s secret agent and punishes him with 30 in jail and a fine of $3,000

100. November 15, 1959 – Four members of the Clutter Family were killed at their farmhouse near Holcomb, Kansas by Richard ‘Dick’ Hickock and Perry Smith (theme of Truman Capote’s book In Cold Blood)
101. November 15, 1959 – Cleveland Brown defeat Wash, 31-17. Bobby Mitchel of the Cleveland Browns struggles to achieve the best of 90 yards
102. November 15, 1960 – Elgin Baylor of NBA LA Lakers achieves 71 points in a match against NY Knicks
103. November 15, 1960 – the inauguration of the USS G Washington, an underwater ship, with nuclear heads
104. November 15, 1961 – comet C/1961 T1 (Seki) passes near the earth within 0.019 AU
105. November 15, 1961 – Roger Maris selected as AL MVP
106. November 15, 1961 – The UN prohibits the use of nuclear weapons
107. November 15, 1962 – Cy Young Award achieved by Don Drysdale
108. November 15, 1964 – Ajax football celebrity Johan Cruijff plays his first game against GVAV
109. November 15, 1964 – TV Transmission channel 11 in Prove, UT airs on PBS
110. November 15, 1964 – Mickey Wright scores the lowest of 62 for a woman golf professional at the Tall City Open, Midland, Texas
111. November 15, 1964 – Ibrahim Abbud steps down as Prime Minister of Sudan
112. November 15, 1965 – a best speed of 600.601 mph/966.57 kph on land achieved by Craig Breedlove
113. November 15, 1966 – spacecraft Gemini XII lands on earth
114. November 15, 1967 – AL MVP awarded to Carl Yastrzemski of Boston
115. November 15, 1967 – TV Transmission channel 23 starts in Maimi FL

116. November 15, 1967 – Airforce pilot Michael J. Adams loses control of the aircraft X-15 during the 191st flight while on a downward journey from 81 KM. This causes the destruction of the aircraft above the Mojave Desert.
117. November 15, 1968 – Ball Four is a controversial book authored by Jim Bouton based on his baseball diary
118. November 15, 1969 – Johnson’s best to reach the top 100 (I Want You Back)
119. November 15, 1969 – Birds-Eye was the first business ad on English TV on ATV
120. November 15, 1969 – demonstration against Vietnam War Moratorium throughout the United States – about 2 million people take in the demonstration
121. November 15, 1969 – Janis Joplin was suspected of using unsophisticated and offensive language in Tampa, Florida
122. November 15, 1969 – the inauguration of Wendy’s Hamburgers, an American Food chain of hotels founded by Dave Thomas, in Columbus, Ohio
123. November 15, 1970 –Paul Brown, Head Coach, Cincinnati Bengals, triumphs over his earlier team the Cleveland Brown, and announces that this was his ‘greatest Victory’
124. November 15, 1971 -A new series of 4004 processors released by Intl
125. November 15, 1972 – inauguration of Circle-in-the-Square Theatre at 1633 Broadway NYC
126. November 15, 1972 – To know more about gamma rays, a small Astronomy Satellite Explore 48 sent into space
127. November 15, 1972 – Al MVP awarded to White Sox Dick Allen
128. November 15, 1973 – prisoners of war swapped between Egypt and Israel
129. November 15, 1974 – musicals “Goodnight Vienna” and “Only You” by Ringo Starr were announced in the UK
130. November 15, 1974 – The oil disaster of 1973 resulted in the formation of the International Energy Agency in Paris within the scope of the OECD
131. November 15, 1975 – a musical entitled “Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys” by Ed Bruce announced
132. November 15, 1976 – Beirut captured by Syria
133. November 15, 1977 – meeting between US President Jimmy Carter and the Shah of Iran
134. November 15, 1978 – in an accident to Icelandic Aircraft DC-8 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 183 lost their life
135. November 15, 1978- NL MVP awarded to Dave Parker, outfielder of the Pirates
136. November 15, 1979 – special news programs during the night by AVC-TV on Iran captives

