Friday, March 21, 2025
Famous Events For October 1

Famous Events For October 1 – Today In History

What Happened on October 1 in World History?

Early Centuries – October 1 Historic Events – Before 1700

1. 331 BC – Darius III of Persia was vanquished at the war of Gaugamela by Alexander the Great
2. October 1, 0366 – St Damasus I installed as Catholic Pope
3. October 1, 0911 – Mary the mother of Jesus makes her presence at the church in Blachernae
4. October 1, 0959 – Edgar I, the Peaceful installed as King of England
5. October 1, 0965 – Pope Leo VIII steps down to make way for John XIII Crescentii
6. October 1, 1189 – during the capture of Acre, guide of Knights Templar from 1184, Gerard de Ridefort was murdered


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7. October 1, 1273 – Count Rudolf van Habsburg installed as king of the Germans
8. October 1, 1529 – Martin Luther meets Huldrych Zwingli
9. October 1, 1569 – Queen Elizabeth I detained Duke of Norfolk on espionage charges for his efforts to wed Mary Queen of Scots
10. October 1, 1574 – the Leiden barrage breaches killing 20,000 Spanish army men
11. October 1, 1606 – seize of Rhine by the Spanish army under the command of Spinola
12. October 1, 1632 – The dissident army under Duke Henri de Montmorency was defeated at the War of Castelnaudary
13. October 1, 1653 – Ukraine becomes the territory of Russia by an act of the Russian Legislature
14. October 1, 1657 – Willem II removed from his position as viceroy as per the agreement of Raalte
15. October 1, 1661 –In a boating race from Greenwich to Gravesend that commenced in England, King Charles II defeats his brother James, Duke of York
16. October 1, 1670 – Russian army defeats Boers at the war of Simbirsk
17. October 1, 1688 – The British crown offered to Prince William II and accepted


18th Century – What Happened on October 1 – The 1700s

18. October 1, 1705 – French Rakoczi installed as king of independent Hungary
19. October 1, 1746 – Prince Charlie exiled to France
20. October 1, 1768 – General Gauge and his British army arrive in Boston
21. October 1, 1787 – The Soviet army under the command of Suvorov vanquishes the Turks at Kinburn
22. October 1, 1791 – the new French governmental lawmakers assemble for the first time
23. October 1, 1795 – Southern Netherland becomes the territory of French
24. October 1, 1795 – seizure of Belgium by France


19th Century – October 1 This Day That Year – The 1800s

25. October 1, 1800 – Spain loses Louisiana to France as per the undisclosed agreement reached
26. October 1, 1801 – the legislature of London agreed by Britain and France
27. October 1, 1814 – inauguration of the Congress of Vienna, which rewrote the political situation in Europe after Napoleon Bonaparte lost his battle
28. October 1, 1827 – the period of influence of Muslims in America ended with the Russian army under the guidance of Ivan Paskevich seizing Yerevan
29. October 1, 1829 – The South African College established in Cape Town in South Africa bifurcates into the University of Cape Town and South African College Schools
30. October 1, 1830 – publication of a commercial journal started in Amsterdam
31. October 1, 1833 – arrival of Charles Darwin in Rio Tercero, Argentina
32. October 1, 1837 – agreement of peace with Winnebago Indians
33. October 1, 1838 – compulsory Public System brought into force
34. October 1, 1843 – inauguration of the publication of News of the World
35. October 1, 1844 – German voyager Ludwig Leichhardt commences his journey from Jimbour on Queensland Darling Downs. He searches the northern Australia from Moreton Bay to Port Essington

