Monday, March 17, 2025
Famous Events For November 2

Famous Events For November 2 – Today In History

What Happened on November 2 in World History?

Early Centuries – November 2 Historic Events – Before 1700

1. November 2, 0676 – Pope Adeodatus II is succeeded by Donus as Catholic Pope
2. November 2, 1327 – installation of Alfonso IV as king of Aragon
3. November 2, 1355 – The army under the command of King Edward arrives at Calais
4. November 2, 1418 – Utrecht defeats Ijsselstein
5. November 2, 1642 – Field Marshal Lennart Torstenson commanded the Swedish army to victory over the Holy Roman kingdom under the command of Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria at the War of Breitenfeld also known as First War of Leipzig.
6. November 2, 1648 – The crowd at Chmielnicki exterminated 12,000 Jews in Narol Podlia
7. November 2, 1675 – the Great Swamp Fort was assaulted by the colonists of Plymouth, Rhode Island, Massachusetts Bay, and Connecticut. The fort was possessed by Narragansetts when King Philip’s Battle was on
8. November 2, 1698 – Scottish create a doomed “Darien Venture settlement” at Panama

18th Century – What Happened on November 2 – The 1700s

9. November 2, 1712 – the Republic of Suriname offers Jacques Cassard, a captor of the French, 682,800
10. November 2, 1722 – appointment of Willem KH Friso as the Head of Gelderland at the age of 11
11. November 2, 1749 – establishment of a station for trading by the English Ohio Trade Company
12. November 2, 1772 – Shadow government established in Boston to promote patriotism etc
13. November 2, 1783 – leave taken by General George Washington to the army commanded by him after the American Battle.

19th Century – November 2 This Day That Year – The 1800s

14. November 2, 1813 – agreement for peace agreed upon in Germany after the war of Leipzig
15. November 2, 1824 – Andrew Jackson defeats John Quincy Adams in the presidential voting
16. November 2, 1835 – commencement of 2nd Seminole battle at Osceola
17. November 2, 1841 – an effective rebellion by Akbar Khan against Shah Shuja in Afghanistan
18. November 2, 1852 – installation of Franklin Pierce as President of the US
19. November 2, 1854 – work on the stone pavement of Washington St. between Dupont and Kearny commenced
20. November 2, 1861 – Army Chief David Hunter succeeds John C. Fremont during the American Civil War
21. November 2, 1867 – a journal devoted to women’s style, “Harper’s Bazaar” announced
22. November 2, 1868 – a uniform criterion for time zone implemented in New Zealand
23. November 2, 1875 – The first European to go beyond equatorial Africa, from one shore to shore was Verney Cameroon when he arrived in Benguela in Angola
24. November 2, 1879 – Mr. Weston defeated in a 6-day race on foot
25. November 2, 1880 – Installment of James A. Garfield as President of the US for the second term
26. November 2, 1881 – establishment of Dutch New-Malthusiaanse Combination
27. November 2, 1889 – formation of North Dakota and South Dakota as the 39th and 40th states in the USA
28. November 2, 1892 – Paul Verlaine, a French poet, arrives in the Netherlands
29. November 2, 1898 – Charles Alexander Dupuy was installed as Prime Minister in France
30. November 2, 1898 – Theodor Herzl visits Jerusalem
31. November 2, 1898 – Johnny Campbell encourages the soccer team at the University of Minnesota
32. November 2, 1899 – capture of Ladysmith, Natal by Boers

