Monday, March 17, 2025
Famous Events For September 10

Famous Events For September 10 – Today In History

September 10: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – September 10 Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. September 10, 0422 – St Celestine I assume charge as Catholic Pope
2. September 10, 0506 – many clerics of Visigothic Gaul assemble to discuss to enlighten the ethical environments of clergy and worshippers in southern France
3. September 10, 1349 – some Jews who missed butchery in Germany were later charred to death
4. September 10, 1510 – Oldenzaal re-seized by Bishop Frederick of Bathe


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5. September 10, 1547 – The English defeat the Scots at the war of Pinkie, Midlothian
6. September 10, 1547 – Edward VI (10) and Mary Queen (5) of Scots were mandated by the English to marry
7. September 10, 1608 – the association of Jamestown, Va, made John Smith as its President

18th Century – What Happened on September 10 – The 1700s

8. September 10, 1776 – Nathan Hale offers to be a volunteer in espionage work in response to the appeal by George Washington
9. September 10, 1785 – Prussia and the US agree upon trading practices
10. September 10, 1798 – Spain was vanquished by the British in the War of St George


19th Century – September 10 This Day That Year – The 1800s

11. September 10, 1813 – The American Navy under the guidance of Oliver Hazard Parry was victorious in the war of Lake Erie with the British
12. September 10, 1823 – Simon Bolivar sworn in as President of Peru
13. September 10, 1838 – Debut performance of “Benvenuto Cellini” by Hector Berlioz in Paris
14. September 10, 1845 – the inauguration of the Amsterdam Share market exchange by King Willem II
15. September 10, 1846 – copyright for sewing appliance granted to Elias Howe
16. September 10, 1847 – inauguration of the first cinema in Hawaii
17. September 10, 1849 – Debut presentation of US thespian Edward Booth (Richard III)
18. September 10, 1858 – 1st documented HR by John Holden (Bkln vs NY)
19. September 10, 1858 – the discovery of star-shaped planet 55 Pandora by George Mary Searle


20. September 10, 1861 – 170 lost their lives in the war of Carnifex Ferry VA
21. September 10, 1863 – Debut presentation of “Les Pecheurs de Perles” by George Bizet in Paris
22. September 10, 1869 – it is believed that the invention of the rickshaw in Yokohama was by a Baptist minister
23. September 10, 1870 – Establishment of the Association of Dutch Jurists
24. September 10, 1872 – Communist Philosopher, Karl Marks addresses in Amsterdam
25. September 10, 1875 – Willie Park, Sr. scores a 166 at Prestwick Golf Club at the 15th British Golf Open
26. September 10, 1880 – a peace agreement between Pierre de Brazza and King Makoko of Congo
27. September 10, 1882 – conference at international level to safeguard the interest in Non-Jewish welfare, premieres

28. September 10, 1884 – John R Lynch was the president of the Republican National Assembly and was a congressman
29. September 10, 1894 – George Smith, a cab driver, was the 1st in London to be punished for driving after consuming alcohol
30. September 10, 1897 – the followers of a chief murders 20 unarmed refugee coal miners in Pennsylvania, United States
31. September 10, 1898 – A vessel under the command of Lord Kitchener arrives in Fashoda from Khartoum
32. September 10, 1898 – assassination of Queen Elizabeth of Austria by Luigi Lucheni
33. September 10, 1899 – earthquake (8.6) strikes Yakutat Bay Alaska twice in a gap of one week


20th Century – Important Events On This Day September 10 – 1900

34. September 10, 1900 – states best of 20.3 cm rainfall at Elk Point, South Dakota
35. September 10, 1902 – formation of Utrecht football group UVV
36. September 10, 1905 – Mikasa, a battle vessel belonging to Japan detonates
37. September 10, 1910 – Great Inferno devastates 3 million estates of wood
38. September 10, 1913 – Postal and telephone service commences at Cleveland
39. September 10, 1913 – George W Buchner becomes the minister to Liberia
40. September 10, 1913 – the first cemented highway from the beach to the beach was inaugurated and named after Lincoln
41. September 10, 1918 – participants of the World Series demand $ 2500 from the winner and $ 1000 from the losers failing which they threaten to stop playing
42. September 10, 1919 – Ray Caldwell of India scored 3-0 against the Yankees with no hits
43. September 10, 1919 – Gen John J Perishing along with 25000 soldiers of WWI arrive in New York for a hearty welcome