36. October 1, 1847 – identification of a heavenly body, which could be seen to the eye by Maria Mitchell
37. October 1, 1847 – Establishment of Siemens AG and Halske by German creator and industrialist, Werner von Siemens
38. October 1, 1851 – Hawaii releases its stamps
39. October 1, 1852 – Naturalist, biologist, and explorer arrives in the UK after he tours South America for four years doing research
40. October 1, 1854 – Aaron Lufkin Dennison established his watch manufacturing unit in Roxbury and moved to Waltham, Massachusetts. This is renamed as the Waltham Watch Company, a forerunner in the watch-making history
41. October 1, 1863 – New York City appreciates the presence of 5 Russian warships
42. October 1, 1863 – inauguration of Dutch Breda-Tilburg railways
43. October 1, 1864 – Typhoon strikes Calcutta leaving 70000 dead
44. October 1, 1864 – John Summerfield Staples, a soldier was offered $500 to “stand in” for President Lincoln


45. October 1, 1866 – commencement of Dutch Eindhoven-Venlo railways
46. October 1, 1867 – Karl Marx releases his book “Das Kapital”
47. October 1, 1868 – publication of “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott in America by Roberts Brothers of Boston
48. October 1, 1869 – issue of postcards for the first time
49. October 1, 1874 – water supplied through pipes in Rotterdam
50. October 1, 1879 – rules about baseball reserve circulated in Cincinnati Enquirer
51. October 1, 1880 – John Philip Sousa appointed the Director of US Marine Force Group
52. October 1, 1885 – US commences distinct mail handover service
53. October 1, 1886 – closure of manufacturing coin unit at Carson City, Nevada
54. October 1, 1887 – British defeats Balochistan
55. October 1, 1888 – Inauguration of the National Geographic journal
56. October 1, 1889 – establishment of the football team, HFC Haarlem
57. October 1, 1890 – Weather Department fashioned by Legislature
58. October 1, 1891 – Stanford University in California inaugurated
59. October 1, 1892 – University of Chicago inaugurated
60. October 1, 1893 – A bad cyclone in the US leaves 1800 dead
61. October 1, 1894 – to deal with Civic problems, an association of Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben was established in Omaha, Nebraska
62. October 1, 1894 – The Owl Club of Cape Town assemble for the first time
63. October 1, 1895 – murder of Romanians in Constantinople
64. October 1, 1896 – performance of “Veiled Lodger” a Sherlock Holmes detective novel
65. October 1, 1898 – inauguration of Alkmaar-Receiver by Dutch Railways


66. October 1, 1898 – LA Railway sold to Henry Huntington
67. October 1, 1898 – Jews were thrown out of Kiev, Ukraine
68. October 1, 1898 – Jews from important cities in Russia were asked to vacate by Tsar Nikolay II
69. October 1, 1898 – establishment of k.u.k Exportakademie in Vienna

20th Century – Important Events On This Day October 1 – The 1900s

70. October 1, 1903 – premiere play of World Series in Baseball between Pittsburgh Pirates vs. Boston Pilgrims
71. October 1, 1904 – appointment of JB van Heutsz as governor-general of Dutch East Indies
72. October 1, 1904 – Timor divided between Netherlands and Portugal to mark the territories
73. October 1, 1905 – the murder of Frantisek Pavlik in a rebellion in Prague motivates Leos Janacek to compile a song on piano 1.X.1905
74. October 1, 1906 – stepping down of Hugh Jennings as Balt manager to assume charge of Detroit in 1907
75. October 1, 1907 – inauguration of Plaza Hotel at 5th Av and 59th Str. In New York
76. October 1, 1907 – US President Theodore Roosevelt requests JP Morgan to tide over the financials caused by the recession in the stock market


77. October 1, 1908 – premiere electric railway between Rotterdam and The Hague
78. October 1, 1908 – A T Model Ford car built at a cost of $825 by Henry Ford
79. October 1, 1908 – Jack Chesbro as highlander vanquished Walter Johnson, 2-1
80. October 1, 1910 – Pittsfield Mass hosts Berkshire Exhibition of cattle
81. October 1, 1910 – detonation LA leaves 21 dead
82. October 1, 1910 – Moose Jaw Tigers vanquish the first play of Regina Rugby, 16-6
83. October 1, 1911 – 8 hours per day rule made applicable to United Dutch Diamond laborers
84. October 1, 1914 – The rebellion in southern Arabia by the Prince of Asir against the Turks motivates other Arab leaders to start a rebellion
85. October 1, 1914 – nearly 33000 Canadian defence people travel to Britain to establish their faithfulness to the Common Wealth
86. October 1, 1918 – Arab army under the guidance of T.E.Lawrence seized Damascus
87. October 1, 1919 – In a World Series competition White Sox players did not play well to please the speculators and lost the competition in a match-fixing incident known as Black Sox Scandal
88. October 1, 1920 – 8-hr per day working for all staff approved by the Dutch Government
89. October 1, 1920 – appointment of Sir Percy Cox as high commissioner of Iraq and his arrival in Basra
90. October 1, 1921 – commencement of airing by WJZ Newark NJ

