Thursday, March 27, 2025
Famous Events For September 29

Famous Events For September 29 – Today In History

What Happened on September 29 in World History?

Early Centuries – September 29 Historic Events – Before 1700

1. 522 BC – Magian revolter Gaumata was assassinated by Darius I of Persia to become the king of the Persian kingdom
2. 480 BC – the Greek army under the command of Themistocles vanquishes the Persian Army guided by Xerxes I
3. 61 BC – Pompey the Great rejoices on his third victory against robbers and on his 45th birthday the end of the Mithriatic Wars
4. September 29, 0235- St Pontianus steps down as Catholic Pope
5. September 29, 0440 – Pope Leo becomes Pope Leo I the Great
6. September 29, 0855 – installation of Benedict III as Catholic Pope
7. September 29, 1227 – German king Frederik II was removed by Pope Gregory IX
8. September 29, 1349 – inhabitants of Krems Austria suspect the Jews have poisoned the wells
9. September 29, 1364 – the English army vanquishes the French in Brittany at the war of Auray
10. September 29, 1564 –Robert Dudley assumes as nobleman of Leicester
11. September 29, 1567 – Huguenots attempt to hijack King Charles IX at the Battle of Religion in France


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12. September 29, 1567 – The count of Egmont and the Count of Hoorn was taken into custody on a charge of disloyalty during dinner arranged by the king of Alba
13. September 29, 1608 –Capt. Newport brings provisions from England to distribute among the settlers
14. September 29, 1650 – The end of civil war in France
15. September 29, 1650 – the first matrimonial agency was established in England by Henry Robinson
16. September 29, 1678 – agreement for peace between France and Brandenburg

18th Century – What Happened on September 29 – The 1700s

17. September 29, 1785 – Krakow Poland was cleared of Chasidic cult
18. September 29, 1789 – US defense forces founded by War Branch
19. September 29, 1793 – an English sports journal cited Tennis for the first time

19th Century – September 29 This Day That Year – The 1800s

20. September 29, 1815 – a Dutch honors system, the Dutch Order of the Lion was established by King Willem I
21. September 29, 1829 – the constabulary of London parade on the roads of London
22. September 29, 1848 – in the first conflict of the War of Independence Hungarian army vanquishes Croats at Pakozd
23. September 29, 1849 – The first commercial locomotive facility to Peekskill inaugurated
24. September 29, 1853 – expatriate vessel ss “Annie Jane” drowned near Scotland beach killing 348
25. September 29, 1859 – a natural light spectacle in the US observed


26. September 29, 1863 – an entertainment “Pescatori di Perle” is formed
27. September 29, 1864 – as part of the American Civil War, Chaffin’s Farm/New Market Heights was fought in Henrio, Virginia28. September 29, 1872 – Commander Mackenzie demolishes the settlement Kwahadi-Commanche
29. September 29, 1872 – Lone Wolf of Kiowa seizes Satanta and Big Tree
30. September 29, 1875 – the cordiality between the US and Spain deteriorates because of the revolt in Cuba
31. September 29, 1879 – Jamie Anderson scores a 169 at Andrews in the 19th British Golf Open
32. September 29, 1880 – NY Metropolitans vanquish Washington Nationals, 4-2 in 5 rounds at the 1st professional baseball play
33. September 29, 1885 – The first commercial electric tram service was inaugurated in Blackpool, England
34. September 29, 1898 – seize of Guinea and Sudan by France

20th Century – Important Events On This Day September 29 – The 1900s

35. September 29, 1902 – producer David Belasco inaugurates his first Broadway playhouse36. September 29, 1904 – memorial for Spanish American Battle instituted
37. September 29, 1906 – US forces autocrat Estrada Palma of Cuba to step down
38. September 29, 1907 – inauguration of the building of a National Church in Washington


