Monday, March 17, 2025
Famous Events For September 14

Famous Events For September 14 – Today In History

September 14: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – September 14 Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. September 14, 0081 – Domitian was crowned king of the Roman Empire on the demise of his brother Titus
2. September 14, 0786 – Upon the demise of Al-Hadi, Harun al-Rashid assumes as the Abbasid caliph
3. September 14, 0891 – Stephen V steps down as Catholic Pope
4. September 14, 1163 – establishment of a nunnery at Mariengarde Friesland by Pastor Frederik
5. September 14, 1180 – War in Japan viz of Ishibashiyama


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6. September 14, 1515 – end of the war of Marignano in France
7. September 14, 1607- nobles escape from Lough Swilly, Donegal, Ireland
8. September 14, 1629 – Spanish military base accepts defeat to Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, and is termed as Siege of ‘s-Hertogenbosch
9. September 14, 1662 – agreement for peace between Netherlands and England
10. September 14, 1682 – Establishment of Bishop Gore School in Wales

18th Century – What Happened on September 14 – The 1700s

11. September 14, 1716 –the 1st lighthouse in Boston Harbor gets ignited
12. September 14, 1741- George Frederic Handel, composer, toils for 23 days without a break to compose a religious musical “Messiah”


13. September 14, 1752 – acceptance of the Gregorian calendar by Britain and American clusters
14. September 14, 1759 – seize of Dresden by the Austrian army

19th Century – September 14 This Day That Year – The 1800s

15. September 14, 1807 –Aaron Burr, President of the United States was proven not guilty of misdeed
16. September 14, 1812 – Fire that started on the day Napoleon seized Moscow was doused by 19th
17. September 14, 1814 – Francis Scott Key wrote a poem, “Defence of Fort M’Henry” which formed stanzas in “Star-Spangled Banner”
18. September 14, 1829 – Russia culminates battle with Turkey as per the agreement of Peace of Adrianopel
19. September 14, 1834 – Charles Darwin and his entourage travel through a town in Chile


20. September 14, 1847 -US Navy guided by General Scot seized Mexico City
21. September 14, 1848 – The 1st departmental store in the US was inaugurated by Alexander Stewart
22. September 14, 1852 – Appointment of Samuel D Hubbard of Connecticut as 18th Chief of the US Postal Service
23. September 14, 1854 – combined forces of friendly countries with Britain and France arrive in Crimea
24. September 14, 1856 – The Nicaraguan army won the lawless adventurers of the US at the war of San Jacinto at Hacienda San Jacinto
25. September 14, 1862 – The Union army vanquished a larger number of Allied forces at the War of South Mountain
26. September 14, 1862 – Central defense flees from the harassed Harpers Ship, West Virginia
27. September 14, 1862 – Clash at Fox Gap as part of the American Civil War
28. September 14, 1865 – Andrew Strath scores a 162 at Prestwick Golf Club at the 6th British Golf Open

29. September 14, 1868 – first known hole-in-one strike in Golf
30. September 14, 1872 – a sum of $ 15.5 million was paid as damages during Civil War
31. September 14, 1876 – Henry Morton Stanley and his entourage depart from Rwanda
32. September 14, 1876 – The Congo meeting was terminated by Leopold II
33. September 14, 1882 – arrival of British General Wolseley in Cairo
34. September 14, 1886 – copyrights granted to George K Anderson of Memphis, Tennessee, for his invention of the typewriter ribbon
35. September 14, 1891 – a travel record of 7 hr 6 min created by the train “Empire State Express” traversing from New York City to East Buffalo, 436 miles
36. September 14, 1894 – unsuccessful Hottentotten rebellion in South Africa
37. September 14, 1899 – Henry Bliss was the first to die in an automobile casualty in the US


20th Century – Important Events On This Day September 14 – 1900

38. September 14, 1900 – 62000 outside army is stationed in Peaking and surroundings fighting Boxer Rebels
39. September 14, 1901 – William McKinley died in Buffalo of a gunshot by a revolutionary resulting in Theodore Roosevelt being sworn in as the youngest President of the US
40. September 14, 1903 – NY Giant Red Ames defeat St Louis, 5-0 in a 5-inning play
41. September 14, 1905 – commencement of street market in Amsterdam
42. September 14, 1905 – AWF Idenburg of the Dutch Anti-Revolutionary Party named governor of Suriname
43. September 14, 1905 – The first Royal Automobile Club Tourist Trophy was conducted in the Isle of Man
44. September 14, 1911 – assassination of Russian Prime Minister Peter Stolypin who initiated strict actions against protestors in Kiev