91. October 1, 1922 – Chicago Bears, earlier known as Chicago Staleys, compete for their 1st NFL play and achieve 6-0
92. October 1, 1922 – the batting average of Rogers Hornsby rose to .401
93. October 1, 1924 – Aircraft Fokker F7 makes its maiden flight from Amsterdam to Batavia
94. October 1, 1924 – Paavo Nurmi creates the best record in 4-mile and 5-mile runs (19.15.4) and (24.06.2) respectively
95. October 1, 1924 – Giants Jimmy O’Connell and Cozy Dolan admit their effort to Phils Heinie Sand take kickback and were banned from World Series
96. October 1, 1926 – Wiley Post purchases an aircraft from the funds he obtained as compensation from an oil field accident
97. October 1, 1927 – Pirates defeat Reds, 9-6 to achieve their NL banner
98. October 1, 1928 – Leon Vanderstduyft from Belgium travels 76 miles and 504 yards on a cycle in one hour
99. October 1, 1928 – Paavo Nurmi creates a world’s best run of 15 m (46.49.6)
100. October 1, 1928 – the first five-year plan package for development commenced by USSR
101. October 1, 1930 – In the World Series Play at Phila’s Shibe Park, Phil.A defeat to St Louis, 5-2
102. October 1, 1931 – Spain’s most powerful body – the Spanish Cortes – admitted women’s rights for voting
103. October 1, 1931 – World Series was a second game as A’s pursue straight title against Cards
104. October 1, 1931 – inauguration of Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York
105. October 1, 1932 – Ottawa was admitted into the NHL for the 2nd time and Pittsburgh removed from membership
106. October 1, 1932 – An association of British Fascists was established by Oswald Mosley
107. October 1, 1933 – the inauguration of Antwerp Sports Stadium
108. October 1, 1933 – Nick Altrick coach to Wash Senator plays a game at 57
109. October 1, 1934 – The Treaty of Versailles was broken by Adolf Hitler by increasing the strength of Defence forces and starting an air force also
110. October 1, 1936 – Spain was created by General Francisco Franco
111. October 1, 1937 – Pullman Co., acknowledges the association of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
112. October 1, 1938 – NL banner achieved by Chicago Cubs
113. October 1, 1938 – The Munich Accord permits Germany to admit Sudetenland as its territory
114. October 1, 1939 – antagonistic armies enter the city of Warsaw
115. October 1, 1940 – Inauguration of Pennsylvania Turnpike
116. October 1, 1941 – a musical by H Martin/R Blane, “Best Foot Forward” debuts in NYC
117. October 1, 1941- In a competition World Series, openers Yankees defeat Dodgers 3-2 at Yankee Arena