20th Century – Important Events On This Day November 2 – The 1900s

33. November 2, 1903 – inauguration of Lyceum Theater at 149 W 45th St. NYC
34. November 2, 1903 – inauguration of New Amsterdam Theater at 214W 42nd St NYC
35. November 2, 1904 – Daily Mirror, a daily issue of the British newspaper starts publishing
36. November 2, 1907 – publication of the Ottawa Mint Announcement
37. November 2, 1907 – US President calls for help from J.P. Morgan to find a solution to the financial crisis in the US. JP Morgan in turns details about 40 bakers in his library to find a solution to the banking problem in New York.
38. November 2, 1913 – George Stovall, Manager, St Louis Browns joins the Federal League
39. November 2, 1914 – Cyprus becomes a part of Great Britain
40. November 2, 1914 – debut performance of “Only Girl” by V. Herbert & H. Blossoms in NYC
41. November 2, 1914 – Russia and the Ottoman Kingdom engage in a battle
42. November 2, 1914 – ships belonging to non-aligned nations would be passing through the North Sea, doing so at their peril, as this area was declared a military zone by the British
43. November 2, 1915 –Ashtabula, Ohio given relative representation for the first time in US voting
44. November 2, 1916 – France reacquired Ft Vaus, Verdun
45. November 2, 1917 – James Gresham, Thomas Enright, and Merle Hay were the first US soldiers to lose their lives during the WWI
46. November 2, 1917 – The formation of a Jewish state in Palestine was supported by the Balfour Proclamation
47. November 2, 1917 – The US supports Japan for their human rights in China as enunciated in the Lansing-Ishii accord
48. November 2, 1920 – Warren G. Harding defeated the Democrat James M. Cox to become the President of the United States
49. November 2, 1921 – Debut performance of “Anna Christie” by Eugene O’Neill in NYC
50. November 2, 1922 – friendly nations discuss the German currency
51. November 2, 1923 – rebellion in Aachen led to the formation of the Rhenish Republic which lasted for a year
52. November 2, 1923 – fall of Stresemann’s SPD administration in Germany
53. November 2, 1924 – Publication of the first British crossword riddle by Sunday Express
54. November 2, 1928 – the debut of the first musical, L Stokowski, by Dmitri Shostakovich, in Philadelphia
55. November 2, 1930 – crowning of Ras Tafari Makonnen as Haile Selassie I, 225th King of Ethiopian Solmonic Family
56. November 2, 1931 – Debut performance of the song, “Laugh Parade” by Warren, Dixon, and Young in NYC
57. November 2, 1932 – The Australian army equipped with Lewis Guns tried to remove the Emu populace for damaging the harvest in the Campion district of Western Australia
58. November 2, 1934 – excursion trip by Babe Ruth through Tokyo, Japan
59. November 2, 1936 – high-resolution TV transmission by BBC at 3 p.m. from modernized stations at Alexandra Palace, North London
60. November 2, 1936 -founding of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
61. November 2, 1937 – The honor award of MVP to AL batting legend Charlie Gehringer
62. November 2, 1938 – application by Babe Ruth for the post of manager with St. Louis Browns
63. November 2, 1938 – AL MVP awarded to Jimmie Foxx for the 3rd time
64. November 2, 1942 – an attack on Tel el Aqqaqir by the British, and was the 11th day of the war at El Alamein
65. November 2, 1943 – demolition of Riga Latvia, a Jewish settlement
66. November 2, 1944 – mass destruction of inmates of the concentration camp at Auschwitz by passing fumes
67. November 2, 1944 – seize of Knokke by Canadian Army
68. November 2, 1944 – attack on Schmidt Hurtgenwald by American Army
69. November 2, 1947 – US achieves the 7th Ryder Cup, 11-1 at the Portland Golf Club
70. November 2, 1947 – a big aircraft made of wood, “Spruce Goose” was piloted by Howard Hughes only once
71. November 2, 1948 – in a closely fought election, US President Harry Truman was voted for the 2nd term over his rival, Republican presidential Thomas E. Dewey