45. September 14, 1913 – Cubs Larry Cheney scores a best 14 without permitting the opponent any score against Giants (7-0)
46. September 14, 1914 – German army chief Helmut was succeeded by Erich von Falkenhayn
47. September 14, 1914 – German Army pull out from Aisne and devise trench warfare
48. September 14, 1914 – The peace offer initiated by Austria-Hungary to the combined forces of friendly countries was rejected during WWI
49. September 14, 1919 – The British government bans the Irish Political Party, Sinn Fein Dail
50. September 14, 1923 – In a heavy-weight boxing game, Jack Dempsey knocks out 2 Luis Firpo
51. September 14, 1923 – Miguel Primo de Rivera turns out to be an authoritarian of Spain
52. September 14, 1924 – American League awards the title, Most Valuable Player to Walter Johnson
53. September 14, 1929 – A’s defeat the White Sox, 5-0 and achieve the AL banner
54. September 14, 1929 – Bill Tilden triumphs Francis Hunter (3-6,6-3,4-6,6-2,6-4) at the US Men’s National Championship
55. September 14, 1930 – In the first NFL match played by Detroit Lions, they win by scoring 13-6
56. September 14, 1930 – in the elections in Germany, Nazis won 107 seats


57. September 14, 1932 – Arturo Alessandri organizes a military rebellion in Chile
58. September 14, 1933 – Inferno in Tillamook Oregon burns 2 billion feet of panel wood
59. September 14, 1936 – Paul Waner scores 200 hits and equals the NL score of Rogers Hornsby
60. September 14, 1938 – Graf Zeppelin II, the largest balloon flies for the first time
61. September 14, 1939 – Igor Sikorsky invents the helicopter, and the first model VS 300 travels in Stratford, Connecticut
62. September 14, 1939 – British Navy assaults Geerman U-39 liner
63. September 14, 1939 – Winston Churchill arrives in Scapa Flow, Orkney
64. September 14, 1940 – US administration approves peacetime mobilization act
65. September 14, 1940 – hundreds lost their lives when a German bomb struck a housing in Chelsea
66. September 14, 1942 – German army seizes train station Stalingrad-1
67. September 14, 1942 – Yanks achieve the Banner 13
68. September 14, 1943 – Yanks achieve the Banner 14
69. September 14, 1944 – transportation of Dutch/Indonesian hostages to Junya Maru
70. September 14, 1944 – freedom granted to Gulpen, Meerssen and Maastricht
71. September 14, 1944 – Cyclone strikes New England killing 389

72. September 14, 1944 – nearly 1.5 km of Roscheid was seized by the US 28th Army battalion
73. September 14, 1947 – Jack Kramer defeats Frank Parker (4-6,2-6,6-1,6-0,6-3) at the 67th US Men’s National Championship
74. September 14, 1947 – Louise Brough defeats Margaret Osborne du Point (8-6,4-6,6-1) at the 61st US Women’s National Championship
75. September 14, 1948 – Gerald Ford defeats J. Jonkman in the Mich 5th in the presidential primary election
76. September 14, 1948 – Milton Berle commences his TV profession on Texaco Star Theatre
77. September 14, 1949 – Hindi declared as National language in India by the Constituent Assemblage and Hindi Day also rejoiced
78. September 14, 1950 – friendly nations equip West Germany with arms
79. September 14, 1951 – Giants Bob Niemans scores his HR on his 1st 2 at-bats
80. September 14, 1953 – appointment of Nikita Khrushchev as the First Secretary of the USSR communist Party and replaces Malenkov
81. September 14, 1953 – Yanks defeat Indians, 8-5, and achieve the banner
82. September 14, 1954 – debut performance of “Turn of the Screw” by Benjamin Britten in Venice
83. September 14, 1954 – Cyclone Edna strikes NYC and causes damage worth $50 million
84. September 14, 1954 – Atomic test by USSR
85. September 14, 1956 – 1st surgical procedure of brain tissue conducted in Washington, DC
86. September 14, 1957 – Atomic test by Great Britain at Maralinga, Australia
87. September 14, 1957 – The assault by the USSR on Hungary was rebuked by the UN
88. September 14, 1957 – Atomic test by US at Nevada Test place
89. September 14, 1958 – LPGA Jackson Golf Open achieved by Jackie Pung
90. September 14, 1958 – the airing of WTAE TV television channel 4 in Pittsburgh, PA commenced
91. September 14, 1958 – Yankees achieve their 24th banner

