Monday, March 17, 2025
Famous Events For September 1

Famous Events For September 1 – Today In History

September 1: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – September 1 Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. September 1, 0891 – Northmen vanquished near Louvaine, Brance
2. September 1, 1067 – installation of Baldwin VI as Count of Flanders
3. September 1, 1181 – Alexander III was succeeded by Ubaldo Allucingoli as Pope Lucius III
4. September 1, 1267 – The Jewish population in Jerusalem was created by Rabbi Moses Ben Nachmn
5. September 1, 1355 – Visoki was the old town from where Tvrtko I wrote


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6. September 1, 1482 – Kyiv in Ukraine was looted by Tatars
7. September 1, 1511 – inauguration of the Council of Pisa
8. September 1, 1535 – Hochelaga, present-day Montreal, discovered by French navigator, Jacques Cartier
9. September 1, 1547 – The formation of the Imperial League mandates Charles
10. September 1, 1958 – Spanish King Philip II accorded the ceremonial observances from the church
11. September 1, 1609 – installation of Pieter Both as the first chief of the Dutch East Indies
12. September 1, 1614 – Jews from Frankfurt, Germany ousted by Vincent Fettmich
13. September 1, 1632 – Henri de Montmorency’s army revolts and vanquished at the war at Castelnaudary
14. September 1, 1638 – visit to Amsterdam by French Queen- Mother Maria de Medici
15. September 1, 1647 – an agreement between French cardinal Mazarin and Duke of Modena to oppose Milan


16. September 1, 1689 – tax imposed in Russia on beards grown by men
17. September 1, 1695 – seize of Names by the combination of armies of English and Dutch commanded by King Willem III
18. September 1, 1695 – troops of a friendly group commanded by King William III of England seized the military base of the Castle Namur belonging to the French

18th Century – What Happened on September 1 – The 1700s

19. September 1, 1715 – King Louis XIV of France who ruled France for 72 years breathed his last
20. September 1, 1739 – Jews numbering 35 imprisoned in Lisbon, Portugal, were executed
21. September 1, 1752 – Philadelphia receives Liberty Bell
22. September 1, 1763 – proposals to start an orphanage in Moscow by Betskoy approved by the Empress of Russia, Catherine II


23. September 1, 1785 – publication of the foursome composition by Mozart in Vienna
24. September 1, 1797 – assembly in Hague at National level
25. September 1, 1798 – an agreement between Nizam of Hyderabad, India, and British
26. September 1, 1799 – launching of Bank of Manhattan in NYC

19th Century – September 1 This Day That Year – The 1800s

27. September 1, 1804 – the founding of the asteroid, Juno, by German astronomer, Karl Ludwig Harding
28. September 1, 1807 – Aaron Burr, accused of conspiracy to build a kingdom, was acquitted of accusations
29. September 1, 1821 – early settlements besides Santa Fe Stream

30. September 1, 1836 – renovation of the place of worship of Rabbi Judah Hasid in Jerusalem started
31. September 1, 1836 – Narcissa Whitman, a white woman who had established in the Rocky Mountains, reaches Walla Walla, Washington
32. September 1, 1849 – California statutory meeting at Monterey
33. September 1, 1858 – the line placed transoceanic did not function for 1 month
34. September 1, 1859 – surveillance of planetary flare by RC Carrington and R Hodgson
35. September 1, 1859 – planetary tempest disturbs telecommunication
36. September 1, 1861 – Grant took charge of the central defence at Cape Girardeau MI
37. September 1, 1862 – war at Chantilly, Virginia leaves 2100 wounded
38. September 1, 1862 – duty on tobacco imposed


39. September 1, 1863 – horse-mounted soldiers attack Barbees Crossroads, Virginia
40. September 1, 1863 – commencement of rail and commuter boat between San Francisco and Oakland
41. September 1, 1863 – seizing of Fort Smith, Arkansas by central defense force
42. September 1, 1864 – there were 3000 victims on the 2nd day of war at Jonesboro Georgia
43. September 1, 1864 – commencement of war at Petersburg, VA
44. September 1, 1864 – allies displaced from Atlanta, GA due to combat at Hood
45. September 1, 1866 – past Navaho ruler Manuelito arrives in Fort Wingate
46. September 1, 1867 – Harvard Dental Schools confirms graduation of Robert T Freeman, 1st black
47. September 1, 1870 – Sedan conquered by Napoleon III
48. September 1, 1873 – the crowning of Cetshways as king of Zulu, on the demise of his father Mpande
49. September 1, 1874 – assumption of office of 28th US Postal Chief by Marshall Jewell of Connecticut