44. September 10, 1919 – termination by Austria of integration with Germany as per the agreement of St Germain
45. September 10, 1919 – League of Nations accepts the association of China
46. September 10, 1922 – successive HRs by Meusel, Ruth, and Gehrig witnessed by the big crowd at the Polo grounds
47. September 10, 1924 – The murder charges against Leopold and Loeb proved
48. September 10, 1926 – an agreement between Germany and friendly nations at Koblenz signed
49. September 10, 1926 – Germany admitted into the League of Nations
50. September 10, 1927 – France vanquishes USA in Philadelphia (3-2) in the 22nd Davis Cup
51. September 10, 1930 – appointment of Charles E Mitchell s minister of Liberia
52. September 10, 1931 – Lord Cecil of the British Administration announces that war was possible
53. September 10, 1931 – Ellsworth Vines defeats George Lott at the 51st US Men’s National Championship (7-9.6-3,9-7,7-5)
54. September 10, 1932 – Dodgers’ Johnny Frederick creates a record by scoring 6th pinch-hit HR in a season
55. September 10, 1932 – inauguration of Rapid Transit Railroad managed by Independent City at NYC


56. September 10, 1933 – Fred Perry defeats Jack Crawford (6-3,11-13,4-6.6-0,6-1) at the 53rd US Men’s National Championship
57. September 10, 1937 – LA scores 21 and Pittsburgh 9 in the 2nd American Football League
58. September 10, 1937 – 1st NFL played their play, Cleveland Ram lost the game, 28-0
59. September 10, 1939 – declaration of war against Germany by Canada under the leadership of Mackenzie King
60. September 10, 1940 – a German mine strikes Buckingham Palace
61. September 10, 1942 – the arrival of the British army in Madagascar
62. September 10, 1942 – in an airstrike by RAF on Dusseldorf, nearly 10000 shells were used
63. September 10, 1943 – seizure of Tarente by British defense forces
64. September 10, 1943 – German army seizes Rome and proclaims to safeguard the Vatican City
65. September 10, 1943 – Italian Navy stationed near Malta
66. September 10, 1943 – Lt-Gen Bradley disembarks in Prestwick/London
67. September 10, 1945 – the name of KLS-AM in Oakland, CA altered to KWBR and now it is KDIA
68. September 10, 1945 – Vidkum Quisling was found guilty of cooperating with Nazis and executed
69. September 10, 1948 – Jacob, a war unlawful sentenced to a life sentence by Bijz Criminal Group

70. September 10, 1948 – Bradman plays his last 1st class cricket match in England and achieves 153 runs
71. September 10, 1949 – valedictory of “Cabatgata (A Night in Spain” after 76 presentations at Broadway, NYC
72. September 10, 1950 – Joe DiMaggio turns out to be the 1st to score 3 HR in a play at Griffith Stadium
73. September 10, 1951 – British refuses to have fiscal relations with Iran
74. September 10, 1952 – LPGA Thomasville Golf Open achieved by Betsy Rawls
75. September 10, 1953 – the inauguration of the sale of the pre-cooked package that only requires heating by Swanson
76. September 10, 1954 – 1460 lost their life in a 12-second earthquake in Orleansville Algeria
77. September 10, 1954 – the inauguration of the TV transmission by Channel 11 in Green Bay by WDLUK
78. September 10, 1955 – debut performance of “Gunsmoke” on CBS TV
79. September 10, 1956 – atomic test by Britain at the atomic test site at Maralinga, Australia
80. September 10, 1956 – the inauguration of TV transmission channel 18 started airing in Elmira Coming, NY
81. September 10, 1957 – debut performance of “Mask and Gown” at John Golden Theatre, NYC, and presents 39 presentations
82. September 10, 1958 – inauguration of TV transmission channel 7 in Jacksonville
83. On September 10, 1960, the World’s best score and Olympic marathon was achieved by Abebe Bikila (2:15:16.2)
84. September 10, 1960 – Mickey Mantle of NY Yankee achieves a score of 643 HR in Detroit
85. September 10, 1961 – Mickey Mantle was the 7th player to achieve HR 400
86. September 10, 1961 – Atomic test by USSR at Novaya, Zemlya USSR