118. October 1, 1942 – debut flight of Bell P-59, an aircraft fighter
119. October 1, 1942 – commencement of publication of Books for Children by Little Golden Books
120. October 1, 1943 – the combined armies of friendly nations seize Naples during WW II
121. October 1, 1943 – appointment of Averell Harriman as US Ambassador to Russia
122. October 1, 1943 – Jews in Denmark were attacked by Germany
123. October 1, 1943 – the outskirts of Naples was freed by the King’s army
124. October 1, 1944 – the killing of Alejandro Cordova, a Newspaper editor in Guatemala
125. October 1, 1944 – AL banner achieved by St. Louis Brown
126. October 1, 1945 – Joe Louis, a heavyweight titleholder retired from the army
127. October 1, 1946 – execution of 12 Nazi war offenders in Nuremberg
128. October 1, 1946 – in the first NL competition, the Dodgers play against the Cards
129. October 1, 1947 – debut service of airmail and express service through helicopter in LA
130. October 1, 1947 – establishment of NHL Pension Association
131. October 1, 1947 – The US gives up its management over Haitian taxes and income
132. October 1, 1947 – debut performance of “Command Decision” by Willian Wister Haines in NYC
133. October 1, 1947 – premiere flight of aircraft F 86 Sabre
134. October 1, 1948 – multi-cultural weddings banned by the state were canceled by the California Supreme Court
135. October 1, 1948 – commencement of broadcasting by Radio Denmark
136. October 1, 1949 – Mao Zedong declares People’s Republic of China
137. October 1, 1949 – establishment of the Republic of China in Formosa
138. October 1, 1950 – The Phillies achieve their NL banner on the concluding day of the term
139. October 1, 1950 – Browns defeated by Giants
140. October 1, 1950 – trespass by the South Korean army into North Korea
141. October 1, 1951 – in a final game, the Giants defeat the Dodgers, 3-1
142. October 1, 1951 – The first woman diplomat to sign an agreement was US diplomat Eugenie Anderson to Denmark
143. October 1, 1951 – the black 24th Army battalion in the US was disengaged
144. October 1, 1952 – The first very high-frequency TV transmission in Portland established
145. October 1, 1952 – Japanese vote Liberal Party to power
146. October 1, 1952 – atomic test by Great Britain at Monte Bellow-Island
147. October 1, 1953 – Andhra Pradesh in India divided from Madras
148. October 1, 1953 – Commencement of TV transmission channel 47 in Fresno, CA
149. October 1, 1953 – Airing from TV transmission channel 3 in Springfield, MO commences
150. October 1, 1953 – debut performance of channel 6 from Knoxville, TN
151. October 1, 1953 – commencement of TV transmission from channel 13 in Rockford, IL
152. October 1, 1954 – Nigeria allies with the British
153. October 1, 1955 – debut performance of “Honeymooners”
154. October 1, 1955 – appointment of Piet Lieftinck as director of the IMF
155. October 1, 1955 – TV transmission channel 5 commences airing from Mayaguez, PR
156. October 1, 1956 – Johnny Heckmann leads 7 horses to victory at Chicago Hawthorne Horse Club
157. October 1, 1956 – inauguration of Zestdienhoven aerodrome at Rotterdam
158. October 1, 1957 – on the suspicion that the USSR may assault, the US Bombers B-52 was kept on vigil round the clock
159. October 1, 1957 – “In God We Trust” made its debut appearance on the US Paper bills
160. October 1, 1958 – handing over of Christmas Island by the British to Australia
161. October 1, 1958 – The Space Agency in the US – NASA – begins actions
162. October 1, 1959 – World Series competition commences without a NY team
163. October 1, 1960 – United Nations admits Nigeria as its 99th member
164. October 1, 1960 – All-Stars vanquish Montreal 2-1 at Montreal at the 14th NHL All-Star Game
165. October 1, 1960 – TV transmission channel 11 commences in Coos Bay, OR
166. October 1, 1960 – Britain grants freedom to Nigeria
167. October 1, 1961 – a volcano supposed to be defunct becomes active in Tristan da Cunha
168. October 1, 1961 – an amalgamation of East and West Cameroon as the Federal Republic of Cameroon
169. October 1, 1961 – airing through TV channel 11 in Grand Island, NB starts
170. October 1, 1961 – LPGA Mickey Wright Golf Open achieved by Mickey Wright
171. October 1, 1961 – debut performance of the 12th musical of Dmitri Shostakovich
172. October 1, 1961 – Roger Maris achieves his best 61 HRs
173. October 1, 1961 – Atomic test by the US at Nevada
174. October 1, 1961 – TV transmission channel 25 starts airing from Columbia, SC
175. October 1, 1961 – commencement of airing through channel 27 from Portsmouth, VA(IND)
176. October 1, 1962 – Barbara Streisand enters into a business agreement for her musical with Columbia
177. October 1, 1962 – business agreement to run Beatles in 1977 by Brian Epstein
178. October 1, 1962 – The University of Mississippi admits James Meredith, its 1st black student
179. October 1, 1962 – Joan Crawford was the guest on the Tonight Show hosted by Johnny Carson
180. October 1, 1962 – Debut performance of Lucy Show
181. October 1, 1962 – SF vanquishes Dodgers, 8-0 in the best of 3 NL final match
182. October 1, 1962 – New Guinea comes under the governance of the Netherlands as per the UN guidelines
183. October 1, 1962 – The National Radio Astronomy Observatory in the US acquires a 300 ft (91 m) telescope
184. October 1, 1962 – TV channel 24 starts functioning in Hartford, CT