50. September 1, 1874 – inauguration of the postal service office at Sydney
51. September 1, 1875 – Molly Maguires breaks up due to a charge of murder verdict
52. September 1, 1878 – work started by a first woman telephone worker
53. September 1, 1886 – Netherlands approves a fresh Criminal Law
54. September 1, 1887 – inauguration of Dutch photography collaboration for amateurs
55. September 1, 1888 – the inauguration of the Dutch Deventer-Almelo railway line
56. September 1, 1890 – Baseball match, Boston Vs Pittsburgh, a first tripleheader one
57. September 1, 1893 – The Home Rule Bill presented by Gladstone in the Ireland House of Commons was passed but dismissed in the House of Lords, by 419 to 41
58. September 1, 1893 – William Auchteerlonie achieves a 322 at Prestwick Golf Club at the 33rd British Golf Open
59. September 1, 1897 – the first underpass for quick journey opened in Boston in North America
60. September 1, 1898 – The Dutch Association of Football, Receiver founded
61. September 1, 1898 – ambush on Omdurman, Sudan by an army commanded by Lord Kitchener


20th Century – Important Events On This Day September 1 – 1900

62. September 1, 1900 – Arthur Griffith established an Irish Board to start the promotion of Irish Goods
63. September 1, 1901 – the start of building a structure for the New York Stock Exchange
64. September 1, 1902 – Tinker, Evers, and Chance were seen collectively for the first time
65. September 1, 1905 – Alberta and Saskatchewan were added on as the 8th and 9th states of Canada
66. September 1, 1905 – the process of Alberta and Saskatchewan becoming the states of Canada was supervised by Wilfrid Laurier, Prime Minister of Canada
67. September 1, 1906 – Mountain Standard Time accepted by Alberta
68. September 1, 1906 – Australian government takes control of British New Guinea
69. September 1, 1913 – debut performance of “Androcles and the Lion” by George Bernard Shaw in London
70. September 1, 1913 – Nanjing seized by Yuan Shikai
71. September 1, 1914 – Paris welcomes Lord Kitchener
72. September 1, 1914 – the name of St Petersburg in Russia was altered to Petrograd
73. September 1, 1914 – the demise of a pigeon, Martha, in Cincinnati Zoo

74. September 1, 1914 – R Norris Williams defeats Maurice McLoughlin at the 34th US Men’s National Championship, 6-3, 8-6, 10-8
75. September 1, 1915 – German authorities confirmed again that they would not sink using submarines any vessel without giving the passengers and the crew advance information and provide Medicaid
76. September 1, 1916 – War between Bulgaria and Romania declared
77. September 1, 1918 – Baseball pay was canceled due to the commencement of WWI
78. September 1, 1918 – The US army arrives in Vladivostok, Siberia but is stationed there till 1920
79. September 1, 1919 – debut performance of “Herakles” guided by Frank Wedekind at Munich
80. September 1, 1920 – superior Lebanon established by France
81. September 1, 1920 – inauguration of the new civil hall of Rotterdam
82. September 1, 1921 – the opening ceremony of the Nederlandse Theatre at 208 W 41, St NYC
83. September 1, 1922 – as per the requirements of the NYC rules, the name of all pool rooms changed to billiards
84. September 1, 1922- Australia vanquished by USA in New York (4-1) at the 18th Davis Cup
85. September 1, 1923 – 142000 fatalities in Tokyo and Yokohama when an earthquake of 7.9 magnitude strikes
86. September 1, 1924 – the earthquake in Kamakura, Japan causes severe damage to the place of worship, Kenchoji Rinzai
87. September 1, 1925 – resignation of Pierre de Coubertin as chief of the International Olympic Council
88. September 1, 1926 – inauguration of British Columbia Rugby Football Association