87. September 10, 1961 – during the Italian Grand Prix, German driver Wolfgang von Trips and 13 persons watching the race died of an accident when his Ferrari dashes against them
88. September 10, 1961 – Rov Emerson vanquishes Rod Laver (7-5,6-3,6-2) at the 81stUS Men’s National Championship
89. September 10, 1961 – Darlene Hard triumphs Ann Jones (6-3,6-4)
90. September 10, 1962 – commencement of airing of WDCN TV Transmission channel 19 in San Antonio
91. September 10, 1962 – commencement of airing of WDCN TV transmission channel 8 in Nashville
92. September 10, 1962 – Rod Laver triumphs Roy Emerson (6-1,6-4,5-7,6-4) at the 82nd US Men’s National Championship
93. September 10, 1962 – Margaret Court triumphs Darlene Hard (9-7,6-4) at the 76th US Women’s National Championship
94. September 10, 1963 – civic schools in Alabama admit 20 black pupils
95. September 10, 1963 – Stan Musial achieved his 1st HR when he was a grandfather
96. September 10, 1964 – establishment of Palestinian Liberation Army
97. September 10, 1964 – documenting of “Good Morning Little Schoolgirl” by Rod Steward
98. September 10, 1965 – Atomic test by Great Britain at Nevada Test Site
99. September 10, 1965 – debut airing of TV transmission channel 2 in Columbia, NC
100. September 10, 1966 – documented “Revolver” by Beatles becomes No.1 and remains at the top for 6 weeks in the UK
101. September 10, 1966 – Muhammad Ali defeats Miltenberger in 12 for heavyweight boxing championship
102. September 10, 1967 – LPGA Pacific Golf Classic achieved by Clifford Ann Creed
103. September 10, 1967 – a referendum in Gibraltar favors staying with the British, and the Spanish not favored
104. September 10, 1967 – the ambition to get Chicago the emblem increased with Joel Horlen winning a 5-0 no-hit win
105. September 10, 1967 – John Newcombe vanquishes Clark Graebner (6-4,6-4,8-6) at the 87th US Men’s National Championship
106. September 10, 1967 – Billie Jean King defeats Ann Jones (11-9,6-4) at the 81st US Women’s National Championship
107. September 10, 1969 – NY Mets vanquish Montreal Expos to achieve 1st place at the first attempt
108. September 10, 1969 – Atomic test by the US at Grand Valley Colorado
109. September 10, 1971 – the inauguration of the airing of TV Transmission channel 24 in Austin
110. September 10, 1972 – valedictory of 29th Olympic plays at Munich, Germany FR
111. September 10, 1972 – lengthy run at the 17th Olympic achieved by Frank Shorter (2:12:19.8)
112. September 10, 1972 – LPGA Dallas Cavitand Golf Open was achieved by Jane Blalock

