Sunday, March 16, 2025
Famous Events For October 27

Famous Events For October 27 – Today In History

What Happened on October 27 in World History?

Early Centuries – October 27 Historic Events – Before 1700

1. October 27, 0312 – the idea of the Cross was conceptualized by Roman king Constantine the Great
2. October 27, 0625 – Honorius I take over as Catholic Pope
3. October 27, 0710 – Saracen attacks Sardinia
4. October 27, 0939 – Installation of Edmund I take over as King of England from Athelstan
5. October 27, 1275 – Discovery of the city of Amsterdam
6. October 27, 1507 – Portuguese army under the guidance of Afonso de Albuquerque seizes the Persian citadel of Ormuz on Hormuz Island
7. October 27, 1523 – English army capture Montalidier, France
8. October 27, 1553 – Michael Servetus was judged as a person having views opposed to the church and he was killed by sticking him to a pole outside Geneva
9. October 27, 1605 – The Spanish army guided by General Spinola captures Wachtendonk
10. October 27, 1627 – English declare war on French Il de Re
11. October 27, 1644 -King Charles I defeats the army created to fight for the cause of parliamentary rights at the War of Newbury


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12. October 27, 1651 – Capture of Limerick, Ireland by the English army
13. October 27, 1676 – agreement for peace between Poland and Turkey at Warsaw
14. October 27, 1682 – discovery of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by English philosopher William Penn
15. October 27, 1688 – termination of Robert Spencer as Prime Minister by King James II

18th Century – What Happened on October 27 – The 1700s

16. October 27, 1702 – British army loots St Augustine, Florida
17. October 27, 1775 – creation of the Continental Navy, the navy of the USA, during the American Revolution
18. October 27, 1780 – The first US astronomical mission guided by Samuel Williams views the solar eclipse at Penobscot Bay
19. October 27, 1787 – a series of essays urging the citizens of the US to approve the American Constitution commence appearing in the New York dailies
20. October 27, 1795 – The power to traverse the Mississippi River was given to the US in a peace agreement between Spain and the US and also determining the territory of the south portion of the US at the Treaty of San Lorenzo


19th Century – October 27 This Day That Year – The 1800s

21. October 27, 1806 – Assault on Berlin by the French Army
22. October 27, 1810 – Spain concedes West Florida to the US
23. October 27, 1830 – The Air Force guided by Maj.Gen. Baron D Chasse shells Antwerp
24. October 27, 1838 – All Mormons were asked to leave the state or be eliminated by an order of the Missouri head of state Lilburn Boggs
25. October 27, 1863 – inauguration of the Dutch railway track to Harlingen
26. October 27, 1864 – a war fought on this day by Americans to get control of Boydton Plank Road, VA
27. October 27, 1864 – the second war of Fair Oaks was fought this day as part of the campaign for the American Civil War
28. October 27, 1864 – the navy vessel SS Albemarle was destroyed and submerged by a torpedo tied to a pole from a boat
29. Confederate ship Albemarle torpedoed and sunk by a spar torpedo mounted on a steam launch
30. October 27, 1867 – Rome assaulted for the second time by Giuseppe Garibaldi
31. October 27, 1871 – Boss Tweed a democratic political chief of Tammany Hall was detained when the news of his dishonesty appeared in the NY Times
32. October 27, 1884 – inauguration of a complex in NYC in honour of Henry Hardenberghs, an Architect
33. October 27, 1893 – cyclone strikes the beach between Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina
34. October 27, 1896 – laying of the Pali road in Hawaii finished