89. September 1, 1926 – registered matrimonial permitted in Turkey
90. September 1, 1928 – crowning of Zogu I as king of the kingdom of Albania
91. September 1, 1930 – the news about the absconding of Supreme Court Judge Joseph Crater was published by the newspaper NY World
92. September 1, 1931 – 3rd grand slam achieved by Gehrig and made his 6th HR in successive plays
93. September 1, 1932 – stepping down of mayor of NYC, James J Walker on graft charges
94. September 1, 1933 – the inauguration of football association DVS 33
95. September 1, 1934 – Rules under Spelling-Marchand made compulsory
96. September 1, 1934 – SMJK Sam Tet school was established by Father Fourgs from St Michael Church, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
97. September 1, 1936 – Heinz Lazek defeated by Staff Roth in a middleweight boxing match
98. September 1, 1937 – All-Star scored 6 while Green Bay scored 0 at the 4th NFL Chicago All-Star play
99. September 1, 1937 – commencement of war in Spain – War of Gijon
100. September 1, 1938 – rights and privileges of Italian Jews banned by Benito Mussolini
101. September 1, 1939 – information on black holes published in the first synopsis by Physical Review
102. September 1, 1939 – nonaligned policy announced by Switzerland
103. September 1, 1939 – Germany assaults the Free City of Danzig in Poland thus starting the World War II
104. September 1, 1939 – General George Marshall was installed as Chief of Army Staff of the US
105. September 1, 1941 – The Star of David is to be compulsorily sported by the Jews living in Germany
106. September 1, 1942 – the imprisonment of Japanese-Americans defended by US Central Judge
107. September 1, 1942 – seize of the Taman peninsula by the German army
108. September 1, 1943 – Chiang Kai-shek assumes charge as Chairman of the government of China