185. October 1, 1963 – one AL competitor was not common in all games since 1910
186. October 1, 1963 – Nigeria declared itself a republic by approving its new constitution
187. October 1, 1964 – Trans World Radio premieres from the island of Bonaire
188. October 1, 1964 – the Dutch start their second TV transmission
189. October 1, 1964 – University of California, Berkley commences its free speech program
190. October 1, 1964 – cable cars in San Francisco pronounced as a national benchmark
191. October 1, 1964 – Transmission channel 18 starts functioning in Carolina PR
192. October 1, 1964 – airing through channel 18 in San Juan, PR started
193. October 1, 1964 – TV channel 3 starts functioning in Wilmington, NC
194. October 1, 1965 – The attempt to capture power by Lt. Col. Untung in Indonesia was not successful
195. October 1, 1965 – Atomic test underground by France at Ecker Algeria
196. October 1, 1966 -business tycoon Thomson acquires “The Times”
197. October 1, 1966 – commencement of TV channel 12 from Rhinelander, WI
198. October 1, 1966 – in an air accident involving West Coast Airlines off South of Wemme, Oregon, there were 18 deaths and no one escaped the accident
199. October 1, 1967 – TV transmission channel 33 commences its program from Dallas-Fort Worth, TX (IND)
200. October 1, 1967 – LPGA Ladies’ LA Gold Open achieved by Kathy Whitworth
201. October 1, 1967 – Pink Floyd commences his first American excursion from New York
202. October 1, 1968 – The automated movie “Night of the Living Dead” guided by George A. Romero featuring Duane Jones and Judith O’Dea debuts in Pittsburgh
203. October 1, 1968 – The Guyanese administration assumes control of the British Guiana Broadcasting Corporation
204. October 1, 1969 – Concorde crosses the sound barrier during its trial trip
205. October 1, 1969 – private postal labels issued by Guernsey & Jersey
206. October 1, 1969 – Atomic test by USSR at Eastern Kazakh, USSR
207. October 1, 1970 – during the unrest caused to buy tickets for Rolling Stone performance in Milano, Italy, 63 were detained
208. October 1, 1970 – final play at Philadelphia Connie Arena
209. October 1, 1971 – appointment of Joseph Luns as secretary General of NATO
210. October 1, 1971 – inauguration of Walt Disney World in Bay Lake, Florida
211. October 1, 1972 – valedictory of the “Don’t Play Us Cheap” at Barrymore Theatre, New York after giving 164 presentations
212. October 1, 1972 – The World Hockey Association commences its play
213. October 1, 1972 – Nina Kuscsik achieves the 2nd NYC Women’s lengthy run in 3:08:41
214. October 1, 1972 – LPGA Portland Ladies Golf Classic achieved by Kathy Whitworth
215. October 1, 1973 – Director of Houston Astro, Leo Durocher steps down from his office
216. October 1, 1973 – the inauguration of the gas channel between the USSR and West Germany
217. October 1, 1974 – court proceedings commence in Washington, DC to hush up the Watergate scandal
218. October 1, 1974 – debut performance of “Texas Chain Saw Massacre” in the hometown of its guide, Tobe Hooper, Austin, Texas US
219. October 1, 1975 – self-ruling in Seychelles approved by British
220. October 1, 1975 – Ellice Islands renamed “Tuvalu” after it separated from the Gilbert Islands
221. October 1, 1975 – in the third and final round heavyweight championship Muhammad Ali KOs Joe Frazier in 15
222. October 1, 1975 – France starts printing stamps when Reunion Islands halts production of stamps
223. October 1, 1976 – the inauguration of the first Dutch gambling house
224. October 1, 1977 – Brazilian football legend Pele scores 1281 goals in 1363 plays and calls it a day
225. October 1, 1977 – Section of Energy founded by US
226. October 1, 1977 – Elton John finds a place in the MSG Hall of Fame
227. October 1, 1978 – the constitution of Comoros approved
228. October 1, 1978 – LPGA Golden Lights Golf Championship achieved by Jane Blalock
229. October 1, 1978 – British grants freedom to Tuvalu which split from Gilbert Islands
230. October 1, 1978 – Yanks vanquished by Indians, 9-2, compelling a final game with Red Sox
231. October 1, 1978 – establishment of Voltaic Revolutionary Communist Party
232. October 1, 1979 – The constitution of Nigeria was approved; Alhaji Shagari was installed President of Nigeria
