Saturday, March 29, 2025
Famous Events For November 23

Famous Events For November 23 – Today In History

What Happened on November 23 in World History?

Early Centuries – November 23 Historic Events – Before 1700

1. November 23, 1165 – The exiled Pope Alexander III arrives in Rome
2. November 23, 1227 – the assassination of Polish Prince Leszek I the White at a meeting of Polish dukes at Gasawa
3. November 23, 1248 – King Ferdinand III of Castile guides his Christian army to capture Seville after the city surrenders
4. November 23, 1334 – the embankment splits leading to floods in the Flemish/Zeeuwse/Dutch coast
5. November 23, 1499 – Perkin Warbeck, assaulted England in 1497 claiming to be the lost son of King Edward IV, and was killed by hanging while trying to break away from the Tower of London
6. November 23, 1556 – King Philip discusses with Dutch financial professionals
7. November 23, 1577 – Dutch nobles opposed to Spanish rule in the Netherlands (Water Geuzen) under the guidance of Captain Slope arrives in Amsterdam


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8. November 23, 1584 – The English Parliament ejected the members of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
9. November 23, 1644 – publication of a speech by John Milton to the parliament of England criticizing restriction
10. November 23, 1654 – Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician, scientist, and academic mic sees the spiritual idea that identifies him for life

18th Century – What Happened on November 23 – The 1700s

11. November 23, 1700 – Cardinal Francesco Albani was nominated as Pope Clemens XI
12. November 23, 1705 – the first show of the play, “Ulysses” by Nicholas Rowe in London
13. November 23, 1765 – the unwillingness of the People of Frederick County, Maryland to pay the British Stamp duty
14. November 23, 1783 – Annapolis Maryland was the e capital of the US till June 1784


19th Century – November 23 This Day That Year – The 1800s

15. November 23, 1832 – Antwerp, a city in Belgium, was surrendered to the French for freedom of Belgium
16. November 23, 1834 – debut show of “Harold in Italy” by Hector Berlioz
17. November 23, 1835 – copyright is given to Henry Burden for inventing the horseshow making the machine
18. November 23, 1844 – Denmark gives freedom to Duke of Schleswig-Holstein
19. November 23, 1848 – establishment of Female Medical Educational Society in Boston
20. November 23, 1852 – Lake Merced, California is reported to have lost 30 ft of water due to the shock caused by heavy rains past midnight
21. November 23, the commencement of the war between Chattanooga and Orchard Knob, TN
22. November 23, 1863 – copyright granted for processing color photographs
23. November 23, 1864 – there were 30 deaths during the war at Ball’s Ferry Georgia
24. November 23, 1867 – three men of the Irish Republican Brotherhood were executed for murdering a British Police Officer
25. November 23, 1868 – copyright granted to Louis Ducos de Hauron for inventing the procedure for trichrome color photos
26. November 23, 1869 – a fast sailing ship known as Clipper, built at Dumbarton, Scotland is inaugurated and still enduring


27. November 23, 1876 – An intercollegiate football Association formed under the auspices of Columbia, Harvard and Princeton
28. November 23, 1885 – The Amsterdam constabulary attacked the assembly of social-democrats united
29. November 23, 1887 – Notre Dame in its first football play against Michigan gets defeated, 8-0
30. November 23, 1887 – “Trumpeter of Sackingen” was the first play of American production (NYC)
31. November 23, 1889 – the inauguration of the first automated music-playing machine (Palais Royale Saloon, San Francisco)
32. November 23, 1890 – Netherlands enacts a special Law to permit the daughter of King William III to succeed him as the king died without a male heir apparent
33. November 23, 1890 – General election in Italy
34. November 23, 1892 – in a battle of Lomani Congo, the Belgian group defeats the Arabs. The casualties are estimated at 1000-3000
35. November 23, 1892 – Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee and is regarded as the father of the Olympic Games
36. November 23, 1897 – copyright granted to Andrew J Beard for inventing “coupling” that connects the rolling stock in railways
37. November 23, 1897 – copyright given to J L Love for inventing pencil sharpener
38. November 23, 1899 – General Methuen defeats Farmers during the war at Belmont, Cape colony