39. September 29, 1908 – an association of Calgary Rugby Football inaugurated
40. September 29, 1911 – the gun store room in the French warship Liberte detonates
41. September 29, 1911 – commencement of the Italo-Turkish battle between Italy and Turkey
42. September 29, 1911 – battle started between Italy and Ottoman kingdom
43. September 29, 1913 – inauguration of Sam S Shubert playhouse at 225 W, 44th St, NYC
44. September 29, 1913 – Walter Johnson of Washington Senators achieves his 36th victory
45. September 29, 1913 – agreement for peace between Turkey and Bulgaria known as the Treaty of Constantinople. The Turks get back Adrianople and Maritza River
46. September 29, 1914 – Boston Braves, though they were at the bottom rank earlier, achieve the NL banner
47. September 29, 1915 – first wireless message through a telephone fitted with radio apparatus communicated
48. September 29, 1915 – British defence forces capture Chilly al Imara, Mesopotamia
49. September 29, 1915 – Debut performance of Dutch theatricals
50. September 29, 1915 – debut performance of the musical “Princess Pat” by Herbert/Blossoms in NYC
51. September 29, 1915 – Cyclone strikes Mississippi outlet and kills 275
52. September 29, 1915 – Philadelphia Phillies achieve their banner
53. September 29, 1916 – John D. Rockefeller an oil industrialist in America is the first person to acquire a billion
54. September 29, 1918 – combined forces of friends achieve a critical advance of the Hindenburg Line
55. September 29, 1920 – Baseball legend Babe Ruth achieves 54 HR for the term
56. September 29, 1920 – Eupen/Malmo becomes a part of Belgium
57. September 29, 1920 – radios costing $10 were sold by Joseph Horne Company in Pittsburgh
58. September 29, 1922 – Benito Mussolini seeks the help of the Vatican to pursue the policy of fascist group agenda
59. September 29, 1923 – Gene Sarazen achieves the 6th PGA championship at Pelham CC Pelham, NY
60. September 29, 1924 – The community was allowed to visit Steinhart Aquarium in Golden Gate Park
61. September 29, 1924 – League of Nations admits Santo Domingo as a member
62. September 29, 1924 – Senators achieve their banner completing two games earlier to the Yankees
63. September 29, 1925 – military chief Lyautey, French Gen of Morocco removed from service
64. September 29, 1925 – The constitution of Greece comes into effect

65. September 29, 1927 – Babe Ruth makes an equal score by achieving grand slams in successive plays
66. September 29, 1927 – US and Mexico connected by telephone communication
67. September 29, 1927 – 25 lost their life when cyclone struck St Louis Missouri
68. September 29, 1928 – Cardinals score 3-1 victory at Boston to achieve their NL Banner
69. September 29, 1928 – Tigers achieve a 19-10 victory vs Tigers and both set a 9-term best hit top
70. September 29, 1930 – first flood light Canadian football play at Hamilton, UBC
71. September 29, 1930 – the war of Boquerón culminates the Paraguay territorial dispute
72. September 29, 1930 – Floyd Gibbons succeeded by Lowell Thomas, who makes his premiere appearance on CBS Radio
73. September 29, 1930 – 1st lesson on Radio Advertising introduced in NYC college
74. September 29, 1932 – debut show of “Bill of Divorcement” at the Mayfair
75. September 29, 1933 – Von Beuren, plays the role of Little King, an animated creature
76. September 29, 1935 – US achieves the 5th Ryder Cup, 9-3 at Ringwood Country Club, New Jersey
77. September 29, 1936 – Radio communication employed for the first time in the presidential electioneering
78. September 29, 1937 – Frans Slaats achieves a world-best hour on a bicycle (45,563 km)
79. September 29, 1938 – Columbia University introduces ‘archival Course’ in its syllabi for the first time
80. September 29, 1940 – Mutual Radio Net broadcasts “Double or Nothing” a radio puzzle game for the first time
81. September 29, 1940 – inauguration of “Strike Up the Band”
82. September 29, 1940 – the first mercantile vessel, “Brooker T. Washington” guided by a black chief inaugurated at Wilmington Delaware