72. November 2, 1948 – TV transmission channel 13 in Baltimore, MD commences airing
73. November 2, 1949 – Netherlands identifies the independence of Indonesia
74. November 2, 1949 – decontrol of NL scheme of public distribution of textile, flesh and butter products
75. November 2, 1950 – premiere of ‘Barrier’ at Broadhurst Theatre, NYC and to give 4 presentations
76. November 2, 1950 – Jim Konstanty achieves NL MVP
77. November 2, 1950 – the first sale of condensed milk by The Clover Dairy Company in Washington, Delaware
78. November 2, 1953 – Pakistan declares itself as an Islamic republic
79. November 2, 1954 – The House of Representatives in Michigan enrolled Charles Diggs Jr. as the first black congressman
80. November 2, 1954 – South Carolina voters elect Strom Thurmond as senator through a write-in system of voting.
81. November 2, 1954 – premiere of a radio adaptation of the entertainment “Hancock’s Half Hour” featuring Tony Hancock and Sid James and authored by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson
82. November 2, 1955 – finding of a vaccine for the disease polio by Clarton-Schwerdt and Schaffer
83. November 2, 1955 – an invitation to David Ben-Gurion to form the administration in Israel
84. November 2, 1956 – Hungary petitions to UN for help against Soviet incursions
85. November 2, 1956 – Gaza and Sheham seized by Israel
86. November 2, 1957 – milling of titanium metal at Toronto, Ohio commenced
87. November 2, 1957 – A mysterious bright object seen over Levelland by farm workers caused wide media hype in the history of America
88. November 2, 1959 – premiere of ‘Girls against the Boys’ at Alvin Theater NYC to give 16 presentations
89. November 2, 1959 – TV puzzle contest 21 was pre-set as admitted by Charles Van Doren
90. November 2, 1959 – the inauguration of the specially built way for high speeds between intersections 5 and 18 along with M10 and M45 motorway in the United Kingdom
91. November 2, 1960 – the debut of the musical (8th String) by Dmitri Shostakovich in Leningrad
92. November 2, 1960 – stepping down of George Weiss, aged 66, as GM of NY Yankees
93. November 2, 1960 – The publisher of the book, “Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ by Penguin Books was not found guilty of vulgarity
94. November 2, 1960 – Roger Maris was honored as AL MVP over his rival Mickey Mantle (225-222)
95. November 2, 1961 – premiere of ‘Kean’ at Broadway Theatre NYC to give 92 presentations
96. November 2, 1961 – the debut of ‘Andorra’ by Max Frisch in Zurich
97. November 2, 1963 – premiere of ‘Tambourines to Glory’ at Little Theater NYC to give 24 presentations
98. November 2, 1963 – MCC vs. E African XI, an international level cricket match played in Uganda
99. November 2, 1963 – the assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam in a military rebellion by the South Vietnam Army
100. November 2, 1964 – Yanks sold to CBS in two phases 80% for $11,200,000 and the balance 20% afterward
101. November 2, 1964 – Saud was replaced by Faisal as king of Saudi Arabia
102. November 2, 1966 – premiere of TV transmission channel 11 in Lead, SD
103. November 2, 1966 – agreement between the US and Cuba to facilitate Cubans request for lasting abode in the US under the Cuban Adjustment Act
104. November 2, 1968 – valedictory of ‘Her First Roman’ at Lunt Fontanne Theatre NYC after 17 presentations
105. November 2, 1968 – The protest rally in Derry, North Ireland, by the Derry Citizen’s Action Committee, a barred outfit, could not be contained by the police force in view a vast majority of the public participating in the rally
106. November 2, 1969 – LPGA River Plantation Women’s Golf Open was achieved by Kathy Whitworth
107. November 2, 1969 – New Orleans Billy Kilmer and St L Charlie Johnson achieve 6 touchdowns each, in the NFL