20th Century – Important Events On This Day November 23 – The 1900s

39. November 23, 1903 – Enrico Caruso’s first performance in the US was in “Rigoletto” (Metropolitan Opera House, NY)
40. November 23, 1903 – James Peabody, Governor of Colorado orders the state territorial army to the city of Cripple Creek to interrupt the strike by mining workers
41. November 23, 1904 – curtain down for the 3rd modern Olympic Games in St Louis, first held in the US
42. November 23, 1905 – Henry Watson Furness, an Indian doctor was made envoy extraordinary and appointed a minister to Haiti
43. November 23, 1906 – The chief of the Mormon Church, Joseph Smith, was punished for having many spouses
44. November 23, 1909 – Rattlesnake Creek, Idaho received the highest rainfall of 7.17” (18.2 cm)
45. November 23, 1909 – a corporation was created with an asset of $1 million by the Wright Brothers to manufacture aircraft
46. November 23, 1911 – the name of the Post Hospital at Presidio, San Francisco, changed to Letterman General Hospital


47. November 23, 1912 – Ontario Rugby Football Union suspended Hamilton Alerts for not playing with the full team but only using back-ups when the protested game was replayed
48. November 23, 1913 – An Irish Citizens Army was founded by Jim Larkin and James Connolly to guard the workers who had stopped working
49. November 23, 1914 – The US Army pullout from Mexico
50. November 23, 1915 – The second day of the war at Ctesiphon between the friendly nations’ forces and the Turkish forces on the River Tigris in Mesopotamia
51. November 23, 1921 – medical professionals recommending beer or liquor as medicine was prohibited by an act of the President of the US Warren G. Harding
52. November 23, 1923 – The commander General Von of Germany prohibits NSDAP AND KPD
53. November 23, 1923 – Social Democratic Party defeated Stresemann, Vice-Chancellor, of the German Democratic party
54. November 23, 1923 – first show and the first form of “The Ten Commandments” by Cecil B. DeMille in the US
55. November 23, 1926 – debut show of “This Was a Man” by Noel Coward in NYC
56. November 23, 1930 – Hap Moran of NY Giant covers a distance of 91 yards to achieve a Touch Down during a scrimmage
57. November 23, 1931- Formation of the Nationality Crisis Committee in Hague
58. November 23, 1934 – The unearthing of an Italian military base well inside the Ethiopian terrain at Walwal, by the Anglo-Ethiopian boundary commission, lead to the Abyssinia Crisis
59. November 23, 1936 – publication of the first issue of Life picture journal fashioned by Henry R. Luce


60. November 23, 1937 – the first show of “Golden Boy” by Clifford Odets in NYC
61. November 23, 1937 – Emile Janson sworn in as Prime Minister of Belgium
62. November 23, 1937 – the first show of “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck in NYC
63. November 23, 1939 – Hans Frank, Nazi Governor of Poland, orders Jews to wear the blue star
64. November 23, 1940 – The first version of banned “The Truth” issued
65. November 23, 1940 – Romania joins Germany, Italy, and Japan in their tripartite Pact
66. November 23, 1941 – Germany captures Klin, at NW of Moscow
67. November 23, 1942 – submission of the 3rd and 5th divisions of the Romanian army
68. November 23, 1942 – establishment of US Coast Guard Woman’s Auxiliary force
69. November 23, 1942 – the 4th and 6th divisions of the German Army cordoned off at Stalingrad
70. November 23, 1942 – Japan drops bombs on Port Darwin, Australia
71. November 23, 1942 – Chinese sailor Poon Lim was the only survivor of the British ship ss Benlomond which was sunk by German submarine U-boat. He floated on a raft for 133 days on the sea
72. November 23, 1942 – Soviet army regains Kalatsj atDon
73. November 23, 1943 – first issue of banned “Warhead.”


74. November 23, 1943 – commencement of service by the British Forces Broadcasting Service
75. November 23, 1943 – Japanese surrender Tarawa, Gilbert Island, and Makin to US forces
76. November 23, 1943 – William D Cox bets on a team owned by him, the Philadelphia Phillies, and gets disqualified for life from baseball
77. November 23, 1944 – General Patch guides the 7th US Army to capture Straatsburg
78. November 23, 1945 – wartime public distribution of food, including meat and butter in the US stopped
79. November 23, 1946 – last show of “Gypsy Lady” at Century Theater NYC after 79 presentations
80. November 23, 1946 – 6000 lost their life in Haiphong Vietnam during the firing by the French Navy
81. November 23, 1946 – a new party entitled The Workers Party of South Korea was instituted
82. November 23, 1947 – Schumann was sworn in as Prime Minister of France
83. November 23, 1947 – Washington Redskins Sammy Baugh achieves six touchdowns against Chi Cards (45-21)
84. November 23, 1948 – copyright is given to Dr. Frank G Bank (NYC) for his invention of the lens to give an increased view (zoom effect)
85. November 23, 1950 musical “Short Symphony” by Howard Swanson debuts

