Sunday, March 23, 2025
Famous Events For September 25

Famous Events For September 25 – Today In History

What Happened on September 25 in World History?

Early Centuries – September 25 Historic Events – Before 1700

September 25, 0303 – Saint Fermin of Pamplona while he was on a journey teaching the faith in Christianity was executed in Amiens, France

September 25, 0953 – Ratherius appointed as bishop of Luik

September 25, 0955 – Bishop Ratherius of Luik run away

September 25, 1066 – Norwegian King Harald Hardrada and Harold’s brother Tostig were called into a war at Stamford Bridge between the English defense guided by King Harold Godwinson and the Norwegians under King Harald Hardrada. Norwegians were vanquished

September 25, 1340 – agreement for demilitarisation between England and France


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September 25, 1396 – Sultan Bajezid I vanquishes Crusade defense forces at the War of Nicopolis

September 25, 1492 – early spotting of “land” by the Crewman of Pinta

September 25, 1493 – Columbus begins his 2nd expedition to the Americas with 17 vessels

September 25, 1513 – voyager, Vascoi Nunez de Balboa passes through Panama Strip to understand the Pacific Ocean and as the first European to see the Pacific Ocean

September 25, 1555 – Religion freedom in Augsburg

September 25, 1560 – FrederikSchenck of Toutenburg is the first archbishop as per the instructions from Spanish king Philip II

September 25, 1597 – French King Henry IV defeats Amiens

September 25, 1639 – first lithography equipment in America

September 25, 1639 – Suzuki Shosan, who had served the army and renounced to become a Zen Buddhist monk got self-realization

September 25, 1654 – agreement for trade and commerce between England and Denmark

September 25, 1663 – Turkish army seizes Austrian Fort Neuhausl


September 25, 1690 – the American colonies got the first and last publication of the new paper, Public Occurrences

September 25, 1775 – Ethan Allen, American Progressive war champion was apprehended

September 25, 1777 – Philadelphia seized by British army commander William Howe

September 25, 1780 – The British admit Benedict Arnold

September 25, 1781 – Joan Derks throws “On the People of Netherlands” brochures

September 25, 1789 –The proposed 10 amendments to the American Constitution were placed before the US Senate

19th Century – September 25 This Day That Year – The 1800s

September 25, 1804 – The process for selecting President and Vice President comes into force by an Amendment to the US Constitution

September 25, 1820 –invention by French Professor Francois Arago of the electromagnetic theory that a copper wire connected to two positive and negative terminals of a voltaic battery pulls iron splinters to itself


September 25, 1829 –a bid to kill Simon Bolivar, a Military and Political leader failed

September 25, 1836 – ship HMS Beagle sheltered at St Michael

September 25, 1844 – in the first international cricket, Canada vanquishes the USA by 23 runs

September 25, 1846 – Monterey Mexico seized by the US army under the guidance of Gen Taylor

September 25, 1857 – Military commanders Havelock and Outram send assistance to Lucknow during the rebellion

September 25, 1861 – recruitment of slaves to the US Navy permitted by an order of the US Secretary for the Navy

September 25, 1862 – fight at Davis Bridge, Tennessee

September 25, 1866 – Jerome Estate in the Bronx permitted to run horse races

September 25, 1867 – Howard University in Washington DC is the first university for blacks as approved by the Senate

September 25, 1868 – Grand Duke Alexei of Russia abroad the vessel, Alexander Nevskiaccidents off Jutland

September 25, 1878 – the warning on the dangers of smoking tobacco was given by British medical doctor Dr. Charles Drysdale in his letter published in The Times

September 25, 1882 – first double-header baseball game

September 25, 1886 – An entertainment film “Dorothy” first made in London

September 25, 1888 – the inauguration of the Royal Court Theatre in London

September 25, 1888 – commencement of the Sherlock Holmes series “Hound of Baskervilles”

September 25, 1890 – commencement of Sherlock Holmes “Silver Blaze”


September 25, 1897 – inauguration of the first British public transportation bus

20th Century – Important Events On This Day September 25 – The 1900s

September 25, 1904 – the first black to participate in the professional football in America was Charles Follis

September 25, 1906 – the first performance of “Silver Box” by John Galsworthy in London

September 25, 1906 – Leonardo Torres Quevedo effectively validates the remote-controlled boat before a huge audience