83. September 29, 1941 – in a heavyweight boxing competition Joe Louis KO Nova in 6 for the championship
84. September 29, 1941 -millions of fans assemble in Brooklyn to greet NL titleholder Dodgers
85. September 29, 1941 – Nazis carry out killing of 33771 Jews, at Babi Yar close to Kiev
86. September 29, 1942 – a lowermost warmth of 32 F was documented in Sept. in Cleveland
87. September 29, 1942 – The De Gaulle administration in banishment withdraws the contract of Munich
88. September 29, 1943 -Silbeertanne murder – a code name for a series of murders by Germans at Meppel
89. September 29, 1943 – A cease-fire agreement between Eisenhower and Italian army chief Pietro Badoiglio established
90. September 29, 1943 – Germans rebel at Amsterdam Jews
91. September 29, 1943 – the combined armies of Zjadovs and 53rd Managarovs re-seize Kremenchug
92. September 29, 1944 – Soviet army assault Yugoslavia
93. September 29, 1945 – Chicago Cubs achieve NL banner scoring a high of 98-56
94. September 29, 1946 – A radio series program “Adventures of Sam Spade” broadcast on CBS Radio for the first time
95. September 29, 1946 – Cards and Dodgers score equal points in NL banner
96. September 29, 1946 – in heavyweight boxing, Al Couture KO Ralph Walton in 10 in Lewiston Maine for the heavyweight championship
97. September 29, 1946 – the first NFL play by the Los Angeles Rams in LA
98. September 29, 1946 – founding of National Party Suriname
99. September 29, 1947 – a first musical by Dizzy Gillespie in Carnegie Hall in New York
100. September 29, 1947 – Joe McCarthy makes a contract to run the Red Sox
101. September 29, 1947 – 73365 fans assemble at Yankee Stadium to witness
102. September 29, 1948 – debut performance of “Hamlet” guided and featured by Laurence Olivier at Park Avenue Cinema. This was declared the Best Picture in 1949.
103. September 29, 1948 – the inauguration of TV Transmission channel 5 in Fort Worth-Dallas, TX (NBC)


104. September 29, 1948 – inauguration of TV transmission channel 2 in Atlanta, GA (ABC)
105. September 29, 1949 – premiere show of “Front Page” on CBS- TV
106. September 29, 1949 – premiere show of “Inside USA With Chevrolet” on CBS-TV
107. September 29, 1949 – the inauguration of “Pinky” by Elia Kazan and featuring Ethel Waters at Rivili
108. September 29, 1950 – final broadcasting of “Tin Pan Alley TV” on ABC TV
109. September 29, 1950 – Bell Laboratories invent the telephone responding instrument
110. September 29, 1950 -Yanks, guided by Casey Stengel achieve the 2nd successive banner
111. September 29, 1951 – football game broadcast on color TV in Philadelphia for the first time
112. September 29, 1951 – The 12th secondary body moving around Jupiter discovered
113. September 29, 1952 – final broadcast of “Lights Out” on NBC TV
114. September 29, 1953 – premiere show of “Buick-Berle Show” on NBC-TV
115. September 29, 1953 – debut performance of “Make Room for Daddy” featuring Danny Thomas on ABC TV
116. September 29, 1953 – Carson Pirie Scott inaugurates its office to promote insurance in Chicago, Illinois
117. September 29, 1953 – debut performance of Milton Berle Show
118. September 29, 1953 – France agreed to receive $385 million for meeting the expenses connected with the Indo-China war
119. September 29, 1954 – debut performance of “Barefoot Contessa” featuring Ava Gardner at Capitol
120. September 29, 1954 – ABC acquires “Masquerade Party” a TV play show
121. September 29, 1954 – debut performance of “Star is Born” featuring Judy Garland and James Mason
122. September 29, 1954 – the founding of the Bennekom football group in Bennekom
123. September 29, 1954 – broadcasting of TV Transmission Channel 5 in Alexandria, LA (NBC/ABC) commences
124. September 29, 1955 – premiere show of “Sergeant Preston” on CBS
125. September 29, 1955 – The electorate in Indonesia selects Ali Sastdroamidjojo’s PNI
126. September 29, 1955 – debut presentation of “View From The Bridge” by Arthur Miller in NYC
127. September 29, 1956 – The film “I Love Mickey” by Mickey Mantle and Teresa Brewer Pinnacles at No.87
128. September 29, 1956 – premiere performance of “Oh! Susanna” on CBS Television
129. September 29, 1956 – Mickey Mantle of Yanks achieves his 52nd HR of the term