137. November 15, 1979 – Sir Anthony Blunt, art advisor to the Queen, was shown as the 4th man in the Soviet Spy group. He lost his knighthood and fellowship at the Trinity College, Cambridge
138. November 15, 1979 – smoke coming from a parcel from Ted Kaczynski, nicknamed Unabomber, forces the cargo plane traveling from Chicago to Washington to make an urgent landing
139. November 15, 1979 – All trade agreements with US oil companies withdrawn by Iran
140. November 15, 1980 – Pope John Paul II arrives in West Germany on a 5-day tour
141. November 15, 1980 – Dale Earnhardt achieves the 30th NASCAR Sprint Cup
142. November 15, 1981 – premiere of “Camelot” at Winter Garden Theater, NYC to give 48 presentations
143. November 15, 1982 – Soviets pay homage to Leonid Brezhnev at the Red Square in Moscow
144. November 15, 1982 – “Bernstein/Beethoven” by Horant H Hohlfeld and Harry J Kraut achieved the 4th ACE Cable Awards
145. November 15, 1983 -Mike Bossy got his 75th hat trick in his Islander career
146. November 15, 1983 – Northern Cyprus, officially known as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus declared
147. November 15, 1984 – 16th studio music collection, “Emergency”, by American band Kool and the Gang announced (Billboard Album of the Year 1985)
148. November 15, 1985 – The parcel addressed to a professor at the University of Michigan and sent by Unabomber bursts injuring a research assistant
149. November 15, 1986 – Time delay relay utilized for “Saturday Night Live” for the second time
150. November 15, 1986 – announcement of the premiere of the collection of music, “Licensed to Ill” by Beastie Boys – #1 rap collection on Billboard
151. November 15, 1987 – In an accident to Continental Airlines DC-9 aircraft at Denver, 28 of the 82 onboard lost their lives
152. November 15, 1987 – lengthy run for Dutch Women achieved by Carla Beurskens (2:26:34)
153. November 15, 1987 – Miss Black America pageant awarded to Leile McBridgde (Denver)
154. November 15, 1987 – NY Giant Raul Allegre scores 2, 50, and above yard, goals in a play
155. November 15, 1987 – atomic test by USSR at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
156. November 15, 1987 – Brazilian Williams driver, Nelson Piquet calls it a day from Australian Grand Prix at Adelaide due to brake failure. He achieves his 3rd World Formula One championship by 12 points from Nigel Mansell
157. November 15, 1988 – the radio telescope dish of 91 meters breakdowns at Green Bank, WV
158. November 15, 1988 – NL MVP awarded to Kirk Gibson, Dodgers outfielder
159. November 15, 1988 – The first Soviet spacecraft, not managed by men, orbits
160. November 15, 1988 – The Netherlands announces Max Havelaar, the first Fairtrade Label
161. November 15, 1989 – videotape announcement of the movie “Batman”
162. November 15, 1989 – premiere of “Few Good Men” at Music Box Theater, NYC to give 497 presentations
163. November 15, 1989 – AL Cy Young Award achieved by Bret Saberhagen
164. November 15, 1989 – atomic test by France at Mururoa island
165. November 15, 1989 – Waqar Younis and Sachin Tendulkar play their first Test Cricket at Karachi
166. November 15, 1989 – Walter Davis creates the National Basket Ball Association best by successfully achieving 53 throws
167. November 15, 1990 – The Clear Air Act of 1990 comes into effect on US President George H.W.Bush approving the proposal
168. November 15, 1990 – the fact that Milli Vanilli did not sing in the collection of music established by the Producers
169. November 15, 1990 – spacecraft STS 38, 68th in the series, sent into space
170. November 15, 1991 – stock prices of Dow Jones reach a low of 120.31 points
171. November 15, 1991 – Ricky Pierce commences his NBA free throw successfully for 75 plays
172. November 15, 1992 – In an air accident, Cuban IIyushin IL-18 en route to Puetro Plate, 34 lost their lives
173. November 15, 1992 – Praveen Amre achieves a 100 run in his first Test Cricket vs. SA, Durban
174. November 15, 1992 – Alan Kulwicki achieves the 42nd NASCAR Sprint Cup
175. November 15, 1993 – debut show of Howard Stern radio in Myrtle Beach SC on 104.1 FM
176. November 15, 1993 – Joe Buttafuoco accused of statutory rape of Amy Fisher punished with 6 months in prison
177. November 15, 1993 – 13 Cubans land in Florida as immigrants after thieving a crop-duster in Cuba
178. November 15, 1994 – premiere of “Glass Menagerie” at Criterion Theater NYC to give 57 presentations
179. November 15, 1994 – 45 lost their lives when an earthquake of magnitude 6.7-8.1 struck in the Philippines
180. November 15, 1994 – Helmut Kohl was elected as German Chancellor by a margin of one vote (341-340) in the German Bundestag
181. November 15, 1995 – premiere of “Master Class” at Golden Theatre NYC to give 601 presentations
182. November 15, 1995 – Spacecraft Atlantis joins the orbiting Russian Space station Mir
183. November 15, 1996 – premiere of “Into the Whirlwind” at Lunt-Fontanne Theatre NYC to give 2 presentations
184. November 15, 1997 – 19th ACE Cable Award achieved by Nickelodeon for “The Big Help”
185. November 15, 1999 – North America witnessed the transit of Mercury