September 25, 1907 – The third concerto by Jean Sibelius debuts

September 25, 1908 – Ed Reulbach of the Cubs is the only pitcher to score a doubleheader shutout

September 25, 1909 – inauguration of the Hudson-Fulton carnival in New York


September 25, 1911 – the detonation of the French warship Liberte at Toulon Harbor leaves 285 dead

September 25, 1911 – construction of the Fenway Park in Boston started

September 25, 1912 – establishment of Journalism at Columbia University in New York

September 25, 1915 – there were 59000 British victims and 26000 German victims in the war of Loos where the Britishers used Chlorine gas which in turn gusted into their ditches

September 25, 1915 – the second war of Champagne commenced

September 25, 1919 – Woodrow Wilson, US President, never recovered from a health disorder which he experienced

September 25, 1920 – MollaBjurstedt Mallory defeats Marion Zinderstein (6-3,6-1) at the 34th U.S. Women’s National Championship

September 25, 1922 – Giants defeat St. Louis to achieve John McGraw’s 8th banner

September 25, 1924 – Malcolm Campbell drives an automobile at a high best speed of 146.16 MPH


September 25, 1926 – The 9th PGA Championship was achieved by Walter Hagen at Salisbury Gold Club, Westbury, New York

September 25, 1926 – a working pattern of 8 hours per day and a five-day-a-week mooted by Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motor Company

September 25, 1926 – an assembly to suppress the slave trade or slavery signed by 20 states

September 25, 1926 – NHL approves licenses to Chicago Black Hawks and Detroit Red Wings

September 25, 1926 –Yankees achieve a doubleheader from Browns to win an AL banner

September 25, 1926 – Mackenzie King installed again as Prime Minister of Canada

September 25, 1929 – Inauguration of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek House by Queen-mother Emma

September 25, 1930 – government of Austrian installed under the leadership of Vaugoin

September 25, 1930 – Roger Hornsby appointed Cubs manager in place of Joe McCarthy

September 25, 1930 – debut performance of “Greeks Had a Word for It” by Zoe Akins

September 25, 1932 – Jimmie Foxx achieves in the last game of the term his 58th HR

September 25, 1933 – George state inaugurates houses for the poor in Smyrna

September 25, 1934 – debut performance of “Distaff Side” by John Van Druten in NYC

September 25, 1934 – Lou Gehrig completed his 1500th successive play

September 25, 1934 – Rainbow of US vanquishes Endeavour of England in the 16th America Cup

September 25, 1935 – debut performance of “Winterset” by Maxwell Anderson in NYC

September 25, 1936 – Joe Medwick’s achievement of 64th double in NL is still the highest

September 25, 1939 – Warsaw bombarded with firebombs by the German Luftwaffe

September 25, 1939 –the Versailles Peace Agreement had omitted Andorra. Thus, a new agreement of peace entered between Andorra and Germany

September 25, 1940 – Vidkum Quisling formed the government in Norway with the help of German

September 25, 1941 – Brooklyn Dodgers won their banner after 21 years

September 25, 1943 – Smolensk under the foreign army was freed by the Soviet defence

September 25, 1947 – the 2nd international film festival in Cannes, France culminated

September 25, 1948 – Valedictory of the film, “Heaven on Earth” after 12 presentations at Century Theatre, NYC

September 25, 1949 – Louise Suggs achieved the 4th US Women’s Open Golf Championship

September 25, 1949 – The Yankees were at the top throughout the term regardless of several hurts, till the Red Sox competed for the top place

September 25, 1952 – Hal Newhouser of Tigers achieves his 200th play

September 25, 1954 – Physician Francois Duvalier became the president of Haiti after success in the poll

September 25, 1954 – Indians achieved a high 111 victories in the AL play

September 25, 1954 – TV Transmission channel 2 in Charleston, SC on ABC commences

September 25, 1955 – LPGA Clock Golf Open achieved by Patty Berg

September 25, 1955 – Establishment of Air Force in Jordan

September 25, 1956 – Transocean telephone between Newfoundland and Oban commenced

September 25, 1956 – Sal Maglie of Brooklyn achieves no hits against Philadelphia Phillies, 5-0

September 25, 1957 – 300 US soldiers escorted 9 black children to Central High School in Arkansas