130. September 29, 1957 – premiere television performance of “DuPont Show of the Month” on CBS

131. September 29, 1957 – ABC Television presents its premiere show of “Paul Winchell Show”
132. September 29, 1957 – in a train accident, a moving train dashes against a stationary train in West Pakistan killing 300 persons
133. September 29, 1957 – final play by NY Giants played at Polo grounds and lost to Pitts, 9-1
134. September 29, 1957 – in an accident in West Pakistan, involving a train and an oil tanker, 300 lost their life
135. September 29, 1958 – a compilation of the drama “Studio One” broadcast for the last time on CBS
136. September 29, 1958 – “Summertime Blues” by Eddie Cochran pinnacles at No.8
137. September 29, 1958 – premiere performance of “Texan” on CBS television
138. September 29, 1958 – Atomic test by the US at Nevada
139. September 29, 1959 – premiere performance of “Many Loves of Dobie Gills” on CBS television
140. September 29, 1959 – premiere performance of “Philip Marlowe” on CBS television
141. September 29, 1959 – Dodgers triumph in the 2nd extra play, 6-5 to achieve the NL banner
142. September 29, 1959 – a musical record of “Shimmy Shimmy Koko Bop” by Little Anthony and the Imperial
143. September 29, 1959 – constitution approved by Sultan of Brunei
144. September 29, 1960 – final broadcast of TV western Theatrical “Johnny Ringo” on CBS television
145. September 29, 1960 – premiere of “My Three Sons” featuring Fred MacMurray on ABC television
146. September 29, 1960 – premiere of “Outlaws” on Western Theatrical on CBS television
147. September 29, 1960 – The film “Tell Laura I Love Her” by Ricky Valance pinnacles at No.1 in the UK

148. September 29, 1960 – the inauguration of “Irma La Douce” at Plymouth Theatre to give 527 presentations
149. September 29, 1961 – lawbreaking play, “Detectives” a TV serial, acquired by NBC Television
150. September 29, 1961 – installation of Mamum Kuzbari as prime minister of Syria
151. September 29, 1962 – “Alley Cat” by Bent Fabric etc pinnacles at No.7
152. September 29, 1962 – “Green Onions” by Booker T and MG pinnacles at No.3
153. September 29, 1962 – the final show of the film, “My Fair Lady” after 2715 presentations at Mark Hellinger Theatre, NYC
154. September 29, 1962 – TV presentation, “Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Show” premieres on ABC Television
155. September 29, 1962 – pinnacle at 48 of the film “You Can’t Judge A Book By Cover” by Diddley
156. September 29, 1962 – Ben Bella becomes the prime minister of Algeria
157. September 29, 1962 – President Kennedy approves the army to manage the affairs of the University of Mississippi
158. September 29, 1962 – Canada sends off its first spacecraft, Aloiette No.1
159. September 29, 1962 – Atomic test by the US at Nevada
160. September 29, 1963 – TV presentation of “Judy Garland” premieres on CBS TV
161. September 29, 1963 – TV presentation of “My Favourite Martian” featuring Ray Walston premieres on CBS TV
162. September 29, 1963 – The 2nd meeting of the c Council of Churches “Vatican II” inaugurated in
Rome by Pope Paul
163. September 29, 1963 – Stan Musial achieves in his final play 3629th and 3650th HRs and Stan Musial Day is commemorated at St Louis
164. September 29, 1963 – LPGA Mickey Wright Golf Invitational achieved by Mickey Wright
165. September 29, 1963 – A novel by Henry Fielding is the basis for the film, “Tom Jones” guided by Tony Richardson and featuring Albert Finney and Susannah York debuts at the Venice Film Festival and later adjudged as Best Picture 1964
166. September 29, 1964 – ban of entries between Greece and Bulgaria
167. September 29, 1965 – a long jump best top achieved by Ralph Boston of the US at 27’4 ¾”
168. September 29, 1965 – TV transmission channel 39 was inaugurated in Allentown, PA
169. September 29, 1966 – England grants freedom to Bechuanaland and changes its name to Botswana
170. September 29, 1966 – presentation of the car model, The Chevrolet Camaro which was earlier called Panther
171. September 29, 1967 – first convention of bishops in Rome
172. September 29, 1967 – International Monetary Fund modifies world fiscal scheme
173. September 29, 1967 – Mickey Hart was admitted into the Rock Band, Grateful Dead and sings Straightener
174. September 29, 1968 – LPGA Mickey Wright Golf Invitational achieves Betsy Rawls
175. September 29, 1968 – Carl Yastrzemski, with a batting average of .3005, achieves his 2nd striking crown
176. September 29, 1969 – Day time Soap advt, serial “Bright Promise” premiers on NBC TV
177. September 29, 1969 – a TV presentation, “Letters To Laugh-in” premiers on NBC TV
178. September 29, 1969 – debut presentation of “Love American Style” on ABC TV
179. September 29, 1969 – debut performance of “Name Droppers” on NBC TV
180. September 29, 1969 – premiere show of “Sale of Century” on NBC TV
181. September 29, 1969 – Mets achieve the 7th Mayor’s Trophy Game by vanquishing Yanks, 7-6
182. September 29, 1969 – In a match between NY Jets and Denver, Steve O’Neal of NY achieves the 98-yard kick in the NFL