233. October 1, 1979 – Pope John II arrives in Boston to tour the USA
234. October 1, 1979 – Panama gets the Canal Zone from the US after 75 years
235. October 1, 1979 – Shehu Shagari was installed as the President of the 2nd Republic of Nigeria
236. October 1, 1980 – Cosmonauts Ryumin and Popov show stamina for 176 days to withstand the space pressure
237. October 1, 1981 – debut show of “Talent for Murder” by J Chodorov/N Panama, in London
238. October 1, 1981 – Atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya
239. October 1, 1982 – inauguration of EPCOT Centre in Orlando, Florida
240. October 1, 1982 – Atomic test below the earth by USSR
241. October 1, 1982 – Chancellor Helmut Schmidt was removed from his position and Helmut Kohl installed in his place, by West Germany’s Christian Democrat Union
242. October 1, 1982 – Commercial exploitation of Compact Disc Player. Sony CDP 101 in Japan for 168,000 yen ($ 730)
243. October 1, 1983 – the crowning of Miss Denise Wallace, 18, Virginia as Miss Teen America
244. October 1, 1984 – appointment of Peter Ueberroth in place of Bowie Kuhn as 6th Director of Baseball
245. October 1, 1985 – 68 lost their life in an air attack by Israel on the PLO center of operation at Tunis
246. October 1, 1986 – Books and Museum of President Carter bestowed to Atlanta
247. October 1, 1986 – Levy of Goods and Services Tax adopted by the Labour govt in New Zealand increasing the cost by 10%
248. October 1, 1987 – 12 presentations were made by “Roza” at Royale Theatre NYC
249. October 1, 1987 – Earthquake measuring 6.1 in LA takes the life of 6
250. October 1, 1987 – The Constitution of Fiji was kept on hold
251. October 1, 1987 – an earthquake of magnitude 5.9 strikes the San Gabriel Valley
252. October 1, 1988 – the inauguration of Bradley Centre in Milwaukee
253. October 1, 1988 – The batting average of Tony Gwynn was .313 at the NL championship and that was the lowest
254. October 1, 1988 – Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the head of the Soviet Union and assumes the Chairmanship of Presidium of the Supreme Soviet
255. October 1, 1989 – LPGA Konica San Jose Golf Classic achieved by Beth Daniel
256. October 1, 1989 – exodus of East Germans to West Germany
257. October 1, 1989 – publication of “Daddy” a story by Danielle Steel
258. October 1, 1990 – tens of thousands of Uganda RPF radicals enter Rwanda
259. October 1, 1990 – detonation of a meteorite over the Pacific Ocean
260. October 1, 1990 – The action of seizing Kuwait by Iraq was denounced by President George H.W.Bush at the UN
261. October 1, 1990 – self-governance declared by Serbs in Croatia
262. October 1, 1990 – willingness of Saddam Hussein to settle the Kuwait seizure issue with outsider’s mediation
263. October 1, 1991 – Resource Management Act comes into effect in New Zealand
264. October 1, 1991 – The export of petroleum commodities in the Soviet Union was kept on hold in view of the increase in shortage of fuel
265. October 1, 1992 – debut performance of “Oba Oba 93” at Marquis Theatre and makes 22 presentations
266. October 1, 1992 – the debut of the animated Cable Network
267. October 1, 1992 – inauguration of Bigger Pittsburgh international Aerodrome
268. October 1, 1992 – Ross Perot who had withdrawn as US Presidential hopeful stakes his claim again
269. October 1, 1993 – In a heavyweight boxing competition, Lennox Lewis KO Frank Bruno in 7
270. October 1, 1994 – National Hockey League refuses to employee’s demand
271. October 1, 1994 – in a cricket match against Pakistan in Karachi, Boon scores his 19th test one hundred
272. October 1, 1994 – LPGA GHP Heartland Golf Classic achieved by Liselotte Neumann
273. October 1, 1994 – Nelson Mandela, President of South Africa arrives in the US for a tour of the States
274. October 1, 1994 – Installation of Stanley Betrian as Prime Minister of Curacao
275. October 1, 1995 – a new area code 441, started in Bermuda
276. October 1, 1995 – Field Crest Cannon/Carolina LPGA Golf Classic achieved by Gail Graham
277. October 1, 1995 – NY Yankees triumph in their 1st baseball wildcard
278. October 1, 1997 – first play of Carolina Hurricanes against Tampa Bay Lighting
279. October 1, 1997 – debut of Spice Hot online280. October 1, 1998 – Vladimir Putin assumes as a lasting member of the Soviet Federation