21st Century – November 15 This Day In History – The 2000s

186. November 15, 2000 – A commissioned plane, Antonov AN-24 meets with an accident after airborne from Luanda, Angola when more than 40 lost their lives
187. November 15, 2000 – a new state of Jharkhand formed in India
188. November 15, 2002 – appointment of Hu Jintao as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
189. November 15, 2003 – the bombing of Istanbul followed by more bombings on November 20th
190. November 15, 2004 – Maria Sharapova defeats American Serena Williams, 4-6,6-2,6-4 at Staples Centre, Los Angeles. Maria was the first Russian to achieve the WTA Tour Championship
191. November 15, 2005 – Boeing officially announces the revised model Boing 747-8 on orders from Cargolux and Nippon Cargo Airlines
192. November 15, 2005 – Keith Urban and Gretchen Wilson were awarded the 39th Country Music Association Award
193. November 15, 2005 – the premiere of a collection of music “Some Hearts” by Carrie Underwood announced (2006 Billboard Album of the Year, Grammy Award Best New Artist 2007)
194. November 15, 2007 – a severe hurricane named Sidr land falls in Bangladesh, killing 5000 people and demolishing the world’s largest mangrove forest, Sundarbans
195. November 15, 2011 – the 2nd musical collection, “Take Care” by Drake is announced (Grammy Award Best Rap Album 2013)
196. November 15, 2012 – Syrian wars leave at least 95 dead
197. November 15, 2012 – Deep Horizon Oil Spill settled by BP for $4.5 Billion
198. November 15, 2012 – Financial crisis in the Eurozone budget following a reduction of 0.1% of GDP in the quarter ending September 2012 following a reduction of 0.2% in the 2nd quarter
199. November 15, 2013 – in a train accident in Nashik, India, 5 people lost their life and 10 wounded
200. November 15, 2013 – one million units of PlayStation Four announced by Sony was sold on the first day
201. November 15, 2014 – the news of the Russian president leaving the G20 Summit in Brisbane was rubbished by Vladimir Putin
202. November 15, 2014 – The financial growth was discussed by many prominent leaders of the world at the G20 conference in Brisbane
203. November 15, 2014 – A nationwide protest tour by bus was organized by the parents of 43 Mexican students who went missing for the unsatisfactory way of handling the incident the Government
204. November 15, 2014 – a tsunami signal was issued in eastern Indonesia when an earthquake of 7.3 strength hit under the Molucca Sea
205. November 15, 2015 – Holy Holm triumphs over UFC Champion Ronda Rousey in Melbourne, Australia, a disappointing event
206. November 15, 2015 – France’s air force attacked the ISIS HQ Raqqa in Syria in retaliation for the attack on Paris
207. November 15, 1915 – Czech duo Karolina Pliskova and Barbora Strycova defeat Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova and Elena Vesnina of Russia, 4-6,6-3,6-2 for a 3-2 victory at the Federation Cup Women’s Tennis, Prague, Czech Republic. This was the 9th victory for the Czech
208. November 15, 2017 – 61% of voters in Australia favored same-sex weddings in a postal plebiscite
209. November 15, 2017 – and underwater ship from Argentina, San Juan reported not traceable due to mechanical problems
210. November 15, 2017 – appointment of former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa as temporary President of Zimbabwe after a military action arresting Robert Mugabe and the family
211. November 15, 2017 – dismissal of Isabel Dos Santos, Africa’s wealthiest woman, as chief of Angola state Oil business Sonangol
212. November 15, 2017 – People Magazine’s sexiest man alive award was given to Country singer Blake Shelton
213. November 15, – On the request made by President Trump, the 3 UCLA basketball players found guilty of stealing in China, were set free
214. November 15, 2017 – The remains of 1700 year-old sleeping Buddha in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa district were made public by Pakistan

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