183. September 29, 1970 – final broadcast of “NET Festival”
184. September 29, 1971 – premiere show of “McMillan and Wife” on NBC TV
185. September 29, 1971 – 10,000 people lost their lives when a severe hurricane with seasonal waves struck the Bay of Bengal
186. September 29, 1971 – spacecraft to observe solar details, Solar Observatory VII commenced
187. September 29, 1971 – Atomic Test by the US at Nevada
188. September 29, 1971 – Ambassadorial level relationship between Japan and China commenced
189. September 29, 1973 – “Jimmy Loves Mary-Anne” pinnacles at No.33
190. September 29, 1973 – Grand Funk’s “We’re an American Band” pinnacles at No.1
191. September 29, 1973 – insurance co, advises race car drivers to get insured against road accidents
192. September 29, 1973 – The spacecraft Soyuz comes back to earth
193. September 29, 1974 – Katherine Switzer achieves the lengthy run at the 4th NYC Women’s Marathon in 30:07:29
194. September 29, 1974 – Norbert Sander achieves the lengthy run at the 5th NYC Women’s Marathon in 2:26:30
195. September 29, 1974 – LPGA Portland Ladies Golf Classic achieved by Joanne Carner
196. September 29, 1975 – premiere performance of “Three for Money” on NBC Television
197. September 29, 1975 – Jackie Wilson dies in 1984 after he suffered permanent loss of consciousness on this day
198. September 29, 1975 – atomic test below the earth by USSR
199. September 29, 1975 – the airing of TV transmission by WGPR, Detroit, whose ownership was by a black person, a first of its kind
200. September 29, 1976 – premiere performance of “Alice” on CBS TV
201. September 29, 1976 – The law of abortion was approved by the Dutch
202. September 29, 1976 – George dismissed from an educational institution
203. September 29, 1976 – John Monetefusco of SF Giants achieves no-hits against Atlanta Braves, 9-0
204. September 29, 1976 – Palestinian revolutionaries cleared out of Lebanon by Syria
205. September 29, 1976 – Tommy Lasorda becomes the manager of Dodger, succeeding Walter Alston
206. September 29, 1976 – atomic test by USSR at Novaya Zemlya USSR
207. September 29, 1976 – Bass specialist Norman was shot in the chest two times by Jerry Lee Lewis when he was trying to aim at soda containers
208. September 29, 1977 – “Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band” by Meco Pinnacles at No.1
209. September 29, 1977 – the first woman umpire in a heavyweight championship was Eva Shain
210. September 29, 1977 – on an allegation that James Brown’s group were exploited, they come out
211. September 29, 1977 – Muhammad Ali K/O Earnie Shavers in 15 to claim the heavyweight boxing championship
212. September 29, 1977 – spacecraft Salyut 6 propelled to go around the earth by the USSR
213. September 29, 1978 – premiere performance of “Flying High” on CBS
214. September 29, 1978 – a soap advertisement, a Daytime Soap, ends its episode, “For Richer, For Poorer” on NBC television
215. September 29, 1979 – “Ain’t That A Shame” by Cheap Trick Pinnacles at 35
216. September 29, 1979 –performance of “Bad Case of Loving You” by Robert Palmer pinnacles at 14
217. September 29, 1979 – “Boom Boom (outgo Lights) pinnacles at 56
218. September 29, 1979 – “Cruel to be Kind” by Nick Lowe Pinnacles at 12
219. September 29, 1979 – Gold price reaches a high of $400.20 an ounce in Hong Kong
220. September 29, 1979 – debut performance of “Wine Blood” by John Huston at the NY Film Festival
221. September 29, 1979 – Pope John Paul II arrives in Ireland and was the first pope to visit Ireland
222. September 29, 1980 – wedding ceremony of Malcolm McDowell and Mary Steenburgen
223. September 29, 1982 – a TV amusement serial, “Cheers” featuring Ted Danson and Shelley Long commenced airing on NBC TV
224. September 29, 1982 – 7 killed in Chicago due to consumption of poisonous cyanide mixed with Tylenol tablets
225. September 29, 1982 – Atomic test by the US at Nevada
226. September 29, 1983 – The War Powers Act comes into effect for the first time
227. September 29, 1983 – The airport at Beirut begins operating after a break
228. September 29, 1983 – US Senate approves President Reagan to station 1600 US ships in Lebanon
229. September 29, 1983 – Oakland A defeats Chicago White Sox, 3-0