113. September 10, 1972 – The US Men’s baseball squad lost to the USSR, 51-50 at the Olympics for the first time
114. September 10, 1972 – Ilie Nastase defeats Arthur Ashe (3-6.6-3,6-7,6-3,6-3) at the 92nd Men’s US Open
115. September 10, 1973 – In a heavyweight boxing competition Muhammad Ali vanquishes Ken Norton
116. September 10, 1973 – Professional football top player Don Maynard joins St Louis leaving the NY Jets
117. September 10, 1974 – freedom of Rep of Guinea-Bissau accepted by Portugal
118. September 10, 1974 – Teuvo Louhivouri achieves his best cycling score of 515.8 mi in 24 hours
119. September 10, 1974 – debated play ´Born Innocent” featuring Linda Blair as a molested adolescent girl in a remand home debuts on NBC TV
120. September 10, 1975 – assigning captaincy of Toronto Maple Leaf to Darryl Sittler
121. September 10, 1975 – the inauguration of the musical “Alive” by Rock band KISS
122. September 10, 1976 – two aircraft were involved in an air accident over Yugoslavia killing 176 travelers
123. September 10, 1976 – aircraft TWA was taken hostage at La Guardia aerodrome, NY by 5 extremists belonging to Croatian
124. September 10, 1977 – Blue Jays vanquish Yankees, 19-3 with 20 hits
125. September 10, 1977 – The world’s best lengthy female running record was achieved by Christa Vahlensieck (2:34:47.5)
126. September 10, 1977 – crowning of Susan Perkins of Ohio, as 50th Miss America
127. September 10, 1977 – Guillotine in France was used for killing Hamida Djndoubi sentenced for murder and torture for the last time
128. September 10, 1977 – Chris Evert vanquishes Wendy Trunbull (7-5,6-2) at the 97th Women’s US Open
129. September 10, 1978 – valedictory of “Timbuktu!” at Mark Hellinger Theatre NYC after 243 presentations
130. September 10, 1978 – LPGA National Jewish Hospital Golf Open achieved by Kathy Whitworth
131. September 10, 1978 – Yanks defeat Red Sox, 7-4 at the 4th play of Boston Massacre
132. September 10, 1978 – Jimmy Connors vanquishes Bjorn Borg (6-4,6-2,6-2) at the 98th Men’s US Open. He was the 1st to win the US Open on 3 pitches
133. September 10, 1979 – the suspected killers who attempted the assassination of Truman are not found guilty
134. September 10, 1980 – Tom Peterson of Cheap Trick succeeded by Peter Comita
135. September 10, 1981 – the oil painting on canvas, “Guernica” arrives in Spain
136. September 10, 1982 – the inauguration of the record “Complete Silver Beatles” by Decca
137. September 10, 1983 – Martina Navratilova triumphs Chris Evert-Lloyd (6-1,6-3) at the 103rd Women’s US Open
138. September 10, 1984 – the safe landing of Discovery at Kennedy Space Center through Altus AFB, Okla
139. September 10, 1984 – the youngest to ride a bicycle across the US in 24 days was Sean O’Keefe (11)
140. September 10, 1984 – Alex Trebek hosts the first event of “Jeopardy”
141. September 10, 1985 – US 7th Judiciary gives its verdict that Walter Polovchak, a Soviet rebel be not returned to his parents ‘country if found that it is not to benefit of the juvenile rebel
142. September 10, 1986 – Bryan O’Connor takes over as Chief of Space Flight Security Board
143. September 10, 1988 – 300 perished when cyclone Gilbert struck in Jamaica, Texas, and Yucatan
144. September 10, 1988 – Miss Gretchen Elizabeth Carlson (Minn) (22) was awarded the 62nd Miss America 1989 award
145. September 10, 1988 – Tennis star Steffi Graf vanquishes Gabriela Sabatini (6-3,3-6,6-1) at the 108th Women’s US Open
146. September 10, 1989 – travel permitted to West Germany and East Germans travel by air via Hungary and Czechoslovakia
147. September 10, 1989 – LPGA Cellular One-Ping Golf Championship achieved by Muffin Spencer-Devlin
148. September 10, 1989 – Boris Becker triumphs over Ivan Lendl (7-6,1-6,6-3,7-6) at the 109th Men’s Open
149. September 10, 1990 – all the tennis grand slam titleholders have not been the same since 1966 and it happened for the first time
150. September 10, 1990 – inauguration of Hard Rock Café in Las Vegas Nevada
151. September 10, 1990 – diplomatic relations again established between Iran and Iraq
152. September 10, 1991 –discussion on the nomination of Clarence Thomas started by the committee constituted by Senate
153. September 10, 1991 – US female best in 100 m obstacles race achieved by Yolanda Gail Devers (12.48 sec)
154. September 10, 1991 – the inauguration of “Smells like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana, a Rock band group
155. September 10, 1992 – Bud Selig takes over as chief of baseball temporarily
156. September 10, 1993 – record manufacture of 1000 Boeings and 747 oversized airplanes
157. September 10, 1993 – first performance of “The X-Files” fashioned by Chris Carter and featured by David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson on Fox
158. September 10, 1994 – Chong Hey achieves female best record of 400 m mixed variety (4:01.67) and 100 m breaststroke
159. September 10, 1994 – Arantxa Sanchez Vicario vanquishes Steffi Graf (1-6,7-6,6-4) at the 114th Women’s US Open
160. September 10, 1995 – Britain-Ireland vanquish the US at the 35th Walker Cup
161. September 10, 1995 – NYPD Blue, ER, Fraiser, and Candice Bergen triumph 47th Emmy Awards
162. September 10, 1995 – PING -Cellular One LPGA Golf Championship achieved by Alison Nicholas
163. September 10, 1995 – Pete Sampras defeats Andre Agassi (6-4,6-3,4-6,7-5) at the 115th Men’s US Open
164. September 10, 1995 – Steffi Graf defeats Monica Seles (7-6,0-6,6-3) at the 115th Women’s US Open
165. September 10, 1997 – Travel Channel was sold to Discovery for $20 million
166. September 10, 1997 – Mark McGwire and Babe Ruth hit 50 HRs in 2 uninterrupted years
167. September 10, 1998 – Madonna and Will Smith achieve the 15th MTV Video Music awards
168. September 10, 1999 – debut performance of the film “Fight Club” created on the theme of the story by Chuck Palahniuk, guided by David Fincher, and featuring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt at the Venice Film Festival