92. September 14, 1959- the landing of rocket Luna 2 on the Moon designed by the USSR
93. September 14, 1959 – the airing of TV transmission channel 16 in Pittsburgh, PA commences
94. September 14, 1960 – military rebellion organized by Col. Joseph in Congo
95. September 14, 1960 – Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela agree to constitute an association known as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
96. September 14, 1960 – the airing of TV transmission channel 13 in Dallas commences
97. September 14, 1961 – atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya USSR
98. September 14, 1962 – Atomic Test by US at Nevada
99. September 14, 1963 – Mary Ann Fischer, Aberdeen, South Dakota gave birth to 4 girls and a boy, the 1st living quintuplets
100. September 14, 1964 – the airing of TV transmission channel 23 in Richmond, VA commences
101. September 14, 1964 – Medal of Freedom awarded to Walt Disney at the White House
102. September 14, 1965 – debut performance of “F-Troop” in the US on ABC
103. September 14, 1965 – 2nd Vatican assembly’s 4th conference started
104. September 14, 1967 – the inauguration of Wildlife Preserve at Bronx
105. September 14, 1968 – Jimmy Ellis defeats Floyd Patterson in 15 for heavyweight boxing championship
106. September 14, 1968 – debut transmission of “60 Minutes” on CBS TV
107. September 14, 1968 – McLain of Detroit Tiger achieves his 30th triumph of the term
108. September 14, 1969 – LPGA Wendell-West Golf Open achieved by Kathy Whitworth
109. September 14, 1969 – Male electorates do not favor female voting in Swiss
110. September 14, 1970 – Northern Ireland conducts its first Economic assembly meeting
111. September 14, 1971 – 20 rounds played by Cleve Indians and Wash Senators
112. September 14, 1971 – Two British army personnel were shot in two different happenings in Northern Ireland
113. September 14, 1972 – debut TV show of “Waltons”
114. September 14, 1972 – first presentation of “That Championship Season” by Jason Miller in NYC
115. September 14, 1972 – ambassadorial level between West Germany and Poland established
116. September 14, 1973 – WHA license given to Indianapolis
117. September 14, 1973 – 13 Syrian MIG aircraft were destroyed by Israel
118. September 14, 1974 – the discovery of Leda, the 13th secondary body revolving around Jupiter by Charles Kowal
119. September 14, 1975 – LPGA Southgate Golf achieved by Kathy Whitworth
120. September 14, 1975 – Pope Paul VI canonizes Mother Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, US-born, as a saint
121. September 14, 1975 – cutting and destroying of “Night Watch” by Rembrandts in Amsterdam
122. September 14, 1977 – Christmas Tinto condemned to 7 years imprisonment in Robben Island, South Africa