109. September 1, 1944 – Bagrijanow steps down from the Government of Bulgaria
110. September 1, 1944 – Montgomery assumes charge as field marshal on his elevation by King George
111. September 1, 1945 – WWII concluded by the submission of Japan abroad USS Missouri
112. September 1, 1946 – Patty Berg achieves the 1st US Women’s Open Golf Championship
113. September 1, 1946 – reign by kings accepted by Greece
114. September 1, 1947 – NY Giants score of HR 183-185 was more than that of Yankee score of 182 in 1936
115. September 1, 1948 – In a cricket match, Australia Vs South of England, Bradman made 143 runs, 14 hours and 1 six
116. September 1, 1948 – the founding of the North China People’s Republic by communists
117. September 1, 1949 – debut performance of the 1st investigator episode, Private Eyes
118. September 1, 1949 – the inauguration of the KMTV Transmission channel 3 in Omaha, NB
119. September 1, 1949 – 10k world’s best achieved by Viljo Heino (29:27.2)
120. September 1, 1950 – North Korean army invades UN positions
121. September 1, 1950 – statute for West Berlin approved
122. September 1, 1951 – A confidential group was set up in Israel by the Prime Minister, Ben-Gurion
123. September 1, 1951 – agreement among, the US, Australia, and New Zealand reached – viz ., ANZUS treaty
124. September 1, 1952 – A new Dutch Government installed under Willem Drees
125. September 1, 1953 – a temperature of 101 F was reached in Cleveland
126. September 1, 1953 – the inauguration of the TV transmission channel 19 in Columbia, SC
127. September 1, 1956 – a domain status was assigned to Tripura in India
128. September 1, 1956 – TV transmission channel 13 in Del Paso commences airing
129. September 1, 1957 – a train on a pleasure trip falls into a valley killing 175 and wounding 400 travelers
130. September 1, 1958 – LPGA Opie Turner Golf Open achieved by Mickey Wright
131. September 1, 1960 – LPGA Eastern Golf Open achieved by Mickey Wright
132. September 1, 1961 – nonaligned countries assemble in Belgrade
133. September 1, 1961 – Atomic tested by USSR at Eastern Kazakh, USSR
134. September 1, 1961- commencement of the war of independence by Eritreans begins by firing Ethiopian constabulary by Hamid Idris Awate
135. September 1, 1962 – an earthquake in western Iran leaves 12000 dead
136. September 1, 1962 – airing of the TV transmission channel 3 in Lafayette, LA
137. September 1, 1962 – USSR conducts atomic test at Novaya Zemlya, USSR
138. September 1, 1962 – 54000 residential houses provided TV connection by Central Television in the Channel Islands
139. September 1, 1963 – rebellion in Belgium against rules about linguistic problems
140. September 1, 1964 – the first Japanese performer in the majors (NY Mets) was Masanori Murakami
141. September 1, 1965 – India and Pakistan fight in what is known as Operation Grand Slam
142. September 1, 1966 – TV transmission channel 13 in Sitka, AK starts functioning
143. September 1, 1967 – SF Giants vanquish Cincinnati Reds, 1-0 in 21 innings
144. September 1, 1968 – LPGA Willow Park Ladies Golf Invitational triumphed by Carol Mann
145. September 1, 1968 – 2000 fatalities in Ferdows, Persia when an earthquake damaged the town
146. September 1, 1969 – King Idris was dethroned in a military coup by Col. Muammar Gaddafi in Libya
147. September 1, 1970 – an attempt on the life of King Hussain of Jordan failed
148. September 1, 1970 – Jose Velasco Ibarra becomes president of Ecuador for the 2nd time
149. September 1, 1971 – top ranking male tennis player John Newcombe loses in the first round of the US Open
150. September 1, 1971 – lawsuit against Allen Klein, Manager by Rolling Stones
151. September 1, 1971 – many were wounded in a bomb attack in Northern Ireland by the Irish defense
152. September 1, 1972 – Boris Spassky of the USSR was vanquished by Bobby Fischer of the US in a chess competition at the international level
153. September 1, 1972 – The alliance between Egypt and Libya established
154. September 1, 1973 – inferno in very old Hotel Hafnia kills 35
155. September 1, 1973 – George Foreman defeats Jose “King” Roman in the heavyweight competition
156. September 1, 1973 – 51 percent of oil companies in Libya made public enterprises while others were spared
157. September 1, 1974 – LPGA Southgate Ladies Golf Open won by Jane Blalock/Sue Roberts
158. September 1, 1974 – 121 perished in an accident involving a train at Zagreb Yugoslavia
159. September 1, 1974 – air travel from New York to London in 1 hour and 54 minutes and 56.4 seconds was the best achieved by SR 71 Blackbirds
160. September 1, 1975 – Bangladesh bans all political groups
161. September 1, 1975 – the abbreviated name KOL-AM in Seattle was modified to KMPS
162. September 1, 1975 – revision in the journey tariff in NYC from 35 Cents to 50 cents
163. September 1, 1976 – launch of space vehicle S-197 by NASA
164. September 1, 1976 – race course at Meadowlands, New Jersey inaugurated
165. September 1, 1976 – Wayne L Hays quits on a charge of disgrace with Elizabeth Ray
166. September 1, 1977 – Atomic test by USSR at Novaya, USSR
167. September 1, 1977 – TRS 80 version CPU traded in the market
168. September 1, 1978 – valedictory of “Colombo” on TV transmission channel
169. September 1, 1978 – In the World Parachute Championship in Yugoslavia, Jacqueline Smith of Great Britain obtains 10 straight on a 4” disc
170. September 1, 1979 – marriage between Debbie Boone and Gabriel Ferrer in LA
171. September 1, 1979 – Clayton Moore banned from sporting Lone Ranger cover by a court order in LA
172. September 1, 1979 – spacecraft pioneer 11 glides near Saturn discovering a new moon and rings
173. September 1, 1980 – Dutch consulate in Israel shifted from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv
174. September 1, 1980 – LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic triumphs by Nancy Lopez
175. September 1, 1980 – Marathon of Hope by Terry Fox terminated at Thunder Bayt in Ontario
176. September 1, 1981 – general Kolingba organized a military rebellion in Central Africa. President Dacko exiles
177. September 1, 1981 – debut of RKO radio grid in America Overnight Talk
178. September 1, 1981 – the inauguration of the conscientiously combined secondary school in Northern Ireland
179. September 1, 1982 – debut performance of “Top Girls” by Caryl Churchill in London
180. September 1, 1982 – Banks come under the public sector in Mexico by an order of the President Lopez Portillo
181. September 1, 1982 – Palestinian organization vacates Lebanon
182. September 1, 1982 – the inauguration of Air Force Space Command in the US
183. September 1, 1983 – Soviet aircraft shoots down a Korean Boeing 747 which crosses into Siberia
184. September 1, 1983 – Atomic test by US at Nevada Test place
185. September 1, 1983 – The abbreviated form of Newport News, WGH-AM modified to WNSY
186. September 1, 1985 – world competition achieved by cyclist Joop Zoetmelk
187. September 1, 1985 – Parts of Titanic Off Newfoundland found by US-French voyage
188. September 1, 1986 – LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic achieved by Betsy King
189. September 1, 1986 – $ 34096733 collected by broadcast by Jerry Lewis
190. September 1, 1986 – publication of the musical “Press to Play” by Paul McCartney
191. September 1, 1987 – US Tennis Open achieved by Michael Change, at the age of 15 and thus becomes the youngest to achieve this
192. September 1, 1987 – Belgium bans tobacco smoking in public houses
193. September 1, 1988 – debut performance of “Our Country’s Good” by Timberlake Westenbaker in London
194. September 1, 1989 – valedictory of “Anything Goes” after 804 pays at Beaumont Theatre, NYC
195. September 1, 1989 – divorce made public between Princes Anne and Mark Phillips
196. September 1, 1989 – debut performance of “Roger and Me” guided by Michael Moore at Telluride Film Festival
197. September 1, 1990 – valedictory of “Heidi Chronicles” at Plymouth Theatre NYC after 621 plays
198. September 1, 1990 – valedictory of “Jerome Robbins” after 634 plays at Imperial NYC
199. September 1, 1990 – European marathon best achieved by Gelindo Bordin (2:14:02)
200. September 1, 1991 – 3rd world championship in marathon achieved by Hiromi Taniguchi (2:14:57)
201. September 1, 1991 – Richard J Kerr was the interim administrator of the CIA
202. September 1, 1991 – valedictory of 3rd World Championship in Athletics at Tokyo Japan
203. September 1, 1992 – Brown, Police Chief, NYC steps down
204. September 1, 1992 – surgery performed on Tommy Smothers
205. September 1, 1992 – Golden Lion Award to “The Story of Qiu Ju” guided by Yimou Zhang at the 49th Venice Film Festival
206. September 1, 1993 – debut performance of “White Liars/Black Comedy” at Criterion NYC for 38 plays
207. September 1, 1993 – longest tie-break in US Tennis performance by Goran Ivanisevic and Daniel Nestor
208. September 1, 1994 – Golden Lion Award to “Before the Rain” guided by Milco Mancevski and “Vive L’Amor” guided by Tsai Ming-Liang
209. September 1, 1995 – $ 1.7 million paid to US Funds willingly by Infinity Radio
210. September 1, 1995 – capital punishment reintroduced in New York
211. September 1, 1995 – The Hall of Fame for Rock and Roll in Cleveland, Ohio introduced
212. September 1, 1996 – Balt Ravens defeat Oakland Raiders, 17-14 in the 1st NFL play
213. September 1, 1997 – valedictory of “Doll’s House” at Belasco Theatre
214. September 1, 1997 – a new channel for Animation was inaugurated in Japan
215. September 1, 1997 – LPGA State Farm Rail Classic won by Cindy Figg-Currier
216. September 1, 1999 – Golden Lion award to “Yi ge dou bu neng shao” guided by Zhang Yimou at the 56th Venice Film Festival