20th Century – Important Events On This Day October 27 – The 1900s

35. October 27, 1901 – premiere of “Nocturnes” by Debussy
36. October 27, 1904 – Inauguration of the first portion of the Lower Manhattan to Broadway Harlem of New York underpass by Interborough Rapid Transit with the tariff at one nickel
37. October 27, 1907 – The hearing on the homo-sexual affair in Germany – also known as Eulenberg Affair which has far-reaching effects in the higher circles – came to an end
38. October 27, 1913 – Declaration by President Woodrow Wilson that the USA will not assault another country
39. October 27, 1914 – submerging of the warship of the British, Audacious by the detonation of an explosive
40. October 27, 1915 – William ‘Billy’ Hughes succeeds Andrew Fisher as Labour Prime Minister. The new PM is in favor of better active participation for Australia in the battle
41. October 27, 1916 – In a war for capturing the throne, Negus Mikael who guided the army for his son Emperor Iyasus V, was vanquished by Fitawrari able Giyorgis who was able to capture the throne for Empress Zauditu in Ethiopia
42. October 27, 1917 – Women rights activists numbering about 20000 demonstrated in New York, US
43. October 27, 1919 – The serial killer Axeman killed his last prey
44. October 27, 1920– the seat of power of the League of Nations in Geneva shifted
45. October 27, 1920 – the inauguration of the Westinghouse broadcasting house in East Pittsburgh, KDKA
46. October 27, 1922 – First tribute to the Navy in the USA
47. October 27, 1922 – The lower house in the Netherlands advocates for child labor rules
48. October 27, 1922 – the warnings from Mussolini to seize power in Italy forced Liberal Luigi Facta to step down
49. October 27, 1924 – establishment of Uzbek SSR as the capital of the Soviet Union
50. October 27, 1925 – copyright given to Fred Waller for his water skis
51. October 27, 1927 – Inauguration of the Meuse-Waal Canal by Queen Wilhelmina in Nijmegen
52. October 27, 1931 – Chuhei Numbu of Japan achieves the best long jump result at 26’2 ½”
53. October 27, 1935 – The Social Democratic Party and the Social Union unveil the mode of working in Utrecht Netherlands
54. October 27, 1938 – A group of an American company, DuPont, names its new polyamide product as “nylon”
55. October 27, 1941 – The editorial assessment of Chicago Daily Turbine was that there would be no war with Japan
56. October 27, 1941 – Germany attacks the settlement of Jews in Belgrade
57. October 27, 1942 – The US vessel ss Hornet was submerged near Santa Cruz
58. October 27, 1944 – Nazis clear out of Hertogenbosch and Tilburg
59. October 27, 1944 – Tito arrives in independent Belgrade
60. October 27, 1945 – curtain down for “Carib Song” at Adelphi Theatre NYC after 36 presentations
61. October 27, 1945 – publication of the first copy of Elsevier Weekly Magazine
62. October 27, 1946 – Bulgarians vote Georgi Domitrovs National Front to power
63. October 27, 1947 – Debut performance of “You Bet Your Life” featuring Groucho on ABC
64. October 27, 1947 – TV Transmission channel 2 in Baltimore, MD on NBC premieres
65. October 27, 1948 – the debut of “Létat de Siege” by Albert Camus in Paris
66. October 27, 1948 – establishment of Senegalese Democratic Bloc by Leopold Sedar Senghor
67. October 27, 1950 – 3rd musical of “Triumph of St Joan” by Paul Creston
68. October 27, 1952 – premiere of “My Darlin’ Aida” at Winter Garden Theatre to give 89 presentations
69. October 27, 1954 – President Eisenhower assures support to South Vietnam Prime Minister Ngo Dinh Diem
70. October 27, 1954 – TV transmission channel 12 starts airing from Milwaukee, WI on ABC
71. October 27, 1954 – the debut of the TV display, “Disneyland” by Walt Disney on ABC
72. October 27, 1954 – appointment of the first African-American, Benjamin O. Davis Jr., in the US Airforce at a high-level
73. October 27, 1955 – the value of the currency in Argentine brought down
74. October 27, 1955 – premiere of “Rebel Without a Cause”, guided by Nicholas Ray and featuring James Dean and Natalie Wood
75. October 27, 1957 – installation of Celal Bayar as President of Turkey for the second time
76. October 27, 1957 – TV Transmission channel 15 in Florence, AL starts functioning on NBC/CBS
77. October 27, 1957 – TV transmission channel 21 in Fort Wayne, IN commences airing on ABC
78. October 27, 1958 – Military chief Ayub Khan takes over as President of Pakistan from Iskander Mirza
79. October 27, 1958 – TV Transmission channel 3 in Tampa-St Petersburg, FL starts airing on PBS
80. October 27, 1959 – a severe cyclonic storm hits Western Mexico leaving 2000 dead
81. October 27, 1960 – LA and Washington become members of the AL
82. October 27, 1960 – musicals of “Spanish Haarlem” and “Stand By Me” by Singer Ben E. King taped
83. October 27, 1961 – a trial of the Saturn hurling vehicle
84. October 27, 1961 – commencement of play of games by American Basketball League
85. October 27, 1961 – UN admits Outer Mongolia and Mauritania as 102nd and 103rd Members
86. October 27, 1961 – Atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya and Sary Shagan USSR
87. October 27, 1962 – premiere of “Beyond the Fringe” at John Golden Theatre NYC to give 673 presentations
88. October 27, 1962 – the confrontation between the United States and Russia on the Cuban affair
89. October 27, 1962 – Atomic test by the US at Johnston Island
90. October 27, 1962 – under secretive conditions the aircraft belonging to Enrico Mattei, an important person in the Italian Oil business meets with an accident
91. October 27, 1963 – Bob Simpson scores 359 runs for NSW against Qld at Gabba
92. October 27, 1963 – LPGA Phoenix Thunderbirds Golf Tournament achieved by Sandra Haynie
93. October 27, 1964 – Debut of “Ben Franklin in Paris” at Lunt Fontanne NYC to give 215 presentations
94. October 27, 1964 – insurgent chief Christopher Gbenye in Congo takes 60 Americans and 800 Belgians as hostages
95. October 27, 1965 – TV Transmission channel 33 starts airing programs in Tuscaloosa, AL on CBS
96. October 27, 1966 – Atomic test by China at Lop Nor, PRC
97. October 27, 1966 – United Nations takes away Namibia from South Africa
98. October 27, 1966 – Atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya, USSR
99. October 27, 1967 – curtain down for Expo 67 in Montreal, Canada
100. October 27, 1967 – National Liberation Front vacates the People’s Republic of South Yemen
101. October 27, 1968 – valedictory of the 19th Olympic plays at Mexico City, Mexico
102. October 27, 1968 – The LPGA River Plantation Golf Invitational was achieved by Kathy Whitworth
103. October 27, 1969 – John Tinbergen gets the Nobel Prize in Economics