September 25, 1957 – Atomic Test by Great Britain at Maralinga, Australia

September 25, 1957 – a 7-year proposal (1959-1965) for the development of the Soviet was formulated

September 25, 1957 – the film “Aparajito” guided by Satyajit Ray achieves the Golden Lion award at the 18th Venice Film Festival

September 25, 1960 – Pirates achieve their first NL banner since 1927

September 25, 1960 – NY Yankees achieve their AL banner

September 25, 1960 – Phillies, who were not victorious in 16 successive matches, vanquish Reds, 7-1

September 25, 1961 – commencement of TV Transmission channel 62 in Tacoma WA, PBS

September 25, 1962 – Inferno in Churches predominantly with black leadership devastated in Macon, Georgia

September 25, 1962 – In a heavyweight boxing competition, Sonny Liston defeats Floyd Patterson in the 1st found for a championship

September 25, 1962 – Atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya, USSR

September 25, 1962 – Weatherly of the US vanquishes Grdetel of Australia in the 19th America Cup

September 25, 1962 – inauguration of the display of “New Painting of Common Objects” at Pasadena Art Museum

September 25, 1964 – installation of Jens Otto Krag as prime minister in Denmark though his party was not in the majority

September 25, 1965 – valedictory performance of “Do I Heat a Waltz” after 220 presentations at 46th St Theatre, NYC

September 25, 1965 – The animation show of Beatles commences in the US

September 25, 1965 – a dead body in a box was noticed by children in the Amsterdam canal

September 25, 1966 –12th LPGA championship was achieved by Gloria Ehret

September 25, 1966 – 2nd musical violin concert by Dmitri Shostakovich performed in Moscow for the first time

September 25, 1966 – a small number of 413 fans witness the White Sox score a 4-1 victory at Yankee arena

September 25, 1967 – commencement of TV Transmission channel 44 in Boston, MA PBS

September 25, 1970 – a musical “Beaucoups of Blues” by Ringo Starr circulated

September 25, 1972 – a Russian war aircraft carrying bombs was chased away by the Dutch air force

September 25, 1972 – TV transmission channel 15 started in Austin, MN

September 25, 1972 – Norway associates with the European Common market

September 25, 1972 – LPGA Lincoln-Mercury Golf Open achieved by Sandra Haynie

September 25, 1973 – a spacecraft Skylab 3 with a crew of 3 men securely touches the Pacific Ocean after staying in space for 59 days

September 25, 1974 – Atomic test by the US at Nevada

September 25, 1974 – Ozone depletion was reported for the first time by researchers using aerosol products that contained freon gases

September 25, 1975 – Jackie Wilson was in a coma caused by a heart ailment for 9 years before his death

September 25, 1976 – debut performance of “Porgy and Bess” at Uris Theatre NYC and gives 122 presentations

September 25, 1976 – final play of Expo at Montreal Jarry Park

September 25, 1976 – in response to a billboard notice at Mount Temple by student Larry Mullen, Jr., Bono, David Evans, Dik, and Adam Clayton to establish a musical band group which later became U2

September 25, 1977 – LPGA Sarah Coventry Golf Tournament was won by Jane Blalock

September 25, 1978 – nearly 144 lost their lives in an air accident involving PSA Boeing 727 and Cessna by San Diego

September 25, 1979 – debut performance of “Vvita” at Broadway Theatre NYC and gives 1568 presentations

September 25, 1979 – California Angles achieve their first NL West banner

September 25, 1980 – Atomic test by the US at Nevada

September 25, 1980 – Atomic test by USSR at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk

September 25, 1980 – the first assembly of the Democratic Youth Association of Afghanistan was organized at Kabul

September 25, 1981 – a concert tour of stadiums and arenas by Rolling Stone starts their 6th tour of the US

September 25, 1981 – Sandra Day O’Connor takes oath as the first woman judge of supreme court

September 25, 1982 – George Bank, prison security at Penn, murders 13 including five of his children

September 25, 1982 – atomic test by USSR below the earth

September 25, 1982 – Keke Rosberg triumphs by five points at the 33rd Formula One WDC

September 25, 1983 – Hill Street Blues, Cheers, Ed Flanders, and Shelly Long were given the 35th Emmy Awards

