Friday, March 21, 2025
Famous Events For September 2

Famous Events For September 2 – Today In History

September 2: Today in History – Historical Events

Early Centuries – September 2 Historic Events – Before the 1700s

1. 44 BC – Queen Cleopatra’s VII son made as Ptolemy XV Caesarion of Egypt
2. 44 BC- Cicero makes the first of the 14 speeches against Mark Antony
3. 31BC – Mark Antony and Cleopatra are defeated by Octavian’s forces thus ending the Roman Republic in the War of Actium
4. September 2, 0911 – an agreement between Viking king Oleg of Kyiv, Russia with Byzantines


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5. September 2, 1192 – agreement over Jerusalem signed between Sultan Saladin and King Richard the Lionheart of England after the third battle
6. September 2, 1519 – the first war of Tehuacingo was fought between San Salvador and Mexico
7. September 2, 1537 – publication of regulations on the Danish Church by King Christian III
8. September 2, 1644 – admission of defeat by Robert Devereux
9. September 2, 1649 – the battle of Castro terminates after the Italian city of Castro is demolished by the army of Pope Innocent X
10. September 2, 1666 – The inferno in Pudding Lane in London began at 2 a m devastated a major portion of London
11. September 2, 1686 – seize of Buda from Turks by the Habsburg forces


18th Century – What Happened on September 2 – The 1700s

12. September 2, 1732 – the reintroduction of anti-Jewish regulations of Rome by Pope Clement XII
13. September 2, 1743 – agreement amongst Britain, Austria, Savoye, and Sardinia signed and entitled Treaty of Worms
14. September 2, 1752 – Britain and British colonies skipped Sept.3 to Sep.13 in the Julian date book
15. September 2, 1789 – parliament approves the founding of the Department of Treasury
16. September 2, 1792 – defiant crowd butcher bishops of Roman Catholic groups and hundreds of rectors and detainees supposed to be monarchists followers, in Paris
17. September 2, 1796 – Jews community in the Netherlands released
18. September 2, 1798 – burglary in Bank of Pennsylvania to the extent of $ 162,821 in Philadelphia


19th Century – September 2 This Day That Year – The 1800s

19. September 2, 1806 – 500 perished when there was a landslide in Rossberg Peak into Goldau Valley Switz
20. September 2, 1807 – To avoid Denmark’s seizure by Napoleon, the Royal fleet shells Copenhagen and rockets releasing phosphorus
21. September 2, 1839 – store of different types inaugurated in Amsterdam
22. September 2, 1859 – Hawaii starts illumination using gas
23. September 2, 1859- a geomagnetic wave disturbs telecommunication
24. September 2, 1864 – seizure of Atlanta in the US and its blaze by General William T. Sherman during the Civil War
25. September 2, 1867 – school exclusively for girls started in Haarlem Neth
26. September 2, 1870 – Napoleon III vanquished by Prussian military

27. September 2, 1872 – Richard Sears defeats Clarence M Clark in the 2nd US Men’s National Championship (6-1,6-4,6-0)
28. September 2, 1885 – To have better working conditions, white mineworkers fought to form an amalgamation assault several Chinese colleagues killing many and making to go out of Rock Springs, Wyoming
29. September 2, 1894 – the inauguration of the theatre in Amsterdam
30. September 2, 1894 – inferno in Hinckley, Minnesota leaves 600 dead
31. September 2, 1897 – the circulation of the journal, “McCal” for the first time
32. September 2, 1898 – Brittan surrenders Sudan to Lord Kitchener at the war of Omdurman
33. September 2, 1898 – use of cannon in battle for the first time


20th Century – Important Events On This Day September 2 – 1900

34. September 2, 1900 – telecommunication between Germany and the US started
35. September 2, 1900 – supporters of independence for Ireland demand that British grant freedom to Ireland
36. September 2, 1902 – the science creative writing film “A Trip to The Moon” premiered
37. September 2, 1908 – Tommy Burns vanquishes Bill Lang in 6 heavyweight boxing
38. September 2, 1909 – South Africa Law approved by King Edward VII
39. September 2, 1911 – installation of Portuguese admiration under Joao Chagas
40. September 2, 1913 – sewage in Amsterdam diverted to the South Sea
41. September 2, 1914 – Gen von Hausen of France runaway to Bordeaux
42. September 2, 1914 – insurance coverage up to $ 5 million provided to commercial vessels and their staff under the Department of War Risk by the US Finance Dept


43. September 2, 1917 – Fatherland Party founded by Admiral Tirpitz
44. September 2, 1919 – Chicago was the venue of the assembly of the Communist Party of America
45. September 2, 1919 – the right to vote and percentage of representation approved by Italy
46. September 2, 1920 – debut performance of “East of Suez” by W Somerset Maugham in London
47. September 2, 1922 – The German National Anthem, “Deutschland Uber Alles” announced by President Ebert
48. September 2, 1924 – Excellent reviews on “Rose Marie” by Rudolf Friml in NYC
49. September 2, 1924 – Bill Tilden defeats Bill Johnston (6-1,9-7,6-2) at the 44th Men’s National Championship
50. September 2, 1926 – Italy and Yemen agree on a pact
51. September 2, 1927 – unproved reports spread that Lou Gehrig of Yankee would be negotiated by Tigers