230. September 29, 1984 – “(What) in Name of Love” by Naked Eyes Pinnacles at 39
231. September 29, 1984 – “Cruel Summer” by Bananarama Pinnacles at 9
232. September 29, 1984 – “Drive” by Cars Pinnacles at 3
233. September 29, 1984 – “Layin’it On-Line” by Jefferson Starship Pinnacles at 66
234. September 29, 1984 – “Let’s Go Crazy” by Prince and Revolution pinnacles at No.1
235. September 29, 1984 – “Pretty Mess” by Vanity Pinnacles at 75
236. September 29, 1984 – Elizabeth Taylor attends a recuperation camp at Betty Ford Clinic
237. September 29, 1985 – NBC TV reacquire “Alfred Hitchcock Presents”
238. September 29, 1985 – The television play, “Amazing Stories” by Steven Spielberg premieres on NBC TV
239. September 29, 1986 – a TV escapade serial, “Airwolf” shown in the USA
240. September 29, 1986 – A TV amusement serial, “Designing Women” premieres on CBS
241. September 29, 1986 – Greg Maddux of Cubs triumphs over Phillies Mike Maddux
242. September 29, 1986 – retirement of Mary Lou Retton as a physical trainer
243. September 29, 1986 – Nicholas Daniloff, a US Journalist, detained on espionage charges was freed by the USSR
244. September 29, 1987 – a musical “Didn’t We Almost Have It All” by Whitney Houston pinnacles at No.1
245. September 29, 1987 – Don Mattingly of NY Yankee achieves his 9th grand slam of the season
246. September 29, 1988 – Spacecraft Discovery 7, the 26th in the series, propelled into space
247. September 29, 1988 – atomic test by China at Lop Nor, PRC
248. September 29, 1988 – 200 m women’s high achieved by Florence Griffith Joyner of USA (21.34)
249. September 29, 1988 – Nobel Prize for Peace awarded to UN Peacekeeping forces
250. September 29, 1989 – Zsa Zsa was found guilty of hitting a law enforcement agency officer in Beverly Hills
251. September 29, 1990 – “Love and Affection” by Nelson pinnacles at No.1 amongst pop graph
252. September 29, 1990 – “Street Scene” culminates after 6 presentations at NY State Theatre
253. September 29, 1990 – a discussion meeting between US Secy of State James Baker and the foreign minister of Vietnam
254. September 29, 1990 – the building of the Washington National Church was accomplished nearly after 83 years
255. September 29, 1990 – “Millie’s Book” authored by Lady Barbara Bush for the President’s Dog was the most successful non-imaginary book
256. September 29, 1991 – debut show of “My Own Private Idaho”
257. September 29, 1991 – US defeats Europe, 14 1/2 – 13 ½ at Ocean Course at the 29th Ryder Cup
258. September 29, 1991 – MBS Golf Gold Classic achieved by Pat Bradley
259. September 29, 1992 – Atlanta Braves achieves the NL West title for the 2nd time
260. September 29, 1992 – publication by Magic Johnson that he would start playing basketball again
261. September 29, 1992 – President Fernando Collor was impeached by parliament
262. September 29, 1993 – “Grace Under Fire” featuring Brett Butler premieres on ABC TV
263. September 29, 1993 – Vince Gills achieves the 27th Country Music Association Award
264. September 29, 1994 – appointment of judges to try O.J. Simpson completed
265. September 29, 1994 – Pointer Sisters get a special honor by award of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
266. September 29, 1995 – the hearing of the O.J. Simpson case before the adjudicators
267. September 29, 1995 – in a cricket odi match between Pakistan Vs Sri Lanka, Saleem Elahi achieves a first score of 100
268. September 29, 1996 – valedictory of “Delicate Balance” at Plymouth Theatre, NYC
269. September 29, 1996 – US triumphs over Spain in Atlantic City USA at the 34th Tennis Fed Cup
270. September 29, 1996 – Alanis Morissette completes her first US trip
271. September 29, 1996 – Balt Orioles achieve a high 257 HR of the term
272. September 29, 1996 – Orioles Brady Anderson achieves his 50 HR and he was the 14th to achieve this distinction
273. September 29, 1996 – LPGA Fieldcrest Cannon Golf Classic achieved by Trish Johnson
274. September 29, 1996 – US triumphs over Spain to achieve Federation Cup
275. September 29, 1997 – appointment of judges for Terry Nichols Oklahoma shelling commences
276. September 29, 1997 – a musical “Life Through a Lens” by Robbie Williams published