21st Century – September 1 This Day In History – The 2000s

217. September 1, 2004 – hundreds of school children and adults were taken hostage from a school by armed extremists in the Russian town of Beslan in North Ossetia
218. September 1, 2004 – Golden Lion Award to “Vera Drake” guided by Mike Leigh at the 61st Venice Film Festival
219. September 1, 2005 – a fresh trade amalgamation was established by the ex-members of AFL-CIO and others viz Change to Win Federation
220. September 1, 2005 – Green Day, Kelly Clarkson, and Knave achieved the 22nd MTV Music Awards
221. September 1, 2006 – all numerical television broadcasting achieved by Luxembourg the 1st country to achieve this
222. September 1, 2006 – commencement of a career as NRL Commissioner by Roger Goodell
223. September 1, 2010 – Golden Award to “Somewhere” guided by Sofia Coppola at the 67th Venice Film Festival
224. September 1, 2012 – A reckless bombing at the NATO center in Sayed Abad region in Afghanistan leaves 12 dead and 50 injured
225. September 1, 2012 – An airstrike by the US in North Waristan, Pakistan leaves 5 dead
226. September 1, 2012 – Islamist insurgents seize Douentza, Mali
227. September 1, 2012 – participants celebrating a carnival in Paquibato, Philippines were injured by the detonation of a grenade
228. September 1, 2015 – the priests were requested by Pope Francis to excuse women who suffer an abortion through a communication published in the Vatican
229. September 1, 2015 – logo restructured by Google,
230. September 1, 2015 – Keletiy railway station in Budapest banned for entry of migrants

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