52. September 2, 1929 – Margarine Union and Liver Bros amalgamate to form Unilever
53. September 2, 1929 – CBS radio and WOR part ways
54. September 2, 1930 – uninterrupted 1st travel by air from Europe to the US in 37 hours
55. September 2, 1935 – hundreds lost their lives when a cyclone hit the Florida Keys
56. September 2, 1936 – transoceanic to and fro travel by air for the 1str time
57. September 2, 1937 – National Housing Law approves the formation of a Housing Authority in the US
58. September 2, 1940 – bestowing of Great Smoky Mountains National Park
59. September 2, 1941 – patent rights of Oscar statue
60. September 2, 1942 – seize of Stalingrad by the German army
61. September 2, 1944 – George W. H. Bush, prospective US President jumps out of an airplane that caught fire during an assignment in the Pacific
62. September 2, 1944 – Anne Frank, chronicler, arrives at Auschwitz meditation site
63. September 2, 1944 – US chiefs assemble in Belgium
64. September 2, 1945 – freedom of Vietnam from France asserts Ho Chi Minh

65. September 2, 1945 – Japan admits defeat on board USS Missouri culminating the WWS II
66. September 2, 1946 – Bill Dickey succeeded by Johnny as Yankee manager
67. September 2, 1946 – Nehru becomes the Prime Minister of India
68. September 2, 1949 – 1700 died of burns in Chungking China
69. September 2, 1951 – an agreement between Australia, New Zealand, and the US sign an agreement termed as ANZUS agreement
70. September 2, 1952 – a new technique in heart surgery was adopted by Dr Floyd J Lewis and he was the 1st to use this theory
71. September 2, 1954 – cyclone Edna devastates NE US killing 120 people
72. September 2, 1954 – the inauguration of TV transmission 11 in Raleigh-Durham, NC
73. September 2, 1955 – TV transmission channel 3 in Sacramento, CA starts airing the program
74. September 2, 1956 – 120 killed in India when a bridge over railway line breakdown
75. September 2, 1956 – A bus facility was introduced between Washington and Jackson substituting the cable line
76. September 2, 1956 – Juan Manuel Fangio achieves victory by 3 points at the 7th Formula One WDC
77. September 2, 1957 – Atomic test by US at Nevada Test place
78. September 2, 1957 – Frank of Milwaukee achieves a6 runs in 1 game
79. September 2, 1958 – atomic test by Great Britain at Christmas Island
80. September 2, 1958 – installation of Hendrik Verwoerd as Prime Minister of South Africa
81. September 2, 1958 – Inauguration of TV transmission channel 7 in Hays, KS

82. September 2, 1958 – shares worth about $9 million from Minn to develop their arena
83. September 2, 1958 – Military Awareness Campaign Act was approved
84. September 2, 1958 – a military aircraft of US C-130A was brought down over Yerevan, Armenia when it crossed into soviet territory killing all the crew
85. September 2, 1959 – Paris receives President Eisenhower
86. September 2, 1960 – Tamara and Irina of the USSR were the 1st sisters to achieve the Gold Medal in the Olympic Game
87. September 2, 1960 – debut performance of 2nd concerto by William Walton
88. September 2, 1960 – Election and establishment of 1st Parliament in Tibet. This day is called the Democracy Day
89. September 2, 1962 – Tris Speaker slips into second place when Stan Musial scores his 3516th hit
90. September 2, 1962 – Atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya, USSR
91. September 2, 1963 – an amalgamation of the high school at Tuskegee was not approved by Alabama Governor George Wallace
92. September 2, 1963 – News broadcast duration increased by CBS and NBC from 15 to 30 minutes
93. September 2, 1963 – LPGA Idaho Centennial Golf Tournament won by Mickey Wright
94. September 2, 1964 – Indonesian Air Force staff jump down in Malaysia by using parachutes
95. September 2, 1964 – 2 -successive holes-in-one achieved by Norman Manley at Del Valley, Cal
96. September 2, 1965 – 400th HR achieved by Cubs slugger Ernie Banks
97. September 2, 1966 – LPGA Ladies World Series of Golf achieved by Mickey Wright
98. September 2, 1967 – inauguration of TV transmission channel 16 in Joplin, MO
99. September 2, 1967 – the territory of Sealand was recognized and reigned by Prince Paddy oy Bates
100. September 2, 1968 – Jerry Lewis gives his 3rd fundraising performance
101. September 2, 1969 – Joe Pepitone is recalled by NY Yankee
102. September 2, 1969 – agreement with Yankees to manage them by Ralph Houk for 3 years at $ 65000 a period
103. September 2, 1969 – cash vending machine installed in the US for the first time in Rockville Centre, New York
104. September 2, 1970 – in the US Open, tie break at Grand Slam for the 1st time
105. September 2, 1971 – 1std US Open tennis achieved by Chris Evert and Jimmy Connors
106. September 2, 1971 – Electric Circus Club in New York shut their commercial
107. September 2, 1972 – 100m female best achieved by Renate Stecher (11.07 sec)
108. September 2, 1972 – 1st hit by Rod Stewart
109. September 2, 1972 – USSR conducts atomic test at Eastern Kazakh, USSR
110. September 2, 1972 – IRA mine in Belfast heavily destroys the command center of the Ulster Unionist Party
111. September 2, 1973 – dismissal of Billy Martin of Tigers as manager
112. September 2, 1973 – world hockey championship achieved by the Netherlands