21st Century – October 1 This Day In History – The 2000s

281. October 1, 2000 – The XXVII Olympic Games in Sydney was adjudged as the ‘best Olympic Games ever’ by Juan Antonio Samaranch, Chairman of the IOC
282. October 1, 2000 – In a basketball Play, the US triumphs over France, 85-75 to get a gold
283. October 1, 2000 – The United States achieved 97 medals out of which 40 were gold medals in the Summer Olympics held in Sydney, Australia
284. October 1, 2000 – valedictory of the 27th Olympic plays in Sydney, Australia
285. October 1, 2004 – Ichiro Suzuki, Seattle Mariners, scores his 258th hit of the term excelling the then-highest of George Sisler
286. October 1, 2005 – shelling in Bali leaves 23 dead
287. October 1, 2007 – many of the ethnic and spiritual hate Acts 2006 were enforced in the United Kingdom
288. October 1, 2011 – President Obama chose Martin Dempsey as US Joint Chief of Staff
289. October 1, 2012 – A reckless terror campaign in Khost, Afghanistan leaves 3 NATO army people and 16 Afghan constabulary
290. October 1, 2012 – in a commuter boat accident in Hong Kong 36 people died
291. October 1, 2012 – change of sexual orientation in minors banned for the first time in California, USA
292. October 1, 2013 – differences over effective spending in the political circle force a part of the central administration in the US to halt functioning for some time
293. October 1, 2014 – Canadian Olympian and skier Alexandre Bilodeau steps down at the age of 27
294. October 1, 2014 – A reckless terror campaign on Akrameh al Makhzumi school in Hims, Syria leaves 41 children dead
295. October 1, 2015 –8 students and a teacher at Umpqua Community College were murdered by a gunman in Roseburg, Oregon
296. October 1, 2015 – 131 died and 300 went lost in a landslide on the outskirts of Guatemala City
297. October 1, 2015 – Cyclone Joaquin near the Bahamas causes the commercial ship, El Fargo, missing with 33 operating staff
298. October 1, 2017 – a plebiscite was held for separating from Spain in view of the legitimate emergency
299. October 1, 2017 – in a lethal firing on a gathering in America, Stephen Paddock fires killing 58 people and 489 wounded in a musical in Los Vegas

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