21st Century – September 10 This Day In History – The 2000s

169. September 10, 2000 – valedictory of the musical Cats on Broadway
170. September 10, 2000 – The West Wing, Will and Grace, James Gandolfini, and Sela Ward given the 52nd Emmy Awards
171. September 10, 2000 – Marat Safin vanquishes Pete Sampras (6-4,6-3,6-3)
172. September 10, 2000 – Venus Williams triumphs Lindsay Davenport (6-4,7-5) at the 120th Women’s US Open
173. September 10, 2002 – a non-aligned nation like Switzerland admitted to the United Nations
174. September 10, 2004 – debut show of the film, “Crash” guided by Paul Haggis and featuring Don Cheadle and Sandra Bullock at the Toronto Film Festival. Declared as the Best Film in 2006.
175. September 10, 2006 – Roger Federer defeats Andy Roddick (6-2,4-6, 7-5,6-1) at the 126th US Open
176. September 10, 2006 – Maria Sharapova vanquishes Justine Henin Hardenne (6-4,6-4) at the 126th Women’s US Open
177. September 10, 2007 – During the military takeover of Pakistan in 1999, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, was exiled and returned to Pakistan in 2007
178. September 10, 2008 – The Large Hadron Collider, a particle accelerator is the best methodical achievement known to the human race is power-driven in Geneva, Switzerland
179. September 10, 2012 – reckless bombing in Kunduz, Afghanistan leaves 16 dead
180. September 10, 2012 – 350000 pupils were put to difficulties because of stopping work by Educators in Chicago
181. September 10, 2012 – protests by tens of thousands of mine workers in Lonmin excavations in Marikana, South Africa
182. September 10, 2012 – flood and rain in Vietnam leaves 29 dead
183. September 10, 2012 – accidental detonation of a grenade in Cambodia kills 3 children
184. September 10, 2012 – Andy Murray vanquishes Novak Djokovic (7-6,7-5,2-6,3-6,6-2) at the 132nd Men’s US Open
185. September 10, 2012 – Serena Williams triumphs over Victoria Azarenka (6-2,2-6,6-2) at the 132nd Women’s US Open
186. September 10, 2013 – mine detonation in Iraq leaves 16 people dead
187. September 10, 2013 – in a helicopter accident involving the Canadian Coast Guard in the Arctic Sea, three people lost their lives
188. September 10, 2015 – 90000 people compulsorily vacated their houses due to the fury of flood and landslide in North East Japan concentrated in Joso
189. September 10, 2015 – stepping down of Northern Irelands Minister, Peter Robinson due to the possible IRA-supported killing of Kevin McGuigan
190. September 10, 2016 – Angelique Kerber triumphs over Karolina Pliskova (6-3,4-6,6-4) at the 136th Women’s US Open.

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