113. September 2, 1973 – LPGA Charity Golf Classic achieved by Sandra Haynie
114. September 2, 1974 – 9th fund-raising performance by Jerry Lewis
115. September 2, 1974 – Pensioners’ welfare scheme approved by US President Gerald Ford
116. September 2, 1978 – 100 m world’s best achieved by Graham Salmon, a blind man
117. September 2, 1978 – aerobatics performed by John McClain over Houston
118. September 2, 1978 – Reggie Jackson hits his 20 HR and was the 19th player to achieve this
119. September 2, 1979 – valedictory of “I Remember Mama” after 108 plays at Majestic Theatre, NYC
120. September 2, 1979 – Mark O’Meara achieves the 79th US Golf Amateur Championship
121. September 2, 1980 – John Arlott describes his last game, England v Australia at Lord’s
122. September 2, 1981 – atomic test by USSR
123. September 2, 1981 – “Die Believe Zeit” guided by Margarethe von Trotta awarded the Golden Lion at the 38th Venice Film Festival
124. September 2, 1982 – inferno at the residence of Rolling Stone Keith Richard
125. September 2, 1983 – Menachem seconded the name of Yitzhak Shamir for the Prime Minister of Israel
126. September 2, 1984 – valedictory of “Zorba” at Broadway Theatre, NYC after 362 plays
127. September 2, 1985 – LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic achieved by Betsy King
128. September 2, 1985 – fundraising 20th performance by Jerry Lewis
129. September 2, 1986 – Cathy Evelyn Smith was awarded a 3-year penalty for the death of John Belushi
130. September 2, 1987 – The New York Times reserves a full page to publish Donald Trump’s criticism of Japan
131. September 2, 1987 – CD-Video presented by Philips
132. September 2, 1987 – prosecution of West German pilot Mathias Rust commences in Moscow for traveling in an exclusive plane from Finland to Moscow, USSR
133. September 2, 1989 – protests organized by Rev Al Sharpton for public rights in Bensonhurst
134. September 2, 1990 – valedictory of “Grapes of Wrath” at Cort Theatre after 188 presentations
135. September 2, 1990 – Steve Allen made the new clergy of Hartford St Zen Center, SF
136. September 2, 1991 – Jerry Lewis collects $ 45071657 during his 26th fundraising performance
137. September 2, 1991 – LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic won by Pat Bradley
138. September 2, 1991 – Freedom of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania formally admitted by the US
139. September 2, 1992 – 118 killed when earthquake hits Nicaragua
140. September 2, 1993 – Pearl Jam, En Vogue awarded the 10th MTV Video Music award
141. September 2, 1993 – former African king Bokassa was released from detention
142. September 2, 1994 – The world’s best cycle record was achieved by Miguel Indurain (53,040 km)
143. September 2, 1995 – McCall vanquished in the heavy-weight boxing match by Frank Bruno
144. September 2, 1995 – new zone code assigned to Southern California
145. September 2, 1996 – LPGA State Farm Rail Golf Classic awarded to Michelle McGann
146. September 2, 1996 – Spacecraft Soyuz TM 24 completes its mission
147. September 2, 1966 – agreement for amity between the Philippines and Moro National Liberation in Malacañang Palace
148. September 2, 1997 – the inauguration of radio performances in Montreal and Toronto in Canada under Chom 97.7 FM and Chlq 107.1 FM respectively
149. September 2, 1998 – in an air accident involving Swiss aircraft near Peggy’s Cove. Nova Scotia, all the 229 traveling died
150. September 2, 1998 – Jean-Paul, mayor of the tiny city in Rwanda was found accountable on 8 allegations of a massacre by the International Tribunal for Rwanda

21st Century – September 2 This Day In History – The 2000s

151. September 2, 2007 – valedictory of the 11th World Championships in Athletes at Osaka, Japan
152. September 2, 2008 – “Pulijanmam” victories the Golden Lion Award at the 54th National Film Awards
153. September 2, 2009 – Golden Lion Award to “Lebanon” guided by Samuel Maoz at the 66th Venice Film Festival
154. September 2, 2012 – a bomb hidden in a car explodes at an immigrant site in Sbeineh, Palestine
155. September 2, 2102 – women news readers on television in Egypt were exempted from covering their faces as the ban was withdrawn
156. September 2, 2015 – the total number of trees on earth is about 3 trillion as per the study in “Nature” by Th Thomas Crowther of Yale University
157. September 2, 2015 – US President Barack Obama arrives in the Arctic Circle at Kotzebue, Alaska. He was the first president to visit the place

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