108. November 2, 1970 – Cleveland Cavaliers were defeated by Philadelphia with a surplus of 54 points (Philadelphia 141-87)
109. November 2, 1971 – debut of ‘Great Harp’ at Martin Beck Theatre NYC to give 7 presentations
110. November 2, 1972 – structural work commenced on Kingdome, Seattle
111. November 2, 1972 – NL Cy Young Award achieved by Phillies’ Steve Carlton
112. November 2, 1972 – Atomic test by USSR at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
113. November 2, 1972 – The distinct status awarded to the Catholic Church in the Irish Constitution was sought to be eliminated by the placing of a demand by the Administration of the Republic of Ireland
114. November 2, 1973 – Broadcasting of “Barbra Streisand..and Other Musical Instruments’ on CBS
115. November 2, 1973 – constitution of Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE)
116. November 2, 1974 – Exchange of players, Hank Aaron for OF Dave May between Braves and Milwaukee Brewers
117. November 2, 1974 – Atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya USSR
118. November 2, 1974 – Inferno in Time Go-Go Club in Seoul, South Korea claimed 78 victims. 6 victims lost their lives for hopping from the 7th level since the staff closed the doors when the fire commenced
119. November 2, 1975 – ICE Hockey player, Ed Giacomin of Red Wing comes to Mad Sq Garden to vanquish Rangers, 6-4
120. November 2, 1975 – Rockets vanquish Milwaukee Bucks, 104-89
121. November 2, 1976 – Jimmy Carter, a Democratic aspirant voted to the US Presidential vanquishing the Republican President Gerald Ford
122. November 2, 1977 – the 2nd Cy Young Award achieved by Steve Carlton of the Phillies
123. November 2, 1977 – discovery of methanogens, believed to have existed 3.5 billion years ago, by Carl R. Woese, a Microbiologist, and a team of researchers at the University of Illinois
124. November 2, 1978 – The operating staff of Spacecraft Soyuz 29 returned to Earth by Soyuz 31
125. November 2, 1978 – Atomic test by France at Mururoa island
126. November 2, 1978 – Atomic test by the US at Nevada
127. November 2, 1978 – A TV film, “Scared Straight” by Arnold Shapiro and described by Peter Falk, as a doubtful check on youngsters’ crime, premiered on Los Angeles’s TV
128. November 2, 1979 – a melodic “Amadeus” by Peter debuts in London
129. November 2, 1979 – The proprietors of Studio 54 were detained for tax fraud
130. November 2, 1982 – more than a thousand Russians lost their lives in an inferno in the Salung subway
131. November 2, 1982 – LPGA Pioneer Cup Golf Tournament achieved by Nayoko Yoshikawa
132. November 2, 1983 – US President Ronald Regan authenticates creating a holiday for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through an act of Legislation
133. November 2, 1983 – inquiry of archbishop Hunthausen, Seattle by Abp Hickey
134. November 2, 1983 – The musical “Thriller” announced by Michael Jackson
135. November 2, 1984 – Atomic test by France at Mururoa island
136. November 2, 1984 – The first woman convict to be put to death since 1962 was Velma Barfield.
137. November 2, 1985 – Cozzene, Life’s Magic, Pebbles. Precisionist, Proud Truth, Tosso, and Twilight Ridge Aqueduct vie for Horse Racing Breeders’ Cup Champions
138. November 2, 1986 – Grete Waitz achieved the 16th NYC Women’s Lengthy competition by 2:28:06
139. November 2, 1986 – Gianni Poli achieved the 17th NYC Lengthy Competition in 2:11:06
140. November 2, 1986 – Nichirei Ladies Cup US-Japan Team Golf Championship achieved by Ayako Okamoto
141. November 2, 1987 – Actor and singer Lola Falana was identified as suffering from hardening of tissues
142. November 2, 1987 – announcement of the musical “Cloud 9” by George Harrison and “All the Best” by McCartney
143. November 2, 1988 – False news about the death of Mike Tyson in a vehicle accident announced over the Mexican radio
144. November 2, 1988 – AL Rookie of the Year achieved by Walt Weiss