86. November 23, 1953 – TV Transmission channel 21 commences airing in Ft Dodge, IA on NBC
87. November 23, 1953 – TV transmission channel 6 starts functioning in Augusta, GA on ABC
88. November 23, 1954 – Dow Jones Industrial Average reached above the 1929 figure and had a free fall
89. November 23, 1955 – Cocos (Keeling) Islands in the Indian Ocean were handed over to Australia by the British
90. November 23, 1956 – Vladimir Kuts from the Soviet Union covers a distance of 10,000 m in 28:45.6 to set an Olympic best at the Melbourne Olympics; he also wins the gold for the 5000m run
91. November 23, 1959 – premiere of “Fiorello!” at Broadhurst Theater NYC to give 796 shows
92. November 23, 1960 – NL Rookie of the Year award to Frank Howard, outfielder of the Dodgers
93. November 23, 1960 – Tinseltown bestowed its Walk of Fame at Hollywood Blvd and Vine Street
94. November 23, 1960 – Tiros 2 – a weather spacecraft sent into orbit
95. November 23, 1962 – NL’s MVP awarded to Maury Wills of Dodgers
96. November 23, 1963 – premiere of “Doctor Who” a British sci-fi event continuing for a long time
97. November 23, 1963 – last show of “Tambourines to Glory” at Little Theater NYC after giving 24 shows
98. November 23, 1963 – establishment of Horatio Alger Society
99. November 23, 1963 – The body of JFK kept in the East Room of the White House
100. November 23, 1963 – November 25 declared as a national mourning day in memory of JFK as per orders of LBJ

101. November 23, 1964 – premiere of “Bajour” at Shubert Theatre NYC to give 232 shows
102. November 23, 1964 – the musicals “I Feel Fine” and “She’s a Woman” by the Beatles announced
103. November 23, 1965 – Mike Garrett, Southern Cal is awarded the 31st Heisman Trophy
104. November 23, 1965 – atomic test by the US at Nevada
105. November 23, 1966 – AL Rookie of the Year awarded to Chicago outfielder Tommie Agee
106. November 23, 1968 – last show of “Noel Coward’s Sweet Potato” at Booth NYC after 36 shows
107. November 23, 1968 – Milwaukee Bucks in their first NBA trade, exchange Bob Love and Bob Weiss for Chicago Bulls for Flynn Robinson
108. November 23, 1970 – a musical entitled “My Sweet Lord” by George Harrison was announced in the US
109. November 23, 1970 – TV Transmission channel 46 Belton/Killeen, TX commences airing on PBS
110. November 23, 1970 – stepping down of Arthur Young as Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)
111. November 23, 1971 – UN Security Council accepts China People’s Republic as its member
112. November 23, 1971 – Danny Murtaugh, manager of MLB titleholders Pittsburgh Pirates releases his intention to step down
113. November 23, 1973 – confidential and open decisions were taken at the Arab Summit on the use of oil weapons; prohibition was made applicable to Portugal, Rhodesia, and South Africa
114. November 23, 1974 – 60 officials of Ethiopia killed
115. November 23, 1974 – WBA world featherweight boxing championship title achieved by Alexis Arguello of Nicaragua by knocking out current Mexican champion title holder Ruben Olivares in the 13th round at the Forum in Inglewood, California
116. November 23, 1975 – Edmonton Eskimos vanquish Montreal Alouettes, 9-8. To achieve the CFL Grey Cup, McMahon Field, Calgary; there were no Touchdowns,
117. November 23, 1975 – Bob Thomas of Chicago Bears scores a 55-yard field goal
118. November 23, 1976 – Atomic test by the US at Nevada
119. November 23, 1976 – Atomic test by USSR at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
120. November 23, 1976 – Apneist Jacques Mayol reaches a depth of 100m in the sea without using breathing paraphernalia, and he was the first man to achieve this feat
121. November 23, 1977 – premiere of “Jesus Christ Superstar” at Longacre Theater NYC to give 96 shows
122. November 23, 1977 – weather spacecraft, Meteosat 1 sent into orbit from Cape Canaveral
123. November 23, 1979 – “The Wall,” an animated-musical drama by Pink Floyd was announced, and 6 million copies of the same were sold in two weeks
124. November 23, 1980 – Earthquake devastates southern Italy killing more than 4800
125. November 23, 1980 – Edmonton Eskimos defeat Hamilton Tiger-Cats, 48-10 to achieve their 3rd successive title at the CFL Grey Cup, CNE Stadium, Toronto
126. November 23, 1980 – a political party known as the National Black Independent Party was established
127. November 23, 1981 – President Reagan did not approve the Resolution No.357 of the House Joint Committee which had recommended more appropriation for the financial year 1982
128. November 23, 1982 – spacecraft Challenger shifted to Vandenberg Air Force Base to be matched for STS-6
129. November 23, 1982 – The restrictions on TV advertisement such as duration and regularity were removed by the FCC
130. November 23, 1982 – NY Islanders & Minn North Stars make an equal score for a tie, 8-8
131. November 23, 1983 – The USSR did not participate in the arms reduction discussion
132. November 23, 1984 – Wasim Akram plays his first limited-over international cricket against New Zealand