123. September 14, 1978 – Da Costa administration in Portugal resigns
124. September 14, 1978 – 50 shells detonated across Northern Ireland for five days by the Irish Republican Defence personnel injuring 37 people
125. September 14, 1979 – Atomic test by USSR at Eastern Kazakh, USSR
126. September 14, 1979 – Theodore Coombs skates 5193 miles from LA to NY and back to Yates Center, Ks
127. September 14, 1980 – debut performance of “Charlie and Algernon” at Helen Hayes Theater NY and give 17 presentations
128. September 14, 1980 – LPGA United Bank Golf Classic achieved by Donna Caponi
129. September 14, 1981 – the inauguration of TV transmission Entertainment Tonight
130. September 14, 1982 – 36” snowfall in Red Lodge, MT
131. September 14, 1972 – Cindy Nicholas from Canada crosses the English Channel by swimming for the 19th time
132. September 14, 1982 – Trevor Baxter achieves a best skateboard high jump of 5’5.7”
133. September 14, 1982 – President-elect Bachir Gemayel and 26 others were killed in a bomb explosion at Lebanese Phalange HQ
134. September 14, 1983 – a resolution was passed in the US Senate reproving the action of Russia to bring the Korean aircraft, by 416 votes and none against
135. September 14, 1984 – You Might Think with Cars was awarded the 1st MTV Video Music Award
136. September 14, 1985 – 59th Miss America 1986 was awarded the crown to Susan Akin, 21
137. September 14, 1985 – The first performance of “The Golden Girls”, featuring Bea Arthur, Betty White, Rue McClanahan, and Estelle Getty on NBC
138. September 14, 1985 – the film, “The Official Story” guided by Luis Puenzo was awarded the People’s Choice Award at the 10th Toronto International Film Festival
139. September 14, 1986 – Bo Jackson scores his 1st HR-a 475-foot blast
140. September 14, 1986 – 2 persons were killed in Paris in a Bomb violence
141. September 14, 1986- LPGA Safeco Golf Classic achieved by Judy Dockson
142. September 14, 1986 – the first performance of “The Last Days of Patton” on CBS
143. September 14, 1987 – commencing of “Les Misérables” at Rock Theater, Vigzinhaz, Budapest
144. September 14, 1987 – the highest hit of 10 HRs scored by Toronto Blue Jays in a match against Baltimore Orioles
145. September 14, 1987 – Ivan Lendl triumphs Mats Wallander (6-7,6-0,7-6,6-4) at the 107th Men’s US Open
146. September 14, 1988 – Atomic test by USSR at Eastern Kazakh, USSR
147. September 14, 1989 – The first NHL squad to play in the USSR is the Calgary Flames
148. September 14, 1989 – Jeff Reardon is the first to score 30 saves in 5 successive periods
149. September 14, 1989 – Atomic test by US at Nevada Test place
150. September 14, 1990 – Ken Griffey, both Sr. and Jr. score back-to-back HRs in the 1st batting
151. September 14, 1991 –Crowning of Carolyn Suzanne Sapp (Hawaii) 24, as the 65th Miss America 1992
152. September 14, 1991 – Atomic test by US at Nevada Test center
153. September 14, 1991 – People’s Choice Award was given to “The Fisher King” guided by Terry Gillam at the 16th Toronto International Film Festival
154. September 14, 1992 – completion of the subway car by the US for being sent to Taiwan
155. September 14, 1994 – the cancellation of the balance of the 1994 session of baseball was advocated by 28 owners of baseball teams
156. September 14, 1995 – the inauguration of Body World in Tokyo Japan
157. September 14, 1996 – Mark McGwire of As achieved 50 HRs in one period. He is the 13th to achieve this distinction
158. September 14, 1996 – In a cricket match, Kent Vs Hampshire, Dean Headley archives 3rd hat-trick in a period
159. September 14, 1996 – the crowning of Tara Dawn Holland (Kansas), 23 as 70th Miss America 1997
160. September 14, 1996 – People’s Choice Award given to “Shine” guided by Scott Hicks at the 21st Toronto International Film Festival
161. September 14, 1997 – the retirement of no.72 uniform of Carlton Fisk of the Chicago White Sox
162. September 14, 1997 – LPGA SAFECO Classic achieved by Karrie Webb
163. September 14, 1997 – The CVS Charity Golf Classic was achieved by Loren Roberts with 266
164. September 14, 1997 – In Law and Order, Frasier, Dennis Franz, and Gillian were awarded the 49th Emmy Award
165. September 14, 1998 – Two major telecommunication companies MCI Communications and World Com merge their $37 billion to establish MCI World Com
166. September 14, 1999 – The United Nations admits Kiribati, Nauru, and Tonga to the UN

21st Century – September 14 This Day In History – The 2000s

167. September 14, 2001 – Prayer at National Level held at Washington National Cathedral and Parliament House in Canada amidst tight security, for 11/9 attack victims
168. September 14, 2003 – plebiscite in Sweden on Euro refuses its acceptance
169. September 14, 2003 – plebiscite in Estonia accepts joining EU
170. September 14, 2007 – Pope Benedict XVI’s recommendation to remove the ban on Latin Mass comes into effect
171. September 14, 2007 – Golden Lotus award confirmed on “Kaalpurush” at the 53rd National Film Awards (India)
172. September 14, 2009 – Inauguration of the Darwin Centre at the National History Museum, London, the museum’s most substantial development since 1881, by David Attenborough and Prince William
173. September 14, 2009 – Juan Martin del Potro vanquishes Roger Federer (3-6,5-6,4-6,7-6,6-2) at the 129th Men’s US Open
174. September 14, 2009 – Kim Clijsters defeats Caroline Wozniacki (7-5,6-3) at the 129th Women’s US Open
175. September 14, 2011 – Elizabeth Warren shows her interest in running for Massachusetts Senate from the Democratic party in 2012 voting
176. September 14, 2012 – in a boat accident, 21 people drowned in Indonesia
177. September 14, 2014 – The FIBA Basket Ball World Cup was achieved by the United States by vanquishing Serbia, scoring 129-92
178. September 14, 2014 – People’s Choice Award given to “The Imitation Game” guided by Morten Tyldum at the 39th Toronto International Film Festival
179. September 14, 2015 – Malcolm Turnbull overthrows Tony Abbott as Australian Prime Minister and Leader of the Ruling Liberal Party

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