104. October 27, 1969 – Ralph Nader, a consumer activist, forms a forum called Nader’s Riders
105. October 27, 1969 – Britain grants “Associate Statehood” to St Vincent and Grenadines
106. October 27, 1970 – premiere of “Light, Lively and Yiddish” at Belasco Theatre NYC to give 87 presentations
107. October 27, 1971 – Republic of Congo-Kinshasa renamed as Republic of Zaire
108. October 27, the appointment of Gerard Newe in Northern Ireland to communal advance in Northern Ireland and was the first Catholic to serve in Northern Ireland
109. October 27, 1972 – establishment of Golden Gate National Recreation area
110. October 27, 1972 – The government proposal to have control of oil by having a 25% share in Kuwait, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, and Saudi Arabia was accepted by OPEC
111. October 27, 1973 – Islanders defeat Rangers, 3-2 for the first time
112. October 27, 1973 – Alabama defeats Virginia Tech, 77-6
113. October 27, 1974 – A lengthy run in the female category was achieved by Chantal Langlace in 2:46:24
114. October 27, 1975 – Bruce Springsteen made history by landing on the Cover of Time and Newsweek in the same week


115. October 27, 1977 – an entrepreneur M Caransa in Amsterdam hijacked
116. October 27, 1977 – The hurling of spacecraft S-200 by NASA into space
117. October 27, 1978 – US President Jimmy Carter approves the bill for full service bill
118. October 27, 1979 – Islanders achieve 2 goals in the first 6 seconds and 3 goals in 44 seconds
119. October 27, 1979 – Freedom granted to St Vincent and Grenadines by the UK
120. October 27, 1979 – a voluntary organization in the UK dealing with Euthanasia gives guidelines for committing suicide
121. October 27, 1980 – appointment of Al Rosen to succeed Tal Smith as GM of John McMullen by its proprietor Astros
122. October 27, 1980 – A world’s best speed of 94.37 kph on a bicycle was achieved by Dave Grylls
123. October 27, 1980 – The article published by William Safire, “The Ayatollah Votes” in the New York Times was cited in the presidential election for Ronald Reagan

124. October 27, 1981 – nomination of Andrew Young, ex-UN embassy staff, as mayor of Atlanta, Georgia
125. October 27, 1981 – The U-137 underwater vessel of Soviet stranded on the east beach of Sweden
126. October 27, 1982 – The populace of China crosses one billion
127. October 27, 1982 – Enhanced Graphics Adapter is an IBM computer display