133. November 23, 1984 – David Boon aged 23 and Bob Holland aged 38, from Australia, play their first Test Cricket match Vs. WI
134. November 23, 1984 – Atomic test by USSR at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalatinsk, USSR
135. November 23, 1984 – The movie “A Christmas Carol” guided by Clive Donner featuring George C. Scott debuts in the UK
136. November 23, 1985 – Egyptian soldiers attack the kidnapped Egypt Air Jet in Malta, and 58 lost their life
137. November 23, 1985 – Detention of Larry Wu-tai Chin, a retired CIA analyst on charges of spying for China
138. November 23, 1986 – Martina Navratilova achieves 5th straight and 8th overall WTA Tour Championship of the year by defeating Steffi Graf, 7-6,6-3,6-2 in NYC
139. November 23, 1987 – German tennis celebrity Steffi Graf wins her first WTA Tour Championship title by defeating Gabriela Sabatini of Argentina, 4-6,6-4,6-0,6-4 at Madison Square Garden, NYC
140. November 23, 1988 – atomic test conducted by France
141. November 23, 1988 – The 600th NHL goal was achieved by Wayne Gretzky
142. November 23, 1988 – Yankees and Steve Sax agree to a 3-year contract
143. November 23, 1988 – President Reagan says he does not want to take any action on a bill meant to curb petitioning by ex-government workers
144. November 23, 1989 – empathy strike by Pilots Union against Eastern Airlines withdrawn
145. November 23, 1889 – Xenophon Zolotas was installed as the Prime Minister of Greece
146. November 23, 1889 – The “Bounty Bowl” – On a Thanksgiving Day, the Philadelphia Eagles vanquish the Dallas Cowboys, 27-0. The play was ill-tempered because there were minor fights between players of one team with the other team. Jimmy Johnson of the Cowboys alleges that Eagles coach Buddy Ryan has rewarded gifts to players
147. November 23, 1990 – Saeed Anwar plays his first international test cricket against WI, scores 0 in both innings
148. November 23, 1991 – Freddie Mercury aged 45 reveals that he had AIDS one day earlier to his demise
149. November 23, 1991 – Evander Holyfield defeats Bert Cooper in 7 in a Technical Knockout to win the heavyweight boxing championship
150. November 23, 1991 – 200m backstroke swimming best timing of 1:56.7 was achieved by Martin Lopez-Zubero
151. November 23, 1991 – Sacramento Kings had the longest uninterrupted loss of games and ended at the 43rd game
152. November 23, 1991 – Lorrie Nichols achieved the Sam’s Town Bowling Invitational
153. November 23, 1991 – Ty Detmer of Brigham Young achieved during his professional NCAA career, 4031 yards passes in a season and 15,031 in his career
154. November 23, 1992 – premiere of “Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me” at Booth NYC to give 232 shows
155. November 23, 1992 – mobile phones numbering 100 million sold
156. November 23, 1993 – premiere of “Angels in America-Perestroika” at Walter Kerr NYC to give 216 presentations
157. November 23, 1993 – Snoop Doggy Dogg announces his premiere of a collection of songs “Doggystyle” (Billboard Album of the year 1994)
158. November 23, 1996 – 46th Miss World title confirmed on Irene Skliva, 18 of Greece
159. November 23, 1996 – The World Trade Organization officially admits the Republic of Angola
160. November 23, 1997 – ITT LPGA Tour Championship achieved by Annika Sorenstam
161. November 23, 1997 – Czech tennis #1 celebrity Jana Novotna achieves WTA Tour Championship at Madison Square Garden, NYC vanquishing Mary Pierce of France 7-6, 6-2, 6-3
162. November 23, 1998 – Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and his opponent Prince Norodom Ranariddh reach a treaty