145. November 2, 1988 – MIT announces the existence of the internet worm, The Morris worm; which drew the attention of the public when it affected the Pentagon, SDI research lab, and other 6 universities
146. November 2, 1989 – premiere of “Meet Me in St Louis” at Gershwin Theater to give 253 presentations
147. November 2, 1990 – Minn Timberwolves vanquish Mavericks, 98-85 at the first NBA play at Target Centre
148. November 2, 1991 – announcement of the musical, “Word to the Badd!!” by Jermaine Jackson, a song against Michael’s music
149. November 2, 1991 – Nevada creates a history of NCAA football by recovering its shortage of 35 points in the 3rd quarter to claim victory over Weber State, 55-49
150. November 2, 1991 – Arazi, Black Tie Affair, Dance Smartly, Miss Alleged, Opening Verse, Pleasant Stage, Sheik Albadou vie for Horse Racing Breeders’ Cup Championship
151. November 2, 1992 – Bartholomew I assume charge as 270th Bishop of Constantinople and is the spiritual leader of Orthodox churches
152. November 2, 1991 – Australia triumphs over England, 12-6 at the 2nd Rugby World Cup
153. November 2, 1992 – trial flying tests for Airbus A 330 commenced
154. November 2, 1993 – beginning of the construction of the Bob Feller Memorial
155. November 2, 1993 – surgical intervention for Actor Roger Moore (James Bond) to extract his bigger prostate
156. November 2, 1993 – Christie Todd Whitman(R) was the first lady governor of New Jersey to be voted to that post
157. November 2, 1993 – the stock value of Dow Jones reaches a high of 3697.64
158. November 2, 1993 – Installation of Ehud Olmert as mayor of Jerusalem
159. November 2, 1993 – The 1st Republican Mayor, since 1965, of New York was Rudy Giuliani
160. November 2, 1994 – In an accidental detonation of Benzine in Dronka, Egypt, over 400 lost their life.
161. November 2, 1995 – debut performance of “Busker Alley” at St James Theatre, NY
162. November 2, 1995 – premiere of “Sacrilege” at Belasco Theatre NYC to give 21 presentations
163. November 2, 1995 – NY radio station WPAT-FM was purchased by Spanish Broadcasting System for $ 83.5M
164. November 2, 1996 – valedictory of “Hughie” at Circle in Sq Theatre NYC
165. November 2, 1996 – after 240 presentations at Music Box”, NYV, “Barrymore” ends
166. November 2, 1997 – Franziska Rochat-Moser of Switzerland achieved the 27th NYC Woman Lengthy competition
167. November 2, 1997 – John Kagwe of Kenya won the 28th NYC lengthy competition in 2:08:12
168. November 2, 1997 – severe cyclone, Linda, in southern parts of Vietnam claims 208 victims
169. November 2, 1997 -Japan was defeated by the USA at the LPGA Nichirei International

21st Century – November 2 This Day In History – The 2000s

170. November 2, 2000 – The International Space Station receives the first squad
171. November 2, 2003 – Grant Fuhr achieves the Hockey Hall of Fame
172. November 2, 2004 – George W. Bush voted to power as President of the United States for the 2nd term trouncing John Kerry, a candidate from Democrats
173. November 2, 2008 – Lewis Hamilton achieved the 59th Formula One WDC by one point
174. November 2, 2013 – 2013 ASP World Junior Title was achieved by a Brazilian expert surfer, at 19
175. November 2, 2014 – In a reckless detonation of a bomb in Lahore, Pakistan claims 60 persons injuring more than 100
176. November 2, 2015 – The award of Knight and Dames honor was abolished from the list of Honours of Australia by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull
177. November 2, 2016 – Chicago Cubs vanquish Cleveland Indians in play 7, 8-7. This was the first series victory for them in 108 years
178. November 2, 2017 – Announcement by On This Day and Xiaomi to exhibit today in history in the app of Xiaomi for those who refer to India
179. November 2, 2017 – U.S. President, Donald Trump, designated Jerome Powell for the Chairmanship of the Federal Reserve

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