128. October 27, 1984 – Atomic test by France at Mururoa island
129. October 27, 1984 – Atomic test by USSR at Eastern Kazakh, USSR
130. October 27, 1985 – 15th NYC lengthy run in the women’s category achieved by Grete Waitz in 2:28:34
131. October 27, 1985 – 16th NYC lengthy run was achieved by Orlando Pizzolato in 2:11:34
132. October 27, 1985 – Billy Martin was dismissed for the 4th time by the Yankees
133. October 27, 1985 – Cyclone Juan strikes the US Gulf and east shoreline leaving 49 dead
134. October 27, 1985 – in the 82nd World Series, KC Royals defeat St Louis Cards, 4-3
135. October 27, 1985 – burglary of precious paintings from Marmaton Museum, 9 in all including paintings 5 paintings of Monet and 2 paintings of Renoir
136. October 27, 1986 – in the 83rd World Series, the NY Mets defeated Boston Reds, 4-3
137. October 27, 1986 – a musical, “Pretty Little Head” by Paul McCartney announced
138. October 27, 1987 – The British administration decontrols the financial market which is known as the “Big Bang” to boost its standing as a financial capital also to enhance the income disparity
139. October 27, 1987 – The Democratic Party guided by Lucas Mangopes was voted to power in Bophuthatswana
140. October 27, 1987 – the debut of “Lettice and Lovage” by Peter Shaffer in London
141. October 27, 1988 – premiere of “Les Misérables” at Forrest Theatre, Philadelphia
142. October 27, 1988 – Extra-Terrestrial – an American science fiction film was published
143. October 27, 1988 – Larry Flynt hired a killer by paying $ 1 M to eliminate Hefner, Guccione, and Sinatra
144. October 27, 1990 – Valedictory of “Michael Feinstein in Concert” at Golden NYC after 30 presentations
145. October 27, 1990 – Bayakoa, Fly So Free, In the Wings, Meadow Star, Royal Academy, Safely Kept, unbridled vie for the Horse Racing Breeders’ Cup Champs
146. October 27, 1990 – installation of Askar Akayev as the president of Kirghiz SSR
147. October 27, 1991 – valedictory of “Andre Heller’s Wonderhouse” at Broadhurst NYC after 9 presentations
148. October 27, 1991 – premiere of “Homecoming” at Criterion Theatre NYC to give 49 presentations
149. October 27, 1991 – Minnesota Twins defeat Atlanta Braves, 4-3 to achieve the World Series 7
150. October 27, 1992 – the selection of Don Baylor as the first manager of the Colorado Rockies
151. October 27, 1992 – The inauguration of the TV network scheduled by Fox for Tuesday night was postponed to December
152. October 27, 1992 – the centenary of JRR Tolkien was commemorated by the issue of a postal stamp by Britain
153. October 27, 1992 – The time indicator on the VCR was covered with a black ribbon so that Tipper Gore would not see it flickering
154. October 27, 1993 – the airing of a radio display of Howard Stern in El Paso Texas
155. October 27, 1995 – The agreement to shift Cleveland Brown to Balt is authorized


156. October 27, 1995 – hat-trick by Meyrick Pringle in the cricket match tour in England at Soweto
157. October 27, 1995 – application by Latvia for membership in the European Union
158. October 27, 1996 – Nichirei International Golf Tournament achieved by the US by defeating Japan, 21 ½ -14 ½
159. October 27, 1997 – The share value of Dow Jones falls to a low of 7161 (by 544 pts)
160. October 27, 1997 – Digital equipment worth about $700 million was acquired by Intel Corporation
161. October 27, 1997 – meddling the affairs of Microsoft by govt was not acceptable to Microsoft
162. October 27, 1997 – printing of the new $50 note by US
163. October 27, 1998 – Helmut Kohl’s 16 years of rule as Chancellor of Germany came to an end with his downfall in the public voting
164. October 27, 1999 – the assassination of Prime Minister Vazgen Sargsyan, Parliament Chairman Karen Demirchyan, and 6nothers by a killer firing in the Armenian Assembly
165. October 27, 1999 – New York vanquishes Atlanta Braves, 4-0 to achieve the MLB World Series

21st Century – October 27 This Day In History – The 2000s

166. October 27, 2002 – Anaheim Angels vanquish San Francisco Giants, 4-3 to achieve the World Series in baseball Championship, Troy Glaus, Anaheim was declared the Most Valuable Player
167. October 27, 2002 – the final airing of the program by British ITV in England and Wales, and LWT fails to retain its individuality
168. October 27, 2004 – After 86 years, The Boston Red Sox achieve the World Series for the first time
169. October 27, 2005 – The loss of two Muslim boys triggers a demonstration in Paris
170. October 27, 2006 – St. Louis Cardinals triumph over Detroit Tigers, 4-1 to achieve the MLB World Series
171. October 27, 2008 – Financial crisis in Australia, since the foreign liabilities were 60% of their GDP
172. October 27, 2011 – discovery of debris from an underwater vessel of WW II era in Simpson Harbour, Papua New Guinea by The Navy of Australia during an exercise. It is believed that the debris belongs to the Japanese
173. October 27, 2012 – in a succession of outbreaks and mining in Iraq, 46 people lost their lives, and 123 wounded

174. October 27, 2012 – protests against a cut in the financial allocation in Madrid
175. October 27, 2013 – the successive detonation of bombs in Baghdad, Iraq, 38 people lost their life
176. October 27, 2013 – detonation on a road in Afghanistan, leaves 18 dead
177. October 27, 2013 – Giorgi Margvelashvili received a huge mandate with his victory in the Georgian Presidential election
178. October 27, 2014 – premiere of the musical “Montevallo” by Sam Hunt
179. October 27, 2015 – Abby Wambach, an American football player, publicizes his stepping down

180. October 27, 2016 – an unprecedented earthquake of strength 6.6 strikes central Italy – the harshest in the last 36 years
181. October 27, 2017 – a surgical procedure conducted on twins joined near the head in New Delhi, India
182. October 27, 2017 – Catalan declares itself free of Spanish rule

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