21st Century – November 23 This Day In History – The 2000s

163. November 23, 2001 – Agreement on Cybercrime is agreed upon in Budapest, Hungary
164. November 23, 2001 – Jeff Gordon was awarded the 53rd NASCAR Sprint Cup title
165. November 23, 2003 – stepping down of Eduard Shevardnadze, President of Georgia against alleged malpractices in voting
166. November 23, 2003 – Amelie Mauresmo vanquishes American Meghann Shaughnessy, 6-2,6-1, and gives France an unquestionable 3-0 lead at the
167. Federation Cup Women’s Tennis, Moscow, Russia. This was the 2nd title for France
168. November 23, 2004 – Announcement of the online role-playing game, World of Warcraft game. This was the world’s most contributed game
169. November 23, 2005 – Liberia gets its first woman president Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, and she was the first woman to run the African nation
170. November 23, 2007 – a ship MS Explorer with 154 onboard dashes against an iceberg off the South Shetland Islands and gets submerged in the Antarctic Ocean south of Argentina
171. November 23, 2008 – Rihanna & Chris Brown achieve their 35th American Music Awards
172. November 23, 2008 – Spain vanquishes Argentina in Mar del Plata (3-1) to win the 97th Davis Cup
173. November 23, 2008 – Calgary Stampeders vanquish Montreal Alouettes, 22-14; a record number of 66,308 fans attended the Grey Cub play, to win the CFL Grey Cup at Olympic Stadium, Montreal
174. November 23, 2008 – the financial crisis in the state as per the report from the economists at the University of Hawaii, commenced due to the diminished number of visitors to the state and increasing joblessness and with an anticipated decrease of 8800 numbers in 2009
175. November 23, 2009 – mass killing in Ampatuan, Maguindanao, Mindanao, Philippines
176. November 23, 2009 – a collection of music, “I Dreamed a Dream” by Susan Boyle announced (most sought album worldwide in 2009, 2010 Billboard Album of the Year)
177. November 23, 2010 – Yeonpyeong was bombed on Yeonpyeong Island, South Korea. The North Korean weaponry assault leaves two dead citizens and 2 South Korean ships
178. November 23, 2011 – Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh agreed to hand over control to the vice president, after nearly a year of rebellion in Yemen against legal protection
179. November 23, 2012 – Central Japan Railway Company (JR Tokai) discloses a prototype of an LO train promising a speed of 500 km per hour
180. November 23, 2013 – Manny Pacquiao vanquishes American Brandon Rios to achieve the WBO welterweight Boxing Championship title
181. November 23, 2013 – The 50th-anniversary event of “Doctor Who,” “The Day of the Doctor” was aired on BBC One, the first event to have the 12th Doctor Peter Capaldi
182. November 23, 2014 – a self-killing bomber kills 40 people at a volleyball competition in Eastern Afghanistan
183. November 23, 2014 – the killing of 28 travelers on a bus by the Somali radical Islamic group al-Shabab is meant to generate spiritual unrest in the country, as per the counselor to the President of Kenya
184. November 23, 2014 – an earthquake of strength 6.7 devastates central Japan
185. November 23, 2014 – The changes brought about in the immigration processes by US President Obama, using his supervisory authority denounced by the Republicans
186. November 23, 2014 – The administration in Mexico claimed that the mafia gang killed the 43 missing Mexican pupils and there were widespread demonstrations by the relatives of the dead students
187. November 23, 2014 – Magnus Carlsen defeated Vishy Anand; Magnus Carlsen retains his World Chess Championship title
188. November 23, 2014 – Switzerland defeats France in Lille (3-1) achieving their first Davis Cup title at the 103rd Davis Cup match
189. November 23, 2014 – Lewis Hamilton, British Mercedes driver, succeeds in getting the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix at the Yas Marina Circuit and achieving his World F-1 Drivers championship 67 points from his fellow member of the team Nico Rosberg
190. November 23, 2014 – One Direction, Sam Smith, and Katy Perry were awarded the 41st American Music Awards
191. November 23, 2015 – mutilation of female genital prohibited by order of President Yahya Jammeh of Gambia
192. November 23, 2015 – Women’s LPGA Player of the Year was awarded to Lydia Ko (18) of New Zealand. She also holds the Race to the CME Globe title worth $1 million
193. November 23, 2017 – The Papua New Guinea Constabulary compulsorily evacuated the refugees in the Manus Island
194. November 23, 2017 – Brazilian soccer player Robinho was found guilty of sexual misconduct in Italy and given nine years in jail.
195. November 23, 2018 – A report from the US Federal Climate suggests that the change will diminish the budget to the extent of 10% by 2100; with $141 billion due to deaths from heat and $118 billion due to an increase in sea level
196. November 23, 1918 – creators from Italy, Domenico Dolce, and Stefano Gabbana express regret for a video cheaply showing Chinese philosophy and also abandon the Shanghai fashion show
197. November 23, 2018 – Alabama constabulary kill a mistaken doubtful person after a gangster kills an 18-year-old man and 12-year girl at Riverchase Galleria Mall in Hoover Mall

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