21st Century – September 29 This Day In History – The 2000s

277. September 29, 2000 – a Hong Kong-made cinema entitled “In the Mood for Love” guided by Wong Kar-Wai, featuring Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung premieres
278. September 29, 2001 – valedictory of the US-based daily, The Syracuse Herald which was started in 1839
279. September 29, 2002 – Europe achieves the 34th Ryder Cup, 15.5-12.5 at The Belfry, England
280. September 29, 2003 – Cyclone, Juan, strikes in Nova Scotia
281. September 29, 2004 – a small planet 4199 comes four lunar distances of Earth
282. September 29, 2005 – plebiscite for forgiveness in Algeria
283. September 29, 2006 – Mark Foley, US representative, quits for sending inapt emails surfaced

284. September 29, 2007 – the destruction of the Calder Hall, the first atomic power place by meticulous detonation
285. September 29, 2009 – tsunami caused by the earthquake of 8 strength near the Samoan Islands
286. September 29, 2009 – spacecraft Messenger completes its last and third trip near Mercury
287. September 29, 2013 – Boko Harem murders 42 people during an attack on a college campus in Gujba, Nigeria
288. September 29, 2013 – An air attack on a school in Raqqa by the Syrian Defence Force leaves 16 dead
289. September 29, 2014 – installation of Ashraf Ghani as President of Afghanistan

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