September 25, 1983 – Atomic Test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya, USSR

September 25, 1984 – Debut performance of “Quilters” at Jack Lawrence Theatre NYC and gives 24 presentations

September 25, 1984 – Debut performance of “Stepping Out” a musical at London

September 25, 1984 – Re-establishment of embassy-level dealings between Egypt and Jordan

September 25, 1984 – Rusty Staub of NY Met equals Ty Cobb, who achieved HR as a teenager and in his 40s

September 25, 1985 – Punjab State elected Akali Dal to form the government

September 25, 1985 – radicals of Palestine murder Israeli soldiers at Larnaca Cyprus

September 25, 1986 – appointment of Antonin Scalia as justice of the Supreme Court in the US

September 25, 1986 –Houston Astro defeats SF Giants, 2-0

September 25, 1987 – military rebellion on Fiji for the second time, guided by Major General SitiveniRabuka

September 25, 1988 – a 100m Olympic high in 10.54 sec was achieved by Florence Griffith

September 25, 1988 – LPGA Konica San Jose Golf Classic achieved vy Kathy Guadagnino

September 25, 1988 – in a relay 4 x 100m freestyle swimming competition, Christopher Jacob, Troy Dalbey, Tom Hunter, and Matt Biondi, achieved a high of 3:16.53

September 25, 1988 – Friar Junipero Serra was canonized by Pope John Paul II

September 25, 1989 – exhuming the grave of Titus of Rhine in Amsterdam by a group studying human antiquities

September 25, 1989 – debut performance of “Another Time” by Ronald Harwood in London

September 25, 1989 – Wade Boggs was the first to achieve 200 hits and 100 walks in 4 successive terms

September 25, 1990 – Saddam Hussein cautions that the US will commit the same Vietnam incident

September 25, 1990 – air travel restriction against Iraq enforced by UN Security Council, 14 for and 1 against opinion

September 25, 1991 – debut performance of “Good and Evil” on ABC Television

September 25, 1991 – inauguration of Paramount at Madison Square Garden in NYC

September 25, 1991 – Carl Lewis acquired a gold in the 100m run at the 3rd World Championship in Athletics

September 25, 1992 – debut musical performance of “Barry Manilow’s Showstoppers” at Paramount, NYC

September 25, 1992 – Atomic test by China at Lop Nor, PRC

September 25, 1992 – Main-Donau waterway inaugurated

September 25, 1992 – US propels spacecraft to observe Mars

September 25, 1992 – Gregory Kingsley, aged 12, legally separates from his natural parents and resides with adoptive parents and gets the name Shawn Russ

September 25, 1993 – Thrill TV series, “Walker, Texas Ranger” featuring Chuck Norris opens on CBS

September 25, 1994 – in a heavyweight boxing competition, Oliver McCall defeats Lennox Lewis in 2 for a championship

September 25, 1996 – shutting up of Magdalen shelters for women in Ireland

September 25, 1997 – live episode of medical drama, “ER” on Television

September 25, 1997 – a jet engine-powered automobile driven at a high speed of 714 mph by Britain’s Andy Green

September 25, 1997 – Marv Albert has turned down the plea bargain in an attack event

September 25, 1997 – propelling of a spacecraft into space

21st Century – September 25 This Day In History – The 2000s

September 25, 2002–The Vitim event is a possible bolide crash in Siberia, Russia

September 25, 2003 –an earthquake of 8.0 magnitude devastates the beach of Hokkaido, Japan

September 25, 2008 – China propels a spacecraft Shenzhou 7

September 25, 2012 – a skirmish between 50 Taiwanese vessels with the Japan Coast Guard near Senaku islands

September 25, 2012 – The assembly of the Netherlands voted for Anouchka van Miltenburg as presidential hopeful

September 25, 2013 – Oracle Team (USA) vanquishes Team New Zealand 9-8 to achieve the America Cup

September 25, 2015 – schools in Singapore were shut because of the high level of contamination caused by fires in Indonesia

September 25, 2016 – a telescope of 500 mm wide, believed to be the largest in the world, starts functioning from Guizhou Province, China

September 25, 2016 – an award prize of $ 10 million was awarded to Northern Rory McIlroy on his victorious at the PGA’s FedEx Cup at East Lake Golf Club, Atlanta

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